53 research outputs found

    Metacommunity robustness of plant–fly–wasp tripartite networks with specialization to habitat loss

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    Recent observations have found plant‐species‐specific fly‐host selection (i.e., specialization) of wasp parasitoids (wasps) in plant–fly–wasp (P–F–W) tripartite networks, yet no study has explored the dynamical implications of such high‐order specialization for the persistence of this network. Here we develop a patch‐dynamic framework for a unique P–F–W tripartite network with specialization observed in eastern Tibetan Plateau and explore its metacommunity robustness to habitat loss. We show that specialization in parasitoidism promotes fly species diversity, while the richness of both plant and wasp decreases. Compared to other two null models, real network structure favors plant species coexistence but increases the extinction risk for both flies and wasps. However, these effects of specialization and network structure would be weakened and ultimately disappear with increasing habitat loss. Interestingly, intermediate levels of habitat loss can maximize the diversity of flies and wasps, while increasing or decreasing habitat loss results in more species losses, supporting intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Finally, we observe that high levels of habitat loss initiate a bottom‐up cascade of species extinction from plants to both flies and wasps, resulting in a rapid collapse of the whole tripartite networks. Overall, this theoretical framework is the first attempt to characterize the dynamics of whole tripartite metacommunities interacting in realistic high‐order ways, offering new insights into complex multipartite networks

    Soil microbe-induced plant resistance alters aphid inter-genotypic competition leading to rapid evolution with consequences for plant growth and aphid abundance

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    AbstractPlants and insect herbivores are two of the most diverse multicellular groups in the world, and both are strongly influenced by interactions with the belowground soil microbiome. Effects of reciprocal rapid evolution on ecological interactions between herbivores and plants have been repeatedly demonstrated, but it is unknown if (and how) the soil microbiome could mediate these eco-evolutionary processes.We tested the role of a plant-beneficial soil bacterium (Acidovorax radicis) in altering eco-evolutionary interactions between sap-feeding aphid herbivores (Sitobion avenae) feeding on barley (Hordeum vulgare). We reared two aphid genotypes separately or together on three barley varieties that were inoculated with or without A. radicis bacteria. In the first experiment we counted the aphid number and plant biomass after 7, 14 and 21 days of aphid growth, while in a second experiment we counted and removed offspring every 1-2 days to assess aphid longevity and fecundity.Results showed that A. radicis increased plant growth and suppressed aphids of both genotypes. The strength of effect was dependent on aphid genotype and barley variety, while the direction of effect was altered by aphid population mixture. Fescue aphids experienced increased growth when they were sharing the plant with Sickte aphids on inoculated plants; this increase was not seen in the control plants without A. radicis and was only apparent after 14 days of aphid population growth.Plant inoculation with A. radicis reduced aphid survival (reduced number of reproductive days) and fecundity (reduced daily reproductive output for surviving aphids). In the second experiment, when density was controlled, Fescue aphids did not experience increased reproduction in mixed populations, suggesting this is a density-dependent effect. Using Lotka-Volterra modelling, we demonstrated that A. radicis inoculation decreased aphid population stability as it increased inter-genotype competition but decreased the intra-genotype competition (likely through reduced population density).Our work demonstrates the important role that plant-associated microbiomes can have in mediating eco-evolutionary interactions between herbivores and host plants.</jats:p

    Figure 3. Pupation time (days after the beginning of the experiment), pupal length, and pupal (fresh) mass of healthy and parasitized tephritid maggots.

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    The Minimum,first quantile,median,third quantile, Maximum, and mean are provided for each treatment in the microcosm experiment

    Data from: Parasitoid wasps indirectly suppress seed production by stimulating consumption rates of their seed-feeding hosts

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    1. In parasitoid–herbivore–plant food chains, parasitoids may be simultaneously linked with both herbivore hosts and plants, as occurs when herbivores attacked by parasitoids continue to consume plants although they are destined to die. This peculiar property may cause parasitoids to confer a differential trophic cascading effect on plants than that known for typical predators. 2. We hypothesized that larval koinobiont parasitoids would confer an immediate negative effect on plant seed production by stimulating consumption of their seed-predator hosts. We tested this hypothesis in an alpine parasitic food chain of plant seeds, pre-dispersal seed predators (tephritid fly larvae) and koinobiont parasitoids using field observations, a field experiment and a microcosm study. 3. We first compared observed seed production in (i) non-infected capitula, (ii) capitula infected only by seed predators (tephritid flies) and (iii) capitula infected by both seed predators and their parasitoids in five Asteraceae species. Consistent with our hypothesis, seed loss in the capitula with both seed predators and parasitoids was significantly greater than in the capitula infested only by seed predators. 4. This effect was replicated in a controlled field experiment focusing on the most common parasitoid–seed predator–plant interaction chain in our system, in which confounding factors (e.g. density and phenology) were excluded. Here, we show that parasitoids indirectly decreased plant seed production by changing the behaviour of seed predators. 5. In a microcosm study, we show that larval parasitoids significantly extended the growth period and increased the terminal size of their host tephritid maggots. Thus, parasitoids suppressed plant seed production by stimulating the growth and consumption of the fly maggots. 6. In contrast to the typical predator-induced trophic cascade, we highlight the significance of parasitoids indirectly decreasing plant fitness by stimulating consumption by seed predators. Future studies on trophic interactions should consider the net effect of both increased consumption by seed predators and their death after development of parasitoids

    Microbe‐induced plant resistance alters aphid inter‐genotypic competition leading to rapid evolution with consequences for plant growth and aphid abundance

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    Plants and insect herbivores are two of the most diverse multicellular groups in the world, and both are strongly influenced by interactions with the belowground soil microbiome. Effects of reciprocal rapid evolution on ecological interactions between herbivores and plants have been repeatedly demonstrated, but it is unknown if (and how) the soil microbiome could mediate these eco‐evolutionary processes on a shared host plant. We tested the role of a plant‐beneficial soil bacterium Acidovorax radicis in altering eco‐evolutionary interactions between different aphid genotypes (Sitobion avenae, genotypes Sickte and Fescue) feeding on barley Hordeum vulgare. We measured fecundity, longevity and population growth of two aphid genotypes reared separately or together (population mixture) on three different barley varieties that were inoculated with or without A. radicis. Results showed that across all plant varieties A. radicis increased plant growth and suppressed aphid populations via reduced longevity and fecundity. The strength of effect was dependent on aphid genotype and barley variety, while the direction of effect was altered by aphid population mixture. Using Lotka–Volterra modelling, we demonstrated that while A. radicis inoculation decreased growth rates for both aphid genotypes it increased the competitiveness of one genotype against the other. In general, in the presence of A. radicis, the Fescue aphid genotype became more inhibitory of Sickte aphids, while Sickte aphids facilitated the growth of Fescue aphids. Our work demonstrates that plant rhizosphere microbiomes exert community‐level influences by mediating eco‐evolutionary interactions between herbivores and host plants. By altering competitive interaction outcomes among aphids and thus impacting processes such as rapid evolution, soil microbes contribute to the short‐ and long‐term structure and functioning of terrestrial habitats.</jats:p

    Data from: Body size response to warming: time of the season matters in a tephritid fly

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    Whether shrinking body size is a universal response to climate change remains controversial. Moreover, the mechanisms underlying body size shifts are poorly understood. Here, assuming that life history traits evolve to maximize fitness according to life history plasticity theory, we hypothesized that under global warming temperate multivoltine insects should emerge earlier with a smaller body mass in the early growing season, but emerge later with a larger body mass in the late season. We tested this hypothesis by conducting two field artificial warming experiments in an alpine meadow: 1) with one pre-dispersal seed predator species (tephritid flies, Tephritis femoralis) and its two host-plant species flowering in early and late growing seasons, respectively, and 2) with the tephritid flies and one host species with a flowering season that occupies parts of both the early and late growing seasons. These experiments were complemented by a microcosm chamber warming experiment, in which increasing and decreasing temperature trends were set to simulate temperature variation pattern in early and late growing seasons, respectively, but photoperiod was held constant. Warming generally advanced the adult emergence and decreased the body size (adult body mass) in the early season but delayed the emergence and increased the size in the late season in both field experiments, indicating that the seasonally different effects of warming on the fly body size was constant regardless of host-plant identity. The chamber warming resulted in consistent responses of emerging timing and body size to the simulated seasonal warming, demonstrating that the temperature increase per se and its interaction with direction of temperature change, but not other correlated effects, should be primarily responsible for the observed contrasting shifts of body size at different times of the season. Our results indicate that taking into account temperate seasonal patterns of temperature variation could be of general importance for predicting animal body size changes in the warmed future

    The complete mitochondrial genome of the Tephritid fly Tephritis femoralis (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The Tephritid fly Tephritis femoralis (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a pre-dispersal seed predator species peculiar to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China. It is a generalist endoparasite, and it is especially harmful to the Asteraceae species in the alpine meadow. The whole mitochondrial genome of T. femoralis is totally 15,117 bp in length, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosome RNA (rRNA), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA), and 1 control region (CR). The mitochondrial genome contains 41.7% for A, 38.2% for T, 11.6% for C, and 8.5% for G in all base composition. The percentage of A + T content is 79.9%. The CR of T. femoralis was shorter than other species in Tephritidae. Our work provides the first complete mitochondrial genome data in the subfamily Tephritinae, which is important to further studies on evolutionary adaptation and phylogenetic analyses

    Body size response to warming : time of the season matters in a tephritid fly

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    Whether shrinking body size is a universal response to climate change remains controversial. Moreover, the mechanisms underlying body size shifts are poorly understood. Here, assuming that life history traits evolve to maximize fitness according to life history plasticity theory, we hypothesized that under global warming temperate multivoltine insects should emerge earlier with a smaller body mass in the early growing season, but emerge later with a larger body mass in the late season. We tested this hypothesis by conducting two field artificial warming experiments in an alpine meadow: 1) with one pre-dispersal seed predator species (tephritid flies, Tephritis femoralis) and its two host-plant species flowering in early and late growing seasons, respectively, and 2) with the tephritid flies and one host species with a flowering season that occupies parts of both the early and late growing seasons. These experiments were complemented by a microcosm chamber warming experiment, in which increasing and decreasing temperature trends were set to simulate temperature variation pattern in early and late growing seasons, respectively, but photoperiod was held constant. Warming generally advanced the adult emergence and decreased the body size (adult body mass) in the early season but delayed the emergence and increased the size in the late season in both field experiments, indicating that the seasonally different effects of warming on the fly body size was constant regardless of host-plant identity. The chamber warming resulted in consistent responses of emerging timing and body size to the simulated seasonal warming, demonstrating that the temperature increase per se and its interaction with direction of temperature change, but not other correlated effects, should be primarily responsible for the observed contrasting shifts of body size at different times of the season. Our results indicate that taking into account temperate seasonal patterns of temperature variation could be of general importance for predicting animal body size changes in the warmed future
