716 research outputs found

    Correlation between length-weight and age in Barbus sharpeyi and Barbus grypus broodstocks in artificial propagation

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    This study was carried out to identify proper broodstock of Barbus sharpeyi and Barbus grypus using working fecundity indices. For Barbus sharpeyi three female groups were chosen based on previous experiences that included treatment 1: 650±300g, 1±0.5 years, (T.L) 40.68±2.7cm, treatment 2: 1350±350g, 2.5±0.5 years, (T.L) 47.92±4.63cm and treatment 3: 2200±400g, 4±0.4 years, and (T.L) 59.62±3.56cm. The same male broodstock (700±80g) and 2 year old fish were used for all treatments. For Barbus grypus three female groups were chosen using previous experiences that included treatment 1: 2212.5±780g, 2.5±0.5 years, (T.L) 62.68±6.7cm, treatment 2: 4518±780g, 4±1 years (T.L) 79.12±4.36cm and treatment 3: 7712.5±171g, 7.7±1.3 years and (T.L) 92.62±3.13cm. The same male broodstock (1400±100g) and 2 year old fish were used for all treatments. Female broodstock of the two species were injected 3mg/kg of PG hormone two times at an interval of 10 hours and males were injected 2mg/kg. The maximum working fecundity was seen in treatment 2 for Barbus sharpeyi (33000±1450) and Barbus grypus and (13000.37±4651.57). Functional fecundity were calculated for Barbus sharpeyi in all treatments which was significantly different between treatment 2 and other treatments for the two species. After this stage, the working fecundity was decreased in treatments. We conclude that treatment 2 is the best for selection of broodstocks in the two fish species

    Effects of weight and length of Barbus grypus broodstock on fingerlings production and growth

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    The effects of weight and length of Barbus grypus broodstock on fingerlings reproductive characteristics and growth were investigated. We chose three female treatments including weight and length groups (1) 2212.5±479g, 62.68±6.7cm, (2) 4518±780g, 79.12±4.36cm and (3) 7712.5±1171g, 92.62±3.13cm. The same male broodstock were used for all the treatments with the weight and length size of 1400±100g, 54.62±7.35cm. Female broodstock were injected 3mg/kg PG hormone two times at an interval of 10 hours. Males were injected 2mg/kg once at the time females received their second injection. Larvae and fingerling survival rate and growth indices (special growth coefficient, condition factor) up to the fingerling stage were calculated for all treatments of larvae culture. Fingerling stage in ponds, 02, pH, temperature, transparency, nitrate, and phosphate were measured and no significant difference was observed (P>0.05) among the ponds. The special growth rate, condition factor, and fingerling survival of the treatments showed no significant differences (P>0.05). However, our results indicated that larvae survival rate had significant differences between treatment 2 and other treatments (P<0.05). These indices increase in broodstock weight up to treatment 2 (4518±780g, 79.12±4.36cm) and after that it will be lowered. We conclude that the treatment 2 broodstock are ideal for fingerling survival and enhancement of growth and condition factors

    Association between vitamin A and E and apolipoprotein A and B levels in type 2 diabetes

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    Objective. To determine the relationship between serum vitamin A and E and apolipoprotein levels in type 2 diabetic patients. Setting. Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Subjects and methods. One hundred and seventeen eligible type 2 diabetic patients who attended the Endocrine Research and Metabolism Center between 2002 and 2004 were enrolled in the study. Blood samples were collected after a 12 - 14-hour overnight fast for the measurement of serum levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), apolipoprotein (apo) A1 and apoB, and vitamins A and E. Anthropometric indices were determined by physical examination. Data were analysed statistically using Pearson's coefficient, multiple regression, and partial and bivariate correlations. Results. The mean body mass index (BMI) of the subjects was 27.4 ± 3.7 kg/m2. The mean (± standard deviation (SD)) serum levels of vitamins A and E were 0.5 ± 0.1 &#956;g/ml and 9.5 ± 2.6 &#956;g/ml, respectively. There were no significant differences in the plasma levels of vitamins A and E in males and females. Mean serum levels of vitamins A and E were within the normal range for both sexes. Serum lipid levels (total cholesterol, triglyceride and apoB) correlated with serum levels of vitamin E (p < 0.05). Serum levels of vitamins A and E were also correlated (p < 0.05). Standardised vitamin E levels showed significant negative correlation with most studied lipid profiles (p < 0.05). Conclusion. This study found that mean serum levels of the natural antioxidants vitamin E, and especially vitamin A, were close to the lower end of the normal range of these antioxidants in type 2 diabetics. Also, serum vitamin E and standardised vitamin E levels were important predictors of serum apoA1 levels in these patients. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 19(1) 2006: 39-4

    Comparing Blood Sugar Levels Measured by the Glucometer in Healthy and Crushed Fingers to Predict Gangrene in Tehran, Iran

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    Background: Crushed fingers are one of the most common reasons that patients visit the emergency centers for hand surgery, and based on the level of injury, it can cause many disabilities for patients. It is difficult to decide the treatment strategies (amputation, aggressive revascularization, immediate or delayed complex reconstruction and immediate conservative treatment) for crushed fingers. Objectives: The current study aimed to compare the blood sugar (BS) levels measured by the glucometer in healthy and crushed fingers to predict gangrene in patients referred to 15 Khordad Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Methods: This cohort study was conducted on 265 patients with crushed fingers referred to the emergency center of 15 Khordad hospital in Tehran, Iran, from March 2015 to March 2016. Blood glucose levels were measured by glucometer in the crushed fingers and in the finger of the opposite side at the same time and measurements were recorded. Data were analyzed using t-test and chi-square test with SPSS software version 22. Results: The results showed that 317 crushed fingers of 265 patients were ischemic based on the color, temperature, capillary refill time and pulse oximetry and accordingly the vascular reconstruction was not possible. Of 317 crushed fingers, 61 (19.24%) became gangrene (all with sugar levels lower than 37). The mean BS levels of the amputated and non-amputated fingers were 33.5 ± 1.52 and 111.04 ± 15.27 mg/dL, respectively. Therefore, there was a significant difference in the mean BS level between the patients with amputated and non-amputated fingers (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The lower levels of sugar in crushed fingers compared to healthy fingers can help to diagnose gangrene in crushed finger

    Nanostructure and properties of a Cu-Cr composite processed by severe plastic deformation

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    A Cu-Cr composite was processed by severe plastic deformation to investigate the role of interphase boundaries on the grain size reduction mechanisms. The as-deformed material exhibits a grain size of only 20nm. This gives rise to a dramatic increase of the hardness. Some deformation induced Cu super saturated solid solutions were clearly exhibited and it is shown that they decrease the hardness. The formation of such supersaturated solid solution and their influence on the mechanical properties are discussed

    Estimating the completeness of gastric cancer registration in Ardabil/Iran by a capture-recapture method using population-based cancer registry data

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    Background: Knowledge of cancer incidences is essential for cancer prevention and control programs. Capture-recapture methods have been recommended for reducing bias and increasing the accuracy of cancer incidence estimations. This study aimed to estimate the completeness of gastric cancer registration by the capture-recapture method based on Ardabil population-based cancer registry data. Materials and Methods: All new cases of gastric cancer reported by three sources, pathology reports, death certificates and medical records that reported to Ardabil population-based cancer registry in 2006 and 2008 were enrolled in the study. The duplicate cases based on the similarity of first name, surname and fathers names were identified between sources. The estimated number of gastric cancers was calculated by the log-linear method using Stata 12 software. Results: A total of 857 new cases of gastric cancer were reported from three sources. After removing duplicates, the reported incidence rates for the years 2006 and 2008 were 35.3 and 32.5 per 100,000 population, respectively. The estimated completeness calculated by log-linear method for these years was 36.7 and 36.0, respectively. Conclusions: These results indicate that none of the sources of pathology reports, death certificates and medical records individually or collectively fully cover the incident cases of gastric cancer. We can obtain more accurate estimates of incidence rates using the capture-recapture method

    The effect of cerebellar tDCS on sequential motor response selection

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) transiently alters cortical excitability and synaptic plasticity. So far, few studies have investigated the behavioral effects of applying tDCS to the cerebellum. Given the cerebellum’s inhibitory effects on cortical motor areas as well as its role in fine motor control and motor coordination, we investigated whether cerebellar tDCS can modulate response selection processes and motor sequence learning. Seventy-two participants received either cerebellar anodal (excitatory), cathodal (inhibitory), or sham (placebo) tDCS while performing a serial reaction time task (SRTT). To compare acute and long-term effects of stimulation on behavioral performance, participants came back for follow-up testing at 24 h after stimulation. Results indicated no group differences in performance prior to tDCS. During stimulation, tDCS did not affect sequence-specific learning, but anodal as compared to cathodal and sham stimulations did modulate response selection processes. Specifically, anodal tDCS increased response latencies independent of whether a trained or transfer sequence was being performed, although this effect became smaller throughout training. At the 24-h follow-up, the group that previously received anodal tDCS again demonstrated increased response latencies, but only when the previously trained sequence and a transfer sequence had to be performed in the same experimental block. This increased behavioral interference tentatively points to a detrimental effect of anodal cerebellar tDCS on sequence consolidation/retention. These results are consistent with the notion that the cerebellum exerts an inhibitory effect on cortical motor areas, which can impair sequential response selection when this inhibition is strengthened by tDCS.Action Contro