3,306 research outputs found

    Differences in both prevalence and titre of specific immunoglobulin E among children with asthma in affluent and poor communities within a large town in Ghana.

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    Background Reports from several African countries have noted an increasing prevalence of asthma in areas of extensive urbanization. Objective To investigate the relevance of allergen-specific sensitization and body mass index (BMI) to asthma/wheezing and exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) among children from affluent and poorer communities within a large town in Ghana. Methods Children with physician-diagnosed asthma and/or current wheezing aged 9-16 years (n=99; cases) from three schools with differing socio-economic backgrounds [urban affluent (UA), urban poor (UP) or suburban/rural (SR)] were recruited from a cross-sectional study (n=1848) in Kumasi, Ghana, and matched according to age, sex and area of residence with non-asthmatic/non-wheezy controls. We assayed sera for IgE antibodies to mite, cat, dog, cockroach, Ascaris and galactose-α-1,3-galactose. Results Children from the UA school had the lowest total serum IgE. However, cases from the UA school had a higher prevalence and mean titre of sIgE to mite (71.4%, 21.2IU/mL) when compared with controls (14.3%, 0.8IU/mL) or cases from UP (30%, 0.8IU/mL) and SR community (47.8%, 1.6IU/mL). While similar findings were observed with EIB in the whole population, among cases there was no difference in IgE antibody prevalence or titre between children with or without EIB. BMI was higher among UA children with and without asthma; in UP and SR communities, children with EIB (n=14) had a significantly higher BMI compared with children with asthma/wheezing without EIB (n=38) (18.2 vs. 16.4, respectively, P<0.01). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance In the relatively affluent school, asthma/wheezing and EIB were associated with high titre IgE antibodies to mite, decreased total IgE, and increased BMI. This contrasted with children in the urban poor school and suggests that changes relevant to a Western model of childhood asthma can occur within a short geographical distance within a large city in Africa. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Preliminary evaluation of the airborne imaging spectrometer for vegetation analysis

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    The primary goal of the project was to provide ground truth and manual interpretation of data from an experimental flight of the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (AIS) for a naturally vegetated test site. Two field visits were made; one trip to note snow conditions and temporally related vegetation states at the time of the sensor overpass, and a second trip following acquisition of prints of the AIS images for field interpretation. Unfortunately, the ability to interpret the imagery was limited by the quality of the imagery due to the experimental nature of the sensor

    Species richness-environment relationships of European arthropods at two spatial grains : habitats and countries

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    We study how species richness of arthropods relates to theories concerning net primary productivity, ambient energy, water-energy dynamics and spatial environmental heterogeneity. We use two datasets of arthropod richness with similar spatial extents (Scandinavia to Mediterranean), but contrasting spatial grain (local habitat and country). Samples of ground-dwelling spiders, beetles, bugs and ants were collected from 32 paired habitats at 16 locations across Europe. Species richness of these taxonomic groups was also determined for 25 European countries based on the Fauna Europaea database. We tested effects of net primary productivity (NPP), annual mean temperature (T), annual rainfall (R) and potential evapotranspiration of the coldest month (PETmin) on species richness and turnover. Spatial environmental heterogeneity within countries was considered by including the ranges of NPP, T, R and PETmin. At the local habitat grain, relationships between species richness and environmental variables differed strongly between taxa and trophic groups. However, species turnover across locations was strongly correlated with differences in T. At the country grain, species richness was significantly correlated with environmental variables from all four theories. In particular, species richness within countries increased strongly with spatial heterogeneity in T. The importance of spatial heterogeneity in T for both species turnover across locations and for species richness within countries suggests that the temperature niche is an important determinant of arthropod diversity. We suggest that, unless climatic heterogeneity is constant across sampling units, coarse-grained studies should always account for environmental heterogeneity as a predictor of arthropod species richness, just as studies with variable area of sampling units routinely consider area

    Preliminary evaluation of the airborne imaging spectrometer for vegetation analysis in the Klamath National Forest of northeastern California

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    The experiences and results associated with a project entitled Preliminary Evaluation of the Airborne Imaging Spectrometer for Vegetation Analysis is documented. The primary goal of the project was to provide ground truth, manual interpretation, and computer processing of data from an experimental flight of the Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (AIS) to determine the extent to which high spectral resolution remote sensing could differentiate among plant species, and especially species of conifers, for a naturally vegetated test site. Through the course of the research, JPL acquired AIS imagery of the test areas in the Klamath National Forest, northeastern California, on two overflights of both the Dock Well and Grass Lake transects. Over the next year or so, three generations of data was also received: first overflight, second overflight, and reprocessed second overflight. Two field visits were made: one trip immediately following the first overflight to note snow conditions and temporally-related vegetation states at the time of the sensor overpass; and a second trip about six weeks later, following acquisition of prints of the images from the first AIS overpass

    Open fissures along faults: Variscan examples from Gower, South Wales

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    The extent to which persistent, rather than transient, fissures (wide planar voids) can exist along upper crustal faults is important in assessing fault permeability to mineral and hydrocarbon-bearing fluids. Variscan (late Carboniferous) faults cutting Dinantian (Lower Carboniferous) limestones on the Gower peninsula, South Wales, host clear evidence for fissures up to several metres wide. Evidence includes dendritic hematite growth and elongate calcite growth into open voids, spar ball and cockade breccia formation, laminated sediment infill and void-collapse breccias. Detailed mapping reveals cross-cutting geometries and brecciation of earlier fissure fills, showing that fissures were formed during, rather than after, active faulting. Fissures therefore probably formed by geometric mismatch between displaced fault walls, rather than by solution widening along inactive faults

    Ganciclovir Antiviral Therapy in Advanced Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An Open Pilot Study

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    Hypothesis. Repeated epithelial cell injury secondary to viruses such as Epstein Barr and subsequent dysfunctional repair may be central to the pathogenesis of IPF. In this observational study, we evaluated whether a combination of standard and anti-viral therapy might have an impact on disease progression. Methods. Advanced IPF patients who failed standard therapy and had serological evidence of previous EBV, received ganciclovir (iv) at 5 mg/kg twice daily. Forced vital capacity (FVC), shuttle walk test, DTPA scan and prednisolone dose were measured before and 8 weeks post-treatment. Results. Fourteen patients were included. After ganciclovir, eight patients showed improvement in FVC and six deteriorated. The median reduction of prednisolone dose was 7.5 mg (44%). Nine patients were classified “responders” of whom four showed an improvement in all four criteria, while three of the five “non-responders” showed no response in any of the criteria. Responders showed reduction in prednisolone dosage (P = .02) and improved DTPA clearance (P = .001). Conclusion. This audit outcome suggests that 2-week course of ganciclovir (iv) may attenuate disease progression in a subgroup of advanced IPF patients. These observations do not suggest that anti-viral treatment is a substitute for the standard care, however, suggests the need to explore the efficacy of ganciclovir as adjunctive therapy in IPF

    Bloom drivers of the potentially harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller in a south eastern temperate Australian estuary

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Harmful algal blooms are an increasing concern in the estuarine reaches of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, one of the largest coastal rivers systems in south eastern Australia. In the austral spring of 2016, an unprecedented bloom of the harmful mixotrophic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum occurred in Berowra Creek (maximum cell abundance 1.9E+06 cells L−1, 89% of the total phytoplankton community), a major tributary of this river system. In response to this bloom, our study utilises an estuary-wide, thirteen-year time series of phytoplankton abundance and environmental data to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of this harmful alga and its potential bloom drivers in this system. P. minimum cell densities and environmental parameters varied over large spatial scales, with sites located in the main channel of the estuary significantly differing from those in the more urbanized tributary of Berowra Creek. Generalised additive modelling outputs suggested that blooms of P. minimum are complex, but generally corresponded to a spatial gradient of eutrophication and salinity, whereby P. minimum growth and concomitant high chlorophyll-a concentrations were enhanced at sites that were generally less saline and more eutrophic than others. Furthermore, temporal patterns suggested that blooms occurred abruptly and lasted up to three weeks, most often during the austral autumn to spring. While significant correlations were observed between rainfall and nutrients at all other sites, suggesting a pathway for nutrient availability, the association between rainfall and nutrient delivery was generally not observed in Berowra Creek (a 15-m deep site) suggesting that a continual supply of nutrients, coupled with unique bathymetry and water residence time at this site, are the most likely contributing factors to phytoplankton growth. This study presents the most comprehensive examination of P. minimum in any southern hemisphere estuary to date and highlights the importance of continued monitoring of HABs and the important role that anthropogenic inputs have in driving blooms of P. minimum in this oyster-growing river/estuary system

    Cumulative and Differential Effects of Early Child Care and Middle Childhood Out-of-School Time on Adolescent Functioning.

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    Effects associated with early child care and out-of-school time (OST) during middle childhood were examined in a large sample of U.S. adolescents (N&nbsp;=&nbsp;958). Both higher quality early child care AND more epochs of organized activities (afterschool programs and extracurricular activities) during middle childhood were linked to higher academic achievement at age 15. Differential associations were found in the behavioral domain. Higher quality early child care was associated with fewer externalizing problems, whereas more hours of early child care was linked to greater impulsivity. More epochs of organized activities was associated with greater social confidence. Relations between early child care and adolescent outcomes were not mediated or moderated by OST arrangements in middle childhood, consistent with independent, additive relations of these nonfamilial settings

    A combined geochronological approach to investigating long lived granite magmatism, the Shap granite, UK

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    With the advent of more precise dating methods, it has become apparent that zircon dates from granite plutons frequently indicate older emplacement ages than other dating methods. Here we attempt to reconcile a number of dating methods from the c. 5 km2 Caledonian Shap granite, Northern England. The results reveal a more complex and protracted evolution than indicated by application of any single dating method. Zircon U-Pb dates give a weighted mean age of 415.6 ± 1.4 (2σ) Ma. A mafic enclave, dated at 412 ± 2 (2σ) Ma (revised Rb-Sr feldspar age from Davidson et al., 2005), contains resorbed K-feldspar and zircon crystals scavenged from the host crystal mush. These ages are at odds with field relations in the thermal aureole that suggest final emplacement at approximately 404 Ma or later during Acadian deformation. Previously reported Re-Os ages on molybdenites associated with magmatic fluids, have given ages of 405.2 ± 1.8 (2σ) Ma (Selby et al., 2008) and confirm the overlap of at least some magmatic activity with Acadian deformation. A similar emplacement age is supported by Rb-Sr whole-rock-mineral and biotite K-Ar dates when adjusted for revised decay constants (402 ± 3 Ma and 401 ± 7 Ma, respectively, Wadge et al., 1978). The lower closure temperatures of these systems relative to the U-Pb system in zircon means that they are more likely to record the timing of final granite emplacement. These data suggest that most zircons grew before final granite emplacement, by about 10 Ma on average. We suggest that the majority of zircon crystals record pre-emplacement magmatic activity within a deeper part of the system. Mafic enclaves and their scavenged cargo of crystals record the assembly of a mid-crustal batholith where crystals remained at least locally mobile at 412 Ma. Gravity data support the existence of an extensive, 1500 km2 intrusive body, originally at about 15 km depth beneath Shap. This batholith is likely to have remained below the granite solidus for much of its existence due to conductive heat loss, but episodic influxes of silicic magma between c. 412 and 405 Ma are thought to have enabled periods of rejuvenation. These influxes are recorded by complex compositional zoning patterns within K-feldspar megacrysts. The Shap granite itself is likely to represent a rejuvenated crystal slurry, emplaced as a cylindrical cupola above the main magma body during Acadian transpression. This study highlights the importance of integrating different dating techniques and that final emplacement of granites can only be indicated by the youngest zircon ages