6,029 research outputs found

    The Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio of Metabolic Modulation Using Glucose Insulin Kalium and Lactate Solution and Their Effect on Functional Mechanical Recovery of the Isolated Perfused Heart

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    Metabolic modulation with Glucose Insulin Kalium (GIK) solution has beenreally well known in their capacity to improve post ischemic heart function. In this regardGIK intervention on post operative Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) can improveheart function recovery on reperfusion period (Goldhaber dan Weiss, 1992; Atwell et al.,1997). Post operative CABG intervention with GIK will produce a beneficial effect onthe elevation of heart energy to prevent ionic homeostasis disturbance and reactiveoxygen species (ROS) production that become the basis of reperfusion injury (Silvermandan Stern, 1994; Cross et al., 1995; Taegtmeyer et al., 1997; Opie, 1999; Lazar, 2002;Doenst et al., 2003; Trence et al., 2003).Many efforts have been made to clarify how exactly GIK works to improve postischemic heart function as in CABG. This is crucially done in order to be able to modifythe solution concerned. Although this solution has been clearly proved to improve postischemic heart function, it is not totally free from its adverse effect. Its main side effect isthat it can provoke hyperglycemic state, which contrasts with the tight glucose control incontinuously normal range for the patients who are critically ill.In this study lactate and pyruvate level in the coronary effluent were measuredfrom the isolated heart directly perfused with GIK and lactate. It was shown that thepreischemic lactate level was low and then clearly elevated as soon as the reperfusiontook place due to anaerobic metabolism. In accordance with reperfusion time lactate leveldecreased gradually. In relation with pyruvate level, this substrate evolution looked likethe appearance of lactate but its value was lower if compared with lactate.The recovery in functional mechanical activity of the post ischemic heart seems tobe much more related to the pattern of the evolution of logarithmic lactate/pyruvate ratio(L/P ratio). Logarithmic value of L/P ratio in GIK group increased since the earlyreperfusion period (+40%, p < 0.05), followed by improvement in recovery ofmechanical activity in this group which was significantly higher if compared with thecontrol group. Similar fashion was found in lactate group in regard to the evolution of thelogarithmic value of L/P ratio in this group, where its value was significantly highercompared with the control group. The logarithmic evolution pattern on L/P ratio for thisgroup increased along the reperfusion time (+34% p < 0.05).From the present study, it can be concluded that the recovery of functionalmechanical activity of the post ischemic heart perfused with GIK is through modificationon cellular lactate metabolism

    Class-Weighted Convolutional Features for Visual Instance Search

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    Image retrieval in realistic scenarios targets large dynamic datasets of unlabeled images. In these cases, training or fine-tuning a model every time new images are added to the database is neither efficient nor scalable. Convolutional neural networks trained for image classification over large datasets have been proven effective feature extractors for image retrieval. The most successful approaches are based on encoding the activations of convolutional layers, as they convey the image spatial information. In this paper, we go beyond this spatial information and propose a local-aware encoding of convolutional features based on semantic information predicted in the target image. To this end, we obtain the most discriminative regions of an image using Class Activation Maps (CAMs). CAMs are based on the knowledge contained in the network and therefore, our approach, has the additional advantage of not requiring external information. In addition, we use CAMs to generate object proposals during an unsupervised re-ranking stage after a first fast search. Our experiments on two public available datasets for instance retrieval, Oxford5k and Paris6k, demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach outperforming the current state-of-the-art when using off-the-shelf models trained on ImageNet. The source code and model used in this paper are publicly available at http://imatge-upc.github.io/retrieval-2017-cam/.Comment: To appear in the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), September 201

    Photon locking

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    A novel observation of photon locking—the optical analog of spin locking—is reported, demonstrating the applicability of phase-coherent pulse sequences. The experiments are reported for the optical transition of iodine gas at 589.7 nm using the pulse sequence XYX-XYX̄. Locking decay rates are presented as a function of pressure and compared with optical dephasing (echo-decay) rates

    Un Fragment de la Salmòdia copta conservat a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic

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    Es conserva a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic un foli manuscrit procedent d?un llibre litúrgic copte en paper. El text conservat és un fragment de la Salmòdia de khoiak, el mes del calendari copte en què se celebra el Nadal. La Salmòdia és un conjunt de pregàries de preparació per a la recepció de l?eucaristia, que es resen la nit abans de celebrar-la. No forma part de la litúrgia eucarística ni tampoc de la litúrgia de les hores, malgrat que per la seva estructura que alterna salms i composicions hímniques, pugui recordar-la. Està recollida en un llibre litúrgic propi.In the Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic is preserved a manuscript sheet coming from a coptic paper liturgical book. The preserved text is a fragment of the Christmas psalmody of Khoiak, the month of the coptic calendar in which Christmas is celebrated. The Psalmody is an ensemble of preparatory prayers before receiving Eucharist, said the night before the celebration. It is not part of the eucharistical liturgy neither of the office, although it can remind of it due to its structure alternating psalms and hymns. It is recorded in a proper liturgical book

    Un Fragment de la Salmòdia copta conservat a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic

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    Es conserva a la Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic un foli manuscrit procedent d?un llibre litúrgic copte en paper. El text conservat és un fragment de la Salmòdia de khoiak, el mes del calendari copte en què se celebra el Nadal. La Salmòdia és un conjunt de pregàries de preparació per a la recepció de l?eucaristia, que es resen la nit abans de celebrar-la. No forma part de la litúrgia eucarística ni tampoc de la litúrgia de les hores, malgrat que per la seva estructura que alterna salms i composicions hímniques, pugui recordar-la. Està recollida en un llibre litúrgic propi.In the Biblioteca Episcopal de Vic is preserved a manuscript sheet coming from a coptic paper liturgical book. The preserved text is a fragment of the Christmas psalmody of Khoiak, the month of the coptic calendar in which Christmas is celebrated. The Psalmody is an ensemble of preparatory prayers before receiving Eucharist, said the night before the celebration. It is not part of the eucharistical liturgy neither of the office, although it can remind of it due to its structure alternating psalms and hymns. It is recorded in a proper liturgical book

    Camerata XXI:tres anys de camí

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    Työelämäedustajien kokemuksia ohjaustoiminnan koulutusohjelman opinnäytetöistä

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö lähti liikkeelle ohjaustoiminnan koulutusohjelman tarpeesta tietää, onko tehdyistä opinnäytetöistä pidempiaikaista hyötyä työelämälle. Lähtökohtana oli viisi ohjaustoiminnan vanhustyöhön keskittynyttä opinnäytetyötä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaista hyötyä ohjaustoiminnan koulutusohjelmassa tehdyistä opinnäytetöistä on ollut niissä mukana olleille työelämäyhteyksille. Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla neljältä hämeenlinnalaiselta työelämäedustajalta, jotka olivat toimineet ohjaustoiminnan opinnäytetyön ohjaajana vuosina 2004—2009. Aineisto analysoitiin koodaamalla ja teemoittelemalla. Opinnäytetyön taustaksi perehdyttiin teoriaan ammattikorkeakoulun historiasta, opinnäytetyöstä, verkostoitumisesta sekä kumppanuudesta. Lisäksi teoria käsitteli vanhustyötä ja kulttuurista virkistystoimintaa, jotka yhdistivät tutkimuksen lähtökohtana olleita opinnäytetöitä. Tuloksena voidaan esittää, että opinnäytetöistä on ollut työelämälle monenlaista hyötyä. Opinnäytetyöt ovat tuottaneet tietoa ja materiaalia, joita on hyödynnetty työpaikalla. Lisäksi opinnäytetöiden sekä niiden tekijöiden on koettu tuovan virkistystä työelämäedustajien arkeen ja heidän työnsä on tullut näkyväksi niiden kautta. Opinnäytetöiden sisällä toteutetuilla toiminnallisilla osuuksilla on ollut positiivisia vaikutuksia myös asiakkaisiin. Tämän opinnäytetyön tutkimuskohde oli hämeenlinnalaiset työelämäedustajat. Pohdinnassa esitettiin ehdotus jatkotutkimuksesta, jossa työelämäedustajien kokemuksia ohjaustoiminnan opinnäytetöiden suhteen voisi selvittää myös muualla Suomessa.The thesis was commissioned by the Degree Programme in Crafts and Recreation at HAMK University of Applied Sciences and the aim was to find out if the theses made in the degree programme offered any long-term benefits for the working-life. The starting point was five theses previously made in the Degree Programme in Crafts and Recreation. These theses were made in the field of elderly care. The aim was to find out what kind of benefits the theses had offered to the working-life partners that had participated in the process. The data was collected by half-structured interviews conducted with four representatives from the working-life in Hämeenlinna. They had been tutoring the students during 2004—2009. The collected data was analyzed by using codes and themes. The theoretical frame of the thesis introduces some history of the university of applied sciences, theory underlying the Bachelor’s Thesis, networking and partnership. In addition, the theoretical frame discusses work with the aged and cultural recreation activities - common factors in all the Bachelor’s Theses in question. Based on the research it can be stated that the Bachelor’s Theses have provided many benefits for the working-life. They have produced information and material that have been utilised in the workplaces. In addition to that, the theses and the students have invigorated the everyday life of the tutors and made their work visible. The activities carried out in conjunction with the theses have also had positive influences on the clients. The research subjects in this thesis were representatives from the working-life in Hämeenlinna. A suggestion for further study in the degree programme in Crafts and Recreation could be to explore the experiences of working-life partners even in other parts of Finland