695 research outputs found


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    Este artigo é fruto de um projeto pedagógico realizado em 2020, dentro do ensino remoto, com turmas do 6º ano do ensino fundamental dos anos finais de nome: “Esse lápis não me representa”, objetivando a reafirmar a importância da aplicação da Lei 10.639/2003 como ferramenta fundamental no combate ao racismo dentro do espaço escolar. O ensino e valorização da História e Cultura Afro-brasileira e Africana durante todo o ano letivo, não pode se restringir apenas às datas comemorativas, como o dia 20 de novembro, além de ajudar no combate ao racismo, é importante para elevar a autoestima de estudantes negros (as) / pretos (as). Percebe-se que é possível haver uma mudança de atitude de todos os estudantes, negros e não negros, objetivando a promoção de uma educação antirracista e de promoção do respeito à diversidade e combate ao racismo, tornando a escola em um lugar democrático e plura

    An integrated python-based open-source Digital Image Correlation Software for in-plane and out-of-plane measurements (Part 2)

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES) throughout the project PTDC/EMD-EMD/1230/2021 (AneurysmTool) and UIDB/00667/2020 (UNIDEMI) and the support provided by the Brazilian Government funding agencies CAPES, Brazil , FAPERJ, Brazil and CNPq, Brazil . Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsThis work presents an out-of-the-box python-based open-source 3D Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) software for both in-plane and out-of-plane full-field measurements, denoted by iCorrVision-3D. The software includes an integrated stereo grabber for image acquisition, stereo calibration, numerical stereo correlation and post-processing modules. The main objective is to provide a complete integrated 3D-DIC system for users. All important DIC setting parameters can be easily controlled by the user from an intuitive graphical interface. For instance, the interpolation strategy and correlation techniques that are usually not open for users are available for modifications in iCorrVision-3D. The proposed software can be used in a great number of applications in engineering. Results indicated that the iCorrVision-3D software is robust and accurate in reconstructing the 3D shape of objects and in evaluating the out-of-plane full-field displacement of specimens being tested.publishersversionpublishe

    Respeite nosso Axé: o Imaginário Docente Sobre as Religiões de Matrizes Africanas no Espaço Escolar

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    Dentro do espaço escolar, que deveria ser laico, existem relações de poder e dominação de princípios e doutrinas religiosas que sobrepujam outras. Assim, as doutrinas religiosas podem contribuir para o fortalecimento dos preconceitos e racismo religioso, silenciamentos e ocultamentos dentro do campo da Educação e do ensino da História. Com o olhar para situações como essas, a presente pesquisa traz como objetivo analisar a percepção dos(as) docentes de uma escola pública acerca das religiões brasileiras de matrizes africanas considerando a Lei n. 10.639/2003 que estabelece a obrigatoriedade do ensino da História e Cultura Afro-brasileira em sala de aula. Propõe também abordar o Imaginário, na compreensão dos significados de tais religiões na construção da identidade histórica e sociocultural brasileira, em reflexão que se volte à formação dos estudantes do Ensino Fundamental dos Anos Finais. Trata-se de um estudo de caso instrumental, de abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, empregando o procedimento da pesquisa documental (curricular e escolar) e bibliográfica, utilizando como arcabouço teórico-metodológico a Teoria Geral do Imaginário, a hermenêutica simbólica a partir do Teste Arquetípico de 9 Elementos (AT-9), e da metodologia da Entrevista Compreensiva. Dessa forma, mapeamos as projeções imagéticas dos(as) docentes, após a aplicação do teste AT-9 e a interpretação destes através dos contributos das Estruturas Antropológicas do Imaginário, propostas por Gilbert Durand. Dentro dos cinco testes projetivos analisados, encontramos dois participantes que apresentaram um microuniverso mítico sintético existencial do tipo duplo universo existencial diacrônico: um que apresentou um microuniverso mítico heroico do tipo heroico descontraído; outro apresentou um microuniverso mítico heroico do tipo heroico impuro; e por fim, o último analisado, um microuniverso mítico místico do tipo místico impuro. Como o suporte da Entrevista Compreensiva e do teste AT-9, encontramos dentro do imaginário docente, práticas e metodologias de ensino que já realizavam dentro de sua autonomia em sala de aula, experiências pessoais que tiveram com o sobrenatural religioso afro-brasileiro, e, em contrapartida, outros(as) também relatam que por mais que tenham “medo” tentam não passar essa projeção em sala de aula durante suas práticas educativas e aulas ministradas.Within the school space, which should be secular, there are relations of power and domination of religious principles and doctrines that surpass others. Thus, religious doctrines can contribute to the strengthening of prejudices and religious racism, silencing and concealment within the field of Education and the teaching of History. With a view to situations like these, the present research aims to analyze the perception of teachers of a public school about Brazilian religions of African matrices considering Law n. 10,639/2003, which establishes the mandatory teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture in the classroom. It also proposes to address the Imaginary, in understanding the meanings of such religions in the construction of the Brazilian historical and sociocultural identity, in a reflection that focuses on the formation of students of Elementary School in the Final Years. This is an instrumental case study, with a qualitative and exploratory approach, using documental (curricular and school) and bibliographical research procedures, using the General Theory of the Imaginary as a theoretical-methodological framework, symbolic hermeneutics based on the Archetypal Test of 9 Elements (AT-9), and the Comprehensive Interview methodology. In this way, we mapped the imagery projections of the professors, after the application of the AT-9 test and their interpretation through the contributions of the Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary, proposed by Gilbert Durand. Within the five projective tests analyzed, we found two participants who presented a synthetic existential mythical microuniverse of the double diachronic existential universe type: one who presented a heroic mythical microuniverse of the relaxed heroic type; another presented a heroic mythic micro-universe of the impure heroic type; and finally, the last one analyzed, a mystical mystical micro-universe of the impure mystical type. As the support of the Comprehensive Interview and the AT-9 test, we found within the teachers' imaginary, teaching practices and methodologies that they already carried out within their autonomy in the classroom, personal experiences they had with the Afro-Brazilian religious supernatural, and, on the other hand, others also report that, as much as they are “afraid”, they try not to pass this projection on in the classroom during their educational practices and classes taught

    Utilização da classificação de Dorfman-Warnke (modificada por Burke) em patologia veterinária na avaliação da linfadenite induzida por parvovírus canino em cobaias (Cavia porcellus )

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    Em patologia humana, a análise e interpretação das linfadenopatias reacionais baseia-se na caracterização morfológica das várias regiões do linfonodo. Em patologia veterinária não há essa padronização. No presente estudo, utilizamos as bases da classificação de Dorfman-Warnke (modificada por Burke), utilizada na área médica humana para avaliarmos uma linfadenite viral experimental em cobaias. Parvovírus canino foi inoculado em coxim plantar de cobaias e a resposta dos linfonodos poplíteos avaliada. No fim de cada período experimental, linfonodos foram excisados, pesados e processados histologicamente em cortes corados pelos métodos de Giemsa, Mallory, Gordon & Sweets e Hematoxilina-Eosina e por meio de imunoistoquímica com anticorpos pan-T e pan-B. Foi observado aumento de peso significante (p<0,05) dos linfonodos ipsilaterais ao sítio de inoculação em comparação com os contralaterais. A resposta folicular nos primeiros linfonodos foi caracterizada por reação do centro germinativo, apresentando perda parcial da delimitação da zona do manto. Em região paracortical aumentou o número de células blásticas, ocorrendo hipertrofia de vênulas pós-capilares. Associou-se discreta hiperplasia de cordões medulares e densificação do estroma reticular. A reação observada apresenta semelhanças com a identificada em humanos frente a estímulo viral, sugerindo a adequação do uso dessa classificação também em medicina veterinária.In human pathology the adequate system used to analyze and interprete reactive lymphadenopathies is based on the morphological characterization of the various areas within the lymphoid node. In veterinary pathology there is no standardization of histopathological evaluation of lymph nodes. Therefore, in this study, we applied the Dorfman-Warnke (modified by Burke) human classification of reactive lymphadenopathies to evaluate virus-induced lymphadenitis in guinea-pigs. Canine parvovirus was inoculated into the footpads of guinea-pigs and the response of popliteal lymph nodes was histologically studied. The footpads were excised after different periods of time, processed, and stained with HE, Mallory, Gordon & Sweets, Giemsa and by immunohistochemical methods. A significant increase in the weight of ipsilateral lymph nodes to the inoculation site (p<0.05) was observed. The follicular response in the lymph nodes was characterized by the reaction of the germinative center, which showed partial loss of delimitation in the mantle zone. Increased numbers of blast cells and hypertrophy of post-capillary venules were evidenced in the paracortical area of the lymph nodes. There was a discrete hyperplasia of the medullary cords and a general enlargement of the reticular net associated with those alterations. The reactional response observed was similar to viral lymphadenitis identified in humans, justifying the attempts to systematize this classification for veterinary use just like it is currently done in human medicine

    An integrated python-based open-source Digital Image Correlation software for in-plane measurements (Part 1)

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT-MCTES) throughout the project PTDC/EMD-EMD/1230/2021 (AneurysmTool) and the support provided by the Brazilian Government funding agencies CAPES , FAPERJ and CNPq . Funding Information: The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Joao Filho reports financial support was provided by Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement. Jose Xavier reports financial support was provided by Foundation for Science and Technology. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)The main purpose of this work is to present a new fully-customizable out-of-the-box open-source 2D Digital Image Correlation (2D-DIC) software, so-called iCorrVision-2D. It is implemented in Python, including image acquisition (grabber), numerical correlation and post-processing modules. The proposed software has an intuitive graphical user interface to support selecting all main correlation parameters, calibration and region of interest. The iCorrVision-2D software stands out over other open-source projects due to the great number of functionalities and the control of all important inputs, such as correlation domain, approach (spatial and incremental) and matching criterion, displacement filtering, interpolation techniques, strain window and reconstruction shape functions. Results demonstrate that the iCorrVision-2D software is robust and can be used to measure full-field displacements and strains with satisfactory accuracy and precision. For out-of-plane measurements, iCorrVision-3D will be presented in Part 2 (iCorrVision-3D, SoftwareX, 2022).publishersversionpublishe

    Evaluation of 210Pb levels in the estuarine region of an industrial complex

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    Currently, the increase in the environmental radioactivity levels was due to anthropic activities, such as the oil industries that produce around 2.5x104 to 2.25x105 tons of contaminated materials per year. Thus, the study aimed to determine the 210Pb concentrations in the estuarine region of the SUAPE industrial complex in the state of Pernambuco. The 210Pb concentrations were determined in soil, sediment, fish, and leaf samples, using ion exchange and gamma spectrometry methods. 210Pb concentrations in soils, sediments, fish, and mangrove leaves ranged from less than LD (Detection Limit) to 992.35 Bq.kg-1. The results showed that the area related to the preoperational situation found values above those estimated for regions considered natural, presenting anthropogenic interference

    Influence of stage of maturity on bromatological quality of corn forage

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    ABSTRACT -The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of stalk/leaf ratio and the stage of maturity on the digestibility of the corn plant. Hybrids AG1051, AG4051, AG5011, DOW2B710, DOW2C577, DOW2A525, NB7315 and P30F90 were used, harvested at the one-half milk line (½ ML), three-quarters milk line (¾ ML) and black layer (BL) stages. A randomized block design was used in an 8 (hybrids) × 3 (stages of maturity) factorial design, with three replications. The means generated were used for grouping into high and low stalk/leaf ratio and a new analysis of variance was generated in a 2 × 3 (two groups and three stages of maturity) factorial design. The whole plant and its stalk, leaf, husk, cob and grain components were incubated in situ in the rumen of three cows for determination of degradability of dry matter and degradable neutral detergent fiber. Stalk/leaf ratio did not influence neutral detergent fiber content or the degradability of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber of any of the components, except for the cob, in which the high ratio group had greater degradable neutral detergent fiber contents. There was a reduction in the degradability of all the parts, except for the stalk and cob, and an increase in the neutral detergent fiber contents of the vegetative parts, except for the stalk. Unlike the vegetative components, the neutral detergent fiber contents of the whole plant decreased throughout the stages evaluated. For degradable neutral detergent fiber, there was a reduction in the whole plant and in its components. The advance of maturity reduces the quality of the vegetative components; however, this loss in the entire plant is moderated by grain filling. Forage quality depends more on the quality of the components than on their proportions in the dry matter

    Análise multivariada da qualidade do sono em algumas comunidades do Sertão do Pajeú-PE

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    O sono é um fator indispensavél para a Qualidade de Vida (QV), importante para a saúde corporal e a mental, além de proporcionar uma melhoria no bem-estar humano. Com isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e modelar a Qualidade do Sono (QS) em algumas comunidades do Sertão do Pajeú/PE, aplicando o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh e o perfil sociodemográfico. Foi realizado um estudo tipo corte transversal em setembro de 2015, incluindo 73 moradores. O estudo estatístico foi baseado no Modelo Logístico Multivariado (MLM), que é um caso particular dos Modelos Lineares Generalizados (MLGs). Foi realizada uma análise dos fatores que contribuíram para os componentes de transtornos do sono, destacando-se a necessidade de levantar-se e dirigir-se ao banheiro (56,3%) e o despertar noturno ou diurno (54,8%), ao menos uma vez por semana. Os resultados do MLM neste estudo revelaram que, além da variável cochilar, as variáveis “Estado Civil”, “Gênero” e “Idade” são consideradas fatores explicativos da QV, verificando-se que a área sob a curva ROC correspondente ao valor de 0,79, demostrou um aceitável poder de discriminação de acordo com a classifiação dada por hosmer e Lemeshow. Estudos que visam avaliar e modelar a QS de determinada população, em especial agricultores familiares, são importantes, pois poderão identificar fatores que influenciam direta ou indiretamente na QV

    Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activity from Algae of the Genus Caulerpa

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    Marine natural products have been the focus of discovery for new products of chemical and pharmacological interest. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive activity of the methanolic (ME), acetate (AE), hexanic (HE) and chloroform (CE) extracts obtained from Caulerpa mexicana, and ME, CE and HE obtained from Caulerpa sertularioides. These marine algae are found all over the world, mainly in tropical regions. Models such as the writhing test, the hot plate test and formalin-induced nociception test were used to evaluate antinociceptive activity in laboratory mice. In the writhing test, all the extracts were administered orally at a concentration of 100 mg/kg, and induced high peripheral antinociceptive activity, with a reduction in the nociception induced by acetic acid above 65%. In the hot plate test, treatment with extracts from C. sertularioides (100 mg/kg, p.o.) did not significantly increase the latency of response, although the ME, AE and HE from C. mexicana showed activity in this model. This result suggests that these extracts exhibit antinociceptive activity. In the formalin test, it was observed that ME, AE and HE obtained from C. mexicana reduced the effects of formalin in both phases. On the other hand only CE from C. sertularioides induced significant inhibition of the nociceptive response in the first phase. To better assess the potential anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts, the carrageenan-induced peritonitis test was used to test Caulerpa spp. extracts on cell migration into the peritoneal cavity. In this assay, all extracts evaluated were able to significantly inhibit leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity in comparison with carrageenan. These data demonstrate that extracts from Caulerpa species elicit pronounced antinociceptive and anti-inflamatory activity against several nociception models. However, pharmacological and chemical studies are continuing in order to characterize the mechanism(s) responsible for the antinociceptive action and also to identify the active principles present in the Caulerpa species