14 research outputs found

    Microbial Fuel Cells Applied to the Metabolically-Based Detection of Extraterrestrial Life

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    Since the 1970's, when the Viking spacecrafts carried out experiments aimed to the detection of microbial metabolism on the surface of Mars, the search for nonspecific methods to detect life in situ has been one of the goals of astrobiology. It is usually required that the methodology can detect life independently from its composition or form, and that the chosen biological signature points to a feature common to all living systems, as the presence of metabolism. In this paper we evaluate the use of Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) for the detection of microbial life in situ. MFCs are electrochemical devices originally developed as power electrical sources, and can be described as fuel cells in which the anode is submerged in a medium that contains microorganisms. These microorganisms, as part of their metabolic process, oxidize organic material releasing electrons that contribute to the electric current, which is therefore proportional to metabolic and other redox processes. We show that power and current density values measured in MFCs using microorganism cultures or soil samples in the anode are much larger than those obtained using a medium free of microorganisms or sterilized soil samples, respectively. In particular, we found that this is true for extremophiles, usually proposed to live in extraterrestrial environments. Therefore, our results show that MFCs have the potential to be used to detect microbial life in situ.Comment: To be published in Astrobiolog

    Long-term chromospheric activity in southern M dwarfs: Gl 229 A and Gl 752 A

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    Several late-type stars present activity cycles similar to that of the Sun. However, these cycles have been mostly studied in F to K stars. Due to their small intrinsic brightness, M dwarfs are not usually the targets of long-term observational studies of stellar activity, and their long-term variability is generally not known. In this work, we study the long-term activity of two M dwarf stars: Gl 229 A (M1/2) and Gl 752 A (M2.5). We employ medium resolution echelle spectra obtained at the 2.15 m telescope at the Argentinian observatory CASLEO between the years 2000 and 2010 and photometric observations obtained from the ASAS database. We analyzed Ca \II K line-core fluxes and the mean V magnitude with the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, and we obtain possible activity cycles of ∼\sim4 yr and ∼\sim7 yr for Gl 229 A and Gl 752 A respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication by Astronomical Journal (AJ

    Comparative Survival Analysis of Deinococcus Radiodurans and the Haloarchaea Natrialba Magadii and Haloferax Volcanii, Exposed to Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiation

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    The haloarchaea Natrialba magadii and Haloferax volcanii, as well as the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, were exposed to vacuum-UV (V-UV) radiation at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). Cell monolayers (containing 105 - 106 cells per sample) were prepared over polycarbonate filters and irradiated under high vacuum (10-5 Pa) with polychromatic synchrotron radiation. N. magadii was remarkably resistant to high vacuum with a survival fraction of ((3.77 \pm 0.76) x 10-2), larger than the one of D. radiodurans ((1.13 \pm 0.23) x 10-2). The survival fraction of the haloarchaea H. volcanii, of ((3.60 \pm 1.80) x 10-4), was much smaller. Radiation resistance profiles were similar between the haloarchaea and D. radiodurans for fluencies up to 150 J m-2. For fluencies larger than 150 J m-2 there was a significant decrease in the survival of haloarchaea, and in particular H. volcanii did not survive. Survival for D. radiodurans was 1% after exposure to the higher V-UV fluency (1350 J m-2) while N. magadii had a survival lower than 0.1%. Such survival fractions are discussed regarding the possibility of interplanetary transfer of viable micro-organisms and the possible existence of microbial life in extraterrestrial salty environments such as the planet Mars and the Jupiter's moon Europa. This is the first work reporting survival of haloarchaea under simulated interplanetary conditions.Comment: Draft version (without figures), Accepted for publication in Astrobiolog

    Protective effects of halite to vacuum and vacuum-ultraviolet radiation: A potential scenario during a young sun superflare

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    Halite (NaCl mineral) has exhibited the potential to preserve microorganisms for millions of years on Earth. This mineral was also identified on Mars and in meteorites. In this study, we investigated the potential of halite crystals to protect microbial life-forms on the surface of an airless body (e.g., meteorite), for instance, during a lithopanspermia process (interplanetary travel step) in the early Solar System. To investigate the effect of the radiation of the young Sun on microorganisms, we performed extensive simulation experiments by employing a synchrotron facility. We focused on two exposure conditions: vacuum (low Earth orbit, 10-4 Pa) and vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) radiation (range 57.6-124 nm, flux 7.14 W/m2), with the latter representing an extreme scenario with high VUV fluxes comparable to the amount of radiation of a stellar superflare from the young Sun. The stellar VUV parameters were estimated by using the very well-studied solar analog of the young Sun, κ1 Cet. To evaluate the protective effects of halite, we entrapped a halophilic archaeon (Haloferax volcanii) and a non-halophilic bacterium (Deinococcus radiodurans) in laboratory-grown halite. Control groups were cells entrapped in salt crystals (mixtures of different salts and NaCl) and non-trapped (naked) cells, respectively. All groups were exposed either to vacuum alone or to vacuum plus VUV. Our results demonstrate that halite can serve as protection against vacuum and VUV radiation, regardless of the type of microorganism. In addition, we found that the protection is higher than provided by crystals obtained from mixtures of salts. This extends the protective effects of halite documented in previous studies and reinforces the possibility to consider the crystals of this mineral as potential preservation structures in airless bodies or as vehicles for the interplanetary transfer of microorganisms.X.C.A. acknowledges CNPEM for the beamtime grantedto the proposal TGM—16126 (LNLS), FAPESP postdoc-toral fellowship (years 2013–2014) (Processo nro: 2012/20106-5), Brazil, and funding from PIP—CONICET 0754,Argentina. M.L. and P.O. acknowledge the Austrian ScienceFund (FWF): P30949-N36, I5711-N for supporting thisproject. J.E.H. acknowledges the financial support of FAPESP (Sao Paulo State) and CNPQ (Brazil) financingagencies. G.F.P.M. acknowledges grant 474972/2009-7from CNPq/Brazil.Peer reviewe

    The bone marrow micronucleus test and metronidazole genotoxicity in different strains of mice (Mus musculus)

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    The mouse (Mus musculus) bone marrow micronucleus test was carried out using 24 outbred National Institutes of Health (NIH) mice, 24 inbred Swiss Webster (CFW) mice and 20 inbred Bagg albino/color locus Jackson (BALB/cJ) mice. The mice in the experimental group (n = 32) were injected intraperitoneally with 133 mg kg-1 of metronidazole parenteral solution and the control group consisted of mice (n = 36) which had not been injected with metronidazole. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between the sexes regarding the micronucleus frequency in either the experimental or the control group. When the Mn frequencies of the three strains were compared, the results for the CFW and BALB/cJ strains did not differ statistically (p > 0.05) for either the experimental or control groups but there were significant (p < 0.05) differences between the CFW and NIH strains and the NIH and BALB/cJ strains for the experimental and control groups, with the NIH strain always showing the highest micronucleus frequency. Our results also show that metronidazole was possible genotoxic agent because it produced a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the micronucleus frequency of the experimental group as compared to the control group for all the three mouse strains tested

    Flares and habitability

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    At present, dwarf M stars are being considered as potential hosts for habitable planets. However, an important fraction of these stars are flare stars, which among other kind of radiation, emit large amounts of UV radiation during flares, and it is unknown how this events can affect life, since biological systems are particularly vulnerable to UV. In this work we evaluate a well known dMe star, EV Lacertae (GJ 873) as a potential host for the emergence and evolution of life, focusing on the effects of the UV emission associated with flare activity. Since UV-C is particularly harmful for living organisms, we studied the effect of UV-C radiation on halophile archaea cultures. The halophile archaea or haloarchaea are extremophile microorganisms, which inhabit in hypersaline environments and which show several mechanisms to cope with UV radiation since they are naturally exposed to intense solar UV radiation on Earth. To select the irradiance to be tested, we considered a moderate flare on this star. We obtained the mean value for the UV-C irradiance integrating the IUE spectrum in the impulsive phase, and considering a hypothetical planet in the center of the liquid water habitability zone. To select the irradiation times we took the most frequent duration of flares on this star which is from 9 to 27 minutes. Our results show that even after considerable UV damage, the haloarchaeal cells survive at the tested doses, showing that this kind of life could survive in a relatively hostile UV environment. © 2012 International Astronomical Union.Fil:Abrevaya, X.C. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Cortón, E. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Mauas, P.J.D. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina