2,432 research outputs found

    Chaos around Holographic Regge Trajectories

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    Using methods of Hamiltonian dynamical systems, we show analytically that a dynamical system connected to the classical spinning string solution holographically dual to the principal Regge trajectory is non-integrable. The Regge trajectories themselves form an integrable island in the total phase space of the dynamical system. Our argument applies to any gravity background dual to confining field theories and we verify it explicitly in various supergravity backgrounds: Klebanov-Strassler, Maldacena-Nunez, Witten QCD and the AdS soliton. Having established non-integrability for this general class of supergravity backgrounds, we show explicitly by direct computation of the Poincare sections and the largest Lyapunov exponent, that such strings have chaotic motion.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures. V3: Minor changes complying to referee's suggestions. Typos correcte

    La administración electrónica en los municipios de Toluca y Metepec, Estado de México

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    This paper attempts to conceptualize the elements and characteristics of electronic management in order to analyze progress in two municipalities of the State of Mexico. We argue that electronic management allows for the optimization of service provision, improves access to information, generates economies of scale and reduces the unit cost of each government operation, improving citizen response capacity. From the comparison between both cases, we conclude that there has been important progress but there is still much that can be done to improve the link between thecitizen and public administration.    El trabajo busca conceptualizar la administración electrónica, sus elementos y características para analizar los avances de dos municipios del Estado de México. Se argumenta que la administración electrónica permite la optimización en la prestación de los servicios, mejora el acceso a la información, genera economías de escala y reduce el costo unitario de cada operación del gobierno, mejorando la capacidad de respuesta a losciudadanos. De la comparación de ambos casos, se concluye que han existido avances importantes pero que aun queda mucho por hacer para mejorar, por esta vía, la vinculación entre el ciudadano y la administración pública.  

    Differences in Dietary Habits, Physical Exercise, and Quality of Life between Patients with Obesity and Overweight

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    Background: Overweight and obesity differ in their repercussions on the health and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients. The objective of this study was to compare physical activity levels and dietary habits before admission and HRQoL at discharge between patients with obesity and overweight. Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken among participants in a clinical trial on education for healthy eating and physical activity, enrolling non-diabetic patients admitted to Internal Medicine Departments. These were classified by body mass index (BMI) as having overweight (25-29.9 Kg/m2) or obesity (≥30 kg/m2). Data were gathered on sociodemographic characteristics, clinical variables (medication for anxiety/depression, Charlson Comorbidity Index, length of hospital stay), physical exercise and diet (International Physical Activity and Pardo Questionnaires), and HRQoL (EQ-5D-5L). The study included 98 patients with overweight (58.2% males) and 177 with obesity (52% males). Results: In comparison to patients with obesity, those with overweight obtained better results for regular physical exercise (p = 0.007), healthy diet (p = 0.004), and "emotional eating" (p = 0.017). No between-group difference was found in HqoL scores. Conclusion: Patients with overweight and obesity differ in healthy dietary and physical exercise behaviors. Greater efforts are warranted to prevent an increase in the BMI of patients, paying special attention to their state of mind.This research was funded by Carlos III Health Institute and The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), grant nº PI17/00419.S

    Caracterización de los sistemas de producción de la raza ovina Lojeña

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    La raza ovina Lojeña es una raza en peligro de extinción, las condiciones medioambientales donde se desarrolla la hacen artífice de una carne única pero también de unos niveles de producción algo menores a los de otras razas ovinas españolas. Son explotaciones con un tamaño medio de 610 ovejas, muchas de ellas en producción ecológica, familiares y como ocurre en otros sistemas de pequeños rumiantes españoles, con una edad media del ganadero superior a los 45 años y con poco relevo generacional. Es necesario trabajar en aumentar algo los índices productivos, rentabilizar las cualidades que tiene su carne y revalorizar su papel medioambiental y social

    Bernardo del Carpio

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    Precede al tít. : Historia novelesca española.Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Situación actual y perspectivas de futuro de los productos lacteos vinculados a la raza Payoya

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    Los productos lácteos derivados de las cabras de raza Payoya, autóctona de suroeste andaluz, presentan potencialidades comerciales debido a sus características organolépticas y a otras características ligadas a su procedencia u origen y al sistema de manejo. En este estudio se analiza la situación actual de estos productos desde los puntos de vista estructural y comercial y se presentan algunos resultados empíricos que demuestran las preferencias de los consumidores andaluces por los quesos de esta raza caprina. Para la promoción de los productos, los ganaderos pueden establecer estrategias como la diferenciación de los productos en cuanto a la excelencia de calidad sensorial objetiva y la puesta en relieve de sus aspectos diferenciales intangibles

    Learning from crowds in digital pathology using scalable variational Gaussian processes

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    This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under contract PID2019-105142RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and the United States National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Grants U01CA220401 and U24CA19436201. P.M. contribution was mostly before joining Microsoft Research, when he was supported by La Caixa Banking Foundation (ID 100010434, Barcelona, Spain) through La Caixa Fellowship for Doctoral Studies LCF/BQ/ES17/11600011.The volume of labeled data is often the primary determinant of success in developing machine learning algorithms. This has increased interest in methods for leveraging crowds to scale data labeling efforts, and methods to learn from noisy crowd-sourced labels. The need to scale labeling is acute but particularly challenging in medical applications like pathology, due to the expertise required to generate quality labels and the limited availability of qualified experts. In this paper we investigate the application of Scalable Variational Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourcing (SVGPCR) in digital pathology. We compare SVGPCR with other crowdsourcing methods using a large multi-rater dataset where pathologists, pathology residents, and medical students annotated tissue regions breast cancer. Our study shows that SVGPCR is competitive with equivalent methods trained using goldstandard pathologist generated labels, and that SVGPCR meets or exceeds the performance of other crowdsourcing methods based on deep learning. We also show how SVGPCR can effectively learn the class-conditional reliabilities of individual annotators and demonstrate that Gaussian-process classifiers have comparable performance to similar deep learning methods. These results suggest that SVGPCR can meaningfully engage non-experts in pathology labeling tasks, and that the classconditional reliabilities estimated by SVGPCR may assist in matching annotators to tasks where they perform well.Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion PID2019-105142RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033United States Department of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) - USANIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) U01CA220401 U24CA19436201La Caixa Banking Foundation (Barcelona, Spain) Barcelona, Spain) through La Caixa Fellowship 100010434 LCF/BQ/ES17/1160001

    Self-Transforming Configuration Based on Atmospheric-Adaptive Materials for Solid Oxide Cells

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    Solid oxide cells (SOC) with a symmetrical configuration have been focused due to the practical benefits of such configurations, such as minimized compatibility issues, a simple fabrication process and reduced cost compared to SOCs with the asymmetrical configuration. However, the performance of SOCs using a single type of electrode material (symmetrical configuration) is lower than the performance of those using the dissimilar electrode materials (asymmetrical configuration). Therefore, to achieve a high-performance cell, we design a 'self-transforming cell' with the asymmetric configuration using only materials of the single type, one based on atmospheric adaptive materials. Atmospheric-adaptive perovskite Pr0.5Ba0.5Mn0.85Co0.15O3-delta (PBMCo) was used for the so-called self-transforming cell electrodes, which changed to layered perovskite and metal in the fuel atmosphere and retained its original structure in the air atmosphere. In fuel cell mods, the self-transforming cell shows excellent electrochemical performance of 1.10Wcm(-2) at 800 degrees C and good stability for 100 h without any catalyst. In electrolysis mode, the moderate current densities of -0.42A cm(-2) for 3 vol.% H2O and -0.62 A cm(-2) for 10 vol.% H2O, respectively, were observed at a cell voltage of 1.3V at 800 degrees C. In the reversible cycling test, the transforming cell maintains the constant voltages for 30 h at +/- 0.2A cm(-2) under 10 vol. % H2O

    Evaluación de la proximidad de sistemas ovinos de la raza Segureña a un modelo de producción agroecológico

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    La sociedad europea demanda cada vez más que la producción de alimentos sea respetuosa con el medio ambiente, cuidando además su calidad nutritiva. Muchos de los sistemas pastorales de pequeños rumiantes presentes en España cumplen con la mayoría de los criterios de sostenibilidad. Los sistemas de la raza Segureña se basan en un modelo pastoral en una de las zonas más desfavorecidas del territorio español. Con el presente trabajo se pretende valorar la cercanía que dichos sistemas tienen a un modelo agroecológico optimizado. Los resultados muestran un valor de cercanía o proximidad del 64,4%, pudiendo este valor aumentar realizando algunas modificaciones funcionales o de manejo. El manejo alimentario es el aspecto que tiene una mayor proximidad, en cambio los factores relacionados con la sanidad son los que presentan menores valores de proximidad. Potenciar los aspectos agroecológicos que favorezcan la sostenibilidad a través de criterios que sean fácilmente comprensibles por los consumidores, mejora las posibilidades de comercialización de los productos de estos sistemas en nichos de mercado especializados