330 research outputs found

    A finite element method for time fractional partial differential equations

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    This is the authors' PDF version of an article published in Fractional calculus and applied analysis© 2011. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comThis article considers the finite element method for time fractional differential equations

    Numerical Approximation for a Stochastic Fractional Differential Equation Driven by Integrated Multiplicative Noise

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    From Crossref journal articles via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: epub 2024-01-23, issued 2024-01-23Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedWe consider a numerical approximation for stochastic fractional differential equations driven by integrated multiplicative noise. The fractional derivative is in the Caputo sense with the fractional order α∈(0,1), and the non-linear terms satisfy the global Lipschitz conditions. We first approximate the noise with the piecewise constant function to obtain the regularized stochastic fractional differential equation. By applying Minkowski’s inequality for double integrals, we establish that the error between the exact solution and the solution of the regularized problem has an order of O(Δtα) in the mean square norm, where Δt denotes the step size. To validate our theoretical conclusions, numerical examples are presented, demonstrating the consistency of the numerical results with the established theory

    Spatial discretization for stochastic semilinear superdiffusion driven by fractionally integrated multiplicative space-time white noise

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    We investigate the spatial discretization of a stochastic semilinear superdiffusion problem driven by fractionally integrated multiplicative space-time white noise. The white noise is characterized by its properties of being white in both space and time and the time fractional derivative is considered in the Caputo sense with an order α(1,2)\alpha \in (1, 2). A spatial discretization scheme is introduced by approximating the space-time white noise with the Euler method in the spatial direction and approximating the second-order space derivative with the central difference scheme. By using the Green functions, we obtain both exact and approximate solutions for the proposed problem. The regularities of both the exact and approximate solutions are studied and the optimal error estimates that depend on the smoothness of the initial values are established. This paper builds upon the research presented in Mathematics. 2021. 9, 1917, where we originally focused on error estimates in the context of subdiffusion with α(0,1)\alpha \in (0, 1). We extend our investigation to the spatial approximation of stochastic superdiffusion with α(1,2)\alpha \in (1, 2) and place particular emphasis on refining our understanding of the superdiffusion phenomenon by analyzing the error estimates associated with the time derivative at the initial point

    Detailed Error Analysis for a Fractional Adams Method on Caputo--Hadamard Fractional Differential Equations

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    We consider a predictor--corrector numerical method for solving Caputo--Hadamard fractional differential equation over the uniform mesh logtj=loga+(logtNa)(jN),j=0,1,2,,N\log t_{j} = \log a + \big ( \log \frac{t_{N}}{a} \big ) \big ( \frac{j}{N} \big ), \, j=0, 1, 2, \dots, N~with a1a \geq 1, where loga=logt0<logt1<<logtN=logT\log a = \log t_{0} < \log t_{1} < \dots < \log t_{N}= \log T is a partition of [loga,logT][\log a, \log T]. The error estimates under the different smoothness properties of the solution yy and the nonlinear function ff are studied. Numerical examples are given to verify that the numerical results are consistent with the theoretical results

    Finite-time blow-up of a non-local stochastic parabolic problem

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    The main aim of the current work is the study of the conditions under which (finite-time) blow-up of a non-local stochastic parabolic problem occurs. We first establish the existence and uniqueness of the local-in-time weak solution for such problem. The first part of the manuscript deals with the investigation of the conditions which guarantee the occurrence of noise-induced blow-up. In the second part we first prove the C1C^{1}-spatial regularity of the solution. Then, based on this regularity result, and using a strong positivity result we derive, for first in the literature of SPDEs, a Hopf's type boundary value point lemma. The preceding results together with Kaplan's eigenfunction method are then employed to provide a (non-local) drift term induced blow-up result. In the last part of the paper, we present a method which provides an upper bound of the probability of (non-local) drift term induced blow-up

    Existence of time periodic solutions for a class of non-resonant discrete wave equations

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13662-015-0457-zIn this paper, a class of discrete wave equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions are obtained by using the center-difference method. For any positive integers m and T, when the existence of time mT-periodic solutions is considered, a strongly indefinite discrete system needs to be established. By using a variant generalized weak linking theorem, a non-resonant superlinear (or superquadratic) result is obtained and the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition is improved. Such a method cannot be used for the corresponding continuous wave equations or the continuous Hamiltonian systems; however, it is valid for some general discrete Hamiltonian systems

    The diffusion-driven instability and complexity for a single-handed discrete Fisher equation

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    For a reaction diffusion system, it is well known that the diffusion coefficient of the inhibitor must be bigger than that of the activator when the Turing instability is considered. However, the diffusion-driven instability/Turing instability for a single-handed discrete Fisher equation with the Neumann boundary conditions may occur and a series of 2-periodic patterns have been observed. Motivated by these pattern formations, the existence of 2-periodic solutions is established. Naturally, the periodic double and the chaos phenomenon should be considered. To this end, a simplest two elements system will be further discussed, the flip bifurcation theorem will be obtained by computing the center manifold, and the bifurcation diagrams will be simulated by using the shooting method. It proves that the Turing instability and the complexity of dynamical behaviors can be completely driven by the diffusion term. Additionally, those effective methods of numerical simulations are valid for experiments of other patterns, thus, are also beneficial for some application scientists

    L1 scheme for solving an inverse problem subject to a fractional diffusion equation

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    This paper considers the temporal discretization of an inverse problem subject to a time fractional diffusion equation. Firstly, the convergence of the L1 scheme is established with an arbitrary sectorial operator of spectral angle <π/2< \pi/2 , that is the resolvent set of this operator contains {zC{0}: Argz<θ} \{z\in\mathbb C\setminus\{0\}:\ |\operatorname{Arg} z|< \theta\} for some π/2<θ<π \pi/2 < \theta < \pi . The relationship between the time fractional order α(0,1)\alpha \in (0, 1) and the constants in the error estimates is precisely characterized, revealing that the L1 scheme is robust as α \alpha approaches 1 1 . Then an inverse problem of a fractional diffusion equation is analyzed, and the convergence analysis of a temporal discretization of this inverse problem is given. Finally, numerical results are provided to confirm the theoretical results

    Numerical Methods for Solving Space Fractional Partial Differential Equations Using Hadamard Finite-Part Integral Approach

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2018-09-29, rev-recd 2018-11-09, accepted 2018-11-10, registration 2019-06-11, epub 2019-07-26, online 2019-07-26, ppub 2019-12Publication status: PublishedAbstract: We introduce a novel numerical method for solving two-sided space fractional partial differential equations in two-dimensional case. The approximation of the space fractional Riemann–Liouville derivative is based on the approximation of the Hadamard finite-part integral which has the convergence order O(h3-α), where h is the space step size and α∈(1, 2) is the order of Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative. Based on this scheme, we introduce a shifted finite difference method for solving space fractional partial differential equations. We obtained the error estimates with the convergence orders O(τ+h3-α+hβ), where τ is the time step size and β>0 is a parameter which measures the smoothness of the fractional derivatives of the solution of the equation. Unlike the numerical methods for solving space fractional partial differential equations constructed using the standard shifted Grünwald–Letnikov formula or higher order Lubich’s methods which require the solution of the equation to satisfy the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition to get the first-order convergence, the numerical method for solving the space fractional partial differential equation constructed using the Hadamard finite-part integral approach does not require the solution of the equation to satisfy the Dirichlet homogeneous boundary condition. Numerical results show that the experimentally determined convergence order obtained using the Hadamard finite-part integral approach for solving the space fractional partial differential equation with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions is indeed higher than the convergence order obtained using the numerical methods constructed with the standard shifted Grünwald–Letnikov formula or Lubich’s higher order approximation schemes

    A Dufort-Frankel Difference Scheme for Two-Dimensional Sine-Gordon Equation

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    A standard Crank-Nicolson finite-difference scheme and a Dufort-Frankel finite-difference scheme are introduced to solve two-dimensional damped and undamped sine-Gordon equations. The stability and convergence of the numerical methods are considered. To avoid solving the nonlinear system, the predictor-corrector techniques are applied in the numerical methods. Numerical examples are given to show that the numerical results are consistent with the theoretical results