110 research outputs found
Određivanje N-glycana u uzorcima tkiva kaktusa Mammillaria gracillis masenom spektrometrijom ESI Q-TOF
N-glycans detached from the 42 kDa cellular glycoprotein of in vitro propagated cactus (Mammillaria gracillis Pfeiff.) shoots, callus, hyperhydric regenerants and TW tumour were analyzed by mass spectrometry after in-gel deglycosylation of excised protein bands. Mixtures of N-glycans were shown by the electrospray MS analysis to be highly complex and heterogeneous. Only a low amount of high-mannose N-glycans was present, while the majority of structures were of the complex-type N-glycans. A single N-glycan structure was observed in the shoot sample, which appeared to be in good correlation with previous results. Similarities of assigned structures were revealed in the callus and tumour tissue while the highest number of different oligosaccharide structures was found in the hyperhydric regenerant. The presence of sialic acid as a constituent of N-glycans was indicated by lectin staining, ion exchange chromatography and molecular mapping by mass spectrometry, and could be correlated with the differentiation status of the tissues. Results obtained in this study indicate that different morphological levels can be correlated with the N-glycan composition of cellular glycoproteins.N-glikani, oslobođeni sa staničnoga glikoproteina od 42 kDa iz izdanka, kalusa, hiperhidriranoga regeneranta i tumora TW uzgojenih u kulturi tkiva kaktusa Mammillaria gracillis Pfeiff. analizirani su masenom spektrometrijom nakon deglikozilacije u gelu. Analiza masenom spektrometrijom ESI pokazala je kako su smjese oslobođ enih oligosaharida vrlo složene i heterogene, a većina struktura pripadala je kompleksnome tipu N-glikana. U uzorku izdanka opažena je samo jedna struktura, {to je u skladu s prija{njim rezultatima. Kalusno i tumorsko tkivo pokazalo je mnogo sličnosti u pripisanim strukturama dok je najveći broj različitih oligosaharida prona- đen u hiperhidriranome regenerantu. Na prisutnost sijalinske kiseline ukazala je inkubacija s lektinima, kromatografija ionske izmjene te masena spektrometrija. Rezultati dobiveni u ovim istraživanjima pokazuju da se stupanj organiziranosti tkiva može povezati sa sastavom N-glikana staničnih glikoproteina
Dissecting structure-function of 3-O-sulfated heparin and engineered heparan sulfates
Heparan sulfate (HS) polysaccharides are master regulators of diverse biological processes via sulfated motifs that can recruit specific proteins. 3-O-sulfation of HS/heparin is crucial for anticoagulant activity, but despite emerging evidence for roles in many other functions, a lack of tools for deciphering structure-function relationships has hampered advances. Here, we describe an approach integrating synthesis of 3-O-sulfated standards, comprehensive HS disaccharide profiling, and cell engineering to address this deficiency. Its application revealed previously unseen differences in 3-O-sulfated profiles of clinical heparins and 3-O-sulfotransferase (HS3ST)–specific variations in cell surface HS profiles. The latter correlated with functional differences in anticoagulant activity and binding to platelet factor 4 (PF4), which underlies heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a known side effect of heparin. Unexpectedly, cells expressing the HS3ST4 isoenzyme generated HS with potent anticoagulant activity but weak PF4 binding. The data provide new insights into 3-O-sulfate structure-function and demonstrate proof of concept for tailored cell-based synthesis of next-generation heparins
A conserved major facilitator superfamily member orchestrates a subset of O-glycosylation to aid macrophage tissue invasion
Aberrant display of the truncated core1 O-glycan T-antigen is a common feature of human cancer cells that correlates with metastasis. Here we show that T-antigen in Drosophila melanogaster macrophages is involved in their developmentally programmed tissue invasion. Higher macrophage T-antigen levels require an atypical major facilitator superfamily (MFS) member that we named Minerva which enables macrophage dissemination and invasion. We characterize for the first time the T and Tn glycoform O-glycoproteome of the Drosophila melanogaster embryo, and determine that Minerva increases the presence of T-antigen on proteins in pathways previously linked to cancer, most strongly on the sulfhydryl oxidase Qsox1 which we show is required for macrophage tissue entry. Minerva’s vertebrate ortholog, MFSD1, rescues the minerva mutant’s migration and T-antigen glycosylation defects. We thus identify a key conserved regulator that orchestrates O-glycosylation on a protein subset to activate a program governing migration steps important for both development and cancer metastasis
The GalNAc-type O-Glycoproteome of CHO Cells Characterized by the SimpleCell Strategy
The Chinese hamster ovary cell (CHO) is the major host cell factory for recombinant production of biological therapeutics primarily because of its “human-like” glycosylation features. CHO is used for production of several O-glycoprotein therapeutics including erythropoietin, coagulation factors, and chimeric receptor IgG1-Fc-fusion proteins, however, some O-glycoproteins are not produced efficiently in CHO. We have previously shown that the capacity for O-glycosylation of proteins can be one limiting parameter for production of active proteins in CHO. Although the capacity of CHO for biosynthesis of glycan structures (glycostructures) on glycoproteins are well established, our knowledge of the capacity of CHO cells for attaching GalNAc-type O-glycans to proteins (glycosites) is minimal. This type of O-glycosylation is one of the most abundant forms of glycosylation, and it is differentially regulated in cells by expression of a subset of homologous polypeptide GalNAc-transferases. Here, we have genetically engineered CHO cells to produce homogeneous truncated O-glycans, so-called SimpleCells, which enabled lectin enrichment of O-glycoproteins and characterization of the O-glycoproteome. We identified 738 O-glycoproteins (1548 O-glycosites) in cell lysates and secretomes providing the first comprehensive insight into the O-glycosylation capacity of CHO (http://glycomics.ku.dk/o-glycoproteome_db/)
An atlas of O-linked glycosylation on peptide hormones reveals diverse biological roles
Peptide hormones and neuropeptides encompass a large class of bioactive peptides that regulate physiological processes like anxiety, blood glucose, appetite, inflammation and blood pressure. Here, we execute a focused discovery strategy to provide an extensive map of O-glycans on peptide hormones. We find that almost one third of the 279 classified peptide hormones carry O-glycans. Many of the identified O-glycosites are conserved and are predicted to serve roles in proprotein processing, receptor interaction, biodistribution and biostability. We demonstrate that O-glycans positioned within the receptor binding motifs of members of the neuropeptide Y and glucagon families modulate receptor activation properties and substantially extend peptide half-lives. Our study highlights the importance of O-glycosylation in the biology of peptide hormones, and our map of O-glycosites in this large class of biomolecules serves as a discovery platform for an important class of molecules with potential opportunities for drug designs. O-glycosylation is an abundant post-translational modification but its relevance for bioactive peptides is unclear. Here, the authors detect O-glycans on almost one third of the classified peptide hormones and show that O-glycosylation can modulate peptide half-lives and receptor activation properties.This work was supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Lundbeck Foundation, Danish National Research Foundation Grant DNRF107
FUT8-directed core fucosylation of N-glycans is regulated by the glycan structure and protein environment
FUT8 is an essential α-1,6-fucosyltransferase that fucosylates the innermost GlcNAc of N-glycans, a process called core fucosylation. In vitro, FUT8 exhibits substrate preference for the biantennary complex N-glycan oligosaccharide (G0), but the role of the underlying protein/peptide to which N-glycans are attached remains unclear. Here, we explored the FUT8 enzyme with a series of N-glycan oligosaccharides, N-glycopeptides, and an Asn-linked oligosaccharide. We found that the underlying peptide plays a role in fucosylation of paucimannose (low mannose) and high-mannose N-glycans but not for complex-type N-glycans. Using saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy, we demonstrate that FUT8 recognizes all sugar units of the G0 N-glycan and most of the amino acid residues (Asn-X-Thr) that serve as a recognition sequon for the oligosaccharyltransferase (OST). The largest STD signals were observed in the presence of GDP, suggesting that prior FUT8 binding to GDP-β-l-fucose (GDP-Fuc) is required for an optimal recognition of N-glycans. We applied genetic engineering of glycosylation capacities in CHO cells to evaluate FUT8 core fucosylation of high-mannose and complex-type N-glycans in cells with a panel of well-characterized therapeutic N-glycoproteins. This confirmed that core fucosylation mainly occurs on complex-type N-glycans, although clearly only at selected glycosites. Eliminating the capacity for complex-type glycosylation in cells (KO mgat1) revealed that glycosites with complex-type N-glycans when converted to high mannose lost the core Fuc. Interestingly, however, for erythropoietin that is uncommon among the tested glycoproteins in efficiently acquiring tetra-antennary N-glycans, two out of three N-glycosites obtained Fuc on the high-mannose N-glycans. An examination of the N-glycosylation sites of several protein crystal structures indicates that core fucosylation is mostly affected by the accessibility and nature of the N-glycan and not by the nature of the underlying peptide sequence. These data have further elucidated the different FUT8 acceptor substrate specificities both in vitro and in vivo in cells, revealing different mechanisms for promoting core fucosylation
Site-specific O-glycosylation of members of the low-density lipoprotein receptor superfamily enhances ligand interactions
15 pags, 8 figs, 1 tab. -- This article contains supplementary material (Table S1, Figs. S1–S4, and Data Sets S1–S4.1)The low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and related receptors are important for the transport of diverse biomolecules across cell membranes and barriers. Their functions are especially relevant for cholesterol homeostasis and diseases, including neurodegenerative and kidney disorders. Members of the LDLR-related protein family share LDLR class A (LA) repeats providing binding properties for lipoproteins and other biomolecules. We previously demonstrated that short linker regions between these LA repeats contain conserved O-glycan sites. Moreover, we found that O-glycan modifications at these sites are selectively controlled by the GalNAc-transferase isoform, GalNAc-T11. However, the effects of GalNAc-T11–mediated O-glycosylation on LDLR and related receptor localization and function are unknown. Here, we characterized O-glycosylation of LDLR-related proteins and identified conserved O-glycosylation sites in the LA linker regions of VLDLR, LRP1, and LRP2 (Megalin) from both cell lines and rat organs. Using a panel of gene-edited isogenic cell line models, we demonstrate that GalNAc-T11–mediated LDLR and VLDLR O-glycosylation is not required for transport and cell-surface expression and stability of these receptors but markedly enhances LDL and VLDL binding and uptake. Direct ELISA-based binding assays with truncated LDLR constructs revealed that O-glycosylation increased affinity for LDL by 5-fold. The molecular basis for this observation is currently unknown, but these findings open up new avenues for exploring the roles of LDLR-related proteins in disease.This work was supported by the Læge Sofus Carl Emil Friis og hustru Olga Doris Friis’ Legat, the Kirsten og Freddy Johansen Fonden, the Lundbeck Foundation, the A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til Almene Formaal, the Mizutani Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Danish Research Council Sapere Aude Research Talent Grant (to K. T. S.), and the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF107). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this articl
Identification of global inhibitors of cellular glycosylation
Small molecule inhibitors of glycosylation enzymes are valuable tools for dissecting glycan functions and potential drug candidates. Screening for inhibitors of glycosyltransferases are mainly performed by in vitro enzyme assays with difficulties moving candidates to cells and animals. Here, we circumvent this by employing a cell-based screening assay using glycoengineered cells expressing tailored reporter glycoproteins. We focused on GalNAc-type O-glycosylation and selected the GalNAc-T11 isoenzyme that selectively glycosylates endocytic low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-related proteins as targets. Our screen of a limited small molecule compound library did not identify selective inhibitors of GalNAc-T11, however, we identify two compounds that broadly inhibited Golgi-localized glycosylation processes. These compounds mediate the reversible fragmentation of the Golgi system without affecting secretion. We demonstrate how these inhibitors can be used to manipulate glycosylation in cells to induce expression of truncated O-glycans and augment binding of cancer-specific Tn-glycoprotein antibodies and to inhibit expression of heparan sulfate and binding and infection of SARS-CoV-2
Atomic and Specificity Details of Mucin 1 O-Glycosylation Process by Multiple Polypeptide GalNAc-Transferase Isoforms Unveiled by NMR and Molecular Modeling
DL 57/2016
LMP58_18 to R.H-G
ITN, GA-642157
COST Action GLYCONanoProbes (CA18132)
ERC-2017-AdG, project number 788143-RECGLYCANMR
DNRF107The large family of polypeptide GalNAc-transferases (GalNAc-Ts) controls with precision how GalNAc O-glycans are added in the tandem repeat regions of mucins (e.g., MUC1). However, the structural features behind the creation of well-defined and clustered patterns of O-glycans in mucins are poorly understood. In this context, herein, we disclose the full process of MUC1 O-glycosylation by GalNAc-T2/T3/T4 isoforms by NMR spectroscopy assisted by molecular modeling protocols. By using MUC1, with four tandem repeat domains as a substrate, we confirmed the glycosylation preferences of different GalNAc-Ts isoforms and highlighted the importance of the lectin domain in the glycosylation site selection after the addition of the first GalNAc residue. In a glycosylated substrate, with yet multiple acceptor sites, the lectin domain contributes to orientate acceptor sites to the catalytic domain. Our experiments suggest that during this process, neighboring tandem repeats are critical for further glycosylation of acceptor sites by GalNAc-T2/T4 in a lectin-assisted manner. Our studies also show local conformational changes in the peptide backbone during incorporation of GalNAc residues, which might explain GalNAc-T2/T3/T4 fine specificities toward the MUC1 substrate. Interestingly, we postulate that a specific salt-bridge and the inverse γ-turn conformation of the PDTRP sequence in MUC1 are the main structural motifs behind the GalNAc-T4 specificity toward this region. In addition, in-cell analysis shows that the GalNAc-T4 isoform is the only isoform glycosylating the Thr of the immunogenic epitope PDTRP in vivo, which highlights the relevance of GalNAc-T4 in the glycosylation of this epitope. Finally, the NMR methodology established herein can be extended to other glycosyltransferases, such as C1GalT1 and ST6GalNAc-I, to determine the specificity toward complex mucin acceptor substrates.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin
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