366 research outputs found


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    Estimation of reliability of system of reverse stamps with use of composite materials and accuracy of punched parts

    Transcriptional Profiling of Non-injured Nociceptors after Spinal Cord Injury Reveals Diverse Molecular Changes

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    The work presented here begins to provide insight into the underlying mechanisms that contribute to the transition from acute to chronic pain. Our work employed spinal cord injury (SCI) as a unique model to study chronic pain, and to enhance our knowledge of the transcriptional changes that occur following injury. The studies herein support the idea that SCI alters genetic, cellular, and molecular pathways at distal sites (below the site of injury) such as skin, muscle, and the sensory neurons that project to these regions. We provide evidence that a specific population of sensory neurons located in distal dorsal root ganglia exhibit significant transcriptional changes that are relevant to the onset of chronic pain. By enhancing our knowledge regarding the changes that occur at different time points, within different tissues, and within specific cell populations, we can better understand why chronic pain develops weeks to months after injury in patients. In particular, our work on transcriptional profiling of specific sensory neurons projecting to the skin below the level of injury, in comparison to whole tissue analysis, emphasizes how injury does not impact all cell populations in the same way. A multifaceted approach is essential for the development of new treatment strategies and models for patients, in an effort to prevent irreversible changes in pain signaling before they occur

    Duality between measure and Baire category.

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    One instead of three. The use of creating one standard instead of three existing ones

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    Успешное функционирование деятельности организации предполагает необходимость в ведении деятельности по закупкам и создание сопутствующих документовSuccessful functioning of the organization's activities presupposes the need for procurement activities and the creation of supporting document

    The association between temporal decentration and self-appraisal at stages of experiencing psychological crisis

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    By investigating a physician’s professional and personal development the empirical study tests the hypothesis suggesting that temporal decentration of personality is a marker of existential “normative” or “extra-normative” crises. Decentration on the past marks the crisis of actual self-realization, which takes place in early professional and personal development of the subject. The research supplements the current psychological interpretation of the content characteristics of option normative crises and the crisis of the third year of studying with the following: (a) decreasing actual self-appraisal, desire to keep emotional balance by ego defense with the overestimation of happiness in the past – in childhood and adolescence (option crisis); (b) estimating the current life period as unsuccessful, with the compensation of crisis experiences and overestimation of self-realization in previous life periods (crisis of the third year of studying). Decentration on the future is a reflection of the extra-normative crisis of nonrealization. The person finds poorly developed abilities of a competent being in time; he/she hopes for the future fulfillment of his/her aspirations reflected in the highest measures of all the components of the “Future Self” self-appraisal. Centration on the present is a type of a subject’s psychological time in the most active life periods. The experience of psychological time in the person centered on actual life senses and values is positive, without overestimation of previous achievements or over-expectations from the future. The analysis highlighted the regression of temporal orientation in maturity. This paradox can be associated with a change in the structure of sense-life orientations, values, and driving motives. Clearly, the next stage of the research will be checking this assumption, as well as testing the hypothesis about internal resources for overcoming the crisis of the third year of studying in students with a satisfactory level of temporal competence

    Interactive technologies during implementation of the olympic education into the student educational process

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    Introduction Shift of priorities and social values in today's society leads to the need for constant improvement of educational process in higher education institutions. The experts note (Bystrova Yu.V., 2015; Gladush V.A. & Lysenko G.I., 2014; Naul R., Binder D., Ivanenko G., 2019) that the outdated practices prevail in today’s practical activity of higher educational specialized institutions, the ideas of democratization are not sufficiently implemented. The main problems in the development of higher education institutions are student low motivation to acquire knowledge and drop in attendance. This situation necessitates rethinking of the principles, functions and technologies of managing specialist training in Physical Culture and Sports and, thereupon, develops new approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in a higher education institution. The analysis of special scientific and methodological literature indicates that today the ways of integration of the Olympic education into the school educational process have been extensively revealed (Armor K, Dagkas S., 2012), the educational potential of the Olympic movement has been elucidated (Bulatov M. & Platonov V., 2018), the importance of integrating Olympic education into the specialist training in Physical Culture and Sports (Radchenko LO, 2016), the activity peculiarities of the Olympic Studies Centers operating as part of the specialized higher education institutions of Ukraine (Zagitova & Radchenko, 2019) have been disclosed, whereas the problem of improving the educational process by integrating Olympic education into the educational process of higher education institutions remains a pressing scientific matter. Today’s educational requirements include the training of highly qualified specialists who are able to integrate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired at a higher educational institution into an integral system effectively used in their professional activities. In order to successfully realize personal educational potential of future specialists in Physical Culture and Sports, the development conditions of the qualities such as criticism and non-standard thinking, the ability to produce new ideas and work in a team, etc., must be created. Such tasks are facilitated by the use of interactive learning technologies in the educational process. The working hypothesis is that the use of interactive learning technologies in the study of Olympic education related issues will improve the efficiency of student educational process in higher education institutions preparing future specialists in Physical Culture and Sports. Aim of the Study: to provide the rationale for the use of interactive learning technologies while implementing the Olympic education into the student educational process. Material and methods. Research participants: 12 experts – members of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, having more than 15 years of pedagogic experience at higher educational institutions, holding managerial positions at sphere-specific educational establishments. 69 students from 8 study groups of the 4th year at the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, who major in 0.17 ‘Physical Education and Sport’. Organization of research. The first step was to determine experts’ opinion on the necessity to introduce Olympic education in the student training process. The next step of the study was to determine the educational process efficiency according to I.S. Todorova (Todorova I.S& Pavlenko V.I. 2011). This method employs that the respondents need to answer 20 questions that allow to determine the educational activity efficiency ratio, namely: total educational activity efficiency, motivational subsystem efficiency, operational subsystem efficiency, information subsystem efficiency, and regulatory subsystem efficiency. The level of educational activity efficiency is determined by the quality points earned after calculation. The study was conducted in two cohorts: the 1st cohort is students of the Coach Faculty, and the 2nd cohort is students of the Sport and Management Faculty. Two surveys were undertaken. The first survey was conducted before studying the Olympic Sports. The second one took place in the end of the educational course ‘Olympic Sports’. In this paper, such methods as the analysis of literary sources, synthesis and generalization were used to define interactive learning technologies, the use of which helps to enhance the integration of aspects of the Olympic education into the overall educational process. The application of those methods allowed to develop the content and guidelines for the use of the above-mentioned technologies. Statistical analysis. Statistical processing of the data was performed using the Excel 2010 spreadsheet editor (Microsoft, USA, 2010), the average was used. Results: the expediency of Olympic education implementation in the student educational process was studied; the interactive learning technologies that will facilitate the educational process efficiency among the Physical Culture and Sports future specialists were elucidated; the efficiency of the interactive learning technologies in the Olympic education implementation was disclosed. Conclusions: the interactive learning technologies that will felicitate the creation of a highly-qualified specialist in Physical Culture and Sports, namely: interactive cooperative learning technologies (pairwork, trio rotation, ‘Carousel’, ‘Aquarium’); group learning technologies (‘Brainstorming’, "Decision Tree’, ‘World Café’); situational modeling technologies (‘Six Hats Method’, business games); argument technologies (‘The PRESSING Method,’ ‘What? Where? When? How?’ debates, etc.); and methodological materials for the students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine were produced, based upon this technology data. The use of interactive learning technologies when integrating Olympic education permits to increase the educational process efficiency and helps to improve student motivation to acquire knowledge

    Recuperação de um acervo: uso da Radiação Gama (Cobalto 60) na descontaminação de objetos do acervo do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros - USP

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    The Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB) from the University of São Paulo received the charge from São Paulo's Federal Justice to take care of part of the collection from Banco Santos that was severely attacked by insects and micro-organisms (moulds) when stored in a warehouse that was flooded by intense rainfall. A chemical treatment to eliminate the biodeteriorating agents was tried but it was not effective. As the heap has a large amount of Xylograph wood dye, printings and manuscripts from cordel literature an urgent way to treat was searched and after the study and previous experience on wood irradiation process it was decided to submit promptly the heap to gamma irradiation. After the treatment the peaces were restored by IEB staff and now is being part of IEB collection and available for the scientific research community.O Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB) da Universidade de São Paulo recebeu em caráter provisório parte do acervo do Banco Santos cedido pela Justiça Federal de São Paulo. Este acervo foi lacrado num galpão, pelo Departamento de Polícia Federal, o qual foi inundado pelas águas de chuva, sendo severamente infestado por insetos xilófagos e por microorganismos (fungos). Devido à grande quantidade de material - matrizes de xilogravura, impressos dessas matrizes, manuscritos de literatura de cordel - e urgência da situação, foi necessário buscar um método de tratamento eficiente: que possibilitasse uma desinfestação em grande escala, não trouxesse nenhum risco a integridade do acervo e ao seu manuseio. Após estudos e experiência prévia no processo de irradiação em madeira, decidiu-se submeter prontamente o material à radiação gama. Depois do tratamento o acervo foi recuperado pela equipe de técnicos e estagiários do IEB, sendo, posteriormente, colocado junto às demais coleções do instituto e disponibilizado aos pesquisadores

    Вміст проліну та важких металів у продукції бджільництва різних агроекологічних умов України

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    The production of beekeeping plays a crucial role in the population's nutrition. Bees yield valuable dietary products, such as honey, and provide raw materials for the food industry, such as beeswax. In addition to these primary products, bees produce royal jelly, flower pollen, propolis, homogenate of drone larvae, and bee venom. In regions with advanced agriculture, bees are utilized to pollinate entomophilous crops. Bee pollination enhances plants' similarity and yield, improving agricultural product quality. Honey-producing bees consume pollen, with flower pollen from nectariferous plants serving as the raw material, followed by bee bread, which is brought into the hive. However, the agroclimatic conditions in various regions of Ukraine only sometimes provide sufficient diversity of nectariferous plants to adequately meet the protein and mineral nutrition needs of bees. Minerals in animal organisms perform crucial functions, providing structural integrity to the skeleton and constituting essential components of organic compounds, vitamins, and enzymatic systems. In contemporary animal production, heavy metals threaten the health of both humans and animals. According to established norms, many of these metals are vital elements that must be included in the animal diet. Inadequate or excessive levels of these elements in the animal body can lead to the inactivation of enzymatic systems, impaired reproduction, decreased productivity, and reduced product quality. Heavy metals, especially mercury, lead, chromium, and nickel, are more dangerous toxins in living organisms at elevated concentrations. The chemical composition of living organisms and their impact on geochemical processes varies. To ensure normal vitality and the production of high-quality animal products, animals must be provided with a balanced diet and an optimal content of minerals that contribute to increased productivity and production efficiency. Therefore, studying the content of heavy metals such as iron, copper, zinc, lead, cobalt, and cadmium in honey obtained under different agroecological conditions in Ukraine is of significant economic importance. The research results indicate that the content of heavy metals in honey from the Western region, except iron and zinc, was higher than in the Southern region. Specifically, for copper, this advantage amounted to 86.725 mg/kg or 1.4 times, for lead – 50.203 mg/kg or 2.8 times, for cobalt – 57.865 mg/kg or 24.2 times, and for cadmium – 4.663 mg/kg or 2.7 times. Honey from the Southern region had a higher iron content of 0.237 mg/kg or 1.1 times, and zinc by 4.412 mg/kg or 5.5 times compared to honey from the Western region. Based on the obtained data, it is established that honey from the Western region has a higher content of heavy metals than honey from the Southern region, indicating more significant contamination of nectariferous plants in the Western region.У харчуванні населення важливу роль відіграє продукція бджільництва. Від бджіл одержують цінний дієтичний продукт – мед і сировину для харчової промисловості віск. Окрім основних продуктів, від бджіл одержують маточне молочко, квітковий пилок, прополіс, гомогенат трутневих личинок, бджолину отруту. У районах розвиненого землеробства бджіл використовують на запиленні ентомофільних культур. Запилення бджолами рослин підвищує їх схожість й врожайність, поліпшує якість продукції. Медоносні бджоли споживають пергу, сировиною для якої є квітковий полок рослин медоносів, а потім бджолине обніжжя, яке заноситься до вулика. Однак агрокліматичні умови різних регіонів України не завжди забезпечують достатню різноманітність медоносних рослин для потреб білкового і мінерального живлення бджіл на належному рівні. Мінеральні речовини в організмі тварин виконують важливі функції. Вони надають структурність і міцність скелету, входять до складу органічних сполук, вітамінів та ферментних систем. В умовах сучасного виробництва продукції тваринництва особливу небезпеку для здоров’я людей і тварин мають важкі метали. Але багато з них є життєво важливими і необхідними елементами, які обов’язково повинні, відповідно з нормами входити до раціону тварин. За їх нестачі або занадто надлишку в організмі тварин інактивуються ферментні системи, погіршується відтворення, зменшується продуктивність і погіршується якість продукції. А у підвищених концентраціях важкі метали особливо ртуть, свинець, хром, нікель діють на живий організм як небезпечніша отрута. Хімічний склад живих організмів і їх вплив на геохімічні процеси різний. Для нормальної життєдіяльності і продукування високоякісної продукції тварини повинні забезпечуватися повноцінною годівлею й оптимальним вмістом мінеральних речовин, які сприяють підвищенню продуктивності і ефективності виробництва продукції. Тому вивчення вмісту таких важких металів як залізо, мідь, цинк, свинець, кобальт і кадмій у меді, одержаному у різних агроекологічних умов України має важливе народногосподарське значення. У результаті проведених досліджень встановлено, що вміст важких металів у меді Західного регіону, за винятком заліза і цинку, був більший, ніж у меді Південного регіону. Так за вмістом міді ця перевага становила 86,725 мг/кг або у 1,4 рази, свинцю – 50,203 мг/кг або у 2,8 рази, кобальту – 57,865 мг/кг або 24,2 рази, кадмію – 4,663 мг/кг або 2,7 рази. Мед південного регіону мав більший вміст заліза на 0,237 мг/кг або у 1,1 рази, цинку – 4,412 мг/кг або 5,5 рази порівняно з медом Західного регіону. Отже на підставі одержаних даних встановлено, що мед Західного регіону має більший вміст важких металів порівняно з медом Південного регіону, що свідчить про більше забруднення медоносних рослин у Західному регіоні