17 research outputs found

    Exotic foods reveal contact between South Asia and the Near East during the second millennium BCE

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    Aunque el papel clave del comercio a larga distancia en la transformación de las cocinas en todo el mundo está bien documentado desde al menos la época romana, la prehistoria del comercio de alimentos euroasiático es menos visible. Con el fin de arrojar luz sobre la transformación de las cocinas del Mediterráneo oriental durante la Edad del Bronce y la Edad del Hierro Temprana, analizamos los microrestos y las proteínas conservadas en el cálculo dental de individuos que vivieron durante el segundo milenio a. Nuestros resultados proporcionan evidencia clara del consumo de alimentos básicos esperados, como cereales (Triticeae), sésamo ( Sesamum ) y dátiles ( Phoenix ). Además, informamos evidencia del consumo de soja ( glicina ), probable banano ( Musa ) y cúrcuma (Curcuma ), que hace retroceder la evidencia más antigua de estos alimentos en el Mediterráneo por siglos (cúrcuma) o incluso milenios (soja). Descubrimos que, desde principios del segundo milenio en adelante, al menos algunas personas en el Mediterráneo oriental tuvieron acceso a alimentos de lugares distantes, incluido el sur de Asia, y esos productos probablemente se consumieron en forma de aceites, frutos secos y especias. Estos conocimientos nos obligan a repensar la complejidad y la intensidad del comercio indo-mediterráneo durante la Edad del Bronce, así como el grado de globalización en la cocina del Mediterráneo oriental temprano. Although the key role of long-distance trade in the transformation of cuisines worldwide has been well-documented since at least the Roman era, the prehistory of the Eurasian food trade is less visible. In order to shed light on the transformation of Eastern Mediterranean cuisines during the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, we analyzed microremains and proteins preserved in the dental calculus of individuals who lived during the second millennium BCE in the Southern Levant. Our results provide clear evidence for the consumption of expected staple foods, such as cereals (Triticeae), sesame (Sesamum), and dates (Phoenix). We additionally report evidence for the consumption of soybean (Glycine), probable banana (Musa), and turmeric (Curcuma), which pushes back the earliest evidence of these foods in the Mediterranean by centuries (turmeric) or even millennia (soybean). We find that, from the early second millennium onwards, at least some people in the Eastern Mediterranean had access to food from distant locations, including South Asia, and such goods were likely consumed as oils, dried fruits, and spices. These insights force us to rethink the complexity and intensity of Indo-Mediterranean trade during the Bronze Age as well as the degree of globalization in early Eastern Mediterranean cuisine

    Tel Erani, Israel: Report of the 2018 Season and Its Background

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    En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser” en el marco del Proyecto PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participó en las excavaciones de la campaña arqueológica realizada en Tel Erani, Israel. Este sitio, excavado desde la década del ‘50 del siglo pasado, es clave para comprender las relaciones entre el sur de Palestina (Levante meridional) y Egipto durante la Edad del Bronce Antiguo IB (segunda mitad del IV° milenio a.C.), pues se ha hallado una presencia significativa de cultura material egipcia, incluyendo un tiesto con un serekh del rey Narmer, así como también cerámica de un estilo local característico, llamada Erani C, que ha podido ser identificada en el delta del Nilo (Tell el-Farkha) y en tumbas protodinásticas, como la denominada U-j de Abidos. Parte de estos hallazgos se relaciona con la presencia de por lo menos dos murallas superpuestas que posiblemente rodeaban la totalidad del tel, de aproximadamente 25 ha, por lo que se trataría de uno de los asentamientos fortificados más tempranos de Palestina. En la campaña del año 2018 se excavaron dos áreas: el Área D3, donde abunda el material egipcio junto con elementos locales, y el Área P-Q, correspondiente a una de las zonas donde se encuentran las fortificaciones. Los resultados de esta última campaña indican que estas murallas serían anteriores a la fase egipcia, es decir el Bronce Antiguo IB1, pero luego, durante el Bronce Antiguo IB2, las relaciones entre ambas regiones se habrían intensificado, con la posibilidad de que los egipcios hayan pasado a tener un rol más activo en Tel Erani.In July 2018, a team of researchers from the Institute of Ancient Near Eastern History “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser”, in the framework of the Project PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participated in the excavations at Tel Erani, Israel. Tel Erani, excavated since the 1950’s, is a key site to understand the relations between southern Palestine (Southern Levant) and Egypt during the Early Bronze IB (second half of the 4th millennium BC), since a significant presence of Egyptian findings has been found, including a sherd with a serekh of King Narmer. Furthermore, pottery of a characteristic local style, called Erani C has been found, identified also at the Nile Delta (Tell el-Farkha) and in proto-dynastic tombs, such as U-j in Abydos. Parts of these finds are related to at least two overlapping fortification walls that possibly surrounded the entire tel which occupied approximately 25 ha. This would be one of the earliest fortified settlements in southern Palestine. In the campaign of 2018, two areas were excavated: Area D3, where Egyptian material is abundant along with local elements, and Area P-Q, corresponding to one of the areas where the fortifications are located. The results of this last campaign indicate that these defensive walls would be prior to the Egyptian phase, i.e. during the Early Bronze IB1. During the late phase, Early Bronze IB2, the relations between both regions would have intensified, with the possibility that the Egyptians have played a more active role at Tel Erani

    Archaeometric evidence for the earliest exploitation of lignite from the bronze age Eastern Mediterranean

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    This paper presents the earliest evidence for the exploitation of lignite (brown coal) in Europe and sheds new light on the use of combustion fuel sources in the 2nd millennium BCE Eastern Mediterranean. We applied Thermal Desorption/Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Polarizing Microscopy to the dental calculus of 67 individuals and we identified clear evidence for combustion markers embedded within this calculus. In contrast to the scant evidence for combustion markers within the calculus samples from Egypt, all other individuals show the inhalation of smoke from fires burning wood identified as Pinaceae, in addition to hardwood, such as oak and olive, and/ or dung. Importantly, individuals from the Palatial Period at the Mycenaean citadel of Tiryns and the Cretan harbour site of Chania also show the inhalation of fire-smoke from lignite, consistent with the chemical signature of sources in the northwestern Peloponnese and Western Crete respectively. This first evidence for lignite exploitation was likely connected to and at the same time enabled Late Bronze Age Aegean metal and pottery production, significantly by both male and female individuals

    New excavations at Tel Erani : the Early Bronze Age I fortification walls and early urbanisation in the Southern Levant

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    Fortification walls and other buildings discovered during renewed excavations at Tel Erani (Tell esh-Sheikh el-Areyni) shed new light on the beginnings of urbanisation in the Southern Levant during the second half of the fourth millennium BC

    On the Roles of Calcium and Zinc Ions in the Formation of a Catalytically Active Form of the Metalloenzyme, L-alanyl-d-glutamate Peptidase of the Bacteriophage T5 (EndoT5)

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    Structural consequences of the binding of metal ions (regulatory Ca2+ and catalytic Zn2+) to the metalloenzyme l-alanyl-d-glutamate peptidase of the bacteriophage T5 (Endo T5) and some of its analogues containing single amino acid substitutions in the active center were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD) and calorimetry. Analyses revealed that the native EndoT5 undergoes strong structural rearrangements as a result of Zn2+ binding. This structural rearrangement resulting in the formation of an active enzyme is completed by the Ca2+ binding. In this case, the NMR spectra uncover the tautomerism of the NH protons of histidine imidazoles responsible for the Zn2+ coordination. For the EndoT5 analogues with point substitutions in the Ca2+-binding site, similar conformational rearrangements are observed upon Zn2+ binding. However, no characteristic changes in the NMR spectra associated with the Ca2+ binding were detected. The roles of the proton exchange in the process of Ca2+-induced activation of the enzymatic activity of EndoT5 is discussed

    Effect of C-terminal His-tag and Purification Routine on the Activity and Structure of the Metalloenzyme, L-alanyl-d-glutamate Peptidase of the Bacteriophage T5

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    In this work, we studied the effect of the C-terminally attached poly-histidine tag (His-tag), as well as the peculiarities of the protein purification procedure by the immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) on the activity and structure of the metalloenzyme, l-alanyl-d-glutamate peptidase of bacteriophage T5 (EndoT5), whose zinc binding site and catalytic aspartate are located near the C-terminus. By itself, His-tag did not have a significant effect on either activity or folding of the polypeptide chain, nor on the binding of zinc and calcium ions to the protein. However, the His-tagged EndoT5 samples had low shelf-life, with storage of these samples resulting in an increased propensity for protein self-association and decreased enzymatic activity of EndoT5. Furthermore, disastrous effects on the activity of the enzyme were exerted by the presence of imidazole and nickel ions accompanying metal chelate chromatography. The activity of the protein can be restored by thorough washing off of these low molecular impurities via the prolonged dialysis of the His-tagged EndoT5 samples at the specifically elaborated conditions

    Comparative Analysis of the Active Sites of Orthologous Endolysins of the \u3cem\u3eEscherichia\u3c/em\u3e Lytic Bacteriophages T5, RB43, and RB49

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    The methods of solution NMR, circular dichroism (CD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to study two zinc-containing L-alanyl-D-glutamate peptidases - endolysins of the pseudo T-even myoviruses RB43 and RB49 (EndoRB43 and EndoRB49, respectively), which are orthologous to the EndoT5, which is a zinc-containing L-alanyl-D-glutamate peptidase of the T5 siphovirus. The spatial conservation of the Zn2+-binding sites for the enzymes EndoT5, EndoRB43, and EndoRB49 was established, and the key role of Zn2+ ions in the stabilization of the spatial structures of these three peptidases was confirmed. We are showing here that the binding of the Zn2+ ion in the active center of EndoRB49 peptidase causes conformational rearrangements similar to those observed in the EndoT5 peptidase upon binding of Zn2+ and Ca2+ ions and lead to the formation of a catalytically active form of the enzyme. Therefore, the binding of the Zn2+ ion to the active site of EndoRB49 peptidase is a necessary and sufficient condition for functioning of this protein

    Mechanisms of Phototoxic Effects of Cationic Porphyrins on Human Cells In Vitro

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    The toxic effects of four cationic porphyrins on various human cells were studied in vitro. It was found that, under dark conditions, porphyrins are almost nontoxic, while, under the action of light, the toxic effect was observed starting from nanomolar concentrations. At a concentration of 100 nM, porphyrins caused inhibition of metabolism in the MTT test in normal and cancer cells. Furthermore, low concentrations of porphyrins inhibited colony formation. The toxic effect was nonlinear; with increasing concentrations of various porphyrins, up to about 1 μM, the effect reached a plateau. In addition to the MTT test, this was repeated in experiments examining cell permeability to trypan blue, as well as survival after 24 h. The first visible manifestation of the toxic action of porphyrins is blebbing and swelling of cells. Against the background of this process, permeability to porphyrins and trypan blue appears. Subsequently, most cells (even mitotic cells) freeze in this swollen state for a long time (24 and even 48 h), remaining attached. Cellular morphology is mostly preserved. Thus, it is clear that the cells undergo mainly necrotic death. The hypothesis proposed is that the concentration dependence of membrane damage indicates a limited number of porphyrin targets on the membrane. These targets may be any ion channels, which should be considered in photodynamic therapy

    Mechanisms of Phototoxic Effects of Cationic Porphyrins on Human Cells In Vitro

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    The toxic effects of four cationic porphyrins on various human cells were studied in vitro. It was found that, under dark conditions, porphyrins are almost nontoxic, while, under the action of light, the toxic effect was observed starting from nanomolar concentrations. At a concentration of 100 nM, porphyrins caused inhibition of metabolism in the MTT test in normal and cancer cells. Furthermore, low concentrations of porphyrins inhibited colony formation. The toxic effect was nonlinear; with increasing concentrations of various porphyrins, up to about 1 μM, the effect reached a plateau. In addition to the MTT test, this was repeated in experiments examining cell permeability to trypan blue, as well as survival after 24 h. The first visible manifestation of the toxic action of porphyrins is blebbing and swelling of cells. Against the background of this process, permeability to porphyrins and trypan blue appears. Subsequently, most cells (even mitotic cells) freeze in this swollen state for a long time (24 and even 48 h), remaining attached. Cellular morphology is mostly preserved. Thus, it is clear that the cells undergo mainly necrotic death. The hypothesis proposed is that the concentration dependence of membrane damage indicates a limited number of porphyrin targets on the membrane. These targets may be any ion channels, which should be considered in photodynamic therapy