87 research outputs found

    Historic Light Curve and Long-term Optical Variation of BL Lacertae 2200+420

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    In this paper, historical optical(UBVRI) data and newly observed data from the Yunnan Observatory of China(about100 years) are presented for BL Lacertae. Maximum variations in UBVRI: 5.12, 5.31, 4.73, 2.59, and 2.54 and color indices of U-B = -0.11 +/- 0.20, B-V= 1.0 +/- 0.11, V-R= 0.73 +/- 0.19, V-I= 1.42 +/- 0.25, R-I= 0.82 +/- 0.11, and B-I= 2.44 +/- 0.29 have been obtained from the literature; The Jurkevich method is used to investigate the existence of periods in the B band light curve, and a long-term period of 14 years is found. The 0.6 and 0.88 year periods reported by Webb et al.(1988) are confirmed. In addition, a close relation between B-I and B is found, suggesting that the spectra flattens when the source brightens.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 2 table, aasms4.sty, to be published in ApJ, Vol. 507, 199

    A spectroscopic analysis of the chemically peculiar star HD207561

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    In this paper we present a high-resolution spectroscopic analysis of the chemically peculiar star HD207561. During a survey programme to search for new roAp stars in the Northern hemisphere, Joshi et al. (2006) observed significant photometric variability on two consecutive nights in the year 2000. The amplitude spectra of the light curves obtained on these two nights showed oscillations with a frequency of 2.79 mHz [P~6-min]. However, subsequent follow-up observations could not confirm any rapid variability. In order to determine the spectroscopic nature of HD207561, high-resolution spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric observations were carried out. A reasonable fit of the calculated Hbeta line profile to the observed one yields the effective temperature (Teff) and surface gravity (log g) as 7300 K and 3.7 dex, respectively. The derived projected rotational velocity (vsin i) for HD207561 is 74 km/sec indicative of a relatively fast rotator. The position of HD207561 in the H-R diagram implies that this is slightly evolved from the main-sequence and located well within the delta-Scuti instability strip. The abundance analysis indicates the star has slight under-abundances of Ca and Sc and mild over-abundances of iron-peak elements. The spectro-polarimetric study of HD207561 shows that the effective magnetic field is within the observational error of 100 gauss (G). The spectroscopic analysis revealed that the star has most of the characteristics similar to an Am star, rather than an Ap star, and that it lies in the delta-Scuti instability strip; hence roAp pulsations are not expected in HD207561, but low-overtone modes might be excited.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for pubblication in MNRA

    Classical novae from the POINT-AGAPE microlensing survey of M31 -- I. The nova catalogue

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    The POINT-AGAPE survey is an optical search for gravitational microlensing events towards the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). As well as microlensing, the survey is sensitive to many different classes of variable stars and transients. Here we describe the automated detection and selection pipeline used to identify M31 classical novae (CNe) and we present the resulting catalogue of 20 CN candidates observed over three seasons. CNe are observed both in the bulge region as well as over a wide area of the M31 disk. Nine of the CNe are caught during the final rise phase and all are well sampled in at least two colours. The excellent light-curve coverage has allowed us to detect and classify CNe over a wide range of speed class, from very fast to very slow. Among the light-curves is a moderately fast CN exhibiting entry into a deep transition minimum, followed by its final decline. We have also observed in detail a very slow CN which faded by only 0.01 mag day1^{-1} over a 150 day period. We detect other interesting variable objects, including one of the longest period and most luminous Mira variables. The CN catalogue constitutes a uniquely well-sampled and objectively-selected data set with which to study the statistical properties of classical novae in M31, such as the global nova rate, the reliability of novae as standard-candle distance indicators and the dependence of the nova population on stellar environment. The findings of this statistical study will be reported in a follow-up paper.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, re-submitted for publication in MNRAS, typos corrected, references updated, figures 5-9 made cleare

    WEBT multiwavelength monitoring and XMM-Newton observations of BL Lacertae in 2007-2008. Unveiling different emission components

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    In 2007-2008 we carried out a new multiwavelength campaign of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) on BL Lacertae, involving three pointings by the XMM-Newton satellite, to study its emission properties. The source was monitored in the optical-to-radio bands by 37 telescopes. The brightness level was relatively low. Some episodes of very fast variability were detected in the optical bands. The X-ray spectra are well fitted by a power law with photon index of about 2 and photoelectric absorption exceeding the Galactic value. However, when taking into account the presence of a molecular cloud on the line of sight, the data are best fitted by a double power law, implying a concave X-ray spectrum. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) built with simultaneous radio-to-X-ray data at the epochs of the XMM-Newton observations suggest that the peak of the synchrotron emission lies in the near-IR band, and show a prominent UV excess, besides a slight soft-X-ray excess. A comparison with the SEDs corresponding to previous observations with X-ray satellites shows that the X-ray spectrum is extremely variable. We ascribe the UV excess to thermal emission from the accretion disc, and the other broad-band spectral features to the presence of two synchrotron components, with their related SSC emission. We fit the thermal emission with a black body law and the non-thermal components by means of a helical jet model. The fit indicates a disc temperature greater than 20000 K and a luminosity greater than 6 x 10^44 erg/s.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Optical Imaging of Nova Shells and the Maximum Magnitude-Rate of Decline Relationship

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    An optical imaging study of recent 30 novae has been undertaken using both ground-based and space-based observations. Resolved shells have been detected around 9 objects in the ground-based data, while another four objects have shells detected by HST observations; for RW UMi, we fail to detect a shell which was observed five years earlier. Images in H-alpha, and when appropriate [O III], are shown, and finding charts for novae without shells are given if no published chart is available. Expansion parallaxes for all systems with shells are derived, and absolute magnitudes for a total of 28 objects are presented, along with a discussion of the maximum magnitude-rate of decline relation. We find that separate linear fits for fast and slow novae may be a better representation of the data than a single, global fit. At minimum, most novae have similar magnitudes as those of dwarf novae at maximum and novalike stars.Comment: 39 pages, 5 ps-figures, 13 jpg-figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (October 2000

    Technology and the Era of the Mass Army

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    De la conception à l'exploitation des cuves industrielles d'électrolyse en sels fondus

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    Electrowinning in molten salts is a widely prospected industrial process. It is currently used in producing aluminium, fluorine, sodium and some refractory metals. Optimizing economics is carried out by smart conception of processes (bench scale, pilot, extrapolation) and monitoring working conditions (detecting and suppressing troubles). By wedding the different electrochemical approaches of PECHINEY, our corporate laboratory is aiming at : -developing appropriate tools : acquisition of basic data, modelling well fit with electrochemical specificities (software Flux Expert ®), experimental validation ; - carrying out sensors with associated electrochemical methods for pinpointing troubles and monitoring processes.L'électrolyse en sels fondus est un procédé industriel largement développé. C'est la technique utilisée pour produire l'aluminium, le fluor, le sodium, et certains métaux réfractaires multivalents. Pour optimiser cette production, il faut concevoir intelligemment le procédé (laboratoire, pilote, extrapolation) et maîtriser les conditions d'exploitation (analyse et suppression des dysfonctionnements). Le laboratoire de recherche central qui marie les différentes "cultures" électrochimiques des Sociétés du Groupe PECHINEY a pour vocation : - de mettre au point les outils de conception : acquisition des données essentielles ; simulation numérique bien adaptée aux réacteurs électrochimiques complexes (Flux Expert®) ; validation expérimentale. - de développer des capteurs associés aux techniques électrochimiques pour piloter les procédés et détecter les dysfonctionnements

    Surveillance de la qualité des eaux de baignades : recherche et suivi du développement des dinoflagellés toxiques du genre Ostreopsis au niveau du littoral de Monaco. Eté 2009.

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    Rapport scientifiqueSurveillance de la qualité des eaux de baignades : recherche et suivi du développement des dinoflagellés toxiques du genre Ostreopsis au niveau du littoral de Monaco. Eté 2009