24 research outputs found

    Edukasi Tentang Diabetes Mellitus, Pemeriksaan Gula Darah dan Ankle Brakhial Index Sebagai Faktor Prediktor Kaki Diabetes di Karanggawang, Kota Semarang

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) merupakan penyakit kronis yang disebabkan karena kadar gula darah yang meningkat. Penalataksanaan DM yang tidak tepat dan kontrol gula darah yang buruk dapat menyebabkan penderita mengalami komplikasi diantaranya adalah ulkus kaki. Upaya pencegahan DM dan kaki diabetes perlu dilakukan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat Karanggawang, Kota Semarang dengan turut memprediksi kejadian DM dan kaki diabetik. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh 20 perwakilan dari warga Karanggawang,Kota Semarang yang dilaksanakan melalui tahapan penyuluhan, pemeriksaan Gula Darah Sewaktu, Pengukuran Berat Badan dan Tinggi Badan dan diakhiri dengan pemeriksaan ABI. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa warga antusias mengikuti kegiatan, terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dari para peserta setelah penyuluhan. Status kesehatan warga Karanggawang yang mengikuti kegiatan ini dalam kondisi baik yang ditunjukkan dengan rerata GDS warga memiliki kadar yang normal, tekanan darah yang normal. Nilai ABI dalam kisaran normal yang menunjukkan bahwa warga Karanggawang tidak beresiko untuk mengalami kaki diabetik. Namun demikian, sebagian besar peserta merupakan kategori obesitas, sehingga perlu perubahan gaya hidup agar lebih seha


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    Adolescents with a gay sexual orientation need to receive a great attention in cases of HIV / AIDS transmission.It is due to the sexual behavior in this class included in the category of risk behavior, one of which is through the anal sex. Anal intercourse is very risky in HIV transmission because the penis can scratch and tear the rectal mucous membranes, so that HIV can more smoothly enter the bloodstream.The purpose of this study is to explore the information about important and subjective norms of gay adolescents in Semarang City. This research used qualitative approach. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews with informants as well as field observations. The results of this study found that the important norm prevailing in the family associated with acceptance of sexual orientation of familymembers as gay according to most informants stated the rejection. However, a small percentage of informants thought the rejection of the family would turn into acceptance over time. In contrast to the subjective norms prevailing in the community, all informants argue that the community still strongly rejects the existence of this gay group. This is contrary to the norms of religion and social normsprevailing in Indonesian society. Keywords: Important Norm, Subjective Norm, Sexual Behavior, Ga

    Pengaruh Hepatokuratif Ekstrak Daun Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) terhadap Kadar SGPT Tikus Wistar yang Diinduksi Parasetamol

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    Penggunaan parasetamol dosis tinggi menjadi pemicu kerusakan hepar yang ditandai dengan peningkatan SGPT. Daun kenikir mengandung flavonoid, saponin, dan tanin yang berfungsi sebagai hepatokuratif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daun kenikir terhadap kadar SGPT darah tikus galur wistar yang diinduksi parasetamol. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimen laboratorium dengan rancangan post test only control group design. Sampel sebanyak 30 ekor tikus jantan galur wistar yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok secara random. Perlakuan dilakukan selama 15 hari, kelompok K- hanya diberi pakan standar selama masa perlakuan, kelompok KT diinduksi parasetamol dosis tunggal 270mg/200grBB tanpa diberikan intervensi, kelompok  K+, PI, dan PII diinduksi parasetamol, K+ diberi N-asetilsistein 2,52mg/kgBB, PI diberi ekstrak daun kenikir 62,5mg/kgBB, PII ekstrak daun kenikir 125mg/kgBB sampai hari ke-14 dan  hari ke-15 diperiksa kadar SGPT. Analisa data dengan uji one-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan Post-hoc. Rerata kadar SGPT yaitu K- 47,0±0,82 IU/L, KT 78,0±0,97 IU/L, K+ 40,2±2,27 IU/L, PI 55,3±1,74 IU/L, dan PII 69,3±1,48 IU/L. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan rerata SGPT antar seluruh kelompok (p=0,000).Perbedaan signifikan juga ditemukan antar kelompok K- dengan KT (p=0,000), K- dengan K+ (p=0,023), K- dengan P1 (p=0,001), K- dengan P2 (p=0,000), KT dengan K+ (p=0,000), KT dengan P1 (p=0,000), KT dengan P2 (p=0,000), K+ dengan P1 (p=0,000), K+ dengan P2 (p=0,000), dan P1 dengan P2 (p=0,000). Ekstrak daun kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) dapat mempengaruhi kadar SGPT darah tikus galur wistar yang diinduksi parasetamo

    Edukasi Seputar Gizi dan Obesitas pada Komunitas Geriatri di Panti Wreda Pengayoman, Kota Semarang

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    Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia maka semakin banyak mengalami keluhan kesehatan termasuk masalah gizi pada lansia. Permasalahan gizi pada lansia menimbulkan malnutrisi ataupun obesitas. Lansia obese memiliki risiko tinggi terhadap penyakit metabolik. Berbagai masalah gizi tersebut memerlukan pencegahan melalui program edukasi yang dilakukan di Panti Wreda sebagai bentuk pengabdian masyarakat dosen S1 Kedokteran Universitas Muhammdiyah Semarang. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, 28 Mei 2022. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan ini adalah Komunitas Geriatri di Panti Wreda Pengayoman, Kota Semarang dan pengelola Panti. Materi edukasi adalah seputar gizi seimbang, masalah gizi, bahaya dan pencegahannya. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh 16 lansia yang menjalani pretes dan postes selama pelaksanaan kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pretes dan posttest peserta didapatkan adanya kenaikan pengetahuan peserta pada sebagian besar pertanyaan. Upaya edukasi ini berjalan lancar dan berhasil dengan terlihat dari tingginya antusiasme peserta dan banyaknya pertanyaan yang diajukan peserta lansia. Selanjutnya dapat diikuti dengan penimbangan berat badan dan pengukuran indeks massa tubuh (IMT) ataupun pelatihan perencanaan menu oleh pengelola panti

    Hubungan antara Kadar HbA1c dan Derajat Retinopati Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

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    Diabetic retinopathy is the common complication of T2DM, which leads to vision loss. The severity of retinopathy can be affected by HbA1c levels. Controlling the glycemic such as HbA1c, may prevent the severity of diabetic retinopathy. Objective: To identified the association between HbA1c levels and severity of retinopathy in Type 2 DM patients at Cicendo Eye Hospital, Bandung. Methods: This research was an analytic observational study and cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken using purposive sampling and consisted of 70 people. The secondary data were from the outpatient's medical records at the Cicendo Eye Hospital in Bandung for the period September-October 2022. The Chi-square test was used for data analysis. Results: According to HbA1c levels, the uncontrolled HbA1C levels were found in 52 patients (74,3%) and the controlled were found in 18 patients (25,7%). Most of them were diagnosed with PDR were found 62% and the rest of it were diagnosed with NPDR. A significant association is found between HbA1c levels and the degree of diabetic retinopathy with p-value = 0.018 (p <0.05). Conclusion: HbA1c levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients have a significant association with the severity of diabetic retinopathy, which can be used as a parameter for controlling diabetes complications, particularly retinopathy.Keywords: diabetic retinopathy, T2DM, HbA1c, glycemic contro

    Pelaksanaan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk Demam Berdarah Dengue Berbasis Perilaku Masyarakat di Kalipancur, Semarang

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    Central Java Public Health Authorities have recorded that Semarang has the highest Incidence Rate (IR) of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) since 2009 to 2011. Ngaliyan district, part of Semarang region have suffered from DHF endemic. This research is conducted in Kalipancur, part of Ngaliyan district that aims to determine the behavioral domain of implementation of DHF mosquito nest eradication (3MPlus) based on the knowledge, attitudes and actions following by characteristic of thecommunity.This analytic observational research with cross sectional study involved 107 respondents. Primary data was collected through interviews using questionnaire related to knowledge, attitudes, actions and implementation of 3M Plus. Data was analyzed with chi square test, Confident Interval 95%.Results shows that 60.7% of community have low level of knowledge and 74.8% of them taking less actions regarding the implementation of 3M Plus. Nevertheless, 72% of respondents had a good attitudes. Both of knowledge (p=0,08) and actions (p=0,104) did not have a significant impact to the implementation of 3 M Plus. On the contrary, respondents attitudes (p=0,002) were found to be significant factor related to the implementation of 3M Plus. Therefore, provision of health information is needed to improve knowledge and actions of mosquito nest eradication of DHF

    Giving Exclusive Breastfeeding and Maternal Gestational Age Affects the Developmental Delay of Children Aged 3-36 Months

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    Developmental disorders can affect one or more areas of development such as gross motor, fine motor, speaking/using language, and social personality/independence. Factors that influence the development in children can come from internal factors (exclusive breastfeeding, and maternal gestational age) and external factors (maternal age and number of children under five in the family). Early detection of development is very important using the Developmental Pre-Screening Questionnaire or DENVER II. The objective of the study is to identify risk factors that influence delays in the development of children aged 3-36 months. This research is an analytic observational with case control approach. The research location was at Integrated Healthcare Unit, Primary Health Center of Rowosari, Semarang. The total sample of this study was 62 in children aged 3-36 months whose development was analyzed using the Developmental Pre-Screening Questionnaire instrument. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The variables of this study were exclusive breastfeeding, gestational age, maternal age and the number of children under five in the family. Statistical tests used Chi-Square to analyze the relationship between internal and external factors with the delay in child development. The results show that exclusive breastfeeding (p=0.042) and gestational age (p=0.042) have a significant relationship with the development of children aged 3-36 months, while maternal age factors during pregnancy (p=0.425) and number of children under five (p=0,353) have no significant relationship. Thus, internal factors such as exclusive breastfeeding and maternal gestational age affect the developmental delay of children aged 3-36 months


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    Dry eye adalah penyakit air mata dan lapisan permukaan mata yang bersifat multifaktorial. Gejala klinis meliputi rasa tidak nyaman, ketidakstabilan tear film  dan gangguan penglihatan.  Faktor-faktor  risiko dry eye yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, paparan AC, penggunaan gadget, dan lama membaca buku. Mahasiswa kedokteran sering melakukan aktivitas digital, membaca yang lama dan intensif serta berada dalam ruangan dengan air conditioner (AC). Kegiatan tersebut mengurangi frekuensi berkedip dan muncul keluhan-keluhan dry eye. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko usia, jenis kelamin, paparan AC, penggunaan gadget dan lama membaca buku dengan kejadian dry eye pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectionaldengan melibatkan 35 responden mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah. Kuesioner Ocular Surface Disease Index digunakan untuk mendeteksi dry eye dan dilakukan pemeriksaan tear meniscus. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square dengan nilai signifikansi p <0,05 dan CI 95%. Mayoritas responden berjenis kelamin perempuan (68,6%), berumur ? 22 tahun, dengan rata rata usia 21,40±0.85 tahun, terpapar AC ? 3 Jam (80%), menggunakan gadget ? 3 Jam  ( 97,1%), membaca buku ? 3 Jam ( 97,1%),  didiagnosis sebagai dry eye (94,3%) dan masuk dalam kriteria mild (45,7%). Tidak terdapat hubungan yang siginifkan antara umur (p=1,00), jenis kelamin (p=0,536), penggunaan gadget (p=1,00) dan membaca buku (p=1,00) dengan kejadian dry eye. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara paparan AC dengan kejadian dry eye (p =0,00).


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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) was a disease caused by dengue virus infection with high morbidity.Most DHF patients required hospitalization care. The length of stay of hospitalization increased the cost and became burden of the patient's family. Length of stay (LOS) was an indicator to assess the quality of health services. The purpose of this research was to analyze the factors related the LOS of pediatric patients with DHF in Tugurejo hospital, Semarang. This was an observational study with cross sectional analytic. Total sample was 137 children with DHF who was hospitalized in Tugurejo hospital, Semarangduring the period of September 1st  2015- August 31 2016. The sample data was obtained from medicalrecords that used purposive-sampling techniques. Data analysis used chi-square test with < 0.05 significance level and 95% confidence intervals. The analysis showed that platelet counts (p = 0.000), hematocrit (p = 0.000), hemoglobin (p = 0.000), complications (p = 0.000), the degree of fever (p = 0.027) and duration of fever before hospitalization (p = 0.000) significantly related to LOS of pediatric patients with DHF and there was no significant related of leukocyte count (p = 0.374) to LOS of pediatricpatients with DHF. Prolonged LOS was associated with laboratory finding and clinical manifestation. By knowing these factors, practitioner could provide a more effective and efficient treatment to patients with DHF to shorten the LOS. Keyword : laboratory finding, clinical manifestation, length of stay, Dengue Hemorrhagic Feve