79 research outputs found

    A novel C-terminal protein degron identified in bacterial aldehyde decarbonylases using directed enzyme evolution

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    Metabolic engineers have successfully synthesized alkanes, the bulk component of gasoline, using microbial cell factories as a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based fuels. Aldehyde decarbonylases (AD), enzymes which transform acyl aldehydes into alkanes, have been identified as the bottleneck in these alkane producing pathways. Previous studies demonstrated degradation of AD in E. coli cells via unknown molecular mechanism. Here, we present the discovery of a degradation tag (degron) in AD from Prochlorococcus marinus. AD variants were generated by random mutation using error-prone PCR, transferred into E. coli, and grown in chemostat culture with 2g/L hexanal to select for positive mutations. A short C-terminal sequence of AD from P. marinus was proven to be an intact degron by fusing to fluorescent proteins. Statistical analysis of C-terminal sequences of 371 non-redundant ADs from bacteria revealed a conserved sequence in this region, which was proven to be an effective degron. We also showed that ATP-dependent proteases clpAP and lon are responsible for the degradation of AD degron tagged protein. Furthermore, our results indicate that the AD degron caused 91.4% of green fluorescent protein (GFP) degradation when fused to its C-terminus, whereas its elimination in AD enhanced alkane production in vivo. Thus, our work demonstrated the presence of a protein degron tag in bacterial ADs, thereby facilitating further improvements in AD-based alkane production pathways. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Ni(II)-binding affinity of CcNikZ-II and its homologs:the role of the HH-prong and variable loop revealed by structural and mutational studies

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    Extracytoplasmic Ni(II)-binding proteins (NiBPs) are molecular shuttles involved in cellular nickel uptake. Here, we determined the crystal structure of apo CcNikZ-II at 2.38 Å, which revealed a Ni(II)-binding site comprised of the double His (HH-)prong (His511, His512) and a short variable (v-)loop nearby (Thr59-Thr64, TEDKYT). Mutagenesis of the site identified Glu60 and His511 as critical for high affinity Ni(II)-binding. Phylogenetic analysis showed 15 protein clusters with two groups containing the HH-prong. Metal-binding assays with 11 purified NiBPs containing this feature yielded higher Ni(II)-binding affinities. Replacement of the wild type v-loop with those from other NiBPs improved the affinity by up to an order of magnitude. This work provides molecular insights into the determinants for Ni(II) affinity and paves way for NiBP engineering.</p

    Experimental validation of in silico model-predicted isocitrate dehydrogenase and phosphomannose isomerase from Dehalococcoides mccartyi

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    Gene sequences annotated as proteins of unknown or non-specific function and hypothetical proteins account for a large fraction of most genomes. In the strictly anaerobic and organohalide respiring Dehalococcoides mccartyi, this lack of annotation plagues almost half the genome. Using a combination of bioinformatics analyses and genome-wide metabolic modelling, new or more specific annotations were proposed for about 80 of these poorly annotated genes in previous investigations of D. mccartyi metabolism. Herein, we report the experimental validation of the proposed reannotations for two such genes (KB1_0495 and KB1_0553) from D. mccartyi strains in the KB-1 community. KB1_0495 or DmIDH was originally annotated as an NAD[superscript +]-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, but biochemical assays revealed its activity primarily with NADP[superscript +] as a cofactor. KB1_0553, also denoted as DmPMI, was originally annotated as a hypothetical protein/sugar isomerase domain protein. We previously proposed that it was a bifunctional phosphoglucose isomerase/phosphomannose isomerase, but only phosphomannose isomerase activity was identified and confirmed experimentally. Further bioinformatics analyses of these two protein sequences suggest their affiliation to potentially novel enzyme families within their respective larger enzyme super families.University of TorontoNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaGenome Canada (Firm) (Ontario Genomics Institute 2009-OGI-ABC-1405)United States. Dept. of Defense. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Progra

    Riboneogenesis in Yeast

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    SummaryGlucose is catabolized in yeast via two fundamental routes, glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, which produces NADPH and the essential nucleotide component ribose-5-phosphate. Here, we describe riboneogenesis, a thermodynamically driven pathway that converts glycolytic intermediates into ribose-5-phosphate without production of NADPH. Riboneogenesis begins with synthesis, by the combined action of transketolase and aldolase, of the seven-carbon bisphosphorylated sugar sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate. In the pathway's committed step, sedoheptulose bisphosphate is hydrolyzed to sedoheptulose-7-phosphate by the enzyme sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SHB17), whose activity we identified based on metabolomic analysis of the corresponding knockout strain. The crystal structure of Shb17 in complex with sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate reveals that the substrate binds in the closed furan form in the active site. Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate is ultimately converted by known enzymes of the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway to ribose-5-phosphate. Flux through SHB17 increases when ribose demand is high relative to demand for NADPH, including during ribosome biogenesis in metabolically synchronized yeast cells

    Structural and biochemical studies of novel Aldo-keto Reductases (AKRs) for the biocatalytic conversion of 3-hydroxybutanal to 1,3-butanediol

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    The non-natural alcohol 1,3-butanediol (1,3-BDO) is a valuable building block for the synthesis of various polymers. One of the potential pathways for the biosynthesis of 1,3-BDO includes the biotransformation of acetaldehyde to 1,3-BDO via 3-hydroxybutanal (3-HB) using aldolases and aldo-keto reductases. This pathway requires an aldo-keto reductase (AKR) selective for 3-HB, but inactive toward acetaldehyde, so it can be used for one pot synthesis. In this work, we screened over 20 purified uncharacterized AKRs for 3-HB reduction and identified 10 enzymes with significant activity and nine proteins with detectable activity. PA1127 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed the highest activity and was selected for comparative studies with STM2406 from Salmonella typhimurium, for which we have determined the crystal structure. Both AKRs used NADPH as cofactor, reduced a broad range of aldehydes, and showed low activity toward acetaldehyde. The crystal structures of STM2406 in complex with cacodylate or NADPH revealed the active site with bound molecules of a substrate mimic or cofactor. Site-directed mutagenesis of STM2406 and PA1127 identified the key residues important for activity against 3-HB and aromatic aldehydes, which include the residues of the substrate binding pocket and C-terminal loop. Our results revealed that the replacement of the STM2406 Asn65 by Met enhanced both activity and affinity of this protein toward 3-HB resulting in a seven-fold increase in kcat/Km. Our work provided further insights into the molecular mechanisms of substrate selectivity of AKRs and rational design of these enzymes towards new substrates. Importance In this study, we identified several aldo-keto reductases with significant activity in the reduction of 3-hydroxybutanal to 1,3-BDO, an important commodity chemical. Biochemical and structural studies of these enzymes revealed the key catalytic and substrate binding residues including the two structural determinants necessary for high activity in the biosynthesis of 1,3-BDO. This work expands our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of substrate selectivity of AKRs and the potential for protein engineering of these enzymes for applications in the biocatalytic production of 1,3-BDO and other valuable chemicals

    Experimental validation of in silico model-predicted isocitrate dehydrogenase and phosphomannose isomerase from Dehalococcoides mccartyi

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    Gene sequences annotated as proteins of unknown or non-specific function and hypothetical proteins account for a large fraction of most genomes. In the strictly anaerobic and organohalide respiring Dehalococcoides mccartyi, this lack of annotation plagues almost half the genome. Using a combination of bioinformatics analyses and genome-wide metabolic modelling, new or more specific annotations were proposed for about 80 of these poorly annotated genes in previous investigations of D. mccartyi metabolism. Herein, we report the experimental validation of the proposed reannotations for two such genes (KB1_0495 and KB1_0553) from D. mccartyi strains in the KB-1 community. KB1_0495 or DmIDH was originally annotated as an NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, but biochemical assays revealed its activity primarily with NADP+ as a cofactor. KB1_0553, also denoted as DmPMI, was originally annotated as a hypothetical protein/sugar isomerase domain protein. We previously proposed that it was a bifunctional phosphoglucose isomerase/phosphomannose isomerase, but only phosphomannose isomerase activity was identified and confirmed experimentally. Further bioinformatics analyses of these two protein sequences suggest their affiliation to potentially novel enzyme families within their respective larger enzyme super families

    Metabolic and evolutionary patterns in the extremely acidophilic archaeon Ferroplasma acidiphilum YT

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    Ferroplasmaceae represent ubiquitous iron-oxidising extreme acidophiles with a number of unique physiological traits. In a genome-based study of Ferroplasma acidiphilum YT, the only species of the genus Ferroplasma with a validly published name, we assessed its central metabolism and genome stability during a long-term cultivation experiment. Consistently with physiology, the genome analysis points to F. acidiphilum YT having an obligate peptidolytic oligotrophic lifestyle alongside with anaplerotic carbon assimilation. This narrow trophic specialisation abridges the sugar uptake, although all genes for glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, including bifunctional unidirectional fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase/phosphatase, have been identified. Pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenases are substituted by ‘ancient’ CoA-dependent pyruvate and alpha-ketoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductases. In the lab culture, after ~550 generations, the strain exhibited the mutation rate of ≄1.3 × 10−8 single nucleotide substitutions per site per generation, which is among the highest values recorded for unicellular organisms. All but one base substitutions were G:C to A:T, their distribution between coding and non-coding regions and synonymous-to-non-synonymous mutation ratios suggest the neutral drift being a prevalent mode in genome evolution in the lab culture. Mutations in nature seem to occur with lower frequencies, as suggested by a remarkable genomic conservation in F. acidiphilum YT variants from geographically distant populations

    Relationships between Substrate Promiscuity and Chiral Selectivity of Esterases from Phylogenetically and Environmentally Diverse Microorganisms

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    Substrate specificity and selectivity of a biocatalyst are determined by the protein sequence and structure of its active site. Finding versatile biocatalysts acting against multiple substrates while at the same time being chiral selective is of interest for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. However, the relationships between these two properties in natural microbial enzymes remain underexplored. Here, we performed an experimental analysis of substrate promiscuity and chiral selectivity in a set of 145 purified esterases from phylogenetically and environmentally diverse microorganisms, which were assayed against 96 diverse esters, 20 of which were enantiomers. Our results revealed a negative correlation between substrate promiscuity and chiral selectivity in the evaluated enzymes. Esterases displaying prominent substrate promiscuity and large catalytic environments are characterized by low chiral selectivity, a feature that has limited commercial value. Although a low level of substrate promiscuity does not guarantee high chiral selectivity, the probability that esterases with smaller active sites possess chiral selectivity factors of interest for industry (&gt;25) is significantly higher than for promiscuous enzymes. Together, the present study unambiguously demonstrates that promiscuous and selective esterases appear to be rare in nature and that substrate promiscuity can be used as an indicator of the chiral selectivity level of esterases, and vice versa

    Biochemical diversity of carboxyl esterases and lipases from Lake Arreo (Spain): a metagenomic approach

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    The esterases and lipases from the α/ÎČ hydrolase superfamily exhibit an enormous sequence diversity, fold plasticity, and activities. Here, we present the comprehensive sequence and biochemical analyses of seven distinct esterases and lipases from the metagenome of Lake Arreo, an evaporite karstic lake in Spain (42°46=N, 2°59=W; altitude, 655 m). Together with oligonucleotide usage patterns and BLASTP analysis, our study of esterases/lipases mined from Lake Arreo suggests that its sediment contains moderately halophilic and cold-adapted proteobacteria containing DNA fragments of distantly related plasmids or chromosomal genomic islands of plasmid and phage origins. This metagenome encodes esterases/lipases with broad substrate profiles (tested over a set of 101 structurally diverse esters) and habitat-specific characteristics, as they exhibit maximal activity at alkaline pH (8.0 to 8.5) and temperature of 16 to 40°C, and they are stimulated (1.5 to 2.2 times) by chloride ions (0.1 to 1.2 M), reflecting an adaptation to environmental conditions. Our work provides further insights into the potential significance of the Lake Arreo esterases/lipases for biotechnology processes (i.e., production of enantiomers and sugar esters), because these enzymes are salt tolerant and are active at low temperatures and against a broad range of substrates. As an example, the ability of a single protein to hydrolyze triacylglycerols, (non)halogenated alkyl and aryl esters, cinnamoyl and carbohydrate esters, lactones, and chiral epoxides to a similar extent was demonstrated.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project CSD2007-00005), the European Community project MAGICPAH (FP7-KBBE-2009-245226), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the Government of Canada through Genome Canada, Ontario Genomics Institute, and Ontario Research Fund (2009-OGI-ABC-1405 and ORF-GL2-01-004). M.-E.G. thanks the CSIC for a JAE fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Metabolite Damage and Damage Control in a Minimal Genome

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    Analysis of the genes retained in the minimized Mycoplasma JCVI-Syn3A genome established that systems that repair or preempt metabolite damage are essential to life. Several genes known to have such functions were identified and experimentally validated, including 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cycloligase, coenzyme A (CoA) disulfide reductase, and certain hydrolases. Furthermore, we discovered that an enigmatic YqeK hydrolase domain fused to NadD has a novel proofreading function in NAD synthesis and could double as a MutT-like sanitizing enzyme for the nucleotide pool. Finally, we combined metabolomics and cheminformatics approaches to extend the core metabolic map of JCVI-Syn3A to include promiscuous enzymatic reactions and spontaneous side reactions. This extension revealed that several key metabolite damage control systems remain to be identified in JCVI-Syn3A, such as that for methylglyoxal. IMPORTANCE Metabolite damage and repair mechanisms are being increasingly recognized. We present here compelling genetic and biochemical evidence for the universal importance of these mechanisms by demonstrating that stripping a genome down to its barest essentials leaves metabolite damage control systems in place. Furthermore, our metabolomic and cheminformatic results point to the existence of a network of metabolite damage and damage control reactions that extends far beyond the corners of it that have been characterized so far. In sum, there can be little room left to doubt that metabolite damage and the systems that counter it are mainstream metabolic processes that cannot be separated from life itself
