302 research outputs found

    Structural comparative analysis of forest and steppe plant communities in the south of Kryvyi Rih region

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    We made a comparative analysis of the floristic structure of 11 various-aged (30–50-year-old) forest and four steppe communities in the south of Kryvyi Rih region. We ascertained that the forest communities have low specific richness (2–90 species), whereas steppe ones contain from 167 to 251 species. The ten families leading in the species number are: Asteraceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Boraginaceae, Apiaceae, Brassicaceae and Polygonaceae. Specific representation of the steppe communities depends on the geomorphologic formation, grazing pressure, soil cover composition; respective order of families differs slightly: Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Lamiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Brassicaceae, Apiaceae, Boraginaceae. The core of the geographical structure of forest vegetation is the species with a palaearctic type of range (30.3–54.5%), and in the steppe, species with the Black Sea area group (15.6–24.0%). The second and the third most numerous in forest groups are groups of species of transitional areas (3.6–23.3%) and holarctic species (7.0–17.2%). In the steppe communities, almost the same proportions are formed by the species of the palaearctic group and the plants of group of transitional areas (15.8–23.1% and 18.3–21.7% respectively). We revealed that in the forest and steppe communities the most numerous group in the spectra is the biomorph of hemicryptophytes (25.6–42.4% and 45.8–47.0% respectively). According to the structure of the above-ground shoots, identical proportions are formed by rosetteless and semi-rosetted species (38.3–60.5% and 37.2–56.7% respectively) in the forest communities, and semi-rosetted species (47.4–49.1%) in the steppe ones; as for the type of structure of underground shoots in forest communities, species without special underground formations (33.3–65.1%) and caudex formations (18.6–36.4%) prevail, and, in the steppe communities – caudex species do (39.1–47.9%); xeromesophytes (33.3–100%), and mesoxerophytes (32.9–40.6%) dominate in the hygrospectra of forest and steppe communities respectively; in heliospectra, there is the predominance of heliophytes (62.3–97.1% and 50.8–67.5% respectively); in trophoscopes, the mesotrophs are prevalent (57.1–98.4% and 47.0–52.1% respectively). The ecological and coenotic spectrum of forest communities is characterized by the domination of synanthropophants (36.3–58.6%), and in steppe ones – steppants (51.8–55.0%). We revealed the similarity of the floristic composition of forest and steppe communities (6.8–39.4%), and the largest index is noted for the plot with a strict nature reserve regime (19.4–39.4%). In forest communities, this value is 15.6–66.7%, and it varies in different-aged plantations of the same species. The analysis shows that there are significant differences in the floristic and biomorphological composition of forest and steppe communities; it confirms the concept of O.L. Belgard on the environment transforming function of artificial steppe forests, changing the biotic circulation, which is inherent in the steppes

    Problems of Assessment of Supervisory Board’s Work in Joint Stock Company

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    Для повної та обґрунтованої оцінки роботи наглядової ради необхідно виділити фактори, які впливають на цей процес. Вони дозволяють визначити та описати основні можливі проблеми в оцінці роботи підрозділу. Як результат, ми можемо запропонувати шляхи вирішення існуючих проблем.For a complete and reasonable assessment of the supervisory board it should identify the factors that influence on this process. They let determine and describe the main possible problems in evaluating the work unit. As a result we can offer solutions to existing problems

    Yield and content of biologically active substances in blue honeysuckle fruit (Lonicera caerulea L.) grown in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine

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    Received: July 28th, 2022 ; Accepted: September 26th, 2022 ; Published: October 20th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) is a relatively new crop in Ukraine, its industrial cultivation is only 100 hectares. The main constraints are the lack of varieties with high yield and nutritional value of berries. Therefore, a study of the yield and quality of introduced varieties is necessary and relevant, both for producers and breeders. With our research, we determined the potential of the early stage of blue honeysuckle berries under the conditions of their cultivation in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine and the weather conditions of the year of the specified region. We assessed how early we can get a crop and set what quality and what it will be. To clearly understand the quality of the grown fruits, their average weight, size and uniformity were studied. From nutritional indicators of fruit quality, the content of dry matter, soluble solids, sugars and titrated acids was studied, from biologically active substances, the content of vitamin C and total phenolic was determined. It was found that in the zone of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine from the studied group of varieties, the highest yield potential, 3.13 kg from a bush for the second year of fruiting and fruit mass 2.4 g, had a variety of Canadian breeding ‘Boreal Beauty’. The fruits of the cultivars ‘Duet’ (4.3) and ‘Boreal Blizzard’ (4.5) were distinguished by the balance of taste according to the sugar-acid index, and the maximum amount of total phenolics for the studied group of varieties was accumulated by the fruits of ‘Boreal Beast’ (1,000 mg 100 g-1 )

    Методи і засоби автоматизованого контролю параметрів електромеханічної системи гальмування трамвая

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    В монографії представлено методи контролю складових електромеха-нічної системи гальмування, структурні схеми пристроїв, які реалізують запропоновані методи. Проведено комп’ютерне моделювання роботи запропонованих методів. Здійснено мікропроцесорні реалізації пристроїв контролю на основі запропонованих структурних схем.В монографии представлены методы контроля составляющих электромеханической системы торможения, структурные схемы устройств, которые реализуют предложенные методы. Проведено компьютерное моделирование работы предложенных методов. Осуществлен микропроцессорные реализации устройств контроля на основе предложенных структурных схем.The monograph presents the methods of the electromechanical braking system components control, block diagrams of devices that implement the proposed methods. The computer simulation of the proposed methods. The implementation of microprocessor control devices based on the proposed structural schemes


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    Стаття присвячена вивченню характеру змін морфологічної картини крові та якості хутра товарного молодняку білих лисів, які у період формування хутра вирощувалися на різнохарактерних раціонах. У кормосумішках дослідних звірів частина білка кормів м’ясної групи була замінена білком кормів іншого походження. Виявлені достовірні зміни у концентрації еритроцитів та гемоглобіну у лисів, що споживали раціони з 50-% заміною м’ясного шроту дертю кукурудзи та 10-% –кров’ю курячою вареною. При цьому виявлене зниження товарознавчої оцінки та органолептичних показників хутра забійного молодняку.Статья посвящена изучению характера изменений морфологической картины крови и качества меха товарного молодняка белой лисицы, которые в период формирования меха выращивались на разнохарактерных рационах. В кормосмесях экспериментальных зверей часть белка кормов мясной группы была заменена белком кормов другого происхождения. Выявлены достоверные изменения в концентрации эритроцитов и гемоглобина у лисиц, потреблявших рационы с 50-% заменой мясного шрота дертью кукурузы и 10-% - кровью куриной вареной. При этом выявлено снижение товароведческой оценки и органолептических показателей меха убойного молодняка.The article is devoted to the study of the nature of morphological changes in the blood picture and quality fur trade white young foxes that during the formation of fur grown on the varying diets. In experimental animals diets part of meat protein feed protein feed was replaced with another origin. Revealed significant changes in the concentration of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood foxes that eat diets with 50% meat meal replacement maize middlings and 10-% – blood boiled chicken. This showed a reduction in commodity organoleptic assessment and fur slaughter calves

    Serum paraoxonase activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, its relationship with the clinical course and cardiovascular compications

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    Nowadays low paraoxonase activity is generally recognized as an independent risk factor of cardiovascular diseases involved in pathologic remodeling of the heart and vessels as well as thrombosis in the general population. But the role of paraoxonase activity in RA patients is unknown. Based on the above, the aim of the work was to study serum paraoxonase activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, to evaluate its association with clinical course and structural and functional status of the cardiovascular system. 67 patients with RA, 18 males and 49 females were studied. The control group consisted of 25 apparently healthy individuals. Rheumatoid arthritis was diagnosed according to international classification criteria ACR 2012. The indices of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and triglycerides (TG) in blood serum were determined by standard conventional methods. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) values were calculated by Friedwald formula. Serum paraoxonase activity was measured by spectrophotometric method. High resolution ultrasound and Doppler ultrasonography of the brachial artery were performed to study endothelium function. Sonographic B-mode scanning and pulsed Doppler ultrasound of heart and blood flow spectra were done on ultrasound scanner. Serum paraoxonase activity was found to be about 18.8% lower in the patients with RA than in the control group. Serum paraoxonase activity was shown to decrease proportionally to the increase of the age in RA patients. In the group of patients over 45, the level of the enzyme was 13.0% lower than in the patients over 30. The study established that the increase of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure is associated with decrease of serum paraoxonase activity in RA patients. The patients with RA combined with arterial hypertension had significantly (by 10.9%) lower activity of the studied enzyme than those with no arterial hypertension. However, no significant relationship between paraoxonase activity and duration of the disease, obesity and smoking was revealed. Paraoxonase activity in RA patients was demonstrated to be dependent on lipid levels. The lowest paraoxonase activity was recorded in individuals with the highest levels of TC, LDLC and the lowest HDLC indices. Paraoxonase activity in RA patients is associated not only with atherosclerotic vascular damage (IMT, decreased FMDBA) but also with structural and functional heart status (systolic and diastolic functions, left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy). Decreased serum paraoxonase level is suggested to be the predictor of early development of cardiovascular complications in RA patients

    Nanoscale Imaging of Primary Cilia with Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy

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    Primary cilia are hair-like sensory organelles whose dimensions and location vary with cell type and culture condition. Herein, we employed scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) to visualize the topography of primary cilia from different cell types. By combining SICM with fluorescence imaging, we successfully distinguished between surface cilia that project outward from the cell surface and subsurface cilia that are trapped below it. The nanoscale structure of the ciliary pocket, which cannot be easily identified using a confocal fluorescence microscope, was observed in SICM images. Furthermore, we developed a topographic reconstruction method using current-distance profiles to evaluate the relationship between set point and topographic image and found that a low set point is important for detecting the true topography of a primary cilium using hopping mode SICM

    International tourism and its impact on the economic development of Ukraine

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