43 research outputs found

    The steeply subducting edge of the Cocos Ridge : evidence from receiver functions beneath the northern Talamanca Range, south-central Costa Rica

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    The deep structure of the south-central Costa Rican subduction zone has not been studied in great detail so far because large parts of the area are virtually inaccessible. We present a receiver function study along a transect of broadband seismometers through the northern flank of the Cordillera de Talamanca (south Costa Rica). Below Moho depths, the receiver functions image a dipping positive conversion signal. This is interpreted as the subducting Cocos Plate slab, compatible with the conversions in the individual receiver functions. In finite difference modeling, a dipping signal such as the one imaged can only be reproduced by a steeply (80°) dipping structure present at least until a depth of about 70–100 km; below this depth, the length of the slab cannot be determined because of possible scattering effects. The proposed position of the slab agrees with previous results from local seismicity, local earthquake tomography, and active seismic studies, while extending the slab location to greater depths and steeper dip angle. Along the trench, no marked change is observed in the receiver functions, suggesting that the steeply dipping slab continues until the northern flank of the Cordillera de Talamanca, in the transition region between the incoming seamount segment and Cocos Ridge. Considering the time predicted for the establishment of shallow angle underthrusting after the onset of ridge collision, the southern Costa Rican subduction zone may at present be undergoing a reconfiguration of subduction style, where the transition to shallow underthrusting may be underway but still incomplete

    Imaging crustal structure in South-Central Costa Rica with Receiver Functions

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    An array of broadband seismometers transecting the Talamanca Range in southern Costa Rica was operated from 2005 until 2007. In combination with data from a short‐period network near Quepos in central Costa Rica, this data is analyzed by the receiver function method to image the crustal structure in south‐central Costa Rica. Two strong positive signals are seen in the migrated images, interpreted as the Moho (at around 35 km depth) and an intra‐crustal discontinuity (15 km depth). A relatively flat crustal and Moho interface underneath the north‐east flank of the Talamanca Range can be followed for a lateral distance of about 50 km parallel to the trench, with only slight changes in the overall geometry. Closer to the coast, the topography of the discontinuities shows several features, most notably a deeper Moho underneath the Talamanca Mountain Range and volcanic arc. Under the highest part of the mountain ranges, the Moho reaches a depth of about 50 km, which indicates that the mountain ranges are approximately isostatically compensated. Local deviations from the crustal thickness expected for isostatic equilibrium occur under the active volcanic arc and in south Costa Rica. In the transition region between the active volcanic arc and the Talamanca Range, both the Moho and intracrustal discontinuity appear distorted, possibly related to the southern edge of the active volcanic zone and deformation within the southern part of the Central Costa Rica Deformed Belt. Near the volcanoes Irazu and Turrialba, a shallow converter occurs, correlating with a low‐velocity, low‐density body seen in tomography and gravimetry. Applying a grid search for the crustal interface depth and vp/vs ratio cannot constrain vp/vs values well, but points to generally low values (<1.7) in the upper crust. This is consistent with quartz‐rich rocks forming the mountain range

    Natural disasters and indicators of social cohesion

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    Do adversarial environmental conditions create social cohesion? We provide new answers to this question by exploiting spatial and temporal variation in exposure to earthquakes across Chile. Using a variety of methods and controlling for a number of socio-economic variables, we find that exposure to earthquakes has a positive effect on several indicators of social cohesion. Social cohesion increases after a big earthquake and slowly erodes in periods where environmental conditions are less adverse. Our results contribute to the current debate on whether and how environmental conditions shape formal and informal institutions

    Statistical eruption forecast for the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone: typical probabilities of volcanic eruptions as baseline for possibly enhanced activity following the large 2010 Concepción earthquake

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    A probabilistic eruption forecast is provided for ten volcanoes of the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ). Since 70% of the Chilean population lives in this area, the estimation of future eruption likelihood is an important part of hazard assessment. After investigating the completeness and stationarity of the historical eruption time series, the exponential, Weibull, and log-logistic distribution functions are fit to the repose time distributions for the individual volcanoes and the models are evaluated. This procedure has been implemented in two different ways to methodologically compare details in the fitting process. With regard to the probability of at least one VEI ≥ 2 eruption in the next decade, Llaima, Villarrica and Nevados de Chillán are most likely to erupt, while Osorno shows the lowest eruption probability among the volcanoes analysed. In addition to giving a compilation of the statistical eruption forecasts along the historically most active volcanoes of the SVZ, this paper aims to give "typical" eruption probabilities, which may in the future permit to distinguish possibly enhanced activity in the aftermath of the large 2010 Concepción earthquake