5,223 research outputs found

    Initial dynamics of the EKG during an electrical defibrillation of the heart

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    In tests on 11 mature dogs, immobilized by means of an automatic blocking and synchronization system, artefact free EKG were obtained, beginning 0.04-0.06 sec after passage of a defibrillating current. Different versions of the start of fibrillation were noted, in application of the defibrillating stimulus in the early phase of the cardiac cycle. A swinging phenomenon, increasing amplitude, of fibrillation was noted for 0.4-1.5 sec after delivery of a subthreshold stimulus. Conditions for a positive outcome of repeated defibrillation were found, and a relationship was noted between the configuration of the exciting process with respect to the lines of force of the defibrillating current and the defibrillation threshold. It was shown that the initial EKG dynamics after defibrillation is based on a gradual shift of the pacemaker from the myocardium of the ventricles to the sinus node, through phases of atrioventricular and atrial automatism

    Quenching of Leading Jets and Particles: the p_t Dependent Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect from Nonlinear k_t Factorization

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    We report the first derivation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect for leading jets at fixed values of the transverse momentum p_t in the beam fragmentation region of hadron-nucleus collisions from RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) to LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The major novelty of this work is a derivation of the missing virtual radiative pQCD correction to these processes - the real-emission radiative corrections are already available in the literature. We manifestly implement the unitarity relation, which in the simplest form requires that upon summing over the virtual and real-emission corrections the total number of scattered quarks must exactly equal unity. For the free-nucleon target, the leading jet spectrum is shown to satisfy the familiar linear Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov leading log(1/x) (LL-1/x) evolution. For nuclear targets, the nonlinear k_t-factorization for the LL-1/x evolution of the leading jet sepctrum is shown to exactly match the equally nonlinear LL-1/x evolution of the collective nuclear glue - there emerges a unique linear k_t-factorization relation between the two nonlinear evolving nuclear observables. We argue that within the standard dilute uncorrelated nucleonic gas treatment of heavy nuclei, in the finite energy range from RHIC to LHC, the leading jet spectrum can be evolved in the LL-1/x Balitsky-Kovchegov approximation. We comment on the extension of these results to, and their possible reggeon field theory interpretation for, mid-rapidity jets at LHC.Comment: 36 pages, 8 eps figs, revised, discussion on reggeon interpretation and refs. adde

    Rheological Characteristics of Loam Compositions with Mineral Additives of Different Genesis and Morfology

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    Structural clay products manufacturing is depends on the potential of local raw materials. Shoddy silty loams are the main component of molding mixtures in view of shortage of the quality clays. Therefore, methods for determining the structural characteristics of molding compounds are becoming important. The objective of study is the influence of mineral additives different genesis and morphology at structural characteristics and molding properties of the compounds based on shoddy silty loams. Photometrical sedimentometer FSH-6K and optical microscopy method were used for the determining of granulometric compositions and morphological properties of the additives. Conical rheometer method was used for the determining plastic strength of the moulding compounds. Shear plastometer method was used to determining values of the low elastic, high elastic and plastic deformations. It had defined the optimal values of molding clay compound’s moisture in which molding compositions had being tested. Optimal values of the molding composition’s moisture in which molding compounds has not subjected to negative influences of the gravitational water are equal to 15-19%. Structural constants were calculated for molding compositions based on different kinds of additives. Values of the percent of low elastic, high elastic and plastic deformation were calculated on the grounds of rheological curves. Optimal values of composition’s structural characteristics were accepted from the condition of three types of deformations

    Glue in the pomeron from nonlinear k_\perp-factorization

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    We derive the nonlinear k_\perp-factorization for the spectrum of jets in high-mass diffractive deep inelastic scattering as a function of three hard scales - the virtuality of the photon Q^2, the transverse momentum of the jet and the saturation scale Q_A. In contrast to all other hard reactions studied so far, we encounter a clash between the two definitions of the glue in the pomeron -- from the inclusive spectrum of leading quarks and the small-\beta evolution of the diffractive cross section. This clash casts a further shadow on customary applications of the familiar collinear factorization to a pQCD analysis of diffractive deep inelastic scattering.Comment: 9 page

    Fast Characterization of Magnetic Impurities in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    We have demonstrated that the magnetic susceptibility measurement is a non-destructive, fast and accurate method to determine the residual metal catalysts in a few microgram single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) sample. We have studied magnetic impurities in raw and purified SWCNT by magnetic susceptibility measurements, transmission electron microscopy, and thermogravimetry. The data suggest that the saturation magnetic moment and the effective field, which is caused by the interparticle interactions, decreases and increases respectively with the decrease of the particle size. Methods are suggested to overcome the uncertainty associated

    Dynamics of Indexes of Force of Muscles of Humeral Belt and Mobility in the Humeral Joints of Pupils 10−11 Classes.

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    Стаття присвячена вивченню питання розвитку сили м’язів плечового пояса й рухливості в плечових суглобах в учнів 10–11-х класів на заняттях із фізичної культури. The article is devoted to the study of the question of development of force of muscles of humeral belt and mobility in the humeral joints of pupils of 10−11 classes on the lessons of physical culture

    Development of Power Capabilities of Students of Higher Forms by Facilities of Athletics Gymnastics.

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    Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей використання атлетичної гімнастики для розвитку силових здібностей в учнів старших класів. The article is devoted to the study of features of the usage of athletics gymnastics for development of power capabilities for the students of higher forms

    European Inter-Regionalism in Latin America

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    Reviews the main processes of regionalism and integration in Europe and Latin Americа. In Europe, the 2004 and 2007 enlargements transformed the composition of the European Union. The Treaty of Lisbon sparked a turbulent debate about the scope of the integration process, and the prolonged economic crisis forced painful structural transformations in the Eurozone. In Latin America, the benefits of the democratic reforms and the free market policies raised the expectations of the population, producing a spectrum of decision makers ranging from socialists of the twenty-first century to devoted neoliberals. In the light of the historical moment that both regions are experiencing, the aim of the work is to study the formation of a fruitful interregional dialogue between Europe and Latin America.Рассматриваются основные процессы регионализма и интеграции в Европе и Латинской Америке. Показано, что в Европе расширение в 2004 и 2007 гг. изменило состав ЕС. Лиссабонский договор вызвал бурные дебаты о масштабах интеграционного процесса, а затянувшийся экономический кризис вынудил к болезненным структурным преобразованиям в еврозоне. В Латинской Америке выгоды демократических реформ и политики свободного рынка повышают ожидания населения, что приводит к появлению широкого круга лиц, принимающих решения, от социалистов XXI в. до преданных своему делу неолибералов. В свете исторического момента, переживаемого обоими регионами, цель труда заключается в изучении становления плодотворного межрегионального диалога между Европой и Латинской Америкой