58 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Video Edukasi Bisindo Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dismenorea Pada Remaja Putri Tuli

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    Dysmenorrhea is one of the disorders experienced by women during menstruation, including young deaf women. Dysmenorrhea needs to be treated in order to minimize the symptoms from worsening. Unfortunately, deaf people generally experience difficulties in receiving and understanding the information conveyed orally, so it is necessary to provide information about dysmenorrhea using the proper media. This research was conducted to determine the effect of BISINDO’s educational video media on the level of knowledge of dysmenorrhea in young deaf women. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach with a one-group pretest–posttest design involving 30 young deaf women that experienced menstruation as a sample selected by a total sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and then analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. This study indicates that BISINDO educational video has an effect on the level of knowledge of dysmenorrhea in young deaf women, proven by the p-value of the Wilcoxon test results was 0.004. Dismenorea merupakan salah satu gangguan yang di alami oleh perempuan ketika menstruasi, tak terkecuali remaja putri Tuli. Penanganan dismenorea perlu dilakukan agar gejalanya tidak semakin parah. Sayangnya, orang Tuli secara umum mengalami hambatan dalam penerimaan dan memahami informasi yang disampaikan secara lisan, sehingga pemberian informasi mengenai dismenorea perlu dilakukan menggunakan media yang tepat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media video edukasi BISINDO terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dismenorea pada remaja putri Tuli. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis rancangan one group pretest – posttest yang melibatkan 30 remaja putri Tuli dan sudah menstruasi sebagai sampel yang dipilih dengan teknik total sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Nilai p value dari hasil uji Wilcoxon sebesar 0,004, menunjukkan ada pengaruh penggunaan video edukasi BISINDO terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dismenorea pada remaja putri Tulibencana COVID-19


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    Learning motivation is an important part that must be owned by students in the learning process. In learning history itself, learning motivation has become the attention of various academic circles. Many things have been done to be able to solve the problem of motivation to study history, one of which is done by providing stimulation of the Cooperative Learning model. From several other studies that have been conducted and have not become a reference for historical research, one of them is the application of the Randomization Class Technique method based on Cooperative Learning. This study aims to explain the effect of the Cooperative Learning-based Randomization Class Technique learning method on students' learning motivation in history learning class X SMAN 1 Cerme. This research is a quantitative study using a Quasi-experimental research design in the form of Nonequivalent Control Group Design with a pretest-posttest control group design and analyzed using an independent sample t-test assisted by SPSS version 26. The results obtained were at a significance level (2-tailed) of 0. 00 <0.05, states that there is a significant difference between the posttest data of the control class and the experimental class. The results of the analysis also obtained a value of Tcount (18.723) > Ttable (2.035), the value of Tcount was on the positive side (+) and was in the area of rejection of Ho, so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. The results of the quantitative data analysis prove that there is a positive and significant influence between the Randomization Class Technique method based on Cooperative Learning on the learning motivation of students in history learning class X SMAN 1 Cerme Keywords: Randomization Class Technique, Cooperative Learning, Learning Motivatio

    Gambaran kecemasan pada ibu postpartum sectio caesarea di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Sectio Caesarea (SC) merupakan sebuah proses persalinan dengan metode pembedahan untuk mengeluarkan bayi dengan irisan yang dilakukan di perut ibu atau dengan laparotomy. Persalinan SC dapat memberikan dampak berupa nyeri, rasa takut dan cemas. Kecemasan yang terjadi pada ibu post SC dapat mengakibatkan banyak masalah salah satunya adalah produksi ASI tidak lancar dan proses menyusui terganggu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kecemasan pada ibu postpartum sectio caesarea di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul Yogyakarta. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Agustus-Oktober 2020 di Ruang Nifas RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah ibu postportum sectio ceesarea sebanyak 30 responden, diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Alat pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar responden berpendidikan menengah sebanyak (60.0%), alasan melahirkan secara sectio caesarea karena masalah yang terjadi pada ibu sebanyak (50.0%), tidak memiliki riwayat sectio caesarea sebanyak (76.75). Sedangkan untuk gambaran tingkat kecemasan responden sebagian besar dalam kategori ringan sebanyak (63.3%) dan kecemasan sedang sebanyak (36.7%). Kesimpulan: Ibu postpartum sectio caesarea di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul mengalami kecemasan dalam ketegori ringan.   Kata kunci: Ibu, Postpartum, Sectio Caesarea, Cemas &nbsp


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    Potential-Based Community Service (PMBP) is an extracurricular activity that aims to provide services to the community). This is carried out as a form of elaboration in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in which every intellectual candidate is not only sufficient to understand and understand science and technology (IPTEK), but there is a need for a correlation in the level of social life with society in general and more specifically. for people who need the role of students. In the implementation of this Potential-Based Community Service (PMBP), the executor devoted himself to three types of activities, which were carried out in RW 16 Mangliawan, Sawojajar II Malang Regency, East Java Province. The type of activity is participating in community organizations in RW 16 Mangliawan who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, providing counseling about the importance of implementing health protocols at Posyandu and Mrs. PKK RW 16 Mangliawa

    The effect of peer education to anxiety of teenagers in post menarche in sub district Kasihan Bantul, Indonesia

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    Background: Menarche is an important event in puberty of teenagers. The coming of menarche often causes negative reactions and anxiety. Most teenagers get information about menarche from her friend so that the information obtained is not necessarily true and accurate. In order to reduce anxiety it should be given the right information with various methods and media. These raised our interest to determine the effect of peer education on adolescent anxiety post-menarche.Methods: A quasi experimental equivalent pre-post test control group design was used in this study with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Time of data retrieval was August-September 2014. Subject were classified into two groups that were treatment group was located in SMP Muhammadiyah and control group was located in SMP Mataram Kasihan region, district Bantul. The division of the group is done by raffle. Intervention for the treatment group of peer education and booklet. The total sample in this study was 86 adolescents post menarche taken by purposive sampling in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The anxiety instrument being used TMAS (Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale). Analysis data: univariate, bivariate and qualitative analysis to strengthen the result of the study with indepth interview for 5 participants. Statistical test using chi square.Results: The result showed that percentage of respondents who experience anxiety when pre-test 43 (100%) and post-test was 34 (79.1%) versus 3 (7.0%). The result of chi square test with p value 0.000 (p<0.05) means that there was significant differences in anxiety reduction before and after a given peer education. The results of the qualitative analysis among teenagers after attending peer education told that they feeling happy, peer education reduced anxiety, confusion and fear because of peer education increased knowledge, provide an overview and motivation of the problems, means discussion, sharing stories and experiences.Conclusions: Peer education and booklet could reduce anxiety post menarche of teenagers.

    Menstrual knowledge associated with adolescent’s attitude of intellectual disability on facing menstruation in Bantul, Indonesia

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    Background: Menstruation is an important event in puberty as a biological sign of sexual maturity for young women. Adolescent with intellectual disability has the same stage of biological development as normal adolescent. Menstruation often causes many problems such as menstrual pain, emotional changes and menstrual personal hygiene (such as: using sanitary napkins). It causes a lot of negative reactions and anxiety. The phenomenon that has often happened in community is feeling taboo to discuss menstrual problems, so that adolescents are not well informed. Objective of this study was to determine the association between menstrual knowledge with adolescent’s attitude of mental retardation (intellectual disability) on facing menstruation.Methods: This research is a descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional study. It was conducted at SLB Masudi Putra I and II Bantul, in August to October 2018 with intellectual disability adolescents who experienced menstruation, those were 39 respondents. Data collection is done by using a questionnaire. Bivariate analysis was done by the Spearman rank test.Results: The results of this research indicate that the percentages of adolescent’s knowledge of intellectual disability on facing menstruation were in medium category of 16 respondents (41.0%), and adolescent’s attitude of intellectual disability on facing menstruation mostly were negative of 24 respondents (61.5%) with p-value 0.001 (p<0.05 ) and the correlation coefficient (r) is positive at 0.495. It shows that there is an association between menstrual knowledge with adolescent’s attitude on facing menstruation with the closeness of the correlation in medium category.Conclusions: There were an association between menstrual knowledge with adolescent’s attitude of intellectual disability on facing menstruation at SLB Marsudi Putra Bantul with p-value 0.001 (p<0.05)


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    Psycho active substance abuse is a common problem throughout the world, and it is associated with the increase of mortality and morbidity. One of substitution therapy program is methadone maintenance therapy program. The main problem is most of patients stop following the maintenance program before they feel the therapeutic effects of it. Compliance in taking daily medication is the focus in achieving the health status of patients. The research objective is to determine the relationship between the knowledge level with methadone maintenance therapy program in the public health center of Parakan, District of Temanggung. The research method was cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all patients of methadone maintenance therapy program in the public health centers of Parakan, District of Temanggung. Samples on this research were 31 patients and they are all active on methadone maintenance therapy program in the public health center of Parakan, District of Temanggung. Data analysis was performed using Chi Square (x2) formula correlation test. The results show there is a relationship between knowledge level with methadone maintenance therapy program in the public health center of Parakan, District of Temanggung with p value 0.001, with 13 respondents (42%) are in a good level of knowledge category and methadone treatment in obidiance catagory is 11 respondents (35.5%). It is concluded that there is a relationship between methadone maintenance therapy program in the public health center of Parakan, District of Temanggung

    Implementation Of Data Mining Using Algorithms A Priori in Determining The Pattern Of Product Purchases Perfume Sold Case Study On (Rafflesia Aromatic Professional Perfume)

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    At the rafflesia aromatic professional perfume store, we have not used a special application in determining the purchase pattern of perfume products sold and still use manual data processing such as writing in books, and do not utilize existing sales data and sales data only as an archive. So tejadi accumulation of data that is not in the know the benefits. Basically, the data set has useful information to make a decision about the pattern of perfume sales that are sold. One method that can solve the above problems is the Apriori algorithm method. Because the apriori algorithm is a suitable algorithm used to determine the search for Frequent itemsets using the Assciation rule technique with transaction data that is used for 1 month (January 1, 2022 – January 30, 2022).With the amount of 25 data from 15 transactions, support items can be displayed minimum support Value = 10% as many as 10 perfumes consisting of Celebrity, Citra Edition , Alasca , Topaza , Rock Star ,Be Delicitions , La Verne , B Agua Marine, Jasmin Note , and garuda. For a combination of 2 itemset is to use support 15% which consists of, Celebrity-Citra Edition, Celebrity-Alasca, Topaza-Rock Star, Rock Star-be Delicitionse, La Verne-B aqua Marine, B aqua Marine- Jasmine Note, then look for the rules of association that can meet the minimum requirement for confidence is to calculate the confidence associative rules based on a ❸ ( ❸ ) B with a minimum value of support taken is 20%, then that meets that there is a perfume most purchased by consumers is Citra edication, celebrity, alasca ,celebrity topaza, rock star the minimum value of support taken is 20%, then that there is a perfume most purchased by consumers is Citra edication, celebrity, alasca ,celebrity topaza, rock star

    The Guarantee Measures of Educational Rights on the Traditional Communities of Southwest Papua

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    This research aims to know the guarantee measures of educational rights, and analyse its from custom law. This research is empirical study that uses field data as primary data sources. Data collection techniques were carried out from interviews, observation and documentation. The result show that absorption of at least 30% of the budget income and expenditure areas that must be absorbed by education No appropriate target, the spelled out small if compare with budget income and to much expenditure area and must capable to accommodate cost of school for 203 Papuan children. This all based on government programs as well not yet appropriate and take the good target. It should check again on many factors and reason that show many separated Papuan school and different area, distance and difficult geological area which impact to the student and decide not to continue their education including economic factor
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