1,883 research outputs found

    Estudo exploratório do perfil ocupacional no setor agropecuário brasileiro.

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    Para fins de classificação e registro de empregos e relações de trabalho, a estrutura ocupacional do setor agropecuário no Brasil distingue produtores de trabalhadores, em função da natureza das atividades executadas por cada um dos grupos de ocupações agrícolas. Entretanto, é possível que se observe um conjunto de atividades que são desenvolvidas, independente do tipo de cultura ou criação e da posição na qual o indivíduo se encontre na estrutura ocupacional. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar quais são as áreas de atividades que são comuns e as específicas de cada grupo ocupacional do setor agropecuário brasileiro. O estudo baseou-se no inventário de atividades de 28 grupos ocupacionais do setor agropecuário realizado no âmbito da CBO/MTE e que utilizou uma metodologia na qual os próprios trabalhadores descrevem as atividades que desenvolvem no seu dia a dia (método DACUM), construindo uma matriz detalhando grandes áreas de atividades. A análise indica que é possível elaborar uma síntese das atividades dos dois subgrupos - pecuária e agricultura. O estudo poderá iniciar uma agenda de pesquisa, com base nas informações sobre ocupações agropecuárias geradas com a atualização da CBO. Estudos mais aprofundados poderão subsidiar a formulação de políticas de qualificação profissional para o setor.estrutura ocupacional; setor agropecuário

    The impact of review valence, rating and type on review helpfulness : a text clustering and text categorization study

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    Dissertation presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master`s degree in Information Management, with specialization in Marketing IntelligenceConsumers trust on online reviews to help them making their purchasing decisions. Online reviews provide consumers with clues about the quality of the products that they want to buy. Consumers rely on clues, such as, review helpfulness votes and rating to infer product quality. In this study, we perform a Text Clustering and a Text Categorization analysis to uncover the review characteristics and to predict the review rating, helpfulness votes and the product price, based on review corpus. We use a dataset with 72 878 reviews of unlocked mobile phones sold on Amazon.com to perform this analysis. The main goal of this research is to understand the impact of review valence, rating and type on helpfulness votes on Amazon, for unlocked mobile phones. This research aims, also to understand the impact of price on customer satisfaction and the relationship between customer satisfaction and ratings. Our results suggest that positive reviews that emphasize the feature level quality of the products receive more helpful votes than the positive reviews that contain mainly subjective expressions or negative reviews. Another important finding of this research is on the influence of the price of the product. The phones with high price tend to receive more positive reviews and more helpful votes. These findings have important managerial and theoretical implications. To best of our knowledge, our study is the first one to analyze the effect of the combination of valence, rating and subjectivity of the review text on helpful votes

    Floristic composition of Azorean littoral rock pools.

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    43rd European Marine Biology Symposium”. Ponta Delgada, Açores, 8-12 de Setembro de 2008

    Contribution to Railway Track Maintenance Planning from the Analysis of Dynamic Movements of Trains

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    Dynamic movements of trains in relation to the track have a significant impact on the displacement stability of rail vehicles, having effects inclusive of operational safety. Although there are numerous approaches to track maintenance planning, most of them are based solely on long-term geometric degradation assessments without taking into account any dynamic parameters in assessing operational safety or establishing means to predict future rolling stock accelerations relative to the track in order to develop safer maintenance plans. This paper introduces a method of track maintenance planning based on geometric degradation modeling and prediction of rolling stock vertical and horizontal acceleration. The goal is to establish how frequent geometric maintenance is necessary to ensure operational safety under geometric and dynamic criteria. This approach is based on regression models defined from geometric and dynamic inspection data. The method was applied in a passenger railway and obtained expressive results that corroborated the need of considering dynamic aspects on maintenance planning, as sections of the analyzed railway were identified with operation becoming unsafe, under the dynamic criterion, before the geometric safety tolerances are reached. This work is intended not only to propose a planning method but also to present to the scientific and technical communities a novel approach to be explored and developed in future research. The obtained results, therefore, do more than confirm quantitatively the relevance of this analysis; they also demonstrate qualitatively how promising the development of this thematic field is. In this regard, this work also presents in its conclusions some research opportunities to be explored for the development of this theme. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-02-02 Full Text: PD

    The proximal point method for locally lipschitz functions in multiobjective optimization with application to the compromise problem

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    This paper studies the constrained multiobjective optimization problem of finding Pareto critical points of vector-valued functions. The proximal point method considered by Bonnel, Iusem, and Svaiter [SIAM J. Optim., 15 (2005), pp. 953–970] is extended to locally Lipschitz functions in the finite dimensional multiobjective setting. To this end, a new (scalarization-free) approach for convergence analysis of the method is proposed where the first-order optimality condition of the scalarized problem is replaced by a necessary condition for weak Pareto points of a multiobjective problem. As a consequence, this has allowed us to consider the method without any assumption of convexity over the constraint sets that determine the vectorial improvement steps. This is very important for applications; for example, to extend to a dynamic setting the famous compromise problem in management sciences and game theory.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de GoiásConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadAgence nationale de la recherch

    Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH: A Multivariate Time Series Novel using a Bayesian Approach

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    The Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH (DCC-GARCH) mutation model is considered using a Monte Carlo approach via Markov chains in the estimation of parameters, time-dependence variation is visually demonstrated. Fifteen indices were analyzed from the main financial markets of developed and developing countries from different continents. The performances of indices are similar, with a joint evolution. Most index returns, especially SPX and NDX, evolve over time with a higher positive correlation

    O processo de comunicação administrativa: um estudo de caso na empresa familiar Canasvieiras Praia Hotel

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.Esse estudo traz como idéia central demonstrar o processo de comunicação administrativa em uma empresa hoteleira familiar. Para tanto, o método adotado foi de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, descritiva, observação participante e quantitativa, tendo seu percurso através de uma revisão da literatura, onde se busca discorrer sobre estrutura organizacional, comunicação organizacional e hotelaria, com foco na empresa familiar. Na análise dos resultados pôde-se constatar que ocorre a comunicação de forma eficaz, mas faz-se necessário priorizar este processo. Pôde-se concluir que o processo de comunicação dá abertura a resolução de muitos dos problemas de uma empresa, que a importância de o empreendimento ter um grupo trabalhando em harmonia, sempre preservando o bem-estar dos colaboradores, valorizando-os em sua capacitação, e que os meios formais de comunicação são necessários para facilitar o acesso ás informações em todos os setores