73 research outputs found

    Double stage Lyot coronagraph with the apodized reticulated stop for extremely large telescope

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    One of the science drivers for the extremely large telescope (ELT) is imaging and spectroscopy of exo-solar planets located as close as 20mas to their parent star. The application requires a well thought-out design of the high contrast imaging instrumentation. Several working coronagraphic concepts have already been developed for the monolithic telescope with the diameter up to 8 meter. Nevertheless the conclusions made about the performance of these systems cannot be applied directly to the telescope of the diameter 30-100m. The existing schemes are needed to be reconsidered taking into account the specific characteristics of a segmented surface. We start this work with the classical system ? Lyot coronagraph. We show that while the increase in telescope diameter is an advantage for the high contrast range science, the segmentation sets a limit on the performance of the coronagraph. Diffraction from intersegment gaps sets a floor to the achievable extinction of the starlight. Masking out the bright segment gaps in the Lyot plane although helps increasing the contrast, does not solve completely the problem: the high spatial frequency component of the diffractive light remains. We suggest using the Lyot stop which acts on the light within gaps in order to produce the uniform illumination in the Lyot plane. We show that for the diffraction limit regime and a perfect phasing this type of coronagraph achieves a sufficient star light extinction.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, SPIE conference 5905, 200

    Adaptive Optics Correction of the Wavefront Distortions Induced by Segments Misalignment in Extremely Large Telescope

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    The capability of the adaptive optics to correct for the segmentation error is analyzed in terms of the residual wavefront RMS and the power spectral density of the phase. The analytical model and the end-to-end simulation give qualitatively equal results justifying the significance of the geometrical matching between segmentation geometry and the actuators/subaperture distribution of the adaptive optics. We also show that the design of the wavefront sensor is rather critical.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figure

    Astrometry and Photometry with Coronagraphs

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    We propose a solution to the problem of astrometric and photometric calibration of coronagraphic images with a simple optical device which, in theory, is easy to use. Our design uses the Fraunhofer approximation of Fourier optics. Placing a periodic grid of wires (we use a square grid) with known width and spacing in a pupil plane in front of the occulting coronagraphic focal plane mask produces fiducial images of the obscured star at known locations relative to the star. We also derive the intensity of these fiducial images in the coronagraphic image. These calibrator images can be used for precise relative astrometry, to establish companionship of other objects in the field of view through measurement of common proper motion or common parallax, to determine orbits, and to observe disk structure around the star quantitatively. The calibrator spots also have known brightness, selectable by the coronagraph designer, permitting accurate relative photometry in the coronagraphic image. This technique, which enables precision exoplanetary science, is relevant to future coronagraphic instruments, and is particularly useful for `extreme' adaptive optics and space-based coronagraphy.Comment: To appear in ApJ August 2006, 27 preprint style pages 4 figure

    Probability density function and detection threshold in high contrast imaging with partially polarized light

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    We obtain an expression for the probability density function (PDF) of partially developed speckles formed by light with an arbitrary degree of polarization. From the probability density we calculate the detection threshold corresponding to the 5sigma confidence level of a normal distribution. We show that unpolarized light has an advantage in high contrast imaging for low ratios of the deterministic part of the point spread function (DL PSF) to the halo, typical in coronagraphy.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    On-sky multi-wavelength phasing of segmented telescopes with the Zernike phase contrast sensor

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    Future Extremely Large Telescopes will adopt segmented primary mirrors with several hundreds of segments. Cophasing of the segments together is essential to reach high wavefront quality. The phasing sensor must be able to maintain very high phasing accuracy during the observations, while being able to phase segments dephased by several micrometers. The Zernike phase contrast sensor has been demonstrated on-sky at the Very Large Telescope. We present the multi-wavelength scheme that has been implemented to extend the capture range from \pmlambda/2 on the wavefront to many micrometers, demonstrating that it is successful at phasing mirrors with piston errors up to \pm4.0 micron on the wavefront. We discuss the results at different levels and conclude with a phasing strategy for a future Extremely Large Telescope.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Applied Optics; he final publised version is available on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?msid=13671

    Lyot Coronagraphy on Giant Segmented-Mirror Telescopes

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    We present a study of Lyot style (i.e., classical, band-limited, and Gaussian occulter) coronagraphy on extremely large, highly-segmented telescopes. We show that while increased telescope diameter is always an advantage for high dynamic range science (assuming wavefront errors have been corrected sufficiently well), segmentation itself sets a limit on the performance of Lyot coronagraphs. Diffraction from inter-segment gaps sets a floor to the achievable extinction of on-axis starlight with Lyot coronagraphy. We derive an analytical expression for the manner in which coronagraphic suppression of an on-axis source decreases with increasing gap size when the segments are placed in a spatially periodic array over the telescope aperture, regardless of the details of the arrangement. A simple Lyot stop masking out pupil edges produces good extinction of the central peak in the point-spread function (PSF), but leaves satellite images caused by inter-segment gaps essentially unaffected. Masking out the bright segment gaps in the Lyot plane with a reticulated mask reduces the satellite images'intensity to a contrast of 5x10^{-9} on a 30 m telescope with 10 mm gaps, at the expense of an increase in the brightness of the central peak. The morphology of interesting targets will dictate which Lyot stop geometry is preferable: the reticulated Lyot stop produces a conveniently uni-modal PSF, whereas a simple Lyot stop produces an extended array of satellite spots. A cryogenic reticulate Lyot stop will also benefit both direct and coronagraphic mid-IR imaging.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Improved High Contrast Imaging with On-Axis Telescopes using a Multi-Stage Vortex Coronagraph

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    The vortex coronagraph is one of the most promising coronagraphs for high contrast imaging because of its simplicity, small inner working angle, high throughput, and clear off-axis discovery space. However, as with most coronagraphs, centrally-obscured on-axis telescopes degrade contrast. Based on the remarkable ability of vortex coronagraphs to move light between the interior and exterior of pupils, we propose a method, based on multiple vortices, that, without sacrificing throughput, reduces the residual light leakage to (a/A)^n, with n >=4, and a and A being the radii of the central obscuration and primary mirror, respectively. This method thus enables high contrasts to be reached even with an on-axis telescope.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Comparison of coronagraphs for high contrast imaging in the context of Extremely Large Telescopes

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    We compare coronagraph concepts and investigate their behavior and suitability for planet finder projects with Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs, 30-42 meters class telescopes). For this task, we analyze the impact of major error sources that occur in a coronagraphic telescope (central obscuration, secondary support, low-order segment aberrations, segment reflectivity variations, pointing errors) for phase, amplitude and interferometric type coronagraphs. This analysis is performed at two different levels of the detection process: under residual phase left uncorrected by an eXtreme Adaptive Optics system (XAO) for a large range of Strehl ratio and after a general and simple model of speckle calibration, assuming common phase aberrations between the XAO and the coronagraph (static phase aberrations of the instrument) and non-common phase aberrations downstream of the coronagraph (differential aberrations provided by the calibration unit). We derive critical parameters that each concept will have to cope with by order of importance. We evidence three coronagraph categories as function of the accessible angular separation and proposed optimal one in each case. Most of the time amplitude concepts appear more favorable and specifically, the Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph gathers the adequate characteristics to be a baseline design for ELTs.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Design, analysis and test of a microdots apodizer for the Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph

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    Coronagraphic techniques are required to detect exoplanets with future Extremely Large Telescopes. One concept, the Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph (APLC), is combining an apodizer in the entrance aperture and a Lyot opaque mask in the focal plane. This paper presents the manufacturing and tests of a microdots apodizer optimized for the near IR. The intent of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility and performance of binary apodizers for the APLC. This study is also relevant for any coronagraph using amplitude pupil apodization. A binary apodizer has been designed using a halftone dot process, where the binary array of pixels with either 0% or 100% transmission is calculated to fit the required continuous transmission, i.e. local transmission control is obtained by varying the relative density of the opaque and transparent pixels. An error diffusion algorithm was used to optimize the distribution of pixels that best approximates the required field transmission. The prototype was tested with a coronagraphic setup in the near IR. The transmission profile of the prototype agrees with the theoretical shape within 3% and is achromatic. The observed apodized and coronagraphic images are consistent with theory. However, binary apodizers introduce high frequency noise that is a function of the pixel size. Numerical simulations were used to specify pixel size in order to minimize this effect, and validated by experiment. This paper demonstrates that binary apodizers are well suited for being used in high contrast imaging coronagraphs. The correct choice of pixel size is important and must be adressed considering the scientific field of view.Comment: A&A accepted, 8 page
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