1,290 research outputs found

    Revisión sobre métodos de preparación, mecanismos y aplicaciones de péptidos antioxidantes en aceites

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    Natural antioxidants, especially those used in edible oil, are safer compared to chemically synthesized antioxidants. Therefore, research on natural antioxidants has become prevelant. Antioxidant peptides derived from food protein can effectively prevent oil oxidation. Protein hydrolyzation is widely applied for the production of antioxidant peptides in industry, and bioinformatics is employed nowadays to generate the desired peptide sequence. Furthermore, the mechanism of antioxidant peptides in the oil system is still controversial, which limits the further development of antioxidant peptides as food antioxidants. This review introduces the preparation method of antioxidant peptides and their mechanisms as well as applications in the oil. It will help to comprehensively understand the function of antioxidant peptides and promote their development in the oil field.Los antioxidantes naturales, especialmente utilizados en aceites comestibles, son más seguros en comparación con los antioxidantes sintetizados químicamente. Por lo tanto, la investigación sobre antioxidantes naturales se convierte en un punto de interés. Los péptidos antioxidantes derivados de las proteínas alimentarias pueden prevenir eficazmente la oxidación del aceite. La hidrolización de proteínas se usa ampliamente en la industria para la producción de péptidos antioxidantes y la bioinformática se emplea hoy en día para generar la secuencia de péptidos deseada. Además, el mecanismo de los péptidos antioxidantes en el sistema oleoso sigue siendo controvertido, lo que limita el desarrollo posterior de péptidos antioxidantes como antioxidantes alimentarios. Esta revisión presenta el método de preparación de péptidos antioxidantes y su mecanismo, así como las aplicaciones en aceite, lo que ayudará a comprender de manera integral la función de los péptidos antioxidantes y promoverá su desarrollo en el campo petrolero

    Neutron beam test of CsI crystal for dark matter search

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    We have studied the response of Tl-doped and Na-doped CsI crystals to nuclear recoils and γ\gamma's below 10 keV. The response of CsI crystals to nuclear recoil was studied with mono-energetic neutrons produced by the 3^3H(p,n)3^3He reaction. This was compared to the response to Compton electrons scattered by 662 keV γ\gamma-ray. Pulse shape discrimination between the response to these γ\gamma's and nuclear recoils was studied, and quality factors were estimated. The quenching factors for nuclear recoils were derived for both CsI(Na) and CsI(Tl) crystals.Comment: 21pages, 14figures, submitted to NIM

    Elastic and electronic properties of fluorite RuO₂ from first principle

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    The elastic, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of fluorite RuO₂ under high pressure are investigated by plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory. The optimized lattice parameters, elastic constants, bulk modulus, and shear modulus are consistent with other theoretical values. The phase transition from modified fluorite-type to fluorite is 88 GPa (by localized density approximation, LDA) or 115.5 GPa (by generalized gradient approximation, GGA). The Young's modulus and Lamé's coefficients are also studied under high pressure. The structure turned out to be stable for the pressure up to 120 GPa by calculating elastic constants. In addition, the thermodynamic properties, including the Debye temperature, heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient, Grüneisen parameter, and Poisson's ratio, are investigated. A small band gap is found in the electronic structure of fluorite RuO₂ and the bandwidth increases with the pressure. Also, the present mechanical and electronic properties demonstrate that the bonding nature is a combination of covalent, ionic, and metallic contributions.Пружнi, термодинамiчнi та електричнi властивостi флюориту RuO₂ при високому тиску дослiджуються за допомогою теорiї функцiоналу густини з плоскохвильовим псевдопотенцiалом. Оптимiзованi параметри гратки, пружнi сталi, об’ємний модуль i модуль зсуву узгоджуються з iншими теоретичними значеннями. Фазовий перехiд з модифiкованого флюориту до флюориту є при 88 GPa (наближення локальної густини, LDA), чи при 115.5 GPa (узагальнене градiєнтне наближення, GGA). Також дослiджено модуль Юнга i коефiцiєнти Ламе при високих тисках. Структура є стабiльною для тискiв до 120 GPa, якщо обчислювати пружнi сталi. Крiм того, дослiджено термодинамiчнi властивостi, включаючи температуру Дебая, теплоємнiсть, коефiцiєнт теплового розширення, параметр Грюнайзена i коефiцiєнт Пуассона. В електроннiй структурi флюориту RuO₂ знайдено малу зонну щiлину i ширина зони зростає iз тиском. Також, представленi механiчнi та електроннi властивостi демонструють, що природа зв’язування є комбiнацiєю ковалентного, iонного i металiчного вкладiв

    Sensitive and fast identification of bacteria in blood samples by immunoaffinity mass spectrometry for quick BSI diagnosis

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    Bloodstream infections rank among the most serious causes of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients, partly due to the long period (up to one week) required for clinical diagnosis. In this work, we have developed a sensitive method to quickly and accurately identify bacteria in human blood samples by combining optimized matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MS) and efficient immunoaffinity enrichment/separation. A library of bacteria reference mass spectra at different cell numbers was firstly built. Due to a reduced sample spot size, the reference spectra could be obtained from as few as 10 to 10(2) intact bacterial cells. Bacteria in human blood samples were then extracted using antibodies-modified magnetic beads for MS fingerprinting. By comparing the sample spectra with the reference spectra based on a cosine correlation, bacteria with concentrations as low as 500 cells per mL in blood serum and 8000 cells per mL in whole blood were identified. The proposed method was further applied to positive clinical blood cultures (BCs) provided by a local hospital, where Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were identified. Because of the method's high sensitivity, the BC time required for diagnosis can be greatly reduced. As a proof of concept, whole blood spiked with a low initial concentration (10(2) or 10(3) cells per mL) of bacteria was cultured in commercial BC bottles and analysed by the developed method after different BC times. Bacteria were successfully identified after 4 hours of BC. Therefore, an entire diagnostic process could be accurately accomplished within half a day using the newly developed method, which could facilitate the timely determination of appropriate anti-bacterial therapy and decrease the risk of mortality from bloodstream infections

    Contribution of biomimetic collagen-ligand interaction to intrafibrillar mineralization

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    Contemporary models of intrafibrillar mineralization mechanisms are established using collagen fibrils as templates without considering the contribution from collagen-bound apatite nucleation inhibitors. However, collagen matrices destined for mineralization in vertebrates contain bound matrix proteins for intrafibrillar mineralization. Negatively charged, high\u2013molecular weight polycarboxylic acid is cross-linked to reconstituted collagen to create a model for examining the contribution of collagen-ligand interaction to intrafibrillar mineralization. Cryogenic electron microscopy and molecular dynamics simulation show that, after cross-linking to collagen, the bound polyelectrolyte caches prenucleation cluster singlets into chain-like aggregates along the fibrillar surface to increase the pool of mineralization precursors available for intrafibrillar mineralization. Higher-quality mineralized scaffolds with better biomechanical properties are achieved compared with mineralization of unmodified scaffolds in polyelectrolyte-stabilized mineralization solution. Collagen-ligand interaction provides insights on the genesis of heterogeneously mineralized tissues and the potential causes of ectopic calcification in nonmineralized body tissues

    Single-Band Model for Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Dynamical and Transport Properties and Relevance of Clustered States

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    Dynamical and transport properties of a simple single-band spin-fermion lattice model for (III,Mn)V diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) is here discussed using Monte Carlo simulations. This effort is a continuation of previous work (G. Alvarez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 277202 (2002)) where the static properties of the model were studied. The present results support the view that the relevant regime of J/t (standard notation) is that of intermediate coupling, where carriers are only partially trapped near Mn spins, and locally ordered regions (clusters) are present above the Curie temperature T_C. This conclusion is based on the calculation of the resistivity vs. temperature, that shows a soft metal to insulator transition near T_C, as well on the analysis of the density-of-states and optical conductivity. In addition, in the clustered regime a large magnetoresistance is observed in simulations. Formal analogies between DMS and manganites are also discussed.Comment: Revtex4, 20 figures. References updated, minor changes to figures and tex

    Search for solar axions in XMASS, a large liquid-xenon detector

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    XMASS, a low-background, large liquid-xenon detector, was used to search for solar axions that would be produced by bremsstrahlung and Compton effects in the Sun. With an exposure of 5.6ton days of liquid xenon, the model-independent limit on the coupling for mass \ll 1keV is gaee<5.4×1011|g_{aee}|< 5.4\times 10^{-11} (90% C.L.), which is a factor of two stronger than the existing experimental limit. The bounds on the axion masses for the DFSZ and KSVZ axion models are 1.9 and 250eV, respectively. In the mass range of 10-40keV, this study produced the most stringent limit, which is better than that previously derived from astrophysical arguments regarding the Sun to date

    Charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s\to PP, PV, VV Decays Based on the six-quark Effective Hamiltonian with Strong Phase Effects II

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    We provide a systematic study of charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s \to PP, PV, VV decays (PP and VV denote pseudoscalar and vector mesons, respectively) based on an approximate six-quark operator effective Hamiltonian from QCD. The calculation of the relevant hard-scattering kernels is carried out, the resulting transition form factors are consistent with the results of QCD sum rule calculations. By taking into account important classes of power corrections involving "chirally-enhanced" terms and the vertex corrections as well as weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase, we present predictions for the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of BsB_s decays into PP, PV and VV final states, and also for the corresponding polarization observables in VV final states. It is found that the weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase have remarkable effects on the observables in the color-suppressed and penguin-dominated decay modes. In addition, we discuss the SU(3) flavor symmetry and show that the symmetry relations are generally respected

    Early Carnian conodont fauna at Yongyue, Zhenfeng area and its implication for Ladinian-Carnian subdivision in Guizhou, South China

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    The subdivision of Ladinian and Carnian strata in Guizhou, South China has been a matter of intense debate because of the paucity of age-diagnostic faunas. Here we have carried out a detailed conodont biostratigraphic investigation on the Yangliujing, Zhuganpo and Wayao formations in the Yongyue section of western Guizhou Province. Conodonts are only prolific in the Zhuganpo and Wayao formations. Three genera and twenty species are identified, including two new species Quadralella wanlanensis n. sp. and Quadralella yongyueensis n. sp. They represent a rather endemic fauna of latest Ladinian to early Carnian age. Four conodont zones are established. They are, in the ascending order, the Paragondolella foliata, Quadralella polygnathiformis, Quadralella tadpole, and Quadralella aff. praelindae zones. Thus in the study area, the Zhuganpo Formation is generally of early Carnian (Julian 1) age whilst the Wayao Formation probably extends from the Julian 2 into the late Carnian (Tuvalian substage). The Ladinian–Carnian boundary (LCB) cannot be precisely defined due to the absence of the ammonoid Daxatina Canadensis and the paucity of conodonts. However, the LCB is unlikely lower than the Yangliujing–Zhuganpo formation contact. The Julian 1–Julian 2 (early Carnian) substages boundary is defined in the uppermost Zhuganpo Formation by the occurrence of basal Julian 2 ammonoid Austrotrachyceras ex gr. A. austriacum and is also evidenced by the disappearance of most short-range Julian 1 conodonts in the overlying Wayao Formation

    Conceivable security risks and authentication techniques for smart devices

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    With the rapidly escalating use of smart devices and fraudulent transaction of users’ data from their devices, efficient and reliable techniques for authentication of the smart devices have become an obligatory issue. This paper reviews the security risks for mobile devices and studies several authentication techniques available for smart devices. The results from field studies enable a comparative evaluation of user-preferred authentication mechanisms and their opinions about reliability, biometric authentication and visual authentication techniques