128 research outputs found

    An Equilibrium Displacement Model of the Bali Beef Industry

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    Produksi daging sapi di Bali didominasi oleh peternakan rakyat, sama halnya dengankeadaan pertanian pada umumnya di Indonesia. Berbagai kebijakan telah dilaksanakan untukmengembangkan sapi Bali. Pengetahuan mengenai distribusi manfaat/keuntungan yangditerima dari pengembangan sapi sapi Bali akan membantu dalam proses pengambilankeputusan. Tulisan ini menganalisis manfaat dari pengembangan sapi Bali dalam sistemproduksi bertingkat dengan menggunakan model “equilibrium displacement' (EDM).Manfaat/keuntungan diukur dari Perubahan surplus ekonomi pada peternak, rumah potonghewan dan pengecer

    Ultra-bright, ultra-broadband hard x-ray driven by laser-produced energetic electron beams

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    We propose a new method of obtaining a compact ultra-bright, ultra-broadband hard X-ray source. This X-ray source has a high peak brightness in the order of 1022 photons/(s mm2 mrad2 0.1\%BW), an ultrashort duration (10 fs), and a broadband spectrum (flat distribution from 0.1 MeV to 4 MeV), and thus has wide-ranging potential applications, such as in ultrafast Laue diffraction experiments. In our scheme, laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) provide driven electron beams. A foil target is placed oblique to the beam direction so that the target normal sheath field (TNSF) is used to provide a bending force. Using this TNSF-kick scheme, we can fully utilize the advantages of current LPAs, including their high charge, high energy, and low emittance

    Phase diagram of superconducting vortex ratchet motion in a superlattice with noncentrosymmetry

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    Ratchet motion of superconducting vortices, which is a directional flow of vortices in superconductors, is highly useful for exploring quantum phenomena and developing superconducting devices, such as superconducting diode and microwave antenna. However, because of the challenges in the quantitative characterization of the dynamic motion of vortices, a phase diagram of the vortex ratchet motion is still missing, especially in the superconductors with low dimensional structures. Here we establish a quantitative phase diagram of the vortex ratchet motion in a highly anisotropic superlattice superconductor, (SnS)1.17NbS2, using nonreciprocal magnetotransport. The (SnS)1.17NbS2, which possesses a layered atomic structure and noncentrosymmetry, exhibits nonreciprocal magnetotransport in a magnetic field perpendicular and parallel to the plane, which is considered a manifest of ratchet motion of superconducting vortices. We demonstrated that the ratchet motion is responsive to current excitation, magnetic field and thermal perturbation. Furthermore, we extrapolated a giant nonreciprocal coefficient ({\gamma}), which quantitatively describes the magnitude of the vortex ratchet motion, and eventually established phase diagrams of the ratchet motion of the vortices with a quantitative description. Last, we propose that the ratchet motion originates from the coexistence of pancake vortices (PVs) and Josephson vortices (JVs). The phase diagrams are desirable for controlling the vortex motion in superlattice superconductors and developing next-generation energy-efficient superconducting devices

    Competition of electronic correlation and reconstruction in La1-xSrxTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures

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    Electronic correlation and reconstruction are two important factors that play a critical role in shaping the magnetic and electronic properties of correlated low-dimensional systems. Here, we report a competition between the electronic correlation and structural reconstruction in La1-xSrxTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures by modulating material polarity and interfacial strain, respectively. The heterostructures exhibit a critical thickness (tc) at which a metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) abruptly occurs at certain thickness, accompanied by the coexistence of two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) carriers. Intriguingly, the tc exhibits a V-shaped dependence on the doping concentration of Sr, with the smallest tc value at x = 0.5. We attribute this V-shaped dependence to the competition between the electronic reconstruction (modulated by the polarity) and the electronic correlation (modulated by strain), which are borne out by the experimental results, including strain-dependent electronic properties and the evolution of 2D and 3D carriers. Our findings underscore the significance of the interplay between electronic reconstruction and correlation in the realization and utilization of emergent electronic functionalities in low-dimensional correlated systems

    Exchange flow between open water and floating vegetation

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    This study describes the exchange flow between a region with open water and a region with a partial-depth porous obstruction, which represents the thermally-driven exchange that occurs between open water and floating vegetation. The partial-depth porous obstruction represents the root layer, which does not penetrate to the bed. Initially, a vertical wall separates the two regions, with fluid of higher density in the obstructed region and fluid of lower density in the open region. This density difference represents the influence of differential solar heating due to shading by the vegetation. For a range of root density and root depths, the velocity distribution is measured in the lab using PIV. When the vertical wall is removed, the less dense water flows into the obstructed region at the surface. This surface flow bifurcates into two layers, one flowing directly through the root layer and one flowing beneath the root layer. A flow directed out of the vegetated region occurs at the bed. A model is developed that predicts the flow rates within each layer based on energy considerations. The experiments and model together suggest that at time- and length-scales relevant to the field, the flow structure for any root layer porosity approaches that of a fully blocked layer, for which the exchange flow occurs only beneath the root layer.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant EAR0509658

    Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian Seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding

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    We report here the ~670 Mb genome assembly of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), a tropical marine teleost. We used long-read sequencing augmented by transcriptomics, optical and genetic mapping along with shared synteny from closely related fish species to derive a chromosome-level assembly with a contig N50 size over 1 Mb and scaffold N50 size over 25 Mb that span ~90% of the genome. The population structure of L. calcarifer species complex was analyzed by re-sequencing 61 individuals representing various regions across the species' native range. SNP analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and confirmed earlier indications of a population stratification comprising three clades with signs of admixture apparent in the South-East Asian population. The quality of the Asian seabass genome assembly far exceeds that of any other fish species, and will serve as a new standard for fish genomics

    In Vivo Islet Protection by a Nuclear Import Inhibitor in a Mouse Model of Type 1 Diabetes

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    Insulin-dependent Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a devastating autoimmune disease that destroys beta cells within the pancreatic islets and afflicts over 10 million people worldwide. These patients face life-long risks for blindness, cardiovascular and renal diseases, and complications of insulin treatment. New therapies that protect islets from autoimmune destruction and allow continuing insulin production are needed. Increasing evidence regarding the pathomechanism of T1D indicates that islets are destroyed by the relentless attack by autoreactive immune cells evolving from an aberrant action of the innate, in addition to adaptive, immune system that produces islet-toxic cytokines, chemokines, and other effectors of islet inflammation. We tested the hypothesis that targeting nuclear import of stress-responsive transcription factors evoked by agonist-stimulated innate and adaptive immunity receptors would protect islets from autoimmune destruction.Here we show that a first-in-class inhibitor of nuclear import, cSN50 peptide, affords in vivo islet protection following a 2-day course of intense treatment in NOD mice, which resulted in a diabetes-free state for one year without apparent toxicity. This nuclear import inhibitor precipitously reduces the accumulation of islet-destructive autoreactive lymphocytes while enhancing activation-induced cell death of T and B lymphocytes derived from autoimmune diabetes-prone, non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice that develop T1D. Moreover, in this widely used model of human T1D we noted attenuation of pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine production in immune cells.These results indicate that a novel form of immunotherapy that targets nuclear import can arrest inflammation-driven destruction of insulin-producing beta cells at the site of autoimmune attack within pancreatic islets during the progression of T1D

    Investigating the Epigenetic Effects of a Prototype Smoke-Derived Carcinogen in Human Cells

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    Global loss of DNA methylation and locus/gene-specific gain of DNA methylation are two distinct hallmarks of carcinogenesis. Aberrant DNA methylation is implicated in smoking-related lung cancer. In this study, we have comprehensively investigated the modulation of DNA methylation consequent to chronic exposure to a prototype smoke-derived carcinogen, benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (B[a]PDE), in genomic regions of significance in lung cancer, in normal human cells. We have used a pulldown assay for enrichment of the CpG methylated fraction of cellular DNA combined with microarray platforms, followed by extensive validation through conventional bisulfite-based analysis. Here, we demonstrate strikingly similar patterns of DNA methylation in non-transformed B[a]PDE-treated cells vs control using high-throughput microarray-based DNA methylation profiling confirmed by conventional bisulfite-based DNA methylation analysis. The absence of aberrant DNA methylation in our model system within a timeframe that precedes cellular transformation suggests that following carcinogen exposure, other as yet unknown factors (secondary to carcinogen treatment) may help initiate global loss of DNA methylation and region-specific gain of DNA methylation, which can, in turn, contribute to lung cancer development. Unveiling the initiating events that cause aberrant DNA methylation in lung cancer has tremendous public health relevance, as it can help define future strategies for early detection and prevention of this highly lethal disease
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