415 research outputs found

    An Integrated Content and Metadata based Retrieval System for Art

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    In this paper we describe aspects of the Artiste project to develop a distributed content and metadata based analysis, retrieval and navigation system for a number of major European Museums. In particular, after a brief overview of the complete system, we describe the design and evaluation of some of the image analysis algorithms developed to meet the specific requirements of the users from the museums. These include a method for retrievals based on sub images, retrievals based on very low quality images and retrieval using craquelure type

    Anatomical study of serotonergic innervation and 5-HT1A receptor in the human spinal cord

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    Serotonergic innervation of the spinal cord in mammals has multiple roles in the control of motor, sensory and visceral functions. In rats, functional consequences of spinal cord injury at thoracic level can be improved by a substitutive transplantation of serotonin (5-HT) neurons or regeneration under the trophic influence of grafted stem cells. Translation to either pharmacological and/or cellular therapies in humans requires the mapping of the spinal cord 5-HT innervation and its receptors to determine their involvement in specific functions. Here, we have performed a preliminary mapping of serotonergic processes and serotonin-lA (5-HT1A) receptors in thoracic and lumbar segments of the human spinal cord. As in rodents and non-human primates, 5-HT profiles in human spinal cord are present in the ventral horn, surrounding motoneurons, and also contact their presumptive dendrites at lumbar level. 5-HT1A receptors are present in the same area, but are more densely expressed at lumbar level. 5-HT profiles are also present in the intermediolateral region, where 5-HT1A receptors are absent. Finally, we observed numerous serotonergic profiles in the superficial part (equivalent of Rexed lamina II) of the dorsal horn, which also displayed high levels of 5-HT1A receptors. These findings pave the way for local specific therapies involving cellular and/or pharmacological tools targeting the serotonergic system

    Development of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assays for Rapid Detection of Ehrlichia ruminantium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rickettsial bacterium <it>Ehrlichia ruminantium </it>is the causative agent of heartwater, a potential zoonotic disease of ruminants transmitted by ticks of the genus <it>Amblyomma</it>. The disease is distributed in nearly all of sub-Saharan Africa and some islands of the Caribbean, from where it threatens the American mainland. This report describes the development of two different loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for sensitive and specific detection of <it>E. ruminantium</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two sets of LAMP primers were designed from the pCS20 and <it>sodB </it>genes. The detection limits for each assay were 10 copies for pCS20 and 5 copies for <it>sodB</it>, which is at least 10 times higher than that of the conventional pCS20 PCR assay. DNA amplification was completed within 60 min. The assays detected 16 different isolates of <it>E. ruminantium </it>from geographically distinct countries as well as two attenuated vaccine isolates. No cross-reaction was observed with genetically related Rickettsiales, including zoonotic <it>Ehrlichia </it>species from the USA. LAMP detected more positive samples than conventional PCR but less than real-time PCR, when tested with field samples collected in sub-Saharan countries.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Due to its simplicity and specificity, LAMP has the potential for use in resource-poor settings and also for active screening of <it>E. ruminantium</it> in both heartwater-endemic areas and regions that are at risk of contracting the disease.</p

    Context Specificity in Causal Signaling Networks Revealed by Phosphoprotein Profiling.

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    Signaling networks downstream of receptor tyrosine kinases are among the most extensively studied biological networks, but new approaches are needed to elucidate causal relationships between network components and understand how such relationships are influenced by biological context and disease. Here, we investigate the context specificity of signaling networks within a causal conceptual framework using reverse-phase protein array time-course assays and network analysis approaches. We focus on a well-defined set of signaling proteins profiled under inhibition with five kinase inhibitors in 32 contexts: four breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, UACC812, BT20, and BT549) under eight stimulus conditions. The data, spanning multiple pathways and comprising ∌70,000 phosphoprotein and ∌260,000 protein measurements, provide a wealth of testable, context-specific hypotheses, several of which we experimentally validate. Furthermore, the data provide a unique resource for computational methods development, permitting empirical assessment of causal network learning in a complex, mammalian setting.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute (grant U54 CA112970 to J.W.G., G.B.M., S.M., and P.T.S.). S.M.H. and S.M. were supported by the UK Medical Research Council (unit program numbers MC_UP_1302/1 and MC_UP_1302/3). S.M. was a recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. The MD Anderson Cancer Center RPPA Core Facility is funded by the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute (Cancer Center Core Grant CA16672)

    Test Bench Of The Barrel Calorimeter Modules

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    A systematic procedure to qualify the barrel calorimeter modules is an essential step to guarantee a 0.7% constant term, which is the collaboration objective. The procedure detailed in this note consists of quality monitoring during mechanical assembling and of a set of electrical tests such as electrical continuity, cell and cross-talk capacitance measurement, and high-voltage behaviour. For the whole test, it has been necessary to develop dedicated electronic boards, to develop measurement methods, and the whole operation software. Making the procedure automatic will guarantee the quality of each module during assembling, cabling, and test in liquid argon

    Non Destructive Evaluation of Containment Walls in Nuclear Power Plants

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    Two functions are regularly tested on the containment walls in order to anticipate a possible accident. The first is mechanical to resist at a possible internal over-pressure and the second is to prevent leakage. The reference accident LLOCA (Large Loss of Coolant Accident) is the rupture of a pipe in the primary circuit of a nuclear plant. In this case, the pressure and temperature can reach 5 bar and 180°C in 20 seconds. The national project ‘Non-destructive testing of the containment structures of nuclear plants’ aims at studying the non-destructive techniques capable to evaluate the concrete properties and its damaging or progression of cracks. This 4-year-project is segmented into two parts. The first consists in developing and selecting the most relevant NDEs (Non Destructive Evaluations) in the laboratory to reach these goals. These evaluations are developed in conditions representing the real conditions of the stresses generated during ten-yearly visits of the plants or those related to an accident. The second part consists in applying the selected techniques to two containment structures under pressure. The first (technique) is proposed by the ONERA (National Office for Aerospace Studies and Research of France) and the second is a mock-up of a containment wall on a 1/3 scale made by EDF (Electricity of France) within the VeRCoRs program. Communication bears on the part of the project that concerns the damaging and cracking follow-up. The tests are done in bending on 3 or 4 points in order to study the cracks’ generation, their propagation, as well as their opening and closing. The mostly ultrasonic techniques developed concern linear or non-linear acoustic: acoustic emission [1], LOCADIFF (Locating with diffuse ultrasound) [2], energy diffusion, surface waves velocity and attenuation, DAET (Dynamic Acousto-Elasticity Testing) [3]. The data contribute to providing the mapping of the parameters searched for, either in volume, in surface or globally. Image correlation is an important additional asset to validate the coherence of the data. The spatial normalization of the data allows proposing algorithms on the combination of the experimental data. The tests results are presented and they show the capacity and the limits of the evaluation of the volume, surface or global data. A data fusion procedure is associated with these results

    Current status of the IAG working group 4.3.7 on geodetic GNSS-R

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    PresentaciĂłn realizada online en el Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (2021) celebrado del 28 de junio al 2 de julio en Beijing

    FLPe functions in zebrafish embryos

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    To assay the efficiency of the FLP/FRT site-specific recombination system in Danio rerio, a construct consisting of a muscle-specific promoter driving EGFP flanked by FRT sites was developed. FLPe capped RNA was microinjected into transgenic single cell stage zebrafish embryos obtained by crossing hemizygous transgenic males with wild-type females. By 48 h post fertilization (hpf), the proportion of embryos displaying green fluorescence following FLPe RNA microinjection was significantly lower (7.7%; P < 0.001) than would be expected from a cross in the absence of the recombinase (50%). Embryos that retained fluorescence displayed marked mosaicism. Inheritance of the excised transgene in non-fluorescent, transgenic embryos was verified by PCR analysis and FLPe-mediated recombination was confirmed by DNA sequencing. Sperm derived from confirmed transgenic males in these experiments was used to fertilize wild-type eggs to determine whether germline excision of the transgene had occurred. Clutches sired by FLPe-microinjected males contained 0–4% fluorescent embryos. Transgenic males that were phenotypically wild-type produced no fluorescent progeny, demonstrating complete excision of the transgene from their germline. FLPe microinjected males that retained some fluorescent muscle expression produced a small proportion of fluorescent offspring, suggesting that in mosaic males not all germline cells had undergone FLPe-mediated transgene excision. Our results show that FLPe, which is derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is an efficient recombinase in zebrafish maintained at 28.5°C

    The Extent and Role of Domestic Tourism in a Small Island: The Case of the Isle of Man

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    This article presents a case concerning microdomestic tourism on the Isle of Man, British Isles. Despite being a small island, research highlights that considerable domestic tourism occurs (referred to as microdomestic tourism to reflect the small island size and distinguish from wider British Isles tourism), including day trips and overnight stays. Participants identified such behavior as touristic, and distinct from other leisure activities. Qualitative interviews with residents explore the nature of and reasons for microdomestic tourism within a small island. Breaks from routine, entertaining friends and family, and exploring less well known landscapes are shown to underpin. Highlighted is that microdomestic tourism has a variety of potential benefits, which may counter some of the restrictions typically faced by a small island community. Support for an otherwise ailing tourism industry may help to protect facilities and infrastructure used by the wider community, maintain tourism capacity, and provide atmosphere attractive to foreign visitors
