118 research outputs found

    Return times, recurrence densities and entropy for actions of some discrete amenable groups

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    Results of Wyner and Ziv and of Ornstein and Weiss show that if one observes the first k outputs of a finite-valued ergodic process, then the waiting time until this block appears again is almost surely asymptotic to 2hk2^{hk}, where hh is the entropy of the process. We examine this phenomenon when the allowed return times are restricted to some subset of times, and generalize the results to processes parameterized by other discrete amenable groups. We also obtain a uniform density version of the waiting time results: For a process on ss symbols, within a given realization, the density of the initial kk-block within larger nn-blocks approaches 2hk2^{-hk}, uniformly in n>skn>s^k, as kk tends to infinity. Again, similar results hold for processes with other indexing groups.Comment: To appear in Journal d'Analyse Mathematiqu

    Linking Classical and Quantum Key Agreement: Is There "Bound Information"?

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    After carrying out a protocol for quantum key agreement over a noisy quantum channel, the parties Alice and Bob must process the raw key in order to end up with identical keys about which the adversary has virtually no information. In principle, both classical and quantum protocols can be used for this processing. It is a natural question which type of protocols is more powerful. We prove for general states but under the assumption of incoherent eavesdropping that Alice and Bob share some so-called intrinsic information in their classical random variables, resulting from optimal measurements, if and only if the parties' quantum systems are entangled. In addition, we provide evidence that the potentials of classical and of quantum protocols are equal in every situation. Consequently, many techniques and results from quantum information theory directly apply to problems in classical information theory, and vice versa. For instance, it was previously believed that two parties can carry out unconditionally secure key agreement as long as they share some intrinsic information in the adversary's view. The analysis of this purely classical problem from the quantum information-theoretic viewpoint shows that this is true in the binary case, but false in general. More explicitly, bound entanglement, i.e., entanglement that cannot be purified by any quantum protocol, has a classical counterpart. This "bound intrinsic information" cannot be distilled to a secret key by any classical protocol. As another application we propose a measure for entanglement based on classical information-theoretic quantities.Comment: Accepted for Crypto 2000. 17 page

    Arguing about causes in law: a semi-formal framework for causal arguments

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    In legal argumentation and liability attribution, disputes over causes play a central role. Legal discussions about causation often have difficulty with cause-in-fact in complex situations, e.g. overdetermination, preemption, omission. We first assess three theories of causation. Then we introduce a semi-formal framework to model causal arguments using both strict and defeasible rules. We apply the framework to the Althen vaccine injury case. Wrapping up the paper, we motivate a causal argumentation framework and propose to integrate current theories of causation

    Similarity, precedent and argument from analogy

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    In this paper, it is shown (1) that there are two schemes for argument from analogy that seem to be competitors but are not, (2) how one of them is based on a distinctive type of similarity premise, (3) how to analyze the notion of similarity using story schemes illustrated by some cases, (4) how arguments from precedent are based on arguments from analogy, and in many instances arguments from classification, and (5) that when similarity is defined by means of episode schemes, we can get a clearer idea of how it integrates with the use of argument from classification and argument from precedent in case-based reasoning by using a dialogue structure

    On the Transmit Beamforming for MIMO Wiretap Channels: Large-System Analysis

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    With the growth of wireless networks, security has become a fundamental issue in wireless communications due to the broadcast nature of these networks. In this work, we consider MIMO wiretap channels in a fast fading environment, for which the overall performance is characterized by the ergodic MIMO secrecy rate. Unfortunately, the direct solution to finding ergodic secrecy rates is prohibitive due to the expectations in the rates expressions in this setting. To overcome this difficulty, we invoke the large-system assumption, which allows a deterministic approximation to the ergodic mutual information. Leveraging results from random matrix theory, we are able to characterize the achievable ergodic secrecy rates. Based on this characterization, we address the problem of covariance optimization at the transmitter. Our numerical results demonstrate a good match between the large-system approximation and the actual simulated secrecy rates, as well as some interesting features of the precoder optimization.Comment: Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8317, pp. 90-102, 2014. (Proceedings of International Conference on Information-Theoretic Security (ICITS), Singapore, November 2013

    The Security of Practical Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the first quantum information task to reach the level of mature technology, already fit for commercialization. It aims at the creation of a secret key between authorized partners connected by a quantum channel and a classical authenticated channel. The security of the key can in principle be guaranteed without putting any restriction on the eavesdropper's power. The first two sections provide a concise up-to-date review of QKD, biased toward the practical side. The rest of the paper presents the essential theoretical tools that have been developed to assess the security of the main experimental platforms (discrete variables, continuous variables and distributed-phase-reference protocols).Comment: Identical to the published version, up to cosmetic editorial change

    Secrecy capacity of a class of orthogonal relay eavesdropper channels

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    The secrecy capacity of relay channels with orthogonal components is studied in the presence of an additional passive eavesdropper node. The relay and destination receive signals from the source on two orthogonal channels such that the destination also receives transmissions from the relay on its channel. The eavesdropper can overhear either one or both of the orthogonal channels. Inner and outer bounds on the secrecy capacity are developed for both the discrete memoryless and the Gaussian channel models. For the discrete memoryless case, the secrecy capacity is shown to be achieved by a partial decode-and-forward (PDF) scheme when the eavesdropper can overhear only one of the two orthogonal channels. Two new outer bounds are presented for the Gaussian model using recent capacity results for a Gaussian multi-antenna point-to-point channel with a multi-antenna eavesdropper. The outer bounds are shown to be tight for two sub-classes of channels. The first sub-class is one in which the source and relay are clustered and the and the eavesdropper receives signals only on the channel from the source and the relay to the destination, for which the PDF strategy is optimal. The second is a sub-class in which the source does not transmit to the relay, for which a noise-forwarding strategy is optimal.Comment: Submitted to Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking special issue on Wireless physical layer security, Dec. 2008, Revised Jun. 200

    Secret Sharing over Fast-Fading MIMO Wiretap Channels

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    Secret sharing over the fast-fading MIMO wiretap channel is considered. A source and a destination try to share secret information over a fast-fading MIMO channel in the presence of a wiretapper who also makes channel observations that are different from but correlated to those made by the destination. An interactive authenticated unrestricted public channel is also available for use by the source and destination in the secret sharing process. This falls under the "channel-type model with wiretapper" considered by Ahlswede and Csiszar. A minor extension of their result (to continuous channel alphabets) is employed to evaluate the key capacity of the fast-fading MIMO wiretap channel. The effects of spatial dimensionality provided by the use of multiple antennas at the source, destination, and wiretapper are then investigated.Comment: Revision submitted to EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Wireless Physical Layer Security, Sept. 2009. v.3: Fixes to proofs. Matthieu Bloch added as co-author for contributions to proof

    Encoding temporal regularities and information copying in hippocampal circuits

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    Discriminating, extracting and encoding temporal regularities is a critical requirement in the brain, relevant to sensory-motor processing and learning. However, the cellular mechanisms responsible remain enigmatic; for example, whether such abilities require specific, elaborately organized neural networks or arise from more fundamental, inherent properties of neurons. Here, using multi-electrode array technology, and focusing on interval learning, we demonstrate that sparse reconstituted rat hippocampal neural circuits are intrinsically capable of encoding and storing sub-second-order time intervals for over an hour timescale, represented in changes in the spatial-temporal architecture of firing relationships among populations of neurons. This learning is accompanied by increases in mutual information and transfer entropy, formal measures related to information storage and flow. Moreover, temporal relationships derived from previously trained circuits can act as templates for copying intervals into untrained networks, suggesting the possibility of circuit-to-circuit information transfer. Our findings illustrate that dynamic encoding and stable copying of temporal relationships are fundamental properties of simple in vitro networks, with general significance for understanding elemental principles of information processing, storage and replication