110 research outputs found
Separate and conquer heuristic allows robust mining of contrast sets from various types of data
Identifying differences between groups is one of the most important knowledge
discovery problems. The procedure, also known as contrast sets mining, is
applied in a wide range of areas like medicine, industry, or economics. In the
paper we present RuleKit-CS, an algorithm for contrast set mining based on a
sequential covering - a well established heuristic for decision rule induction.
Multiple passes accompanied with an attribute penalization scheme allow
generating contrast sets describing same examples with different attributes,
unlike the standard sequential covering. The ability to identify contrast sets
in regression and survival data sets, the feature not provided by the existing
algorithms, further extends the usability of RuleKit-CS. Experiments on wide
range of data sets confirmed RuleKit-CS to be a useful tool for discovering
differences between defined groups. The algorithm is a part of the RuleKit
suite available at GitHub under GNU AGPL 3 licence
Keywords: Contrast sets, Sequential covering, Rule induction, Regression,
Survival, Knowledge discover
Housematica - aplikacja do konfigurowania oraz zarządzania nieruchomościami
Według danych statystycznych opublikowanych przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny z roku na rok zwiększa się popyt na nieruchomości. W przeważającej ilości przypadków, kupujący po zakupie mieszkania przeprowadzają jego modyfikacje dodając lub usuwając ścianki działowe. Taka operacja wiąże się z wydłużonym czasem oczekiwania na zasiedlenie danej nieruchomości. Z myślą o takich osobach w ramach niniejszej pracy inżynierskiej powstała aplikacja Housematica, która pozwala deweloperowi w łatwy sposób stworzyć konfigurator mieszkania, aby kupujący już na etapie jego wyboru mógł wybrać interesujący go układ ścianek działowych czy nawet wyposażenie nieruchomości. Aplikacja H została podzielona na dwie części, pierwsza z nich - panel klienta pozwala za pomocą intuicyjnego interfejsu stworzyć konfigurację mieszkania, korzystając z wizualizacji modelu mieszkania w przestrzeni 3D. Druga część aplikacji to panel administratora, który dostarcza nie tylko prosty formularz do tworzenia konfiguratorów, ale także szereg funkcjonalności jak: tworzenie zespołów, przeglądanie statystyk konfiguracji oraz praca na licencji.According to statistical data published by the Central Statistical Office, the demand for real estate is growing year by year. In the majority of cases, buyers, after purchasing an apartment, modify it by adding or removing partitions. Such an operation is associated with an extended waiting time for the occupation of a given property. With such people in mind, as part of this engineering thesis, the Housematica application was created, which allows the developer to easily create an apartment configurator, so that the buyer can choose the layout of partition walls or even the equipment of the property at the stage of his selection. The H application has been divided into two parts, the first one - the customer panel allows you to create an apartment configuration using an intuitive interface, using the visualization of the apartment model in 3D space. The second part of the application is the admin panel, which provides not only a simple form for creating configurators, but also a number of functionalities such as creating teams, viewing configuration statistics and working under a license
Glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 13 kwietnia 2005 r., sygn. III KK 23/05
The Supreme Court in commented decision claims, that the worker within the meaning of art. 220 § 1 c.c. is a worker within the meaning of the labour law provisions (a person who is specified in art. 2 l.c. as well as art. 22 l.c.). The author share this point of view, and gives additional arguments supporting this thesis; he shares an opinion, that in omission crimes, specific legal duty to prevent the negative effect of crime (in consequential crimes), may come from the decrees to the acts; the author claims – regardless of the above – that this duty may come from some other legal acts
Rozwiązanie umowy o pracę bez wypowiedzenia z winy pracownika z powodu popełnienia oczywistego przestępstwa
The article focuses on the termination of the contract of employment without notice,
due to employee’s fault, because of the commission of the obvious crime, during the
contract of employment; the crime disallows the further employment on the workplace
(what is definied in art. 52 § 1 point 2 L.C.).
The author comes to the conclusion, that a obvious crime is a crime which existence
is certain, undisputed, there is no objective doubts as to its existence, the evidence of
its commission do not raise any doubt; facts of the case ensures, that the employee has
committed a crime. The obvious crime is also characterized by the fact, that it make
impossible further employment of an employee who committed this obvious crime on
the workplace. This impossibility should not be an objective impossibility to continue
the employment on the workplace, but in common sense, should argue for an immediate
removal this employee from his workplace.
However, the author takes the assumption that art. 52 § 1 point 2 L.C. is not compatible
with art. 42 paragraph 3 of the Constitution, because it violates the principle of
the presumption of innocence. It allows for the assignment of a crime (obvious) to the
employee, even though there is no final judgment of the court
Przyczynek prozopograficzny do dziejów tzw. wyprawy łuckiej w 1431 roku
The published text concerns one episode connected with the polish-lithuanian war in 1431. So far it was used on the whole only through a short regest. Thereby we can explore forty five personally known participants of the Lutsk’s expedition, who sent letters of feud to the grand duke of Lithuania Svitrigaila from the military camp in Bystrzyca in 3 July 1431. One of letters, which was written by castellan of Cracow Nicolas of Michalov, is preserved and it is published in the annex. Publikowany tekst dotyczy epizodu związanego z początkiem wojny polsko-litewskiej w 1431 r. Dotąd wykorzystywano go na ogół tylko za pośrednictwem krótkiego regestu. Dzięki niemu poznajemy 45 znanych imiennie uczestników wyprawy łuckiej, którzy 3 lipca 1431 r. wysłali listy wypowiednie wielkiemu księciu litewskiemu Świdrygielle z obozu wojskowego w Bystrzycy na ziemi lubelskiej. Zachował się tekst jednego z nich, którego autorem był kasztelan krakowski Mikołaj z Michałowa (publikowany w Aneksie)
Misja Sędziwoja z Szubina do Zadaru. Epizod z czasów bezkrólewia w Polsce 1382-1384
The article concerns one of the most mysterious and exciting episodes from the Interregnum after the death of Polish and Hungarian king Louis of Anjou in September 1382. The voivode of Kalisz Sędziwój of Szubin went to Hungary to bring to Poland the daughter of the deceased ruler – princess Hedwig, but he did not achieve his aim. He was arrested in Zadar (now in Croatia) together with his companions, while Hungarian queen Elisabeth of Bosnia sent to Poland a young Jan of Tarnów, son of the castellan of Sandomierz with the task of occupying the Wawel castle in Cracow. The author argues that Sędziwój's departure from Cracow, his unfavorable meeting with queen Elisabeth in Zadar and his escape to Poland after his internment happened in 1383. This has a fundamental impact on the perception of this political mission and its significance in the context of Polish-Hungarian relations during this period.Artykuł dotyczy jednego z najbardziej tajemniczych i sensacyjnych epizodów z czasu bezkrólewia po śmierci Ludwika Andegaweńskiego. Wojewoda kaliski Sędziwój z Szubina pojechał na Węgry po królewnę Jadwigę przeznaczoną na tron polski, lecz nie zdołał zrealizować celu swojej misji. Został zatrzymany w Zadarze wraz ze swymi towarzyszami, natomiast królowa Elżbieta Bośniaczka wysłała do Polski młodego Jana z Tarnowa, syna kasztelana sandomierskiego z zadaniem zajęcia zamku wawelskiego. Autor dowodzi, że wyjazd Sędziwoja z Krakowa, jego feralne spotkanie z królową Elżbietą w Zadarze i jego ucieczka do Polski miały miejsce w 1383 r. Ma to zasadnicze wpływ na postrzeganie charakteru misji i jej znaczenia w kontekście relacji polsko-węgierskich w tym okresie
Reconstructing stability : the role of education in post-conflict territorial transitions : a case study of Szczecin after World War II
PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to attempt to create a collective portrait of teachers in the
conditions of population shifts on the Polish-German borderland after World War II.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The method involves statistical analysis of data from
archival materials, memoirs of participants, and literature allowing for the creation of a
collective portrait of the community. The argumentation is based on the analysis of the
collective of teachers of the first high school in Szczecin established after World War II. The
findings allow for generalizations to be made about the entire teaching community, both in
Polish territories and other areas affected by population exchange due to armed conflict.CONCLUSIONS: The presented example allows us to conclude that the establishment of
educational institutions is essential for creating conditions for settlement, but at the same
time, teachers from settlement groups exhibit similar characteristics to the entire migratory
population.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Practical implications for decision-makers and researchers of
migration processes and the effectiveness of state policy in shaping social structures.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The presented issue has not been subject to scientific analysis before.peer-reviewe
Influence of modelling phase transformations with the use of LSTM network on the accuracy of computations of residual stresses for the hardening process
Replacing mathematical models with artificial intelligence tools can play an important role in numerical models. This paper analyses the modeling of the hardening process in terms of temperature, phase transformations in the solid state and stresses in the elastic-plastic range. Currently, the use of artificial intelligence tools is increasing, both to make greater generalizations and to reduce possible errors in the numerical simulation process. It is possible to replace the mathematical model of phase transformations in the solid state with an artificial neural network (ANN). Such a substitution requires an ANN network that converts time series (temperature curves) into shares of phase transformations with a small training error. With an insufficient training level of the network, significant differences in stress values will occur due to the existing couplings. Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks were chosen for the analysis. The paper compares the differences in stress levels with two coupled models using a macroscopic model based on CCT diagram analysis and using the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) and Koistinen-Marburger (KM) equations, against the model memorized by the LSTM network. In addition, two levels of network training accuracy were also compared. Considering the results obtained from the model based on LSTM networks, it can be concluded that it is possible to effectively replace the classical model in modeling the phenomena of the heat treatment process
Determination of stresses in the steel pipe during the superficial heat treatment process with helical path
In the paper a numerical model for the quench hardening process with the moving heat source of steel pipe made of medium carbon steel have been presented. The constant speed rotation and moving of the pipe was assumed to obtain the path of the heat source in the shape of the helical line. In this model the relationship occurring between thermal phenomena, phase transformation in the solid state and mechanical phenomena have been taken into account. The temperature and stress fields are determined using the copyright software based on the finite element method (three-dimensional tasks). To calculate the phase content in the solid state, the macroscopic model based on the analysis of the CTP diagrams is used. The range of the martensite transformations depends on the value of stresses. In the model the tempering phenomena is also taken into account. In the model of mechanical phenomena the elastic, thermal, structural, plastic strains and transformations plasticity are considered
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