266 research outputs found

    Energy intensity and environmental impact metrics of the back-end separation of ethylene plant by thermodynamic analysis

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    This study presents metrics of energy intensity and environmental impact of the back-end separation of ethylene plant consisting three interacting distillation columns by thermodynamic analysis. The objective is to explore the scope of reducing the energy for utilities and CO2 emissions. Thermodynamic analysis is carried out using the column targeting tool (CTT) to address the sustainability metrics of ‘Energy Intensity.’ CTT is based on the ‘Practical Near-Minimum Thermodynamic Condition’ representing a close to practical reversible column operation. Environmental impact metrics are estimated from the carbon tracking options. The carbon tracking are estimated by the CO2 emission data source of US-EPA-Rule-E9-5711 using natural gas as the primary fuel. The results show that the total reductions in energy loss and the total hot and cold utility are around 44 and 10 %, respectively; the total reductions in carbon dioxide are around 14 %. These improvements lead to considerable reductions in the operating costs. Thermodynamic analysis helps estimating and improving the energy and environmental sustainability metrics and hence can lead to a more sustainable separation by distillation columns. Keywords Ethylene plan

    Energy intensity and environmental impact metrics of the back-end separation of ethylene plant by thermodynamic analysis

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    This study presents metrics of energy intensity and environmental impact of the back-end separation of ethylene plant consisting three interacting distillation columns by thermodynamic analysis. The objective is to explore the scope of reducing the energy for utilities and CO2 emissions. Thermodynamic analysis is carried out using the column targeting tool (CTT) to address the sustainability metrics of ‘Energy Intensity.’ CTT is based on the ‘Practical Near-Minimum Thermodynamic Condition’ representing a close to practical reversible column operation. Environmental impact metrics are estimated from the carbon tracking options. The carbon tracking are estimated by the CO2 emission data source of US-EPA-Rule-E9-5711 using natural gas as the primary fuel. The results show that the total reductions in energy loss and the total hot and cold utility are around 44 and 10 %, respectively; the total reductions in carbon dioxide are around 14 %. These improvements lead to considerable reductions in the operating costs. Thermodynamic analysis helps estimating and improving the energy and environmental sustainability metrics and hence can lead to a more sustainable separation by distillation columns. Keywords Ethylene plan

    Applications of Subordination Principle to Log-Harmonic Mappings

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    MSC 2010: 30C45, 30C55The aim of this paper is to give some applications of subordination principle to log-harmonic mappings

    Chemical storage of wind energy by renewable methanol production: Feasibility analysis using a multi-criteria decision matrix

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    This study is for the technoeconomic analysis of an integral facility consisting of wind energy-based electrolytic hydrogen production, bioethanol-based carbon dioxide capture and compression, and direct methanol synthesis. ASPEN Plus was used to simulate the facility producing 97.01 mt (metric tons) methanol/day using 138.37 mt CO2/day and 18.56 mt H2/day. A discounted cash flow diagram for the integral facility is used for the economic analysis at various hydrogen production costs and methanol selling prices. The feasibility analysis is based on a multi-criteria decision matrix consisting of economic and sustainability indicators comparing renewable and non-renewable methanol productions. The overall energy efficiency for the renewable methanol is around 58%. Fixation of carbon reduces the CO2 equivalent emission by around –1.05 CO2e/kg methanol. The electrolytic hydrogen production cost is the largest contributor to the economics of the integral facility. The feasibility analysis based on multi-criteria shows that renewable methanol production may be feasible

    Radiographic Aging of the Adult

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    Millet orduya; kendi içinden teslim etmiş evladını, düşman tecavüzüne maruz kalanmıntıkaların müdafaasına, düşman tasallûtuna uğrayan kardeşlerinin hayatının muhafazasınamemur etmeğe mecbur olmuştu. İşte buna kuvayi milliye diyoruz ve bütün kainat böyle diyor"şeklinde tanımlanan Kuva-yı Milliye, başlatılan haksız işgallere karşı ülkenin korunmasıve savunmasının sağlamlaştırılıp pekiştirilmesi ve birliğin sağlanmasını hedeflemiş böylebir durum, direnmenin ve meşrulaşma çabalarının başlangıcı olmuştur. Kuva-yı Milliye,TBMM Hükümetinin otoritesini egemen kılacak, içeride güvenliği sağlayacak bir kuvvetolmuş, düzenli orduya geçiş öncesinde disiplin sağlamaya çalışmıştır. Yunan ordusununtaarruzlarına düzensiz ve gayri nizami kuvvetlerle karşı konulamaması Kuva-yı Milliye'yive zamanla suiistimale yönelen yapısını tartışılır hale getirmiş, TBMM'nin gizli ve açıkcelselerinde Kuva-yı Milliye gündemin konusu olmuştur. "Kanaati gayet sağlam olaninsanlardan, efrattan müteşekkil olan cesur" ve "Pek müteredditler veya korkaklar"ın giremedikleri"bir heyet olarak nitelendirilen Kuva-yı Milliye, yapılan müzakereler neticesi lağvedilmişancak, Milli Mücadele içerisindeki yararlılığı ve rolü unutulmamış olan direniş kuvvetleriolarak kalmıştır.Kuva-yı Milliye (Turkish National Forces) which is described as "The Nation wascompelled to commission its son to defend the regions which were invaded by the hostiles andprotect lives of their brothers who were exposed to the attacks of the enemies. That is what wecall as Kuva-yi Milliye (Turkish National Forces) and the entire universe call it so" targetedto protect the country against the unjust invasions, to reinforce and strengthen the defense and to provide the solidarity, thereby it pioneered efforts for resistance and legalization, andenabled the public to organize with Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyetileri (Associations for Defenseof Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia) and congresses and people struggled to overcome theunjust acts. Kuva-yı Milliye, became the force for making the authority of TBMM Government(Turkish Grand National Assembly) sovereign and ensure the internal safety and sought tomaintain the discipline prior to the introduction of regular army. Failure to resist againstthe Greek army with irregular and unconventional forces caused discussions about Kuva-yıMilliye and its structure which inclined to misconduct in time, so Kuva-yı Milliye becameissue of the agenda in the public and secret meetings of TBMM. Kuva-yı Milliye that wasan "organization which was composed of courageous people and individuals havingsteady opinion" and "which those who are quite hesitant and coward can not assault" wasdisestablished upon the negations conducted however it prevailed as the resistance forces ofwhich efficacy and role has not been forgotten

    Distributed block formation and layout for disk-based management of large-scale graphs

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    We are witnessing an enormous growth in social networks as well as in the volume of data generated by them. An important portion of this data is in the form of graphs. In recent years, several graph processing and management systems emerged to handle large-scale graphs. The primary goal of these systems is to run graph algorithms and queries in an efficient and scalable manner. Unlike relational data, graphs are semi-structured in nature. Thus, storing and accessing graph data using secondary storage requires new solutions that can provide locality of access for graph processing workloads. In this work, we propose a scalable block formation and layout technique for graphs, which aims at reducing the I/O cost of disk-based graph processing algorithms. To achieve this, we designed a scalable MapReduce-style method called ICBL, which can divide the graph into a series of disk blocks that contain sub-graphs with high locality. Furthermore, ICBL can order the resulting blocks on disk to further reduce non-local accesses. We experimentally evaluated ICBL to showcase its scalability, layout quality, as well as the effectiveness of automatic parameter tuning for ICBL. We deployed the graph layouts generated by ICBL on the Neo4j open source graph database, http://www.neo4j.org/ (2015) graph database management system. Our results show that the layout generated by ICBL reduces the query running times over Neo4j more than 2 × compared to the default layout. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York


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    Bu çalışmada, farklı yapım teknikleri ve kağıt petek dolgulu levhalar ile üretilmiş kutu tipi mobilya köşe birleştirmelerin moment taşıma kapasiteleri araştırılmıştır. Deneylerde 38 mm kalınlığında kağıt petek dolgulu levhalar kullanılarak, “L” tipi olarak üretilmiş kutu konstrüksiyonlu mobilya köşe birleştirmelerde kavela, minifiks, maksifiks, bisküvi ve özel bağlantı birleştirmeleri uygulanmıştır. Deneylerde ahşap esaslı levha olarak 4 ve 8 mm kalınlığında yonga levha (YL) ve orta yoğunlukta lif levha (MDF) kullanılmıştır. Tutkallı birleştirmelerde polivinilasetat (PVAc) tutkalı kullanılmıştır. Deney örnekleri, kullanım sırasında etkisinde kalabilecekleri kritik yükler göz önüne alınarak statik diyagonal basınç yükü altında test edilmiştir. Deney sonuçlarına göre, MDF ile üretilen bisküvi ve kavelalı deney örnekleri daha fazla moment taşımıştır. Diyagonal basınç deneyi sonuçlarına göre; kutu konstrüksiyonlu mobilya tasarımında ekonomik kriterler de dikkate alınarak malzeme tercihi, MDF ve yongalevha şeklinde yapılmalıdır. Tutkallı birleştirmelerde bisküvi, tukalsız demonte birleştirmelerde ise minifix birleştirme tercih edilmelidir. Konu ile ilgili malzeme ve birleştirmeler farklı varyasyonlar şeklinde denenebilir

    Perforated mixed carcinoid-adenocarcinoma in transverse colon and at gastroenterostomy site: case report

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    Goblet cell carcinoid of the large intestine is a rare neoplasm, usually located in ascending colon and rectum. A 60-year-old male patient underwent surgery after the diagnosis of acute abdomen. Exploratory laparotomy revealed perforation with a diameter of 1 cm at the site of the previously performed gastroenterostomy and dilatation of the right colic flexure, secondary to a solid obstructive mass located in the mid-portion of transverse colon. Histopathological investigation of the biopsies, taken from the gastroenterostomy site and the tumor, revealed mixed carcinoid-adenocarcinoma with carcinoid component, predominantly composed of goblet cells. Three cycles of FOLFOX-4 protocol was administered. Following respiratory distress secondary to pulmonary metastasis, the patient's condition deteriorated and subsequently died in the fourth postoperative month. Our aim with this paper is to point out that more cases should be reported for more effective diagnosis, histopathological study, clinical investigation, treatment and prognosis of this specific neoplasm

    Relationship between serum bilirubin levels and metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    Objective: We investigated the relationship between serum bilirubin levels and metabolic syndrome (MetS), and the longitudinal effects of baseline serum bilirubin concentrations on MetS in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders undergoing atypical antipsychotics. Methods: The sample of this study consisted of 131 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Waist circumference, blood pressure, and levels of triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, fasting glucose, and insulin were evaluated at baseline and at month six. Serum bilirubin levels were measured at baseline. Serum bilirubin levels of the patients with and without MetS criteria were compared. We also compared patients with high and low bilirubin levels (upper and lower 50th percentiles of serum bilirubin levels) in terms of MetS criteria, MetS frequency, and course of MetS. Results: Serum direct bilirubin levels were more consistently related to MetS and MetS-related variables. The waist circumference and triglyceride criteria for MetS were significantly related to low serum direct bilirubin at baseline; waist circumference and fasting glucose criteria, and insulin resistance were associated with low serum direct bilirubin at follow-up. MetS diagnosis and the presence of the waist circumference criterion were more frequent at the baseline and the follow-up in low bilirubin group. At the end of the follow-up period, the rate of reverse MetS was significantly higher in the high bilirubin group. Conclusion: Our results have suggested that serum direct bilirubin levels showed a more reliable and stable relationship with abdominal obesity for MetS components.in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders using antipsychotics. Further studies are required. Copyright © 2017, Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology