185 research outputs found

    Higher education, career opportunities, and intergenerational inequality

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    The UK government has expressed a desire to increase social mobility, with policies to help achieve this aim focused on reducing inequalities in educational attainment. This paper draws together established and new information about the contribution that higher education can make to social mobility using a life-course approach, considering differences by family background in terms of university attendance and achievement, as well as occupation and earnings following graduation. We find substantial socio-economic differences at each stage. Young people from poorer backgrounds are, on average, less likely to go to university than their richer peers. Even among the selected group who do go to university, they are less likely to attend the highest status institutions, less likely to graduate, and less likely to achieve the highest degree classes. These differences in degree outcomes contribute to the lower average earnings of graduates from poorer families, but earnings differentials go well beyond those driven purely by degree attainment or institution attended. The evidence strongly suggests that, even after taking these factors into account, graduates from affluent families are more likely to obtain a professional job and to see higher earnings growth in the labour market. We discuss the implications of these findings for the prospects of higher education as a route to greater social mobility

    Children, family and the state : revisiting public and private realms

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    The state is often viewed as part of the impersonal public sphere in opposition to the private family as a locus of warmth and intimacy. In recent years this modernist dichotomy has been challenged by theoretical and institutional trends which have altered the relationship between state and family. This paper explores changes to both elements of the dichotomy that challenge this relationship: a more fragmented family structure and more individualised and networked support for children. It will also examine two new elements that further disrupt any clear mapping between state/family and public/private dichotomies: the third party role of the child in family/state affairs and children's application of virtual technology that locates the private within new cultural and social spaces. The paper concludes by examining the rise of the 'individual child' hitherto hidden within the family/state dichotomy and the implications this has for intergenerational relations at personal and institutional levels

    Young people today: news media, policy and youth justice

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    The new sociology of childhood sees children as competent social agents with important contributions to make. And yet the phase of childhood is fraught with tensions and contradictions. Public policies are required, not only to protect children, but also to control them and regulate their behaviour. For children and young people in the UK, youth justice has become increasingly punitive. At the same time, social policies have focused more on children's inclusion and participation. In this interplay of conflict and contradictions, the role the media play is critical in contributing to the moral panic about childhood and youth. In this article, we consider media representations of “antisocial” children and young people and how this belies a moral response to the nature of contemporary childhood. We conclude by considering how a rights-based approach might help redress the moralised politics of childhood representations in the media

    Trichotillometry: the reliability and practicality of hair pluckability as a method of nutritional assessment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A nutritional assessment method that is quick and easy to conduct would be extremely useful in a complex emergency, where currently there is no agreed practical and acceptable method. Hair pluckability has been suggested to be a useful method of assessing protein nutritional status. The aim was to investigate the reliability of the trichotillometer and to explore the effects of patient characteristics on hair epilation force.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three observers plucked hair from twelve participants to investigate the within- and between-observer reliability. To investigate the effect of patient characteristics on hair pluckability, 12 black African and 12 white volunteers were recruited. Participants completed a short questionnaire to provide basic information on their characteristics and hair.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean hair pluckability measurements for the 12 participants obtained by the three observers (39.5 g, 41.2 g and 32.7 g) were significantly different (p < 0.001). Significant variation between patients was also found (p < 0.001). None of the patient characteristics significantly affected hair pluckability, with the exception of age, although this relationship was not consistent.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Due to significant variation in measurements, hair pluckability does not appear to be a reliable method for assessing adult nutritional status. Hair pluckability could be a useful method of nutritional assessment in complex humanitarian emergencies but only if the reliability was improved.</p

    Education for Sustainable Development: Towards the Sustainable University

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    We  planned  this  conference  in  anticipation  of  the  end  of  the  UN  Decade  of  Education  for  Sustainable   Development  (DESD),  and  the  start  of  the  next  phase  for  those  involved  in  ESD  here  and   internationally.    At  Plymouth  University,  2015  marks  ten  year  anniversary  since  cross-­‐institutional   work  on  sustainability  and  sustainability  education  was  spearheaded  by  the  founding  of  the  Centre  for   Sustainable  Futures  (CSF).    Coincidentally,  2015  also  marks  a  ten  years  since  the  influential  HEFCE   policy  document  ‘Sustainable  Development  in  Higher  Education’  was  released.   Holding  the  conference  in  January  –  named  after  the  Roman  god  of  doorways,  of  endings  and   beginnings  –  we  sought  to  look  at  some  of  what  has  been  achieved  in  sustainability  education  to  date   and  explore  its  prospects  as  we  move  forward.   Following  an  enthusiastic  response  to  the  call  for  abstracts,  the  conference  featured  a  diverse  range   of  research  papers,  posters,  and  roundtable  presentations  from  academics  and  practitioners  across   the  UK  and  beyond.  The  conference  was  arranged  around  three  overarching  themes:     ESD  Pedagogy:  Criticality,  Creativity,  and  Collaboration   What  are  the  teaching  and  learning  processes  that  enable  students  to  develop  their  own  capacity  to   think  critically  and  creatively  in  the  face  of  global  sustainability  challenges  and,  secondly,  to  act   collaboratively  in  ways  that  pursue  more  hopeful  and  sustainable  futures?   Innovative  Learning  Spaces  for  ESD   What  are  the  physical  environments  that  provide  opportunities  for  new  forms  of  sustainability   education  to  flourish?  What  lies  beyond  the  lecture  hall  that  is  conducive  to  student  learning  through   inquiry-­‐based,  active,  participatory,  interdisciplinary  and  experiential  methods?   Towards  the  Sustainable  University   What  are  effective  approaches  for  leading  institutional  change,  organisational  learning,  and  staff  CPD   towards  sustainability?  This  publication  focuses  on  the  last  theme  –  Towards  the  Sustainable  University.    The  previous   PedRIO  Occasional  Paper  8  looks  at  the  first  theme  ESD  Pedagogy:  Criticality,  Creativity,  and   Collaboration

    Effect of Pomegranate Extract Consumption on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, Stress Hormones, and Quality of Life in Human Volunteers: An Exploratory Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Background: Pomegranate extract (PE) provides a rich and varied source of biophenols, which can act as powerful antioxidants. The most abundant being ellagitannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic and gallic acid derivatives.. Evidence suggests that pomegranate juice consumption may alleviate cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. This exploratory study investigates the effect of PE consumption on blood pressure (BP), insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), stress hormone levels (cortisol/cortisone) and quality of life in healthy human volunteers. Methods: Seven males and 22 females(n = 29) participated in a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled exploratory study (BMI: 25.05 3.91 kg/m_, age: 34.5 13.7 years). All participants consumed either one PE (Pomanox, Pomegreat) or a placebo capsule daily, after a meal, for 4 weeks. Dietary history and habits and the health related Quality of Life questionnaire (Rand 36) were recorded pre- and post-intervention. BP, salivary cortisol and cortisone levels (am, noon, and pm) were assessed by ELISAs, and fasting blood was obtained at baseline and after 4 weeks to compare glucose, insulin and insulin resistance parameters. Results: All participants randomised in the study completed the intervention. Systolic BP was significantly reduced following PE from 120.3 13.3 to 115.6 13.1 mmHg (P = 0.012). There was a reduction in the HOMA-IR levels from2.22 2.62 to 1.61 1.88 (P = 0.045), and glucose, insulin and uric acid all decreased from baseline. No significant changes were recorded in volunteers taking the placebo. PE consumption caused a significant drop of salivary cortisol levels (am; 39.5 19.6%, p &lt; 0.001 and noon; 43.1 32.3%, p = 0.016). The salivary cortisol/cortisone ratio was also significantly reduced (am from 1.11 0.51 to 0.55 0.26, p &lt; 0.001, noon 1.57 0.85 to 0.75 0.72, p &lt; 0.001 and pm; 1.22 0.90 to 0.74 0.59, p = 0.011). Physical (p = 0.018) and social functioning (p = 0.021), pain (p = 0.003), general health (p = 0.008) and overall Quality of Life score (p = 0.007) were significantly improved in those taking the PE capsules. The intervention was delivered successfully with no withdrawals. Conclusions: These results suggest that PE intake rich in biophenols may ameliorate cardiovascular risk factors, reduce stress levels and improve perceived health related quality of life. The reduction in salivary cortisol levels may prove beneficial for people suffering from chronic stress. This exploratory study provides useful information required to conduct a definitive trial.sch_die2pub4144pub

    Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce the risk of diabetes in people with impaired glucose regulation : a systematic review and economic evaluation

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    Background The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing in the UK and worldwide. Before the onset of T2DM, there are two conditions characterised by blood glucose levels that are above normal but below the threshold for diabetes. If screening for T2DM in introduced, many people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) will be found and it is necessary to consider how they should be treated. The number would depend on what screening test was used and what cut-offs were chosen. Objective To review the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions, including diet and physical activity, for the prevention of T2DM in people with intermediate hyperglycaemia. Data sources Electronic databases, MEDLINE (1996–2011), EMBASE (1980–2011) and all sections of The Cochrane Library, were searched for systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and other relevant literature on the effectiveness of diet and/or physical activity in preventing, or delaying, progression to T2DM.The databases were also searched for studies on the cost-effectiveness of interventions. Review methods The review of clinical effectiveness was based mainly on RCTs, which were critically appraised. Subjects were people with intermediate hyperglycaemia, mainly with IGT. Interventions could be diet alone, physical activity alone, or the combination. For cost-effectiveness analysis, we updated the Sheffield economic model of T2DM. Modelling based on RCTs may not reflect what happens in routine care so we created a ‘real-life’ modelling scenario wherein people would try lifestyle change but switch to metformin after 1 year if they failed. Results Nine RCTs compared lifestyle interventions (predominantly dietary and physical activity advice, with regular reinforcement and frequent follow-up) with standard care. The primary outcome was progression to diabetes. In most trials, progression was reduced, by over half in some trials. The best effects were seen in participants who adhered best to the lifestyle changes; a scenario of a trial of lifestyle change but a switch to metformin after 1 year in those who did not adhere sufficiently appeared to be the most cost-effective option. Limitations Participants in the RCTs were volunteers and their results may have been better than in general populations. Even among the volunteers, many did not adhere. Some studies were not long enough to show whether the interventions reduced cardiovascular mortality as well as diabetes. The main problem is that we know what people should do to reduce progression, but not how to persuade most to do it. Conclusion In people with IGT, dietary change to ensure weight loss, coupled with physical activity, is clinically effective and cost-effective in reducing progression to diabetes

    Using predicted patterns of 3D prey distribution to map king penguin foraging habitat

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    FUNDING The at-sea data collection and 50% of CLG’s Ph.D. studentship was provided by the Swiss Polar Institute as a grant ‘Unlocking the Secrets of the False Bottom’ to ASB. The School of Biology, University of St Andrews, funded the other 50% of CLG’s studentship. Work at South Georgia was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council’s Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS-129), a grant from the TransAntarctic Association grant to RBS, and a British Antarctic Survey Collaborative Gearing Scheme grant to RBS and ASB. ASB and RP were supported in part by UKRI/NERC under grant NE/R012679/1. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the staff at the British Antarctic Survey base at King Edward Point (South Georgia), Quark Expeditions and the crew and staff of the Ocean Endeavour and the FPV Pharos South Georgia for their help with the fieldwork logistics. We also thank the Swiss Polar Institute and the ACE foundation for funding our ACE project, and all our colleagues who assisted with acoustic data collection at sea: Matteo Bernasconi, Inigo Everson, and Joshua Lawrence. We thank Yves Cherel for fruitful discussion on the role of prey patches for king penguins in the Kerguelen region. We also thank C. Ribout and the Centre for Biological Studies of Chizé for conducting the sexing analyses of the birdsPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Effect of seven anti-tuberculosis treatment regimens on sputum microbiome : a retrospective analysis of the HIGHRIF study 2 and PanACEA MAMS-TB clinical trials

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    Funding: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership and German Ministry of Education and Research.Background Respiratory tract microbiota has been described as the gatekeeper for respiratory health. We aimed to assess the impact of standard-of-care and experimental anti-tuberculosis treatment regimens on the respiratory microbiome and implications for treatment outcomes. Methods In this retrospective study, we analysed the sputum microbiome of participants with tuberculosis treated with six experimental regimens versus standard-of-care who were part of the HIGHRIF study 2 (NCT00760149 ) and PanACEA MAMS-TB (NCT01785186 ) clinical trials across a 3-month treatment follow-up period. Samples were from participants in Mbeya, Kilimanjaro, Bagamoyo, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Experimental regimens were composed of different combinations of rifampicin (R), isoniazid (H), pyrazinamide (Z), ethambutol (E), moxifloxacin (M), and a new drug, SQ109 (Q). Reverse transcription was used to create complementary DNA for each participant's total sputum RNA and the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced using the Illumina metagenomic technique. Qiime was used to analyse the amplicon sequence variants and estimate alpha diversity. Descriptive statistics were applied to assess differences in alpha diversity pre-treatment and post-treatment initiation and the effect of each treatment regimen. Findings Sequence data were obtained from 397 pre-treatment and post-treatment samples taken between Sept 26, 2008, and June 30, 2015, across seven treatment regimens. Pre-treatment microbiome (206 genera) was dominated by Firmicutes (2860 [44%] of 6500 amplicon sequence variants [ASVs]) at the phylum level and Streptococcus (2340 [36%] ASVs) at the genus level. Two regimens had a significant depressing effect on the microbiome after 2 weeks of treatment, HR20mg/kgZM (Shannon diversity index p=0·0041) and HR35mg/kgZE (p=0·027). Gram-negative bacteria were the most sensitive to bactericidal activity of treatment with the highest number of species suppressed being under the moxifloxacin regimen. By week 12 after treatment initiation, microbiomes had recovered to pre-treatment level except for the HR35mg/kgZE regimen and for genus Mycobacterium, which did not show recovery across all regimens. Tuberculosis culture conversion to negative by week 8 of treatment was associated with clearance of genus Neisseria, with a 98% reduction of the pre-treatment level. Interpretation HR20mg/kgZM was effective against tuberculosis without limiting microbiome recovery, which implies a shorter efficacious anti-tuberculosis regimen with improved treatment outcomes might be achieved without harming the commensal microbiota.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Action research and democracy

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    This contribution explores the relationship between research and learning democracy. Action research is seen as being compatible with the orientation of educational and social work research towards social justice and democracy. Nevertheless, the history of action research is characterized by a tension between democracy and social engineering. In the social-engineering approach, action research is conceptualized as a process of innovation aimed at a specific Bildungsideal. In a democratic approach action research is seen as research based on cooperation between research and practice. However, the notion of democratic action research as opposed to social engineering action research needs to be theorized. So called democratic action research involving the implementation by the researcher of democracy as a model and as a preset goal, reduces cooperation and participation into instruments to reach this goal, and becomes a type of social engineering in itself. We argue that the relationship between action research and democracy is in the acknowledgment of the political dimension of participation: ‘a democratic relationship in which both sides exercise power and shared control over decision-making as well as interpretation’. This implies an open research design and methodology able to understand democracy as a learning process and an ongoing experiment