149 research outputs found

    El papel del clima de aprendizaje en las creencias de autoeficacia y las competencias comunicativas autopercibidas por los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera en educación superior

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    This study explored the role of learning climate on self-efficacy beliefs and self-perceived communication competences of EFL learners in higher education. The learning climate perceptions, self-efficacy beliefs, and self-perceived communication competence levels of EFL students were found to be moderate. There was not a significant difference among students' learning climate, self-efficacy, and self-perceived communication points in terms of their sex. There was a difference between 1st Grade and 2nd Grade students for learning climate, and there was not a significant difference among students' self-efficacy and self-perceived communication points in terms of their grade. A significant relationship among students' learning climate and self-efficacy and self-perceived communication competence in a positive way was found. While learning climate was found to be a lower predictor of self-efficacy and self-perceived communication competence, self-efficacy, and self-perceived communication competence were found to be stronger predictors of each other.Este estudio exploró el papel del clima de aprendizaje en las creencias de autoeficacia y las competencias de comunicación autopercibidas de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera en la educación superior. Se encontró que las percepciones del clima de aprendizaje, las creencias de autoeficacia y los niveles de competencia comunicativa autopercibidos de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera eran moderados. No hubo una diferencia significativa entre el clima de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, la autoeficacia y los puntos de comunicación autopercibidos en términos de su sexo. Hubo una diferencia entre los estudiantes de 1.° y 2.° grado en cuanto al clima de aprendizaje, y no hubo una diferencia significativa entre la autoeficacia de los estudiantes y los puntos de comunicación autopercibidos en términos de su calificación. Se encontró una relación significativa entre el clima de aprendizaje de los estudiantes y la autoeficacia y la competencia comunicativa autopercibida de manera positiva. Si bien se encontró que el clima de aprendizaje era un predictor más bajo de la autoeficacia y la competencia comunicativa autopercibida, se encontró que la autoeficacia y la competencia comunicativa autopercibida eran predictores más fuertes entre sí

    Possible Problems in Online Foreign Language Teaching at a University Context

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    Online language teaching and learning contexts yield both merits and drawbacks for professionals and learners. Within this scope, this study investigated the views of instructors on possible problems of online foreign language teaching with regard to language skills, language areas, and classroom management. A questionnaire consisting of 19 items was developed and implemented by the researcher. The study involved 30 language instructors selected purposefully at a state university context in Turkey, and they took part in the process voluntarily. They had varying educational backgrounds and teaching experiences. Frequencies (f) and percentages (%) were used in analyzing the data. The results were reported descriptively at the end. The results demonstrated that the participants supported online foreign language teaching with regard to language skills and language areas while they considered some aspects problematic in relation to classroom management. Finally, limitations of the inquiry and implications for future studies were discussed based on the results

    Grounded capacitor-based new floating inductor simulators and a stability test

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    In this paper, two new floating inductor simulators (FISs), both using two differential difference current conveyors, are considered. The proposed FISs do not suffer from passive component matching constraints and employ a minimum number of passive elements. They use a grounded capacitor; accordingly, they are suitable for integrated circuit technology. They have good low- and high-frequency performances. Simulations are performed with the SPICE program to verify the claimed theory. Moreover, for the first FIS used in a second-order low-pass filter, a stability test is performed as an example. © TÜBITAK

    Unity / variable gain voltage - mode / current - mode first - order all - pass filters using single Dual - X second generation current conveyor

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    In this paper, two new general topologies for realizing voltage-mode (VM)/current-mode (CM) first-order all-pass filter transfer functions (TFs) are presented. The proposed topologies use single dual-X second-generation current conveyor (DXCCII) and three impedances Z(1), Z(2) and Z(3). Based on the selection of Z(1), Z(2) and Z(3), new VM and CM all-pass filters with unity or variable gains are obtained. The proposed VM/CM filters have high-input/high-output impedances which provide easy cascading at their input/output terminals, respectively. Non-ideal gain and parasitic impedance effects, associated with actual DXCCII implementation, on the performance of the developed topologies are also included. Finally, simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE) simulation results based on level 49, 0.25 mu m TSMC complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology parameters are given to confirm the theory

    Self-assessment in EFL classes of secondary education in Türkiye: the common european framework of reference for languages (CEFR)-based implementations

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    The current study investigates the CEFR-based self-assessment implementations in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes in secondary education in Türkiye. The study adopted a qualitative research design, and the data were collected via document analysis, an interview form, and an observation checklist. The results revealed an incongruity between theory and practice regarding the CEFR-based self-assessment implementations in 9th grade EFL classes; the CEFR-based self-assessment was provided in the coursebook through ‘can do’ statements at the end of each unit in the ‘Check Yourself’ parts. However, the compatibility of these items with the EAQUALS Bank of Descriptors as Checklists was relatively low. In addition, the study revealed that the participating teachers favoured self-assessment implementations in their classes. However, they did not implement the self-assessment parts upon completing units in real EFL class contexts

    Problems Experienced in Classrooms with Students from Different Cultures

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    This study aimed at revealing the problems experienced by primary school teachers in classroom contexts which involve different cultures (Turkish, Iranian, Afghan, and Syrian). Phenomenology design was adopted in the study. The study group was defined through criterion sampling approach. Teachers serving at classrooms involving different cultures and teachers having different professional seniority were included in the study. Nine primary school teachers in total were interviewed, and the data were collected through open ended semi-structured interview questions. The data were analyzed through content analysis. After analysis of the data, the problems experienced by primary school teachers were gathered under three categories as; 1) problems experienced by themselves as teachers, 2) problems experienced in terms of students, and 3) problems experienced in terms of parents

    A new wideband electronically tunable grounded resistor employing only three MOS transistors

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    In this paper, a new wideband electronically tunable grounded resistor, namely a grounded voltage controlled resistor (GVCR) including only three MOS transistors, is suggested. The proposed GVCR, without requiring any additional bias currents and voltages, has only one control voltage. Linearity analysis for the proposed GVCR is given. A new second-order multifunctional filter using two differential voltage current conveyors is also included as an application example. Some postlayout simulation results with SPICE are included to show the performance, workability, and effectiveness. © 2016 Tübitak

    All-pass section with high gain opportunity

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    Minaei, Shahram (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2010; Baden near Vienna; Austria; 17 August 2010 through 20 August 2010 -- Paper published in Radioengineering, 20 (1) pp. 3-9. Fultext accessible via https://hdl.handle.net/11376/1383In this paper, a new circuit configuration for realizing voltage-mode (VM) all-pass section (APS) is presented. The circuit is cascadable with other VM circuits because of its high input and low output impedances. It consists of two differential difference current conveyors (DDCCs), one grounded resistor and one grounded capacitor. The proposed circuit can be slightly changed by using two additional grounded resistors to provide high gain. Moreover, a quadrature oscillator with minimum number of active and passive elements is derived from the proposed APS. SPICE simulations are performed to verify the theory.Motorol

    Analysis of China’s Relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran within the Scope of Theory of Hegemonic Interdependency

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    This study explains China’s Middle East policy through its relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia. The main argument is that China’s Middle East policy is not based on achieving global hegemony but on cooperation and avoidance of conflict with the United States, which is still a hegemon power albeit its declining effect in the region. In support of the argument, the study discusses the “mutually dependent hegemonic powers” theory developed by J. Abu Lughod and interprets Chinese relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran comparatively. Lughod predicts that the 21st-century world order will have an appearance in which there is not one hegemonic power dominating the system, but there are several core powers that can coexist instead. According to the findings, China’s Middle East policy is based on coexistence with the dominant power of the region as one of the core powers in the global system

    QT ve P dalga dispersiyonu üzerine Gilbert sendromunun etkisi: gözlemsel bir çalışma

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    Amaç: Gilbert sendromu (GS) aterosklerotik kalphastalığı sıklığını azaltır. Bu çalışmanın amacı P dalga dispersiyonu (Pd), QT dispersiyonu (QTd) gibi aritmi risk belirteçlerinin sağlıklı bireylerle kıyaslandığında GS’li hastalarda azalmış olup olmadığını değerlendirmektir. Yöntemler: Hastanemiz iç hastalıkları polikliniğine başvuran toplam 61 GS hastası (31 kadın, 30 erkek) kesitsel gözlemsel bu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Sigara içmeyen 61 sağlıklı (31 kadın, 30 erkek) kişi çalışmaya alındı. İki grup da 16-45 yaş grubu arasındaydı. Antropometrik ölçümler, laboratuvar ve elektrokardiyografik bulguların sonuçları her katılımcı için kaydedildi. Veri analizi için bağımsız örneklem t-testi ve kümelenmiş ANOVA kullanıldı. Bulgular: GS grubunda Pd 36±16,7 msec, QTd 48,7±10,7 msec ve kalp hızı (KH) 74±8 atım/dk idi. Kontrol grubunda Pd 51±28 msec, QTd 53±12 msec ve KH 78±10 atım/dk idi. Hasta grubunda Pd (p<0,001), QTd (p=0,038) ve KH (p=0,021) kontrol grubundan anlamlı düşük bulundu. Sonuç: Bizim çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre, bu hastalarda artmış bilirubin düzeyi, KH, Pd ve QTd’de azalma ile ilişkilidir, bunun sonucu olarak kardiyak aritmi ve koroner arter hastalığı insidansı azalabilir. Bu kategorideki hastalarda aritmi riskinde bilirubinin koruyucu rolünü göstermek için daha kapsamlı çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Objective: Gilbert's syndrome (GS) decreases the incidence of atherosclerotic heart disease. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the arrhythmia risk markers such as P-wave dispersion (Pd), QT dispersion (QTd) are reduced in patients with GS compared with healthy subjects. Methods: Sixty-one patients diagnosed with GS (31 females, 30 males) who had applied to the internal medicine outpatient clinic in the hospital were included in this cross-sectional, observational study. A control group of 61 healthy persons (31 females, 30 males), who were non-smokers and drinkers, were included. Both groups were between 16-45 years old. Results of anthropometric measurements, laboratory assays and electrocardiographic findings were recorded for each participant. Independent sample t-test and nested ANOVA were used for data analysis. Results: In the GS group were Pd value 36±16.7 msec, QTd 48.7±10.7 msec and heart rate (HR) 74±8 beat/min. In the control group were Pd 51±28 msec, QTd 53±12 msec and HR 78±10 beat/min. The Pd of patients group (p<0.001), QTd (p=0.038) and HR (p=0.021) were significantly lower than the control group. Conclusion: According to our study's results, in these patients, increased bilirubin levels are associated with decrease in HR, Pd and QTd, which consequently might decrease the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias and coronary artery disease. Further studies are needed to clarify the protective role of bilirubin in risk of arrhythmias in this category of patients