2,218 research outputs found

    Influence of Cladonia substellata Vainio extracts and usnic acid on germination and growth of Allium cepa L. seedlings

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    The effect of lichen extracts obtained from Cladonia substellata and its main constituent, on the germination and growth of onion (Allium cepa L.) seedlings was investigated. No significant inhibitory effect of the lichen extracts and usnic acid on germination was found, except of usnic acid at the concentration of 726.7 mM. Growth inhibition of the radicle and of the hypocotyl of the seedlings was found for the total extract and for usnic acid in concentrations of 290.6 mM and 726.7 mM

    Allelopathic effect of the Cladonia verticillaris lichen extracts and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of germinated seedlings in Allium cepa L.

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    The allelopathic activity of the different type of Cladonia verticillaris lichen extracts and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of A. cepa (IPA 6) germinated seedlings depends on their chemical composition and concentration, respectively. It was observed that the length of the radicle was significantly stimulated by fumarprotocetraric acid at high concentrations and by the total extract of C. verticillaris thalli, which contained high level of fumarprotocetraric, acid confirmed by HPLC – technique. In addition, it was found, that the phosphate buffer extract, which contained high level of methy betha-orcinol carboxilate measured by HPLC, significantly reduced the length of the hypocotyls. Under our experimental conditions there was no influence of different type of extract and fumarprotocetraric acid on the seed germination ratio of A. cepa, in relation to control. From the study of HPLC it was found that fumarprotocetraric acid and methy betha-orcinol carboxilate were present in all extracts at different concentrations, according to the method of extraction

    Proyecto de inversión agroecoturístico

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    Sabiendo que la recreación es una necesidad básica del ser humano existen un sin número de lugares que cubren esta necesidad, pero no siempre contribuyen al desarrollo del individuo como persona. En la actualidad el Ecuador tiene sitios de recreación que en su mayoría aportan solamente a la parte emocional del individuo, que van desde lugares de diversión tales como discotecas, bares, centros comerciales hasta lugares donde los edificio y la tecnología se vuelve escasa en la cual el hombre se reencuentra con la naturaleza como: sitios de picnic, piscinas, hosterías, caminatas, deportes extremos, etc. En nuestro medio encontramos lugares de entretenimiento muy específicos en los cuales siempre se le da prioridad a un factor. Por lo general estos sitios solo se enfocan en la parte recreativa y se deja a un lado la parte cultural o educativa; o viceversa. No encontrando así un lugar que integre la recreación con la educación y la cultura que generen beneficios para los individuos, ahorrando de esta forma tiempo y dinero, elementos indispensables y escasos en la sociedad. BUCKINGHAM ofrece una alternativa diferente a lo tradicional como es el Agroecoturismo, con un servicio integrado que se desarrolla, en un edificio confortable, en una explotación agraria o cercano a la granja, acerca un nuevo e insospechado mundo al viajero: el día a día de la vida en el campo, con todas sus actividades agrarias y ganaderas, con sus peculiares platos típicos, con sus productos caseros o biológicos, y con las múltiples artesanías que de tales actividades se desprenden, lo que no solo permite disfrutar de la naturaleza sino aprender de ella en manos de personas capacitadas y autóctonas de la zona

    Consells d'extracció i conservació del material arqueològic in situ

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    Aquest petit treball pretén esdevenir una guia bàsica per aquells arqueòlegs que desconeixen l'aspecte conservatiu dels materials arqueològics. Així, en primer lloc analitzarem, a grans trets, la composició físicoquímica dels diferents objectes que podem trobar en una excavació i quins són els agents que més els malmeten. Després tractarem d'introduir alguns consells pràctics pel treball de camp.This little paper pretends to become a basic guide for those archaeologists who don't know the conservative side of the archaeological materials. First of all, we will analize, overall, the phisical-chemical composition of the diferent objects that can be found on an excavation and wich are the agents that can affect them the most. Afterwards, we will try to introduce some useful advices for working on the field

    Overview on agent-based social modelling and the use of formal languages

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    Transdisciplinary Models and Applications investigates a variety of programming languages used in validating and verifying models in order to assist in their eventual implementation. This book will explore different methods of evaluating and formalizing simulation models, enabling computer and industrial engineers, mathematicians, and students working with computer simulations to thoroughly understand the progression from simulation to product, improving the overall effectiveness of modeling systems.Postprint (author's final draft

    Qualidade habitacional em sustentabilidade : área habitacional clandestina na Praia - Cabo Verde

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    Orientação: António Santa RitaA presente dissertação destina-se à problemática dos bairros clandestinos na cidade da Praia, em Cabo Verde, sendo uma das cidades com maior défice habitacional do arquipélago. O conjunto das habitações ilegais encontram-se espalhadas por toda a periferia das cidades, a nível mundial, formando assim uma nova urbanização desorganizada, que é caracterizada pela autoconstrução. As habitações clandestinas começaram a evoluir rapidamente a partir da independência do arquipélago, isto pela falta de políticas eficazes de planeamento, de estratégias de organização do espaço urbano e políticas de habitação e de solos. O elevado custo da construção, juntamente com o desemprego incapacita o arrendamento e a compra de uma casa, contribuindo e iniciando o aumento da construção clandestina, sendo que na maioria das vezes esta é a única opção das famílias mais carenciadas usufruírem de um teto. A problemática da habitação clandestina em Cabo Verde não se remete apenas à ineficiência e a dureza do processo administrativo, mas também à inabilidade da administração em não conseguir responder à imensa busca de lotes municipais. Portanto o objetivo desta dissertação é a partir de uma análise tipológica, criar uma tipologia flexível e evolutiva, como base de construção, com diversas soluções sustentáveis que vão ao encontro da habitação social e do realojamento no País.This dissertation aims to address the various issues of the illegal neighbourhoods in Praia, Cape Verde, one of the cities with the highest housing deficit rates in the archipelago. All these illegal dwellings are usually scattered around the outskirts of various cities around the world, thence forming a number of new, disorganised and unregulated urbanisations driven and characterized by the homespun constructions The development of illegal housing achieved a rapid pace post-independence, this was due to the lack of effective planning policies, strategies of urban space management as well as regulations for housing and lands. The excessive construction costs, along with high levels of unemployment cripple renting and home acquisitions, encouraging and increasing the construction of these illegal infrastructures, this sometimes being the only option for a number of families to take advantage of a safe housing. The illegal housing issue in Cape Verde does not only refer to the inefficiency and the difficult administrative process but also due to the inability of the administration to respond to the immense demand for municipal lots. Therefore the aim of this work is from a typological analysis, create a flexible and scalable type, such as construction base with several sustainable solutions to meet the social housing and resettlement in the country

    Propriedades físico-químicas dos solos em áreas ardidas de montanha do Nordeste de Portugal em diferentes fases de evolução pós-fogo

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    Os incêndios são um problema comum a muitos países, como ocorre em Portugal. São países que estão sob condições climáticas favoráveis a eclosão e a rápida progressão dos fogos florestais. Os incêndios são um dos principais fatores de degradação da terra, causando várias modificações no solo, água e vegetação. Portanto, os incêndios florestais geram grandes impactos ambientais na paisagem por onde se desenvolvem e alastram. Enquanto ocorre a queima, a cobertura vegetal e a camada orgânica são esgotadas, e o solo mineral é aquecido, resultando em mudanças nas características físicas, químicas, mineralógicas, e propriedades biológicas do solo. Assim essa pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações dos solos sob o impacto do fogo ao longo do tempo, comparando áreas ardidas e não ardidas. Para isso, foram estudadas propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. As áreas de estudo localizam-se em três zonas distintas: Freguesias de Soutelo (2015), Parâmio (2016) e de Quintela de Lampaças (2017) respectivamente. Em cada zona de estudo, foram escolhidas áreas de amostragem em locais que arderam e não arderam (com exceção de Quintela de Lampaças, 2017) com características edafoclimáticas e composição da vegetação semelhante. As amostras foram colhidas aleatoriamente em 4 pontos de amostragem na zona queimada e 4 na zona não queimada. Foram feitas análises no laboratório das propriedades físicas e químicas dos solos para avaliar as modificações no solo em consequências do incêndio e da recuperação pós-fogo. Com a realização desta pesquisa, pode-se concluir que as propriedades físico-químicas dos solos sofreram alterações de forma diferente, ao longo do perfil do solo. O fogo interferiu as propriedades do solo, que com o passar do tempo tendem a evoluir para a situação pré-fogo.Wildfires are a problem common to many countries, as is the case in Portugal. There are countries that are under favorable climatic conditions to hatch and rapidly propagate forest fires. Fires are one of the main factors of land degradation, causing various modifications in soil, water and vegetation. Therefore, forest fires generate large environmental impacts on the landscape through which they develop and spread. While burning occurs, the vegetation cover and organic layer are depleted, and the mineral soil is heated, resulting in changes in the physical, chemical, mineralogical, and biological properties of the soil. Thus, this research had as objective to evaluate the modifications of the soils under the impact of the fire over time, comparing burned and nonburned areas. For this, physical and chemical properties of the soil were studied. The study was carried out in 3 distinct areas: Soutelo (2015), Parâmio (2016) and Quintela de Lampaças (2017) respectively. In each study area, sampling areas were selected in places that burned and did not burn (with the exception of Quintela de Lampaças, 2017) with soil and climatic characteristics and similar vegetation composition. Samples were randomly collected at 4 sampling points in the burned zone and 4 at the non-burned zone. Laboratory analyzes of the physical and chemical properties of soils were carried out to evaluate changes in soil as a consequence of fire and of post-fire recovery. With the accomplishment of this research, it can be concluded that the physicalchemical properties of the soils changed in a different way, along the soil profile. The fire interfered with the properties of the soil, which over time tended to evolve towards the pre-fire situation

    As tecnologias da informação e da comunicação na escola de ensino fundamental

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    Estudo realizado em uma escola da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre. Analisa o uso das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) no laboratório de informática e as necessidades de formação dos seus usuários, não sendo, entretanto, um estudo clássico de usuário. Tem como finalidade propor uma reflexão sobre o aproveitamento deste espaço e de gerar sugestões para planejamento de novas atividades visando a inclusão digital e informacional do aluno, necessárias para inclusão social. A metodologia utilizada é do tipo quali-quantitativa, sendo empregados um questionário e uma observação participante em um grupo de 11 alunos das turmas de C30 e CP da escola. Os dados foram tratados com a utilização de software de planilha eletrônica, descrição das atividades e transcrições. Os resultados demonstraram que a escola é o único espaço de acesso às TICs para a maioria dos alunos pesquisados. Apesar de freqüentarem o laboratório nos oito anos do ensino fundamental, os alunos apresentam muitas dificuldades no uso das TICs, resultado do espontaneísmo a que são submetidos. Apresentam dificuldade em identificar links, sites, endereços eletrônicos, e também de navegar nas páginas da Internet; grande parte dos alunos nem possui endereço eletrônico. Identifica, no que se refere às competências informacionais, as mesmas dificuldades apresentadas no uso da biblioteca em pesquisas escolares, variando o ambiente. Observa-se a necessidade imediata de uma ressignificação do currículo escolar que atenda as novas exigências da sociedade, a formação de professores, formulação de um programa de alfabetização digital e informacional para capacitar os alunos na busca e uso da informação. Lembra que a escola deve proporcionar atividades de inclusão digital e informacional a todos integrantes da comunidade escolar. Aponta necessidade de adotar novas propostas pedagógicas que sejam adequadas e que explorem efetivamente estas novas ferramentas para construção do conhecimento, tornando o processo de aprendizagem mais dinâmico e prazeroso e instrumentalizando cada aluno para o exercício da cidadania neste novo modelo de sociedade.This study was done in a public school of Porto Alegre. It analyses the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the computer science laboratory, and the needs of its users training, however it is not a classical user study. Its proposal is to reflect about the use of this room as well as to give suggestions for the planning of new activities aiming digital and informational inclusion, witch is necessary for them to be socially included. The methodology used is based on quality and quantity, where a questionnaire was given to a group of eleven students from classes C30 and CP, some observations from the author were also considered. The data were analyzed with the use of an electronic spreadsheet, describing and commenting the activities. The results show us that the school is the only place the majority of the students studied have access to computers. Even though they must use the computer science laboratory for eight years during primary school, the students have serious difficulties in using the ICTs, this is a result of the lack of class planning to witch they are exposed. It is not easy for them to surf the web or identify links, websites and e-mail addresses; most of them don’t even have an electronic mail. The study shows that, concerning information skills, the same difficulties are found using either the library or the computer science laboratory for school researches. There is an urgent need of reorganizing the school curiculum in order to fulfill the new demands of the modern society, training the teachers and creating a digital and information literacy plan to all the members of the school community. It also shows the need of getting new pedagogic proposals that explore thoroughly these tools for acquiring knowledge, turning the learning into a dynamic and pleasant process and giving the student capability to be a participant citizen in the new society

    Inverse Cooking: Recipe Generation from Food Images

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    People enjoy food photography because they appreciate food. Behind each meal there is a story described in a complex recipe and, unfortunately, by simply looking at a food image we do not have access to its preparation process. Therefore, in this paper we introduce an inverse cooking system that recreates cooking recipes given food images. Our system predicts ingredients as sets by means of a novel architecture, modeling their dependencies without imposing any order, and then generates cooking instructions by attending to both image and its inferred ingredients simultaneously. We extensively evaluate the whole system on the large-scale Recipe1M dataset and show that (1) we improve performance w.r.t. previous baselines for ingredient prediction; (2) we are able to obtain high quality recipes by leveraging both image and ingredients; (3) our system is able to produce more compelling recipes than retrieval-based approaches according to human judgment. We make code and models publicly available.Comment: CVPR 201

    Model Predictive Control Allocation of Systems with Different Dynamics

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    International audienceSeveral systems are integrated in passenger cars. Some of them are just redundant systems due to safety requirements. Others, are completely different and can interact with each other as long as they are operating inside the same vehicle. Control allocation methods have been successfully implemented in advanced aircrafts to avoid conflicts, especially in the context of redundant systems. In this paper, we will rather focus on coordinating non-redundant advanced chassis systems with different dynamics. This difference in dynamics can be especially problematic when systems exhibit different communication delays. Model Predictive Control Allocation (MPCA) methods are therefore investigated in order to activate the right system at the right moment. Results show that particularly when the most effective system is saturated, another system with a different time delay can be activated few steps before saturation to instantly take over the maneuver. With good knowledge of actuator dynamics and higher computation power, MPCA methods are able to solve complex problems in severe situations