49 research outputs found

    Low Carbon Economic Production Quantity Model for Imperfect Quality Deteriorating Items

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    This paper presents an economic production quantity (EPQ) model for deteriorating items with a certain percentage of defective products due to an imperfect process. The defective products are sold to a secondary market at a discount price. Due to environmental concern and carbon tax regulation, the manufacturer incorporates the control of carbon emission cost into its decision model. Carbon emission cost is a function of electricity consumption during production and inventory storage; it is also dependent on the carbon tax rate. Since the production process results in work-in-process inventory and carbon emission, the study tries to optimize the throughput time. We also examine the effect of carbon tax regulation on the potential emission reduction from the developed deteriorating item model. A numerical example and sensitivity analysis have been provided, and the result confirms the influence of carbon tax regulation in reducing carbon emission

    An Inventory Model Considering All Unit Discount and Carbon Emissions

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    Consumer satisfaction is an important factor in the ongoing business process. Companies must be able to meet consumer demands and considers customers’ concerns on price. In a supplier and customer relationship, a given discount will affect the order size. Besides, in the current developing industry, environmental factors must be considered without disturbing the business. Recently, researchers and practitioners develop environmentally-friendly industries so that the environment will be well managed and not polluted. For example, carbon emissions can be managed by optimizing the production operation and product distribution. This paper presents a study on the relationship between discount on the economic order quantity model and the total carbon emissions. This research develops a procurement model by considering an all-unit discount system and carbon emission tax. The aim is to determine the optimal order that minimizes the total cost

    Applying User Interface Analytics to Identify Online Shop Performance Factors

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    The massive use of information systems and digital applications drives the growth of e-commerce, including online shops in marketplaces. However, some of the online shops are not successful. To improve their performance, the success factors of the online shops should be recognized. This study develops a model of online shop success factors. Unlike the other researches that use customer preference data from surveys, this study uses user interface analytics to develop the model. A marketplace operated in Indonesia was selected as the case study. The study begins with a scraping process of the data available at online shops' user interfaces in the marketplace. After data cleaning, outliers handling, and data clustering by product category, a series of multiple regression analyses are performed to get the model estimates. Eight variables are defined to develop the model, i.e., product price, percentage of responded chat, shop joining time in the marketplace, number of product types, number of raters, shop rating, shop reputation, and number of followers. The results of the multiple regression process show that the model estimate is specific for every product category. The final model can be used as a reference by the online shop sellers to develop their strategy to improve their shop performance. Moreover, the results also prove that user interface analytics is effective in estimating the performance factors of online shops in a marketplace


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    Abstract: The objective of this research is to improve the conceptual understanding on force at the students in Grade V of State Primary School Nurul Islam Kawedusan, Kebumen through the use of Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectualy (SAVI) learning model. The research used the classroom action research with 2 cycles. Each cycle consisted of four phases, namely: planing, implementation, observation, and reflection. The data of the research were gathered through in-depth interview, observation, test, and documentation. They were then analyzed by using the descriptive comparative statistical technique of analysis and interactive technique of analysis that consist of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The conclusion of this research is the use of Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectualy (SAVI) learning model can improve the conceptual understanding of force at the students in Grade V of State Primary School Nurul Islam Kawedusan, Kebumen in academic year 2012/2013. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep gaya pada siswa kelas V MI Nurul Islam Kawedusan, Kebumen melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectualy (SAVI). Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif komparatif dan analisis interaktif yang terdiri atas tiga tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan model pembelajaran Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectualy (SAVI) dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep gaya pada siswa kelas V MI Nurul Islam Kawedusan, Kebumen tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Kata Kunci: Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectualy (SAVI), pemahaman konsep gay


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    Abstract: The research aims to improve the ability of pantun writing by using cooperative learning model of Think Talk Write (TTW). The research subject is teacher and students of grade IV in SD Negeri 3 Delanggu at the academic year of 2015/2016. The type of the research is classroom action research, it conducted in two cycles. Each cycles consist of four phases, there are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.  Data gathered by observation, interview, and test. Data is validated by using source triangulation and technic triangulation. Data analyzed by using interactive analysis model, it consist of three components, there are data reduction, data display, and taking the conclusion or verification. The result shows that cooperative learning model of Think Talk Write (TTW) can improve the ability of pantun writing. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis pantun melalui penerapan model pembelalajaran kooperatif tipe Think Talk Write (TTW). Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 3 Delanggu tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, di antaranya perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Validitas data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan model analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari tiga komponen, yaitu pengumpulan data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Talk Write (TTW) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis pantun.                                                              Kata kunci: model pembelajaran kooperatif, Think Talk Write (TTW), kemampuan menulis pantu

    Soil erodibility and its influencing factors on the Loess Plateau of China: a case study in the Ansai watershed

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    The objectives of this work were to identify the best possible method to estimate soil erodibility (K) and understand the influencing factors of soil erodibility. In this study, 151 soil samples were collected during soil surveys in the Ansai watershed of the Loess Plateau of China. The K values were estimated by five methods: erosion-productivity impact model (EPIC), nomograph equation (NOMO), modified nomograph equation (M-NOMO), Torri model and Shirazi model. The main conclusions of this paper are (1) K values in the Ansai watershed ranged between 0.009 and 0.092&thinsp;t&thinsp; ⋅ &thinsp;hm2&thinsp; ⋅ &thinsp;h/(MJ&thinsp; ⋅ &thinsp;mm&thinsp; ⋅ &thinsp;hm2), and the maximum values were 1.9–7.3 times larger than the corresponding minimum values, and the Shirazi and Torri models were considered the optimal models for the Ansai watershed. (2) Different land use types had different levels of importance; the principal components (PCs) accounted for 100&thinsp;% (native grassland), 48.88&thinsp;% (sea buckthorn), 62.05&thinsp;% (Caragana korshinskii), and 53.61&thinsp;% (pasture grassland) of the variance in soil erodibility. (3) The correlations between soil erodibility and the selected environmental variables differed among different vegetation types. For native grasslands, soil erodibility had significant correlations with terrain factors. For the most artificially managed vegetation types (e.g., apple orchards) and artificially restored vegetation types (e.g., sea buckthorn), soil erodibility had significant correlations with the growing conditions of vegetation. Soil erodibility had indirect relationships with both environmental factors (e.g., elevation and slope) and human activities, which potentially altered soil erodibility.</p

    An evaluation of three DoE-guided meta-heuristic-based solution methods for a three-echelon sustainable distribution network

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    This article evaluates the efficiency of three meta-heuristic optimiser (viz. MOGA-II, MOPSO and NSGA-II)-based solution methods for designing a sustainable three-echelon distribution network. The distribution network employs a bi-objective location-routing model. Due to the mathematically NP-hard nature of the model a multi-disciplinary optimisation commercial platform, modeFRONTIER®, is adopted to utilise the solution methods. The proposed Design of Experiment (DoE)-guided solution methods are of two phased that solve the NP-hard model to attain minimal total costs and total CO2 emission from transportation. Convergence of the optimisers are tested and compared. Ranking of the realistic results are examined using Pareto frontiers and the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution approach, followed by determination of the optimal transportation routes. A case of an Irish dairy processing industry’s three-echelon logistics network is considered to validate the solution methods. The results obtained through the proposed methods provide information on open/closed distribution centres (DCs), vehicle routing patterns connecting plants to DCs, open DCs to retailers and retailers to retailers, and number of trucks required in each route to transport the products. It is found that the DoE-guided NSGA-II optimiser based solution is more efficient when compared with the DoE-guided MOGA-II and MOPSO optimiser based solution methods in solving the bi-objective NP-hard three-echelon sustainable model. This efficient solution method enable managers to structure the physical distribution network on the demand side of a logistics network, minimising total cost and total CO2 emission from transportation while satisfying all operational constraints