240 research outputs found

    Adaptive Synchronization of Robotic Sensor Networks

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    The main focus of recent time synchronization research is developing power-efficient synchronization methods that meet pre-defined accuracy requirements. However, an aspect that has been often overlooked is the high dynamics of the network topology due to the mobility of the nodes. Employing existing flooding-based and peer-to-peer synchronization methods, are networked robots still be able to adapt themselves and self-adjust their logical clocks under mobile network dynamics? In this paper, we present the application and the evaluation of the existing synchronization methods on robotic sensor networks. We show through simulations that Adaptive Value Tracking synchronization is robust and efficient under mobility. Hence, deducing the time synchronization problem in robotic sensor networks into a dynamic value searching problem is preferable to existing synchronization methods in the literature.Comment: First International Workshop on Robotic Sensor Networks part of Cyber-Physical Systems Week, Berlin, Germany, 14 April 201

    Response of durum wheat seedlings to salinity

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    Salinity is an important source of abiotic stress, limiting crop performance in most arid and semi-arid areas of the world. This research was conducted to determine the effects of salinity on physiological parameters of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes. The research was conducted in the tissue culture laboratory at the Agriculture Faculty of Dicle University. The study consisted of one durum wheat commercial cultivar, five local cultivars and four advanced genotypes. There were three replications in a split-plot experimental design. Genotypes were germinated in four NaCl concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150 mM) in plastic boxes. There were statistically assured significant differences among the genotypes for all salt concentrations and all observed parameters (coleoptile length, seedling length, root length, seedling fresh weight, root fresh weight, seedling dry weight, root dry weight, germination rate and seedling vigor). There was significant decrease in all examined parameters depending on the increase of salt concentration. The ‘Sorgul’ genotype was most tolerant to salinity, in terms of root length and root dry weight, whereas ‘Altintoprak 98’ was most tolerant as measured by the impact of salinity on coleoptile length, seedling fresh weight, germination rate and seedling vigour. The ‘Beyaziye’ genotype was the most sensitive to salinity-induced stress. The results from this study demonstrated differences among durum wheat genotypes for seedling parameters measured in the presence of salinity stress. © 2015, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. All Rights Reserved

    The Impact of Educational Films on Attitude and Awareness Towards Environmental Problems

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    DergiPark: 526233tredThisstudy aimed to examine the effects of educational films on the second-gradeelementary school teacher candidates’ attitudes and awareness towardsenvironmental problems. . In this study, two pre-existing groups were randomlyassigned to experimental and control groups, so the study was designedaccording to the pre-test post-test control group quasi-experimental design.Participants from whom data were gathered were identified through purposivesampling. The awareness scale towards environmental problems and the attitudescale towards environmental problems were used as data collection tools in thestudy. According to the results there was a significant difference between theawareness scale mean post-test scores in favor of the experimental group. Also,the attitude scale mean post-test scores of the teacher candidates werecompared and there was no difference between the attitudes mean scores of theteacher candidates

    Desain Pit Penambangan Batubara Blok C pada PT. Intibuana Indah Selaras Kabupaten Nunukan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara

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    Desain pit adalah suatu kegiatan dalam merencanakan kegiatan produksi pada tambang dengan metode yang digunakan adalah tambang terbuka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mendapatkandesain pit yang ideal, dengan mengunakan metode penampang sayatan, penyebaran batubara, cadangan overburden, cadangan batubara, geometri bench dan stripping ratio. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pembuatan desain pit adalah program autocad 2012 . Adapun data – data yang yang diperhatikan dalam pembuatan desain pit meliputi kestabilan lereng ( lebar bench, tinggi bench, kemiringan lereng dan endapan batubara). Dari hasil pengolahan data, maka didapatkan luas bukaan pit 75,8763 Ha, dengan nilai stripping ratio 11 : 1 dan desain pit penambangan batubara dengan geometri bench tinggi yaitu 7 meter, lebar bench 3 – 4 meter dan kemiringan 65 o. Dimana desain pit penambangan sampai pada kedalam 2 m di permukaan laut

    Is the nutritional composition of safflower oilseed meal sufficient for alternative or complementary aqua feeds-raw material?

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    Safflower (Carthomus tinctorius L.) is grown in many countries, even in arid regions. Due to its important nutrients, safflower has the potential to be used as raw material for the nutrition of many animals and aquaculture species. For this reason, the objective of this study is to determine crude protein, crude oil, ash, and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) values, as well as amino acid, fatty acid, and mineral values, utilizing safflower meal is used instead of fish meal and soybean meal, wheat and canola meal as raw material for aquaculture feed. On a dry matter basis, the crude protein, crude oil, and NFE values were found at 19.42% ±0.32, 8.76% 0.21±, 2.84% 0.1± and 62.68% ±0.88 respectively. Safflower meal contains significant arginine, histidine, and phenylalanine levels, with C18:2 n-6 being one of the most abundant fatty acids. According to the fatty acid values examined, the total saturated fatty acid values were to be 9.79%; the total monounsaturated fatty acid values are 27.58%; total n-6 PUFA values are 61.49%; total n-3 fatty acid values are 0.55% and total n-3 HUFA values are 0.22% in safflower oilseed meal. In terms of potassium and magnesium content, similar to soybean meal and fish meal. Safflower oilseed plant meal or oil can be used as complementary raw material in both marine and freshwater fish feeds. At this point, observing the balance of essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diets and conducting detailed studies would be effective at further closing the gap in this field

    Bioremediation of Synthetic Prepared Domestic Wastewater with P. chrysosporium

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    In this study, the removal efficiencies were evaluated based on key environmental parameters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total Nitrogen (TN), and Total Phosphorus (TP), using P. chrysosporium white rot fungus to treat synthetically prepared domestic wastewater. The research aimed to assess the suitability of bioremediation results with respect to the Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulation. The experiment was carried out over a span of 11th days, employing static 1%252F1 and 1%252F5, as well as dynamic 1%252F1 and 1%252F5 dilution ratios. The outcomes revealed varying removal efficiencies, with the highest rates observed at dynamic conditions and a 1%252F5 dilution ratio%253A 84%25 for COD, 81%25 for TOC, 73%25 for TN, and 56%25 for TP. Conversely, the lowest removal efficiencies were determined under static 1%252F1 conditions, reaching 48%25 for COD, 33%25 for TOC, 31%25 for TN, and 45%25 for TP. Based on the results, it is evident that P. chrysosporium exhibited effective bioremediation capabilities on synthetic domestic wastewater within a reasonable 11th day period. Furthermore, the results aligned with the specified limit values outlined in the Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulation. Consequently, the study highlights the efficacy of P. chrysosporium as a valuable species for biological treatment stages in urban wastewater management

    Migrant Ridesharing Drivers in San Francisco: A Case of Blocked Mobility?

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    Migrants have long turned to self-employment in host country labor markets due to not only racial and ethnic prejudices, but also issues of local language proficiency and lack of recognition of the academic degree from the sending country. The taxi industry, one particular occupational niche dominated by migrants, has long been studied by scholars. However, the industry has evolved into a newer and understudied form of transportation: ridesharing. This study argues that in the case of the ridesharing industry, drivers did indeed turn to the occupation because of factors such as insufficient English language level and foreign academic degrees, but also age and personal family matters. Participants were attracted to the ridesharing industry in large part because of the flexibility and level of compensation provided. As a whole, participants saw ridesharing as the best option available to them in an otherwise unsuitable labor market

    Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Konusunda Yapılan Hizmet İçi Eğitimlerin Niteliğini Etkileyen Faktörler

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    In-service training (IST) has an important role in order to provide innovations, reforms and improvements as well as necessary training programs to the teachers and facilitate the changes. The aim of this study is to identify the underlying factors that affect the quality of the training by examining the scientific studies (theses and articles) conducted on IST related to information and communication technologies (ICT). In the study, meta-synthesis method (thematic content analysis), which is one of the content analysis methods has been employed. The scientific studies related to the subject have been reached by the databases that include academic publications in the fields of social science and education. The results and suggestions parts of 51 publications, which are identified as related to the subject from the databases, have been formed the findings of this study. The data obtained have been analyzed by using the PIE model which stands for planning, implementation and evaluation. The technical infrastructure, proper and ready environment, scheduling ISTs at available times of trainees, using distance education methods and evaluation of the trainees at the end of the course are the main factors that present the quality of IST within the scope of ICT.Hizmet içi eğitim (HİE) öğretmenlere yeniliklerin, reformların ve gelişmelerin tanıştırılması, süreç içinde gereken eğitimlerin verilmesi ve değişimin kolaylaştırılmasında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri (BİT) konusunda verilen HİE’ler ile ilgili yapılmış bilimsel çalışmalar (tez ve makale) incelenerek bu eğitimlerin niteliğini etkileyen temel faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada içerik analizi yöntemlerinden biri olan meta-sentez yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Konu ile ilgili bilimsel çalışmalara sosyal ve eğitim bilimleri alanlarındaki akademik yayınları içeren veri tabanları yoluyla ulaşılmıştır. İncelenen veri tabanlarında konuyla ilgili tespit edilen 51 adet yayının sonuç ve öneriler bölümü bu çalışmanın bulgularını oluşturmuştur. Elde edilen veriler HİE’leri planlama, uygulama ve değerlendirme modeli kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Teknik alt yapı ve ortamın uygun ve hazır olması, HİE’lerin kursiyerlerin uygun zamanına göre ayarlanması, uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarının kullanılması ve kurs bitiminde kursiyerlerin değerlendirilmesi bilişim teknolojileri kapsamındaki HİE’lerin niteliği konusunda öne çıkan faktörlerdir

    Bioremediation Performance of Sphingomonas melonis and Bacillus muralis on Herbicide Diquot Dipremide-(ethylene-d4)

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    Bioremediation is a process that utilizes the degradation potential of microorganism to provide a cost-effective and reliable approach for pesticide biodegradation. For this purpose, chosen bacteria Sphingomonas melonis and Bacillus muralis were isolated from an agricultural soil sample. The biodegradation performance of these isolated bacteria at different Diquot Dipremide-(ethylene-d4) (DDE4) herbicide concentrations (250, 500 and 1000 ppm) was investigated under submerged culture conditions. Biodegradation performance of isolated bacteria was monitored with COD, TOC and, BOD5 reduction rates in culture medium at different incubation periods. According to the results%253B S. melonis has the highest bioremediation capacity for COD removal (91%25 at 250 ppm). For TOC, B. muralis has the highest removal rate as 82%25 at 250 ppm. On the other hand, For BOD5 at 250 ppm 85%25 S. melonis showed the best removal performance. Most effective removal rate at 250 ppm concentrations was obtained as 91%25 and 88 by S. melonis and B. muralis respectively at the end of the 216th hour for COD. Additionally, the increase in turbidity related with population dynamics at the end of the 216 th hour positively effected the bioremediation parameters included COD, TOC and BOD5 reductions. These results showed that it can be used for effective COD, TOC and BOD5 removal in S. melonis and B. muralis on DDE4 remediation

    The effect of dietary soybean meal on growth, nutrient utilization, body composition and some serum biochemistry variables of two banded seabream, Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817)

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    This study was performed to determine the optimum level of soybean meal diets for two banded seabream for growth performance, nutrient utilization, body composition and serum biochemistry. Two banded seabream were fed five experimental diets which were formulated replace fish meal by soybean meal at 0, 20, 30, 40 and 50%. Up to 40% of dietary fish meal was successfully replaced with no growth depression. Whole body composition of two banded seabream was not affected by soybean meal inclusion level. Total protein, triglyceride and total cholesterol of fish fed the SM50 diets were significantly lower compared to fish fed the soybean free diet. On the other hand, serum glucose level significantly increased as dietary soybean meal inclusion increased. Results showed that 40% fish meal can be replaced in diets for the two banded seabream by defatted soybean meal. Further studies to determine the inclusion level of soybean meal more than 40% with amino acid or enzyme supplementation are needed