417 research outputs found

    New moss records for Vanua Levu, Fiji

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    Fourteen species of mosses are newly recorded from the Savusa area and the greater Delaikoro area onVanua Levu, Fiji’s second largest island. The fourteen species belong to ten different families, Cyrtopodaceae,Dicranaceae, Hypnodendraceae, Meteoriaceae, Neckeraceae, Orthotrichaceae, Polytrichaceae, Pterobryaceae,Ptychomniaceae and Sematophyllaceae. Four moss species are new records for Vanua Levu, Pogonatumgraeffeanum (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger, Macromitrium angulatum Mitt., Meiothecium hamatum Broth. andPapillaria helictophylla (Mont.) Broth., while the remaining ten species were previously reported from otherlocations. The novel distribution records for these species are provided, with notes on their extended rangeof distribution. Field illustrations of all fourteen taxa are provided, with voucher specimens deposited aspermanent records at the South Pacific Regional Herbarium in Fiji

    Time-gated Raman spectroscopy – a review

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    Sustainability education in progress : Practices and pedagogies in Finnish early childhood education and care teaching practice settings

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    The purpose of this article is to report on a study exploring the sustainability work (i.e.,practices and pedagogies related to sustainability education) of Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC) teaching practice settings. Recently, the early years and ECEC have gained increasing attention in sustainability education matters. Educational policy for ECEC has been developed through legislation and renewed curricula for the early years. Research on how sustainability is implemented in ECEC settings as well as in Finnish teacher education is still sparse, but indicates there is a policy-practice gap. The study was conducted in collaboration with municipal ECEC teams (n=34) in teaching practice settings (n=11) in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Data was collected using the Assessment Tool for Promoting Sustainability in ECEC(PROSUS) by Furu & Valkonen (2020). The results show that there is great variability in terms of extent and depth in how sustainability work is carried out by the settings. In general, social-cultural issues are addressed at greaterdepth than ecological and economic issues. The study implies that there is a need to intensify professional development activities that support the capacities for sustainability work in ECEC teaching practice settings in order for teacher education to be effective in the realm of sustainability.Peer reviewe

    A Painful Protrusion – A Rare Presentation of Appendicitis

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    Introduction: Acute appendicitis is a common presenting clinical pathology and imaging diagnosis in everyday practice, as well as indication for surgery. CT is a sensitive first line imaging modality for assessing for appendicitis. Often assessed with ultrasound given the benefit of dynamic maneuvers, hernias are also commonly incidentally noted on CT. Methods: Portal venous phase CT is a sensitive first line imaging modality in assessing abdominal pain and appendicitis in adults, and possible associated complications. Rarely an inflamed appendix may be located within a femoral hernia, referred to as a De Garengeot’s hernia. Results: A 49 year-old female with past medical history notable for pulmonary hypertension on 8 liters home oxygen presented to the ER with complaints of 4 days of worsening right groin swelling and pain. Patient was noted to be febrile with tachycardia, with laboratory studies pertinent for leukocytosis. Initial concern was for an incarcerated/strangulated right inguinal hernia, and given patient medical history, she was transferred to Henry Ford Main for escalation of care. Patient underwent CT upon arrival which demonstrated a right femoral hernia, incidentally noted on remote prior imaging, with a tubular structure within the hernia sac which was new from prior and compatible with a thickened appendix associated with adjacent inflammatory changes. Patient was subsequently taken to the operating room for a laparoscopic appendectomy with right femoral hernia sac excision and femoral hernia repair. Pathologic analysis of the obtained surgical specimen confirmed the diagnosis of acute appendicitis with hernia sac congestion and inflammation. Conclusions: De Garengeot’s hernia is a rare and clinically difficult to diagnose entity. Femoral and inguinal hernias are difficult to differentiate clinically, with nonreducible strangulated hernias associated with swelling and pain. CT imaging is an important tool to aid in the diagnosis and classification of groin hernias, and even more so in assessing for appendicitis and possible complications including the rarely seen De Garengeot hernia.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1130/thumbnail.jp

    Propuesta de reducción de mermas basadas en los patrones de venta de productos de Pizza Hut (pasta, pizzas y bebidas) periodo octubre 2012 a marzo 2013 Chiclayo, Perú

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    En la presente tesis se busca identificar principalmente cuales son los patrones de venta de los productos de la tienda Pizza Hut Chiclayo en el periodo octubre 2012 – marzo 2013 para reducir las mermas en el almacén y mejorar así el manejo de insumos en la empresa. Esto permitirá conocer el tipo de gestión, detallar la participación en la venta de cada producto y analizar el control de mermas actual. Se realizará dicha investigación utilizando un análisis descriptivo de toda la información recopilada en este periodo de estudio, y se procederá a pasar dicha información a gráficos del programa Excel y tablas dinámicas para un mejor entendimiento en el proceso de análisis. En el primer capítulo se muestra la problemática real por la cual la empresa está pasando y al mismo tiempo como se llegara a la solución del problema. En el segundo capítulo se manifestó conceptos claves y teorías básicas para un mejor entendimiento; el tercer capítulo es la metodología utilizada para el desarrollo de esta investigación. En el cuarto y quinto capítulo se muestra el proceso actual de gestión y el procesamiento de base de datos de como se ha estado manejando el proceso de venta y desecho en el periodo de estudio, toda esta información se analizó y desarrolló en el transcurso de esta investigación. Y por último el sexto capítulo es la propuesta basada en conclusiones de acuerdo a lo investigado; esta propuesta se basa en ideas precisas las cuales se manifiestan como puntos clave en la investigación, permitiendo así la mejora continua para la parte administrativa de la empresa

    The child in the eye of the storm : unveiling the war child syndrome

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    During WWII a total of 48,628 Finnish children were evacuated to Sweden and placed into temporary foster care. Previous studies have mainly focused on the long-term consequences on mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. The results are ambiguous and there is not enough convincing evidence to conclude that the evacuation led to mental morbidity or increased the risk of mortality. However, it could be assumed that the early separation trauma had some consequences affecting the quality of life of the evacuees, and that it would be valuable to define this pattern of unspecific symptoms. The objective of this thesis was to analyze the effects of the evacuation on later-life outcomes such as educational attainment, social status, psychosocial wellbeing, mental health problems and substance abuse. The sample consisted of 887 evacuees and 1,748 non-evacuees and was collected from four different sources: the Finnish National Archives, the Population Register Central Finland, the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and by a survey. The results show that becoming a war child was not random: the evacuees came from families with a lower socioeconomic status, which must be taken into account when estimating the effects of the evacuation. The atmosphere in most of the foster homes was good, and they were generally affluent. The return to Finland was difficult for many evacuees due to the loss of their mother tongue, Finnish. However, the quality of the atmosphere of the home of origin was a factor that cannot be ruled out when evaluating the consequences of the evacuation. The thesis further shows that evacuees had a higher rate of substance abuse and a lower sense of coherence (SOC), but did not have more problems related to psychosocial wellbeing or mental health than non-evacuees. However, problems related to experienced emotions such as loss of confidence, detachment and/or rootlessness, as well as unworthiness and/or rejection, were expressed. The results show that even long-term separation from one's parents during childhood must be understood as representing a developmental context that makes the emergence of problems either less likely or more likely, depending on other risk and protective factors.Under andra världskriget evakuerades 48,628 finländska barn till Sverige och placerades i fosterhem. Tidigare studier har främst fokuserat på de långvariga konsekvenserna av psykisk hälsa och psykosocialt välbefinnande. Resultaten är tvetydiga och det finns inte tillräckligt övertygande bevis för att dra slutsatsen att evakueringen ledde till psykisk morbiditet eller ökad risk för mortalitet. Trots detta kan man anta att det tidiga separationstraumat haft konsekvenser som påverkat livskvaliteten för de evakuerade, och att det skulle vara värdefullt att definiera detta mönster av ospecifika symptom. Syftet med denna studie var att analysera uppväxtmiljöns inverkan på faktorer senare i livet såsom utbildningsnivå, socioekonomisk ställning, psykosocialt välbefinnande, problem relaterade till mental hälsa samt substansmissbruk. Samplet bestod av 887 evakuerade and 1748 icke-evakuerade och samlades in via Riksarkivet, Befolkningsregistercentralen och Skatteverket i Sverige samt via en enkät. Att bli krigsbarn var inte slumpmässigt; de evakuerade barnen kom från familjer med lägre social status, vilket måste beaktas när man estimerar effekterna av evakueringen. Majoriteten av krigsbarnen kom till fosterhem med en varm atmosfär och en god socioekonomisk ställning. Hemkomsten var svår för många evakuerade då de gick miste om sitt finska modersmål under sin vistelse i Sverige. Emellertid måste atmosfären i barndomshemmet ses som en faktor som inte kan uteslutas när följderna av evakueringen utvärderas. Det förekom mer substansmissbruk bland de evakuerade och de hade en lägre känsla av sammanhang (sense of coherence, SOC), men de påvisade inte fler problem i relation till psykosocialt välbefinnande eller mental hälsa än icke-evakuerade. Trots detta rapporterade krigsbarnen att de upplevt känslor såsom förlust av förtroende, avskildhet och/eller rotlöshet, samt värdelöshet och/eller utslagenhet. Resultaten visar att även en långvarig separation från föräldrarna under barndomen måste tolkas utgående från omständigheter som barnet vuxit upp under. Omständigheterna gör uppkomsten av problem mer eller mindre sannolika beroende på riskfaktorer eller skyddande faktorer i både barndomshemmet och i fosterhemmet

    Positiivinen pedagogiikka ja tunnetaidot 4–6-vuotiaiden opetuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Positiivinen pedagogiikka ja tunnetaidot ovat saaneet yhä enemmän huomiota varhaiskasvatuksen ja opetuksen kentällä. Positiivinen pedagogiikka on teoria toiminnan taustalla ja lisäksi toimintakulttuuri ja käytännön ohjeistus, jonka mukaan lapsen kasvua ja kehitystä pyritään tukemaan. Tunnetaidot ovat osa positiivista pedagogiikkaa. Tunnetaidot auttavat tunnistamaan ja hyväksymään niin myönteisiä kuin kielteisiäkin tunteita. Positiivisen pedagogiikan tavoitteena on lisätä myönteistä oppimista, tukea eheää kasvua ja kehitystä sekä laaja-alaista hyvinvointia. Tunnetaitojen harjoittelu on tärkeää, jotta jokainen pystyisi toimimaan vuorovaikutuksessa toisten kanssa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan positiivisen pedagogiikan ja tunnetaitojen merkitystä 4–6-vuotiaiden opetuksessa. Työn teoreettisena taustana on positiivisen pedagogiikan ytimenä oleva Martin Seligmanin PERMA-teoria. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään laadullista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tulosten mukaan positiivinen pedagogiikka ja tunnetaidot tukevat 4–6-vuotiaden opetusta, oppimista, kasvua ja kehitystä vuorovaikutuksen, myönteisen kohtaamisen, osallisuuden ja hyvinvointiin tähtäävän opetuksen kautta. Varhaiskasvatuksen toimintaa ohjaavissa asiakirjoissa ei mainita käsitteenä positiivista pedagogiikkaa, mutta asiakirjoista löytyy positiivisen pedagogiikan kanssa yhteneviä sisältöjä, kuten esimerkiksi myönteinen oppimismotivaatio, myönteinen oppimisilmapiiri ja sosiaalinen ympäristö sekä oppijan myönteinen minäkäsitys Turvallinen, ymmärtävä, kannustava ja osallisuutta tukeva ympäristö auttaa lasta oppimaan ja toimimaan ryhmässä