848 research outputs found

    Assessment of Thematic Mapper band-to-band registration by the block correlation method

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    Rectangular blocks of pixels from one band image were statistically correlated against blocks centered on identical pixels from a second band image. The block pairs were shifted in pixel increments both vertically and horizontally with respect to each other and the correlation coefficient to the maximum correlation was taken as the best estimate of registration error for each block pair. For the band combinations of the Arkansas scene studied, the misregistration of TM spectral bands within the noncooled focal plane lie well within the 0.2 pixel target specification. Misregistration between the middle IR bands is well within this specification also. The thermal IR band has an apparent misregistration with TM band 7 of approximately 3 pixels in each direction. The TM band 3 has a misregistration of approximately 0.2 pixel in the across-scan direction and 0.5 pixel in the along-scan direction, with both TM bands 5 and 7

    Thematic Mapper image quality: Preliminary results

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    Based on images analyzed so far, the band to band registration accuracy of the thematic mapper is very good. For bands within the same focal plane, the mean misregistrations are well within the specification, 0.2 pixels. For bands between the cooled and uncooled focal planes, there is a consistent mean misregistration of 0.5 pixels along-scan and 0.2-0.3 pixels across-scan. It exceeds the permitted 0.3 pixels for registration of bands between focal planes. If the mean misregistrations were removed by the data processing software, an analysis of the standard deviation of the misregistration indicates all band combinations would meet the registration specifications except for those including the thermal band. Analysis of the periodic noise in one image indicates a noise component in band 1 with a spatial frequency equivalent to 3.2 pixels in the along-scan direction

    Heterogeneity of wheat endosperm proteolipids (CM proteins)

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    Proteins extracted with CHCl3-MeOH from wheat endosperm have been fractionated by Sephadex G-100 and the 15 000–20 000 MW range fraction, designated CM protein, has been examined by combined electrofocusing (pH range 5–8) and electrophoresis (pH 3.2) and the heterogeneity of the electrophoretic components has been ascertained. It has been shown by joint mapping and by sequential extraction that CM proteins are extracted by 70% EtOH but not by H2O, although they can be made water-soluble after dialysis against an acid buffer, pH 3.2, 3 M urea, without losing their solubility in CHCl3-MeOH mixtures. It is concluded that CM proteins fit the definition of a Folch—Lees proteolipid. The Triticum aestivum (genomes ABD) map can be reconstructed by mixing T. durum (AB) and Aegilops squarrosa (D). The low intragenomic variability of CM protein is confirmed

    Chromosomal control of non-gliadin proteins from the 70% ethanol extract of wheat endosperm

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    The non-gliadin fraction of the 70% ethanol extracts of compensated nulli-tetrasomics and ditelosomics of Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring has been analyzed by combined electrofocusing and electrophoresis. Seventeen of the 21 protein map components of the euploid have been ascribed to eight chromosomes: 4A, 3BS, 6BS, 7BS, 3D, 4D, 5D and 7DS. The relationship of the different map components with other proteins previously associated with the same chromosomes is discusse

    Nigrosine staining of wheat endosperm proteolipid patterns on starch gels

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    We have previously characterized a group of proteolipids from wheat endosperm, designated CM proteins, which are soluble in chloroformmethanol (2:1, v/v) and have a molecular weight lower than 25,000 daltons (1-3). These have been also studied by Redman and Ewart (4). The CM proteins are suitably fractionated into several components by starch gel electrophoresis at pH 3.2 (1). A sensitive staining procedure was required in connection with genetic studies of these proteins because phenotypes had to be ascertained in small endosperm fractions dissected without impairing normal germination and plant development. We report here on Nigrosine staining conditions for CM proteins under which high sensitivity and selectivity are achieve

    Loss of redundant gene expression after polyploidization in plants

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    Based on chromosomal location data of genes encoding 28 biochemical systems in allohexaploid wheat,Triticum aestivum L. (genomes AABBDD), it is concluded that the proportions of systems controlled by triplicate, duplicate, and single loci are 57%, 25%, and 18% respectively

    Citizens observatories for effective Earth observations: the WeSenseIt approach

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    The WeSenseIt project defines citizen observatories as “A method, an environment and an infrastructure supporting an information ecosystem for communities and citizens, as well as emergency operators and policymakers, for discussion, monitoring and intervention on situations, places and events” . A collaborative approach has been taken to develop solutions that involve an exchange of information and expertise from all participants and where the focus is on arriving at practical solutions with a clear vision and direction. This has created a shared ownership scheme, and shifts power to the process itself rather than remaining within authorities, developers or decision-makers. The project’s emphasis is on delivering highly innovative technologies to support citizens, communities and authorities in developing a real-time situation awareness while ensuring all stakeholders play their part. Implementation has been through a combination of crowdsourcing, custom applications and dedicated web portals designed to foster collaboration, and which has created a shared knowledge base that facilitates decision-making processes and engages with communities. Data is captured via innovative sensors that are used directly by citizens, crowdsourcing from social networks (or by collective intelligence)

    Relationships between traditional and fundamental dough-testing methods

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    Two fundamental test systems were used to evaluate the visco-elastic properties of doughs from wheat samples of three varieties grown at four distinct sites. For comparison, tests were also performed with traditional equipment, namely the Mixograph, an extension tester and a Farinograph-type small-scale recording mixer. Uniaxial dough elongation (with an Instron) produced results similar to the conventional extension tester, except that results were provided in fundamental units (Pascals), the critical value recorded being the elongational stress at maximum strain. Stress relaxation measurements were performed following a small initial shear strain. With this method, it was possible to distinguish between the viscosity and the elastic components of dough visco-elasticity. In all the tests the extra dough-strength properties were evident for the variety (Guardian) that had the 5 + 10 glutenin subunits, in contrast to the other two with the 2 + 12 combination of subunits
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