729 research outputs found

    Peran pemerintah daerah dalam penerangan jalan umum menurut peraturan menteri perhubungan nomor 27 Tahun 2018 tentang alat penerangan jalan (studi kasus di kecamatan Simpang Kanan, Aceh Singkil

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    Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 27 Tahun 2018 tentang Alat Penerangan Jalan Umum. Lampu penerangan jalan umum sangat diperlukan untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan pengguna jalan dan kelancaran dalam mobilitas perekonomian suatu daerah khususnya di Simpang Kanan Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, pelaksanaan tugas dari PJU dilimpahkan kepada Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) dan berkerja sama dengan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. PJU merupakan salah satu pelayanan pemerintah daerah yang digunakan untuk kepentingan umum dan digunakan untuk penerangan jalan dimalam hari, namun di Kecamatan Simpang Kanan lampu PJU tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Lampu penerangan jalan banyak yang padam dan belum diperbaiki tentu hal tersebut membuat pengguna jalan merasa tidak nyaman bahkan keamanannya terasa terancam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran pemerintah daerah dalam penerangan lampu jalan di Kecamatan Simpang Kanan Kabupaten Aceh Singkil serta mengetahui apa hambatan dan upaya pemerintah daerah dalam penerangan lampu jalan di Simpang Kanan Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian empiris dengan pendekatan penelitian yuridis empiris. Sifat penelitian deskriptif, bentuk penelitian yaitu diagnostik, dan lokasi penelitian di kecamatan Simpang Kanan kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Dan sumber data yang di gunakan sumber data primer, sekunder, dan data tersier. Teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan teknik penelitian lapangan. Alat pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan pengamatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pemerintah daerah sangat berperan penting dalam penggerak berjalannya suatu kegiatan pembangunan, tugas dan wewenang pemerintah daerah dalam penyelenggaraan PJU yaitu mengontrol, memelihara dan mengelola, agar PJU dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan permasalahan tentang padamnya PJU di Simpang Kanan secara garis besar disebabkan karena anggaran tidak memadai, kurangnya sumber daya manusia, faktor alam, fasilitas tidak memadai sehingga hal tersebut membuat penerangan jalan tidak berjalan maksimal. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu upaya untuk meminimalisir semua hambatan yang ada agar PJU berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Saran untuk pemerintah daerah yaitu harus lebih memperhatikan kebutuhan masyarakat dan membuat Qanun khusus terkait penyelenggaraan PJU serta lebih aktif dalam menjalankan tugas dan kewajiban yang telah diamanahkan

    Pengembangan Taman Wisata Curug Cipeuteuy Di Resort Bantaragung Seksi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (Sptn) Wilayah II Majalengka Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

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    Yosemite waterfall Cipeuteuy Tourism is one of the attractions that are in Resort Bantaragung National Park Management Section ( SPTN ) Majalengka II region that have natural resources in the form of waterfalls, forests, water resources and beautiful scenery. The experiment was conducted at the waterfall Cipeuteuy Resort Bantaragung National Park Management Section (SPTN) Region II Majalengka Ciremai Mountain National Park (TNGC) of West Java Province. The purpose of this research was conducted : 1) Exploring the potential tourist park Cipeuteuy waterfall as a tourist attraction and educational facility. 2) Knowing the improvement and the development and management of tourist park at Waterfall Resort Cipeuteuy Bantaragung Ciremai Mountain National Park. Research using descriptive method with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Visitors sampling technique is done systematically with purposive sampling, sampling for managers waterfall Cipeuteuy done with saturated sampling (census) and sampling to the public is done with random sampling.The method used to analyze the data is descriptive analysis method and SWOT analysis. Alternative strategy of a combination of factors, namely the power and opportunity factors: 1) Maintain good coordination and cooperation between the Village Resort Bantaragung to empower people together, 2) Invite people who have not been active in the management activities to participate in these activities, 3) Improving the quality of tourism facilities and infrastructure that exist, and 4) Enhance the image of a tourist spot clean and comfortable. Combination of factors, namely the weakness and opportunity factors : 1) Looking for sponsor support, a good cooperation with institutions, 2) Cooperating with local governments, 3) To conduct intensive training of human resources, 4) Adding infrastructure is still lacking, 5) develop effective tourism promotion system. Combination of factors, namely the power and threat factors: 1) Develop a marketing strategy effective tourism services, 2) Adding personnel and facility cleanliness around the tourist areas, 3) Growing interest in local culture and develop a love of local knowledge in local masyarat cultural learning, 4) Hold and expand training programs to area managers, and 5) Increase public participation and government. Combination of factors, namely the weakness and threat factors: 1) Increase the role of NGOs in supporting the development of programs and garden tours waterfall Cipeuteuy community development activities

    From model-driven software development processes to problem diagnoses at runtime

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    Following the “convention over configuration” paradigm, model-driven software development (MDSD) generates code to implement the “default” behaviour that has been specified by a template separate from the input model. On the one hand, developers can produce end-products without a full understanding of the templates; on the other hand, the tacit knowledge in the templates is subtle to diagnose when a runtime software failure occurs. Therefore, there is a gap between templates and runtime adapted models. Generalising from the concrete problematic examples in MDSD processes to a model-based problem diagnosis, the chapter presents a procedure to separate the automated fixes from those runtime gaps that require human judgments

    Towards a metagenomic understanding on enhanced biomethane production from waste activated sludge after pH 10 pretreatment

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the effects of pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of sludge waste from wastewater treatment plants is becoming increasingly important, as impetus moves towards the utilization of sludge for renewable energy production. Although the field of sludge pretreatment has progressed significantly over the past decade, critical questions concerning the underlying microbial interactions remain unanswered. In this study, a metagenomic approach was adopted to investigate the microbial composition and gene content contributing to enhanced biogas production from sludge subjected to a novel pretreatment method (maintaining pH at 10 for 8 days) compared to other documented methods (ultrasonic, thermal and thermal-alkaline). RESULTS: Our results showed that pretreated sludge attained a maximum methane yield approximately 4-fold higher than that of the blank un-pretreated sludge set-up at day 17. Both the microbial and metabolic consortium shifted extensively towards enhanced biodegradation subsequent to pretreatment, providing insight for the enhanced methane yield. The prevalence of Methanosaeta thermophila and Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus, together with the functional affiliation of enzymes-encoding genes suggested an acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis pathway. Additionally, an alternative enzymology in Methanosaeta was observed. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to provide a microbiological understanding of improved biogas production subsequent to a novel waste sludge pretreatment method. The knowledge garnered will assist the design of more efficient pretreatment methods for biogas production in the future.published_or_final_versio

    Magnetic excitations in coupled Haldane spin chains near the quantum critical point

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    Two quasi-1-dimensional S=1 quantum antiferromagnetic materials, PbNi2V2O8 and SrNi2V2O8, are studied by inelastic neutron scattering on powder samples. While magnetic interactions in the two systems are found to be very similar, subtle differences in inter-chain interaction strengths and magnetic anisotropy are detected. The latter are shown to be responsible for qualitatively different ground state properties: magnetic long-range order in SrNi2V2O8 and disordered ``spin liquid'' Haldane-gap state in PbNi2V2O8.Comment: 15 figures, Figs. 5,9, and 10 in color. Some figures in JPEG format. Complete PostScript and PDF available from http://papillon.phy.bnl.gov/publicat.ht

    The Governance of COVID-19: Anthropogenic Risk, Evolutionary Learning, and the Future of the Social State

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    We consider the implications of the COVID-19 crisis for the theory and practice of governance. We define ‘governance’ as the process through which, in the case of a given entity or polity, resources are allocated, decisions made and policies implemented, with a view to ensuring the effectiveness of its operations in the face of risks in its environment. Core to this, we argue, is the organisation of knowledge through public institutions, including the legal system. COVID-19 poses a particular type of ‘anthropogenic’ risk which arises when organised human activity triggers feedback effects from the natural environment. As such it requires the concerted mobilisation of knowledge and a directed response from governments and international agencies. In this context, neoliberal theories and practices, which emphasise the self-adjusting properties of systems of governance in response to external shocks, are going to be put to the test. In states’ varied responses to COVID-19 to date it is already possible to observe some trends. One of them is the widespread mischaracterisation of the measures taken to address the epidemic at the point of its emergence in the Chinese city of Wuhan in January and February 2020. Public health measures of this kind, rather than constituting a ‘state of exception’ in which legality is set aside, are informed by practices which originated in the welfare or social states of industrialised countries, and which were successful in achieving a ‘mortality revolution’ in the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Relearning this history would seem to be essential for the future control of pandemics and other Anthropogenic risks

    Performance evaluation on an air-cooled heat exchanger for alumina nanofluid under laminar flow

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    This study analyzes the characteristics of alumina (Al2O3)/water nanofluid to determine the feasibility of its application in an air-cooled heat exchanger for heat dissipation for PEMFC or electronic chip cooling. The experimental sample was Al2O3/water nanofluid produced by the direct synthesis method at three different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 wt.%). The experiments in this study measured the thermal conductivity and viscosity of nanofluid with weight fractions and sample temperatures (20-60°C), and then used the nanofluid in an actual air-cooled heat exchanger to assess its heat exchange capacity and pressure drop under laminar flow. Experimental results show that the nanofluid has a higher heat exchange capacity than water, and a higher concentration of nanoparticles provides an even better ratio of the heat exchange. The maximum enhanced ratio of heat exchange and pressure drop for all the experimental parameters in this study was about 39% and 5.6%, respectively. In addition to nanoparticle concentration, the temperature and mass flow rates of the working fluid can affect the enhanced ratio of heat exchange and pressure drop of nanofluid. The cross-section aspect ratio of tube in the heat exchanger is another important factor to be taken into consideration