239 research outputs found

    Interrelation between properties of viscous oils and the level of thermal flux in territories of the Volgo-Uralskiy, Western Siberian and Timano-Pechorskiy pools

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    Fluctuations of basic properties of viscous oils of the Volgo-Uralskiy, Western Siberian and Timano-Pechorskiy oil-and-gas-bearing basins have been investigated depending on the level of thermal flux. The gaging analysis of spatial distribution of a thermal flux in territory of basins has been carried out. The dependence between thermal flux level and oil viscosity is established. It is shown that oil viscosity decreases with increase in thermal flux level. Interrelations between different contents of sulphur, paraffin, pitches and asphaltenes in oils and thermal flux level are studied. It is shown that with increase of thermal flux level the content of sulphur, pitches and asphaltenes decreases and the content of paraffin increase

    Hierarchical Clustering of Seismic Activity Local Territories Globe

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    In article, the interrelation between energy parameters of Globe moving in a system Sun-Earth-Moon has been established. It includes features of a seasonal energy condition of an internal core of Earth and the key energy parameters of tectonic activity of seismically dangerous local territories of the planet. These parameters have been systematized by means of a clustering method hierarchical. The mechanism of energy influence of core Earth fluctuations on variations of axial rotation speed of the Globe and level of seismic activity has been grounded. The phenomenon of a periodic oscillation of planet condition seismic and effect of asymmetric distribution of the emergency situations (ES) of tectonic origin on the Earth's surface has been established. For the first time, ranging of the seismically fissile local territories of the Globe in the parameters determining the level of seismic activity and ranges of magnitudes was carried out. Based on these results the effect of division of the seismically fissile local territories into three main clusters that characterized by rather high, average and low degrees of seismic activity was established. Join of the ranged seismically fissile local territories of the Globe permit to establish zones with various degree of seismic activity along the section of various geophysical plates.The results received in article are a basis for further carrying out complex assessment of interrelations between key parameters of moving Globe in a system Sun-Earth-Moon and key parameters of tectonic danger of the seismically fissile local territories of Earth. It is base for further increase in effectiveness of monitoring of origin tectonic emergency by development of neural network prognostic models

    Analysis of blood pressure control in outpatients with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease referred by primary care physicians: a study from the centre of nephrology care

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    Background. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have increased all-cause mortality, especially cardiovascular.The majority of patients with CKD have stages 1–3 and are treated by primary care physicians and nephrologists.Arterial hypertension (HTN) is highly prevalent comorbidity among CKD population, but its control remains poor. Material and methods. This retrospective non-interventional cross-sectional study was conducted in the Centre ofNephrology Care in Dnipropetrovsk Mechnikov Regional Hospital, Dnipro, Ukraine. We aimed to select patientswho are supposed to be followed-up by primary care practitioners but due to certain reasons required nephrologist’sconsultation. From 4540 patients who received medical care in the Centre of Nephrology Care 365 patients fulfilledinclusion criteria. They were subdivided by presence of HTN, CKD stage, presence of proteinuria and achievingblood pressure targets according to different standards. All patients were examined and followed-up according tolocal and European standards. Results. Forty-nine percent of patients had known HTN, and 21% had HTN de novo. Advance of CKD stage wassignificantly associated with increase in the most of laboratory findings, age and BP values. Non-proteinuric patientsachieved BP goals significantly more often, than proteinuric ones. Females achieved BP targets more often, thanmales. Monotherapy was the most common treatment regimen. Conclusions. HTN occurs in 70% of patients with CKD and it is controlled in up to 34% of cases. HTN is importantfactor of CKD progression and it is closely connected with GFR and proteinuria

    A perturbation of DC electric field caused by light ion adhesion to aerosols during the growth in seismic-related atmospheric radioactivity

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    International audienceThe influence of variations in conductivity and external electric current variations in the lower atmosphere on DC electric field over a seismic region is investigated. The external current is formed with the occurrence of convective upward transport of charged aerosols and their gravitational sedimentation in the atmosphere. This effect is related with the occurrence of ionization source due to seismic-related emanation of radon and other radioactive elements into the lower atmosphere. An increase in atmosphere radioactivity level results in the appearance of additional sources of ionization, and altitude dependence of the ion formation rate is calculated. Ionization source varies the atmospheric conductivity and the external current through appearance of ions with equilibrium number density and their adhesion to aerosols. We have calculated the perturbation of conductivity and external electric current as a function of altitude. Variation of conductivity and external current in the lower atmosphere leads to a perturbation of electric current which flows in the global atmosphere-ionosphere circuit. Finally, perturbations of DC electric field both on the Earth's surface and in the ionosphere are estimated

    Preparation and Properties of Nanocellulose from Organosolv Straw Pulp

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    Abstract The object of this work is to present a study of nanocellulose preparation from organosolv straw pulp (OSP) and its properties. OSP was obtained through thermal treatment in the system of isobutyl alcohol–H2O–KOH–hydrazine followed by processing in the mixture of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide for bleaching and removal of residual non-cellulosic components. We have obtained nanocellulose from OSP through acid hydrolysis with lower consumption of sulfuric acid and followed by ultrasound treatment. The structural change and crystallinity degree of OSP and nanocellulose were studied by means of SEM and XRD techniques. It has been established that nanocellulose has a density up to 1.3 g/cm3, transparency up to 70%, crystallinity degree 72.5%. The TEM and AFM methods shown that nanocellulose have diameter of particles in the range from 10 to 40 nm. Thermogravimetric analysis confirmed that nanocellulose films have more dense structure and smaller mass loss in the temperature range 220–260 °C compared with OSP. The obtained nanocellulose films had high Young’s modulus up to 11.45 GPa and tensile strength up to 42.3 MPa. The properties of obtained nanocellulose from OSP exhibit great potential in its application for the preparation of new nanocomposite materials


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    In article, the interrelation between energy parameters of Globe moving in a system Sun-Earth-Moon has been established. It includes features of a seasonal energy condition of an internal core of Earth and the key energy parameters of tectonic activity of seismically dangerous local territories of the planet. These parameters have been systematized by means of a clustering method hierarchical. The mechanism of energy influence of core Earth fluctuations on variations of axial rotation speed of the Globe and level of seismic activity has been grounded. The phenomenon of a periodic oscillation of planet condition seismic and effect of asymmetric distribution of the emergency situations (ES) of tectonic origin on the Earth's surface has been established. For the first time, ranging of the seismically fissile local territories of the Globe in the parameters determining the level of seismic activity and ranges of magnitudes was carried out. Based on these results the effect of division of the seismically fissile local territories into three main clusters that characterized by rather high, average and low degrees of seismic activity was established. Join of the ranged seismically fissile local territories of the Globe permit to establish zones with various degree of seismic activity along the section of various geophysical plates. The results received in article are a basis for further carrying out complex assessment of interrelations between key parameters of moving Globe in a system Sun-Earth-Moon and key parameters of tectonic danger of the seismically fissile local territories of Earth. It is base for further increase in effectiveness of monitoring of origin tectonic emergency by development of neural network prognostic models


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    In neonates with post-asphyxial syndrome development disturbances in the system of pulmonary homeostasis as like as disbalance in protease-antiprotease system whose disturbances are initiated by oxidative stress and oxidative protein modification at the level of the alveolar-bronchial space. It is eppearas clinical respiratory distress.При развитии постасфиктического синдрома у новорожденных возникают нарушения в системе легочного гомеостаза в виде дисбаланса в протеазо-антипротеазной системе, который инициируется окислительным стрессом и окислительной модификацией белков на уровне альвеоло-бронхиального пространства, что клинически проявляется дыхательным дистрессом.При розвитку постасфіктичного синдрому у новонароджених виникають порушення в системі легеневого гомеостазу у вигляді дисбалансу у протеазо-антипротеазній системі, порушення яко ініціюються окисним стресом та окисною модифікацією білків на рівні альвеоло-бронхіального простору, що клінічно проявляється дихальним дистресом

    Determination of phenolic compounds in medicinal preparations by galvanostatic coulometry

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    In this work, the possibility of using reactions of electrogenerated titrants with phenolic compounds was studied and a method for their coulometric determination in medicaments by galvanostatic coulometry was developed. The research objects were: rutin, salicylic acid and drugs containing phenolic compounds such as «Ascorutin», «Salicylic Paste» and «Salicylic Ointment» of Russian manufacture. Electrogenerated halogens (Cl2, Br2 and I2) and hexacyanoferrate(III)-ions were used as titrants. It was found that for the quantitative determination of phenolic acids, the optimal reagent is electrogenerated bromine, for rutin - electrogenerated bromine and iodine, and for ascorbic acid - any of the studied electrogenerated titrants (Cl2, Br2, I2 and [Fe(CN)6]3-). The correct definition was checked by the «entered-found» method, the error does not exceed 2%. As experimental studies have shown, our method of coulometric titration with electrogenated bromine and iodine is characterized by good reproducibility of results, expression, accuracy and can be used to determine phenolic compounds in drugs, for example, «Ascorutin» tablets. It should be noted that by our procedure it is possible to determine the spectrum of phenol-containing compounds (rutin, ascorbic and salicylic acids) in drugs without their preliminary separation. Therefore, the coulometric method using electrogenerated titrants can be recommended for the determination of salicylic, ascorbic acids and rutin in dosage forms. The proposed method is accurate and eliminates the experiment error in comparison with the Pharmacopoeic method