770 research outputs found

    Interpretación paleoambiental del Grupo Villeta (Cretácico tardío) a partir de análisis de palinofacies, cuenca del Valle Superior del Magdalena (VSM), suroeste de Colombia

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    La reconstrucción paleoambiental del Grupo Villeta (Cretácico Tardío) fue realizada a parVr del análisis visual de la materia orgánica sedimentaria de la secuencia perforada por el pozo Lunera-1, localizado en el Bloque VSM-9, norte de la cuenca VSM, SO de Colombia. Se analizaron 30 muestras, cuya preparación consisVó en: digesVón ácida de cu`ngs y tesVgos corona, separación de la materia orgánica por densidad y montaje en placas con bálsamo de Canadá. El análisis visual se realizó haciendo disVnción de todos los grupos y conteo normalizado a 300 especímenes por muestra. Los resultados obtenidos se evaluaron estadísVcamente mediante el método de cluster en modo R para obtener el agrupamiento de las diferentes palinofacies resultantes, una vez conocidas las palinofacies se determinaron los porcentajes presentes en cada muestra. Se reconocieron dos palinofacies: la palinofacies A (PA) está compuesta por materia orgánica amorfa fluorescente y quistes de dinoflagelados y la palinofacies B (PB) está compuesta por fitoclastos traslúcidos no estructurados, fitoclastos traslúcidos bioestructurados, granos de polen y esporas. Los porcentajes presentes de cada palinofacies en la sección analizada permiVeron interpretar que el ambiente sedimentario principal es marino. Los sub ambientes reconocidos para los diferentes miembros corresponden a un ambiente marino cercano a la línea de costa (shoreface) para la parte más basal del Grupo Villeta en el cual predomina la PB, mientras que el tope de la secuencia corresponde a la parte más distal, en el cual existe un fuerte predominio de la PA, característico de una plataforma carbonatica somera.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    How Much Does It Cost to Go Off-Grid with Renewables? A Case Study of a Polygeneration System for a Neighbourhood in Hermosillo, Mexico

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    As governments and companies struggle to meet their own objectives for the energy transition, more innovative social and technological measures are needed to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. For this purpose, an assessment of an off-grid polygeneration system, which can serve the electric and cooling demand of a neighbourhood in Hermosillo, Mexico, has been conducted. Energy computations have been done, the energy demand of one dwelling has been measured to ascertain the correctness of the computations, and a demand model for the entire neighbour-hood has been created. Based on the model, an off-grid polygeneration system has been designed, which uses a biodiesel engine, PV panels, and an absorption chiller. The system has been optimized for its economic performance and is compared to the currently used system. The results show that the polygeneration system with higher energy efficiency could reduce GHG emissions down to 14%. However, electricity in Hermosillo is heavily subsidized making it harder for innovative systems to compete. Moreover, even without the state subsidies to the end-user, the polygeneration system has still a nearly 30% higher Net Present Cost (NPC) than the conventional system over its project lifetime of 20 years. Nonetheless, with precise political incentives and further advances in the applied technologies, small-scale renewable polygeneration systems could become cost-efficient alternatives in the near future.Postprint (author's final draft

    A Decision Support Tool for the Selection of Promoting Actions to Encourage Collaboration in Projects for the Agriculture Sector

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    [EN] Development and innovation agencies promote consortiums of agricultural stakeholders to collaborate in the proposal of projects for public calls. To achieve this partnerships, these agencies should select between different promoting actions to be performed with two objectives: maximize the number of project proposals presented and minimize the resources invested. To support agencies with these decisions, a computer tool based on a multi-objective integer linear programming model is proposed. To deal with the two objectives the weighting sum method is implemented. The model is validated in different scenarios by means a realistic case of an agency in Brittany (France). The results show the conflict between the two objectives considered and the dependency of the solutions on the scenarios defined. As a conclusion it can be stated that: 1) decision-makers should be careful in defining the weights of each objective and 2) the impact of the different promoting actions on the level of stakeholders¿ participation should be precisely estimated.The authors acknowledge the support of the project 691249, RUCAPS: "Enhancing and implementing knowledge based ICT solutions within high risk and uncertain conditions for agriculture production systems", funded by the European Union¿s research and innovation programme under the H2020 Marie Sk¿odowska-Curie Actions.Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Alarcón Valero, F.; Pérez Perales, D.; Guyon, C. (2020). A Decision Support Tool for the Selection of Promoting Actions to Encourage Collaboration in Projects for the Agriculture Sector. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 598:534-545. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62412-5_44S534545598European Comission Funded Programs. https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020Zoie, C., Radulescu, M.: Decision analysis for the project selection problem under risk. IFAC Proc. 34(8), 445–450 (2001)Sadi-Nezhad, S.: A state-of-art survey on project selection using MCDM techniques. J. Project Manage. 2, 1–10 (2017)Caballero, H.C., Chopra, S., Schmidt, E.K.: Project portfolio selection using mathematical programming and optimization methods. In: Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2012–North America, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Newtown Square, PA, Project Management Institute (2012)Ahmad, B., Haq, I.: Project selection techniques, relevance and applications in Pakistan. Int. J. Technol. Res. 4, 52–60 (2016)Inuiguchi, M., Ramı́k, J.: Possibilistic linear programming: a brief review of fuzzy mathematical programming and a comparison with stochastic programming in portfolio selection problem. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 111(1), 3–28 (2000)Stewart, R., Mohamed, S.: IT/IS projects selection using multi-criteria utility theory. Log. Inf. Manage. 15(4), 254–270 (2002)Alzober, W., Yaakub, A.R.: Integrated model for MCDM: selection contractor in Malaysian construction industry. In: Applied Mechanics and Materials 548, pp. 1587–1595. Trans Tech Publications (2014)Adhikary, P., Roy, P.K., Mazumdar, A.: Optimal renewable energy project selection: a multi-criteria optimization technique approach. Global J. Pure Appl. Math. 11(5), 3319–3329 (2015)Strang, K.D.: Portfolio selection methodology for a nuclear project. Project Manage. J. 42(2), 81–93 (2011)Benjamin, C.O.: A linear goal-programming model for public-sector project selection. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 36(1), 13–23 (1985)Coronado, J.R., Pardo-Mora, E.M., Valero, M.: A multi-objective model for selection of projects to finance new enterprise SMEs in Colombia. J. Ind. Eng. Manage. 4(3), 407–417 (2011)Mat, N.A.C., Cheung, Y.: Partner selection: criteria for successful collaborative network. In: 20th Australian Conference on Information Systems, pp. 631–641 (2009)Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H.: Collaborative Networks. In: Wang, K., Kovacs, G.L., Wozny, M., Fang, M. (eds.) PROLAMAT 2006. IIFIP, vol. 207, pp. 26–40. Springer, Boston, MA (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-34403-9_4Paixão, M., Sbragia, R., Kruglianskas, I.: Factors for selecting partners in innovation projects–evidences from alliances in the Brazilian petrochemical leader. Rev. Admin. Innov. São Paulo 11(2), 241–272 (2014)Duisters, D., Duysters, G., de Man, A.P.: The partner selection process: steps, effectiveness, governance. Ann. Hematol. 2, 7–25 (2011)Zhang, X.: Criteria for selecting the private-sector partner in public-private partnerships. J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 131(6), 631–644 (2005

    A compilation of field surveys on gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from contrasting environmental settings in Europe, South America, South Africa and China: separating fads from facts

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    Mercury is transported globally in the atmosphere mostly in gaseous elemental form (GEM, Hg0 gas), but still few worldwide studies taking into account different and contrasted environmental settings are available in a single publication. This work presents and discusses data from Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Slovenia and Venezuela. We classified the information in four groups: (1) mining districts where this contaminant poses or has posed a risk for human populations and/or ecosystems; (2) cities, where the concentration ofatmospheric mercury could be higher than normal due to the burning of fossil fuels and industrial activities; (3) areas with natural emissions from volcanoes; and (4) pristine areas where no anthropogenic influence was apparent. All the surveys were performed using portable LUMEX RA-915 series atomic absorption spectrometers. The results for cities fall within a low GEM concentration range that rarely exceeds 30 ng m-3, that is, 6.6 times lower than the restrictive ATSDR threshold (200 ng m-3) for chronic exposure to this pollutant. We also observed this behavior in the former mercury mining districts, where few data were above 200 ng m-3.We noted that high concentrations of GEM are localized phenomena that fade away in short distances. However, this does not imply that they do not pose a risk for those working in close proximity to the source. This is the case of the artisanal gold miners that heat the Au–Hg amalgam to vaporize mercury. In this respect, while GEM can be truly regarded as a hazard, because of possible physical–chemical transformations into other species, it is only under these localized conditions, implying exposure to high GEM concentrations, which it becomes a direct risk for humans.Grants CGL2009-13171 and CTM2012-33918 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and PII1I09-0142- 4389 from theCastilla-LaMancha (Spain)RegionalGovernment.Published713-7346A. Monitoraggio ambientale, sicurezza e territorioJCR Journalrestricte

    Environmental and lifestyle risk factors of breast cancer in Malta-a retrospective case-control study

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    The funding for this research was obtained as part of IMaGenX – and ItaliaMalta co-financed EU project Operational Programme 2007–2013.AIM AND BACKGROUND: Environmental exposures are known to play a role in the development of cancer, including breast cancer. There are known associations of breast cancer with environmental factors such as sunlight exposure, diet and exercise and alcohol consumption as well as physiological factors. This study examines the prevalence of risk factors for breast cancer related to dietary intake, environment and lifestyle in the female population of Malta. Malta has had little research in this area, and therefore an exploratory study was carried out. METHODS: A retrospective case-control design was applied. Two hundred cases and 403 controls were included. Both cases and controls were subjects without a known family history for breast cancer. Controls were age-matched to cases in an age-decade category roughly at a 2:1 ratio. Interviews were carried out face-to-face using a questionnaire designed by Maltese and Sicilian researchers, encompassing various factors including diet, lifestyle, physiological factors and medical history. Breast cancer risk was then analysed using both univariate and multivariate analyses. For factors having a metric scale, the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare mean scores, while for categorical factors, the chi-square test was used to compare percentages between the case and control groups. Statistical modelling was carried out using binary logistic regression to relate the likelihood of breast cancer to over 50 risk/protective factors analysed collectively. RESULTS: Univariate analysis showed around 20 parameters of interest, 14 of which were statistically significant at a 0.05 level of significance. Logistic regression analysis identified 11 predictors of interest that were statistically significant. Tomato, coffee and canned meat consumption were associated with lower likelihood of breast cancer (OR = 0.988, 0.901, 0.892, respectively), whereas beans and cabbage consumption and low sodium salt were positively associated with breast cancer (OR = 1.045, 1.834, 1.028, respectively). Premenopausal status was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer compared to postmenopausal status (OR = 0.067). Not having experienced myocardial infarction was associated with lower odds of breast cancer (OR = 0.331). Increased height was also found to have a strong association with risk of breast cancer, with the odds of having breast cancer increasing for every centimetre increase in height (OR = 1.048). In terms of quantity, odds of having breast cancer were lower in those exposed to sunlight (OR = 0.891). The odds of having breast cancer were also lower in those not using the oral contraceptive pill (OR = 0.454). CONCLUSIONS: Various factors in this exploratory study were found to be associated with development of breast cancer. While causal conclusions cannot be made, tomato consumption is of particular interest, as these results corroborate findings found in other studies. A negative association of breast cancer with sunlight exposure and oral contraceptive pill use corroborates findings in other studies. Other associations with dietary intake can be explained by dietary changes. More robust studies in this area, including possible longitudinal studies, are warranted.peer-reviewe

    Synthesis of Starch-Stabilized Ag Nanoparticles and Hg2+Recognition in Aqueous Media

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    The starch-stabilized Ag nanoparticles were successfully synthesized via a reduction approach and characterized with SPR UV/Vis spectroscopy, TEM, and HRTEM. By utilizing the redox reaction between Ag nanoparticles and Hg2+, and the resulted decrease in UV/Vis signal, we develop a colorimetric method for detection of Hg2+ion. A linear relationship stands between the absorbance intensity of the Ag nanoparticles and the concentration of Hg2+ion over the range from 10 ppb to 1 ppm at the absorption of 390 nm. The detection limit for Hg2+ions in homogeneous aqueous solutions is estimated to be ~5 ppb. This system shows excellent selectivity for Hg2+over other metal ions including Na+, K+, Ba2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe3+, and Cd2+. The results shown herein have potential implications in the development of new colorimetric sensors for easy and selective detection and monitoring of mercuric ions in aqueous solutions

    Innate immune responses and antioxidant/oxidant imbalance are major determinants of human Chagas disease.

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    We investigated the pathological and diagnostic role of selected markers of inflammation, oxidant/antioxidant status, and cellular injury in human Chagas disease. METHODS: Seropositive/chagasic subjects characterized as clinically-symptomatic or clinically-asymptomatic (n = 116), seronegative/cardiac subjects (n = 102), and seronegative/healthy subjects (n = 45) were analyzed for peripheral blood biomarkers. RESULTS: Seropositive/chagasic subjects exhibited an increase in sera or plasma levels of myeloperoxidase (MPO, 2.8-fold), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP, 56%), nitrite (5.7-fold), lipid peroxides (LPO, 12-17-fold) and malondialdehyde (MDA, 4-6-fold); and a decline in superoxide dismutase (SOD, 52%) and glutathione (GSH, 75%) contents. Correlation analysis identified a significant (p0.95). The MPO (r = 0.664) and LPO (r = 0.841) levels were also correlated with clinical disease state in chagasic subjects (p<0.001). Seronegative/cardiac subjects exhibited up to 77% decline in SOD, 3-5-fold increase in LPO and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) levels, and statistically insignificant change in MPO, AOPP, MDA, GPX, GSH, and creatine kinase (CK) levels. CONCLUSIONS: The interlinked effects of innate immune responses and antioxidant/oxidant imbalance are major determinants of human Chagas disease. The MPO, LPO and nitrite are excellent biomarkers for diagnosing seropositive/chagasic subjects, and MPO and LPO levels have potential utility in identifying clinical severity of Chagas diseaseFil: Dhiman, Monisha. University Of Texas Medical Branch. Department Of Microbiology & Immunology And Pathology; United State of America;Fil: Coronado, Yun A.. University Of Texas Medical Branch. Department Of Microbiology & Immunology And Pathology; United State of America;Fil: Vallejo, Cecilia K.. University Of Texas Medical Branch. Department Of Microbiology & Immunology And Pathology; United State of America;Fil: Petersen, John R.. University of Texas Medical Branch. Department of Pathology; United States of America;Fil: Ejilemele, Adetoum. University of Texas Medical Branch. Department of Pathology; United States of America;Fil: Nuñez, Sonia. Hospital Público de Gestión Descentralizada San Bernardo (HPGDSA); Argentina;Fil: Zago, María Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Patologia Experimental; Argentina;Fil: Spratt, Heidi. Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Preventive Medicine and Community Health. University of Texas Medical Branch; United States of America;Fil: Garg, Nisha Jain. University of Texas Medical Branch. Department of Pathology; United States of America

    Well Water Arsenic Exposure, Arsenic Induced Skin-Lesions and Self-Reported Morbidity in Inner Mongolia

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    Residents of the Bayingnormen region of Inner Mongolia have been exposed to arsenic-contaminated well water for over 20 years, but relatively few studies have investigated health effects in this region. We surveyed one village to document exposure to arsenic and assess the prevalence of arsenic-associated skin lesions and self-reported morbidity. Five-percent (632) of the 12,334 residents surveyed had skin lesions characteristics of arsenic exposure. Skin lesions were strongly associated with well water arsenic and there was an elevated prevalence among residents with water arsenic exposures as low as 5 μg/L-10 μg/L. The presence of skin lesions was also associated with self-reported cardiovascular disease