181 research outputs found

    Expression of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine modified proteins and production and characterization of chlamydia trachomatis CT663

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    O-linked â-N-acetylglucosamine is a regulatory post translational modification. This modification occurs on nearly all functional classes of proteins, in the nucleus and cytoplasm. O-GlcNAc is added to serine or threonine by O-GlcNAc transferase and removed by O-GlcNAcase. Previous attempts to study O-GlcNAc-modified proteins have resulted in low yields, making 3-dimensional structure determination impossible. In this dissertation O-GlcNAc transferase will be co-expressed with domains of human cAMP responsive element-binding protein (CREB1) and Abelson tyrosine-kinase 2 (ABL2) in E. coli, to produce O-GlcNAc-modified protein. The O-GlcNAc-modified protein was expressed in a variety of E. coli cell lines at a variety of conditions, but only small quantities of insoluble protein were produced. A glycosidase was suspected due to the disappearance of the O-GlcNAc modification from the protein. O-(2-acetamido-2-dexoy-dglucopyranosylidene) amino-N-phenylcarbamate (PUGNAc), a â-N-acetylglucosaminidase inhibitor, was added to the culture media and increased the production of O-GlcNAc-modified protein. This was the first evidence that â-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NagZ), an E. coli enzyme, cleaves O-GlcNAc from proteins in vivo. NagZ was isolated and shown to cleave O-GlcNAc from a synthetic O-GlcNAc-peptide in vitro. In E. coli, NagZ cleaves the GlcNAc-â1,4-N-acetylmuramic acid linkage to recycle peptidoglycan in the cytoplasm. A NagZ knockout showed no activity towards the O-GlcNAc-peptide, confirming NagZ as the enzyme responsible for cleaving O-GlcNAc from our glycoprotein expressed in vivo. O-GlcNAc-modified protein produced by the NagZ knockout (∆NagZ) co-expression system is highly glycosylated and can be resolubilized from the pellet. The ∆NagZ is a step closer to production of milligram quantities of O-GlcNAc-modified protein for structure determination

    Perbedaan Tingkat Kejadian Karies pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin di Kelas 1-4 SDLB Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY

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    Background.Oral health in children with special needs, usually need more treatment than those in normal. This is going to get worse if their parents have lack of knowledge and attention. Commonly in our society children with special needs is still considered as a second class civil. This circumstance could inhibit their growth, development and potency. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to know the difference of caries index level between boys and girls in grades 1-4 SDLB using caries index def - t and DMF - T. Methods.This study has been done to 22 student of 1-4 grades of Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY. Subjects consisted of 12 boys and 10 girls. The method was observational with cross sectional design. When the subjects were examined, the caries index( def-t and DMF-T) has recorded with odontogram sheet. The the severity of caries between boys and girls was compared. Result. The score of def-t in boys 1-4 grades are 4,33 and the girls 3,2. The score ofDMF-T in boys 3 and the girls 3,2. Conclusion. The result of this research was found that the caries index between boys and girls SDLB 1-4 graders at Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY was not different significantl

    Peramalan Stok Barang untuk Membantu Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Barang pada Toko Bangunan Xyz dengan Metode Arima

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    Toko bangunan ”XYZ”, merupakan sebuah USAha dagang yang bergerak di bidang jual beli bahan bangunan. Dimana bahan bangunan yang dijual terdiri atas berbagai jenis barang dengan harga dan merek yang berbeda-beda. Hal ini menyebabkan informasi akan ketersediaan stok barang sesuai dengan penjualan menjadi sangatlah penting, mengingat banyak barang yang berharga cukup mahal dan membutuhkan tempat penyimpanan yang cukup besar. Sehingga bila terjadi salah perhitungan akan stok barang, maka akan terjadi kehilangan kesempatan untuk memenuhi penjualan (lost sales) karena kekurangan stok barang ataupun akan terjadi investasi yang terhenti karena barang tertimbun di gudang tanpa bisa terjual dengan lancar.Berdasar permasalahan di atas, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem peramalan guna menentukan persediaan barang yang ada sesuai dengan permintaan (demand). Guna memprediksi jumlah persediaan stok barang akan digunakan metode ARIMA yang akan dihitung dengan menggunakan sebuah aplikasi yang berjalan pada VB.Net dan SQL Server 2005. Hasil perhitungan nantinya akan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik yang nanti akan divalidasi dan verifikasi secara manual berdasar data penjualan lampau yang telah terjadi.Dari penelitian dan pengujian yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa sistem yang dibuat telah mampu menentukan model peramalan ARIMA yang tepat pada barang di toko bahan bangunan “XYZ” ini

    Hambatan Guru Biologi SMA Negeri Kota Pekanbaru dalam Mengembangkan Profesi melalui Karya Tulis Ilmiah

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    The aim of this study was to describe obstruction of biology teachers at public senior high school pekanbaru on profession envolving trought scientific paper. This study hold on Desember 2015 until March 2016. The sample of this study was 29 biology teachers at Public Senior High School in Pekanbaru that selected by purposive sampling. This study conducted with closed-ended and open–ended questionnaire. The closed-ended questionnaire consist of 17 items and divided into 3 indicator. The indicator are motivation, creativitas, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skill and then 42 item about Class action Reset included 4 indicator. The indicatore are (Device class action research, backgroundclass action research, Implementation and Results class action research). The whole item questionnaire enclosed declared valid and reliable. Closed questionnaire obstacle teachers through Pearson correlation test, where all items declared valid, reliability test questionnaire through Cronbach's alpha test alpha of 0.89 was obtained. Validity and reliability were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies) version17.00f or Windows. Whereas the questionnaire reliability test comprehension test values obtained using 4.9 anates 0.9. Data were analyzed descriptively. Overview obstacles Biology teacher SMA Pekanbaru in envolving the profession through scientific papers obtained as follows: Motivation show sufficient criteria with a mean 3.01, Creativity showed good criterion mean 4.04 and ICT Skills showed sufficient criteria to average 3.39. While understanding class action research also showed sufficient criteria with the average percentage of 61.87%. Thus, it is known that the High School Biology teacher Pekanbaru experience in making scientific papers to envolving the profession by category quite well

    Aplikasi Perencanaan Pembelian Barang Pada Perusahaan Manggala Motor Dengan Menggunakan Metode Arima

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    Manggala Motor is a vehicles selling company. Occasionally the company lacks goods stock so that it can not obtain maximal profit because the customer needs can not be compiled by the company directly. The company needs an application that can forecast the motorcycles selling for next period, the application is expected to solve the company's problem. The application is made by using ARIMA method (Autoregressive-Integrated-Moving Average). The result of this application is information about the selling forecasting in the next period. It is hoped that the selling forecasting can help the company to prepare the goods stock and fulfill the costumers demand

    Karakteristik Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Sosis Ayam dengan Proporsi Kacang Merah Kukus dan Minyak Kelapa Sawit

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    Chicken sausage processing did by reducing fat (palm oil) and substituted with fat replacer, fat mimetics type such as steamed red bean. The research aimed to determine the effect of the proportion of steamed red beans and palm oil to physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chicken sausages. The research design used a randomized block design, single factor. The factor is proportion of steamed red bean and palm oil which consists of six levels 0%:100%, 20%:80%, 40%:60%, 60%:40%, 80%:20% and 100%:0% with four times repetition. Increased proportion of steamed red bean and palm oil will increased the moisture content, hardness, gumminess and chewiness, but decreased juiciness, springiness and sensory properties of chicken sausage. The research resulted that proportion of steamed red bean and palm oil do not affect the cohesiveness and adhesiveness of chicken sausages. The proportion of steamed red bean and palm oil which acceptabled was 40%:60

    Pengaruh Pencahayaan, Posisi Kerja Dan Gender Terhadap Produktivitas Visual Inspection Task

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    Visual inspection task is the inspection activity of a product with the eye position centered over the moving conveyor, the faster the product is produced, the more critical the time of the inspection operator. The conditions in the long term will result in a decrease in productivity (Manuaba, 1992). The research objective to be achieved, among others: (1) Determining the optimal level of productivity based on the studies measure of performance checks on experimental design in every visual inspection task beverage packaging cup "Panther". (2) Determine the influence of lighting, working position and gender on the productivity of visual inspection task on beverage packaging. The object of research is part operator checks on beverage packaging cup "panther". Here are 10 people who have IQ scores of 90-120 aged 20-25 years. The research method was experimental method. The independent variables consist of lighting levels, working position, and gender. Variable manipulated into 12 groups experimental design. Data processing is done by checking the performance measurement approach. Analysis of experimental data using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and productivity. The study states that: (1) the highest labor productivity LkB200 experimental design (male, standing working position, the lighting level of 200 Lux) for 0.833. But the productivity of all design experiments have not reached optimal productivity, (2) Areas of different interactions in experimental design factor is the level of lighting in the working position. These factors affect the number of detected defects and work productivity

    Screening of Indonesian Original Bacteria Vibrio SP as a Cause of Shrimp Diseases Based on 16s Ribosomal Dna-technique

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    Shrimp disease caused by Vibrio sp is one of the main limiting factors in the increasing production in shrimp farming. This disease may kill the shrimp and cause high loss in shrimp culture in South East and East Asia. Samples of 10 individuals of a ten months cultured giant tiger prawn as well as 1 liter pond water and sea waters were collected from shrimp pond in Bengkalis Island, Sumatra. Samples of shrimps were also collected from Jepara shrimp pond in Central Java and they were selected by looking at their behavior and unhealthy physical characteristics. Amplification, rDNA 16s sequencing and bioinformatics analysis to identify Vibrio species were conducted in Biotech Center, BPPT Serpong Banten. The results of DNA sequencing of each bacteria isolate were compared to DNA sequence from International DNA bank database. Tracing were made by BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) system accessed through the internet at http://www./ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast. The result of this study found seven strains of Vibrio sp bacteria where five of which (V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. harveyi, V. shilonii and V. vulnificus) were already registered in the world gen bank with homolog level above 97%. Meanwhile, another two strain found in this study were not found in the list of world gen bank and therefore are considered as native Vibrio sp bacteria from Indonesia

    Menyiapkan Generasi Muda Sigap Menghadapi Bencana Tanah Longsor

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    Landslides are one of the natural disasters that have had a wide range of social and economic consequences, including damage to public infrastructure, transportation, and telecommunications, as well as deaths Public understanding of disaster prevention, early sign of a disaster, how to handle it during, and after a disaster occurs is still low so it is necessary to educate the public to minimize losses. Preparing a young generation who is strong in dealing with landslides must be done early so that the community has preparedness when this disaster occurs. The students of  SMP PGRI 2 and SMP Negeri 4 Balikpapan City were chosen to receive education, considering that the location of this school is in an area that has a high potential for landslides because the area has a steep contour and is a densely populated area. Before and after education, a test was conducted to determine the level of students' understanding of the prevention and management of landslides.Landslides are one of the natural disasters that have had a wide range of social and economic consequences, including damage to public infrastructure, transportation, and telecommunications, as well as deaths Public understanding of disaster prevention, early sign of a disaster, how to handle it during, and after a disaster occurs is still low so it is necessary to educate the public to minimize losses. Preparing a young generation who is strong in dealing with landslides must be done early so that the community has preparedness when this disaster occurs. The students of  SMP PGRI 2 and SMP Negeri 4 Balikpapan City were chosen to receive education, considering that the location of this school is in an area that has a high potential for landslides because the area has a steep contour and is a densely populated area. Before and after education, a test was conducted to determine the level of students' understanding of the prevention and management of landslides
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