227 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithm for particle trajectory reconstruction within inhomogeneous magnetic field in the NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN SPS

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    In this paper, a novel probabilistic tracking method is proposed. It combines two competing models: (i) a discriminative one for background classification; and (ii) a generative one as a track model. The model competition, along with a combinatorial data association, shows good signal and background noise separation. Furthermore, a stochastic and derivative-free method is used for parameter optimization by means of the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy (CMA-ES). Finally, the applicability and performance of the particle trajectories reconstruction are shown. The algorithm is developed for NA61/SHINE data reconstruction purpose and therefore the method was tested on simulation data of the NA61/SHINE experiment

    Network Neutrality: Potential impact on free speech and the right to information

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    Debata nad kształtem Internetu, która toczy się w Stanach Zjednoczonych i w Europie, skupia się głównie na aspektach technologicznych i ekonomicznych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wprowadzenie do dyskusji na temat wpływu neutralności sieciowej na wolność słowa i prawo do informacji na gruncie nauk politycznych. Autor próbuje zidentyfikować potencjalne zagrożenia na z perspektywy ekonomicznej, technologicznej, a także politycznej. Wdrożenie przepisów narzucających neutralność sieciową będzie niewątpliwie korzystne dla podstawowych praw człowieka. Jednak nawet ważniejszą kwestią jest pytanie o stan Internetu, w przypadku gdyby tych przepisów zabrakło.The ongoing debate in the EU and the US over the shape of the Internet focuses mainly on the technological and economical aspects of the issue. This paper is meant to be an introduction to the debate on the impact of the network neutrality on free speech and the right to information in the field of political science. The author tries to identify potential threats from the economic, technological and political perspective, as they are strongly interconnected. Fundamental human rights can benefit from enforcing network neutrality regulations; however, a much more important issue is related to the question of what would happen to the freedom of speech and the right of information if the regulations were gone

    Air temperature changes in the Arctic in the period 1951–2015 in the light of observational and reanalysis data

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    Recent air temperature changes in the high Arctic (HA) have been investigated based on mean seasonal and annual data calculated for the period 1951–2015 and for two sub-periods 1976–2015 and 1996–2015. Two kinds of air temperature data (observational and reanalysis) have been used in the research. The observational data were compared with data taken from six reanalysis products (20CRv2c, CERA-20C, ERA-Int, MERRA-2, NCEP-CFSRR, JRA-55). The scale of the HA warming for the period 1996–2015 relative to the reference period 1951–1990 reached 1.6 °C for annual mean and was greatest in autumn (1.9 °C) and in winter (1.7 °C), while it was smallest in summer (0.9 °C). Evidently, the greatest warming was observed in the Atlantic and Siberian climatic regions, while in the rest of the HA, the rate of warming was usually weaker than trends calculated for the period 1976–2015. Air temperature tendencies in all study periods 1951–2015, 1976–2015 and 1996–2015 showed a predominance of positive trends that were statistically significant at the level of 0.05. In the two latter periods, the rate of warming was on average 2–3 times faster than for the entire study period. In the HA, there has not been a slowdown in the rate of warming (“hiatus”) in the last two decades (in contrast to that which was noted for the Northern Hemisphere). Our results reveal that, in most cases, the closest fit to observations was obtained for two reanalysis products (the ERA-Interim and JRA-55, since 1979) and the six reanalysis average. Two new polar amplification (PA) metrics based on scaled and standardised values of surface air temperature (SAT) reveal the non-existence of this phenomenon in the period 1951–2015. One of the metrics shows very small PA in the periods 1976–2015 and 1996–2015

    Air temperature changes in the Arctic from 1801 to 1920

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    In this paper, the results of an investigation into the thermal conditions in the Arctic in the period from 1801 to 1920 are presented. For this ‘early instrumental’ period limited meteorological data exist. Generally, the first meteorological stations in the Arctic were established in the second half of the 19th century and almost all of them were located in the coastal parts of Greenland. In order to get at least a rough idea of thermal conditions in the Arctic in the study period, data from different land and marine expeditions were collected. A total of 118 temperature series of monthly means have been gathered. Although the area and time periods covered by the data are variable, it is still possible to describe the general character of the temperature conditions. The results show that the areally averaged Arctic temperature in the early instrumental period was 0.8 °C lower than the next 60-year period (1861–1920). In comparison to present-day conditions, winter and autumn were significantly colder (winter by 1.6 °C and autumn by 0.9 °C) than were summer (colder by 0.4 °C) and spring (colder by only 0.2 °C). The air temperature in the real Arctic during the first International Polar Year (IPY) was, on average, colder than today by 1.0–1.5 °C. Winter was exceptionally cold with the average temperature being lower by more than 3 °C in all months except February. On the other hand, spring (March–May) was slightly warmer than today, and April was exceptionally warm (1.1 °C above present norm). The temperature differences calculated between historical and modern mean monthly temperatures show that majority of them lie within one standard deviation (SD) from present long-term mean. Thus, it means that the climate in the early instrumental period was not as cold as some proxy data suggest

    Comparison of Early-Twentieth-Century Arctic Warming and Contemporary Arctic Warming in the Light of Daily and Subdaily Data

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    Significance Statement: It is well established that human activity (particularly increased greenhouse gas emissions) is the primary driving mechanism of the recent dramatic warming in the Arctic. However, the causes of a similar warming here in the first half of the twentieth century remain uncertain. The limited knowledge about the climate of that period—which mainly results from the low resolution of data—is a significant obstacle to a definitive determination of the forcing mechanisms. Therefore, the main aim of our paper is to improve our understanding of specific aspects of weather and climate (including extremes) using long-term series of daily and subdaily data that have rarely been applied for this purpose. This new, more comprehensive knowledge about the historical Arctic climate should allow the scientific community (particularly climate modelers) to better validate both climate models and reanalysis products and, consequently, to more precisely identify the causes of the early-twentieth-century Arctic warming. Data availability statement: Datasets for this research were derived from the following public domain resources: 1) All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information–World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC), http://meteo.ru/; 2) The Government of Canada (Environment and Climate Change Canada), https://climate.weather.gc.ca/; 3) Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), https://www.dmi.dk/publikationer/ [as cited in Cappelen (2020)].A review of many studies published since the late 1920s reveals that the main driving mechanisms responsible for the early-twentieth-century Arctic warming (ETCAW) are not fully recognized. The main obstacle seems to be our limited knowledge about the climate of this period and some forcings. A deeper knowledge based on greater spatial and temporal resolution data is needed. The article provides new (or improved) knowledge about surface air temperature (SAT) conditions (including their extreme states) in the Arctic during the ETCAW. Daily and subdaily data have been used (mean daily air temperature, maximum and minimum daily temperature, and diurnal temperature range). These were taken from 10 individual years (selected from the period 1934–50) for six meteorological stations representing parts of five Arctic climatic regions. Standard SAT characteristics were analyzed (monthly, seasonal, and yearly means), as were rarely investigated aspects of SAT characteristics (e.g., number of characteristic days, day-to-day temperature variability, and the onset, end, and duration of thermal seasons). The results were compared with analogical calculations done for data taken from the contemporary Arctic warming (CAW) period (2007–16). The Arctic experienced warming between the ETCAW and the CAW. The magnitude of warming was greatest in the Pacific (2.7°C) and Canadian Arctic (1.9°C) regions. A shortening of winter and lengthening of summer were noted. Furthermore, the climate was also a little more continental (except the Russian Arctic) and less stable (greater day-to-day variability and diurnal temperature range) during the ETCAW than during the CAW

    Economic performance of sports clubs charitable status in Poland

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    The main aim of this article is to assess the financial condition and results of Polish football clubs who have the status of public benefit organizations (OPP). The analysis was conducted for clubs that were played matches in the 2013/2014 season in the men's football tournament at all levels except the highest such competitions. Ekstraklasa (no clubs having the status OPP) for levels I, II, III, IV league and class district, A , B and C. All the clubs analyzed as a function of the association. The analysis shows that clubs are in a bad financial situation. Most clubs, regardless of the grade level in which the matches were played were characterized by a low value of wealth. Average debt was close to 100%. As a result, nearly one-third of the clubs showed a negative equity value. About half of the clubs observed a negative value total return on assets and return on sales. In the structure of revenues are the primary source of public funds. Other sources of income included clubs, private funds, other and income from the 1% tax on individual

    Atmospheric pressure changes in the Arctic from 1801 to 1920

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    In this article, the results of an investigation into the atmospheric pressure conditions in the Arctic in the period from 1801 to 1920 are presented. For this period, which can be described as ‘early instrumental’, limited meteorological data exist from a network of regular stations. As a result, in order to get at least a rough idea of pressure conditions in the Arctic in the study period, data from different land and marine expeditions were collected. A total of 94 pressure series of monthly means have been gathered, the duration of which is usually less than 2 years. While the area and time periods covered by the data are variable, it is still possible to describe the general character of the pressure conditions. The results show that the areally averaged Arctic pressure in the early instrumental period (1861–1920) was 0.8 hPa lower than today (1961–1990). Lower values of atmospheric pressure were also observed in all study regions, excluding the Atlantic. The greatest negative differences (−2.1 hPa) have been found for the Canadian Arctic. The greatest changes between the historical and present times were noted in all winter months and in winter as a whole (−1.9 hPa), while in summer and autumn they were very small and their average differences came to −0.1 and −0.2 hPa, respectively. Comparison of historical and contemporary annual courses of atmospheric pressure in the whole of the Arctic and in its particular regions reveals general consonance. There is evidence to show that changes in Arctic atmospheric pressure during the whole study period were insignificant. Atmospheric pressure in the first International Polar Year (IPY) period (September 1882 to July 1883) was, on average, 1.4 hPa higher than in modern period (1961–1990). The greatest positive seasonal differences between historical and contemporary pressure values occurred in autumn (2.6 hPa), while the lowest were in winter (only 0.2 hPa). Spatial patterns of average annual and seasonal atmospheric pressure in the Arctic were very similar to present day ones. The pressure differences calculated between historical and modern mean monthly values show that almost all of them lie within one standard deviation from present long-term mean (1961–1990). Thus, this means that the atmospheric pressure in the early instrumental period was not significantly different to that of the present day. Recent, commonly used gridded datasets of the sea level atmospheric pressure (HadSLP2 and the 20th Century Reanalysis Project) reveal quite a large positive bias in the period 1850–1920 in comparison to the real data from the instrumental observations

    Wpływ złożoności pracy i przeciążeń informacyjnych na pełnione przez menedżerów role – na przykładzie centrum dystrybucyjnego e-commerce

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza zagadnienia złożoności pracy i przeciążenia informacyjnego menedżerów w dużym centrum dystrybucyjnym branży e-commerce jako źródła stresu i ryzyka wypalenia zawodowego. W analizie uwzględniono wpływ pandemii. Na podstawie badań ilościowych przeprowadzono diagnozę klimatu przeciążenia, stresorów oraz wypalenia zawodowego. Grupę badawczą stanowiło grono kierowników zespołów, gdyż to oni bezpośrednio w okresie pandemii, ale również obecnie w okresie post-pandemicznym pracują na pierwszej linii, na której złożoność i dynamika zmian są bardzo wysokie. Jest to poziom menedżerski najniższy, ale zarazem największy ilościowo i kluczowy, ze względu na bezpośredni kontakt z pracownikiem magazynowym. Wyniki badań wskazały na znaczne obciążenie informacyjne i przeciążenie pracą, które są stresorami prowadzącymi potencjalnie do wypalenia, jednak takowego nie stwierdzono. Jako wnioski z pracy przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązań wdrożeniowych, które pomogą zapobiec trwałemu wypaleniu zawodowemu. Dodatkowo omówiono kluczowe role menedżerów wyższego szczebla w podejmowaniu tychże interwencji antystresowych i antywypaleniowych

    Air temperature changes in Svalbard and the surrounding seas from 1865 to 1920

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    In this article, air temperature variability in the Svalbard region (74–82°N, 6–30°E) from 1865 to 1920 is presented based on a large amount of early instrumental land and marine data. Measurements were taken during many exploratory and scientific expeditions to the study area. In addition, changes of air temperature from historical times to the present day (1981–2010) were investigated. Present-day air temperatures for land were taken from regular meteorological stations and from campaign measurements, while for marine environment data were taken from three reanalysis products: 20CR, ERA-20C and ERA-Interim. Analysis reveals that Svalbard (land data) in the period 1865–1920 was markedly colder than today (1981–2010, by about 3°C) in all seasons except summer, when air temperature was similar in both periods. However, the majority of mean monthly air temperatures in historical times still lie within two standard deviations (SDs) from the modern mean. Marine data show good correspondence with land data. The May–September average air temperature for the period 1871–1910 was slightly lower in the seas surrounding Svalbard (by 0.4°C) than today. About 90% of these mean air temperatures lie within the range of ±3SDs from the ERA-Interim present-day mean. Seasonal patterns of air temperature changes in the Svalbard archipelago between historical and standard normal (1961–1990) periods show generally very good correspondence to similar changes, not only for the Atlantic region, but also for some other Arctic regions (e.g. SE Greenland, Canadian Arctic, Barents and Kara seas), as well as for the entire Arctic. All available reconstructions of annual air temperature using isolated series of early instrumental observations reveal that in historical times, air temperatures were colder than the standard normal (1961–1990) by about 0.5–1.0°C. Compared with the new normal period (1981–2010), those differences rise to about 1.5–2.5°C

    Solar Radiation in the Arctic during the Early Twentieth-Century Warming (1921–50): Presenting a Compilation of Newly Available Data

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    The early twentieth-century warming (ETCW), defined as occurring within the period 1921–50, saw a clear increase in actinometric observations in the Arctic. Nevertheless, information on radiation balance and its components at that time is still very limited in availability, and therefore large discrepancies exist among estimates of total solar irradiance forcing. To eliminate these uncertainties, all available solar radiation data for the Arctic need to be collected and processed. Better knowledge about incoming solar radiation (direct, diffuse, and global) should allow for more reliable estimation of the magnitude of total solar irradiance forcing, which can help, in turn, to more precisely and correctly explain the reasons for the ETCW in the Arctic. The paper summarizes our research into the availability of solar radiation data for the Arctic. An important part of this work is its detailed inventory of data series (including metadata) for the period before the mid-twentieth century. Based on the most reliable data series, general solar conditions in the Arctic during the ETCW are described. The character of solar radiation changes between the ETCW and present times, in particular after 2000, is also analyzed. Average annual global solar radiation in the Russian Arctic during the ETCW was slightly greater than in the period 1964–90 (by about 1–2 W·m−2) and was markedly greater than in the period 2001–19 (by about 16 W·m−2). Our results also reveal that in the period 1920–2019 three phases of solar radiation changes can be distinguished: a brightening phase (1921–50), a stabilization phase (1951–93), and a dimming phase (after 2000)