175 research outputs found

    Detecting Heritage: the Portable Antiquities Scheme

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    Measuring time perspective in adolescents : can you get the right answer by asking the wrong questions?

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    Time perspective continues to evolve as a psychological construct. The extant literature suggests that higher future orientation and lower present orientation are associated with better developmental outcomes. However, the extant literature also suggests that issues remain with the measurement of the construct. Recently, a 25-item version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI-25) was suggested for use based on high internal consistency estimates and good discriminant validity of scores in a sample of Italian adolescents. However, the genesis of this scale is uncertain. The present study examined the factorial validity, reliability, and concurrent validity of ZTPI-25 scores in Slovenian, American, and British adolescents. Results revealed satisfactory concurrent validity based on correlations with measures used in the development of the full ZTPI. However, internal consistency and factorial validity of scores were unsatisfactory. The present study questions the use of the ZTPI-25 with adolescents in the context of conceptual and measurement issues more broadly

    Different version, similar result? A critical analysis of the multiplicity of shortened versions of the zimbardo time perspective inventory

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    The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) has been extensively used, with more than 1,400 citations in Scopus alone. After identifying psychometric problems however, several authors have attempted to overcome limitations by shortening the scale. As such, there now exist multiple. shortened versions of the ZTPI, all using some of the original 56 items. Although each shorter version reports various broadly acceptable validity parameters using the group with which it was developed, these are often sample specific and at the cost of reliability, generalizability, and ability to detect individual differences in the construct. To examine this more closely, we reviewed the psychometric properties of the ZTPI and some of its derivatives, and found that data-driven approaches to creating these shortened versions of the scale prioritized improved model fit over internal reliability and sensitivity. In conclusion, we suggest that it is time for a new collaborative strategy to address conceptual and measurement concerns with the ZTPI, and discourage data-driven and sample-specific solutions to the psychometric concerns of the scale's scores. More broadly, we recommend that researchers consider the impact on reliability, generalizability, and ability to detect individual differences when developing short psychometric scales. **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Elizabeth Temple” is provided in this record*

    Detectando la Gran Bretaña romana: el programa de antigüedades muebles y el estudio de la cultura material provincial

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    This article examines the significance of a major new source of archaeological data from Roman Britannia, the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS), a department within the British Museum responsible for documenting archaeological objects found in England and Wales by members of the public, mainly metal detectorists. Of the more than one million objects now recorded, more than a quarter are Roman in date, documented mainly from what were, in the Roman-period, rural landscapes in eastern England. After outlining their broad character and distribution the article uses two case studies to explore the contribution of this new dataset to understanding rural Britannia, one on brooch types in relation to the study of provincial costume, the other on the new iconographic evidence for the visual culture of the province.Este artículo examina la importancia de una nueva fuente de datos arqueológicos sobre la Britania romana, la denominada Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS), un servicio del Museo Británico responsable de documentar aquellos objetos arqueológicos encontrados en Inglaterra y Gales por el público en general, principalmente por aficionados a la detección de metales. De los más de un millón de piezas ya inventariadas, más de una cuarta parte han sido datadas en época romana, procedentes en su mayoría de lo que, en dicho periodo histórico, fueron zonas rurales en el este de Inglaterra. Tras esbozar su amplio carácter y su funcionamiento, el artículo expone dos casos de estudio que permiten explorar las repercusiones de esta nueva base de información a la hora de comprender la Britania rural: el primero, sobre los tipos de broches, en relación con la investigación del vestuario provincial; y el segundo, sobre las nuevas evidencias iconográficas de cara a la cultura visual de la provincia

    Development of Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Direct Utilization of Hydrocarbon Fuels

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    In this study, we compare the performance of SOFC having composite Cu-based anodes but made with the following low-temperature electrolytes: samaria-doped ceria (SDC), Sr- and Mg-doped lanthanum gallate (LSGM), and scandia-stabilized zirconia (ScSZ). Performance (V-I) curves and impedance spectra were measured using H2 and n-butane fuels at 973 K. The results suggest that the use of electrolyte materials with higher ionic conductivity can lead to improved anodes for direct-utilization SOFC, although the performance of each of the cells in n-butane appears to be at least partially limited by the electrochemical oxidation reaction

    Anodes for Direct Oxidation of Hydrocarbons in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

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    In this paper we describe the development of Cu/CeO2/YSZ anodes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) that are active for the direct electrochemical oxidation of dry hydrocarbon fuels. A novel method for synthesizing thin-electrolyte, anode-supported cells is described. This method uses tape-casting of YSZ layers with graphite pore formers, followed by impregnation with aqueous solutions of Cu(NO3)2 and Ce(NO3)2. The performance of model SOFCs with Cu/CeO2/YSZ anodes while operating on a variety of dry hydrocarbon fuels, including methane, butane, decane, and synthetic diesel is reported

    Assessment of the thermal energy flexibility of residential buildings with heat pumps under various electric tariff designs

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    With the electrification of the heating sector in Europe, there is increased pressure to reduce stress to the electric grid from increased demand. Understanding the flexibility potential of the current building stock, including both efficient buildings as well as less efficient buildings, will be vital to assess the efficacy of demand-side strategies such as time-varying pricing in enabling shifts in consumer heat demand. The aim of this study is to assess the thermal flexibility potential of residential buildings with electric heating under different tariffs, and the effect of these tariffs on heating expenditure and electricity consumption. To accomplish this, a resistance–capacitance heat demand model was integrated into a linear optimization model set to find the lowest cost heating schedule for a consumer under four different tariff designs. The results indicate that time-varying tariffs can be effective in enabling shifts in the heat consumption, although the additional cost savings due to the flexibility provided by an efficient building envelope is limited (1% to 4.65% additional reduction in cost savings). The results suggest that potential flexibility is price sensitive and a function of the alignment of price and heating demand. Measures such as capacity tariffs should be considered to avoid preheating surges

    Controversies on the network theory of epilepsy : Debates held during the ICTALS 2019 conference

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    Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the discussants to the exposition and discussion of the six debate topics. The discussants for debates 1-6 were Fabrice Wendling, Mark Cook, Mark Richardson, Thorsten Rings, Klaus Lehnertz and Piotr Suffczynski, respectively. Funding for ICTALS 2019 was received from the following foundations and industry partners: UCB S.A. (Belgium), American Epilepsy Society (AES), Epilepsy Innovation Institute (Ei2) and Epilepsy Foundation of America (EFA), NeuraLynx (Bozeman, MT, USA) and LivaNova (London, UK). The contribution of HZ was supported by award R01NS109062 from the National Institutes of Health, MG by the EPSRC via grants EP/P021417/1 and EP/N014391/1 and a Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (WT105618MA), and PJ by awards from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic AZV 17-28427A and the Czech Science Foundation 20-25298S. The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Controversies in epilepsy: Debates held during the Fourth International Workshop on Seizure Prediction

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    Debates on six controversial topics were held during the Fourth International Workshop on Seizure Prediction (IWSP4) convened in Kansas City, KS, USA, July 4–7, 2009. The topics were (1) Ictogenesis: Focus versus Network? (2) Spikes and Seizures: Step-relatives or Siblings? (3) Ictogenesis: A Result of Hyposynchrony? (4) Can Focal Seizures Be Caused by Excessive Inhibition? (5) Do High-Frequency Oscillations Provide Relevant Independent Information? (6) Phase Synchronization: Is It Worthwhile as Measured? This article, written by the IWSP4 organizing committee and the debaters, summarizes the arguments presented during the debates

    A simple energy usage toolkit from manufacturing simulation data

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    A fundamental problem in energy management is the inability to clearly predict any possible energy saving opportunities. The cost of both under or overestimating potential returns on investment can be prohibitive to a decision maker. In recent years the simulation of energy usage using existing manufacturing simulation tools has increased in popularity among researchers, but it is energy managers who need to see the benefits of this discipline. This paper proposes an interactive manufacturing energy management tool which makes use of existing productivity simulation models for the prediction of energy usage. An interactive Microsoft® Excel® based tool is developed to control Lanner’s WITNESS® discrete-event simulation software using Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications. The tool has the ability to predict potential areas where energy saving opportunities can be made within a complex manufacturing line, and is accessible from management presentations and proposals. The interactivity of the tool provides an environment which facilitates efficient hypothesis testing. The paper includes an industrial case study where the approach was used to quantify theoretical savings from certain energy usage reduction scenarios within a complex automotive engine manufacturing line