3,177 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Normality of the Maximum Pseudolikelihood Estimator for Fully Visible Boltzmann Machines

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    Boltzmann machines (BMs) are a class of binary neural networks for which there have been numerous proposed methods of estimation. Recently, it has been shown that in the fully visible case of the BM, the method of maximum pseudolikelihood estimation (MPLE) results in parameter estimates which are consistent in the probabilistic sense. In this article, we investigate the properties of MPLE for the fully visible BMs further, and prove that MPLE also yields an asymptotically normal parameter estimator. These results can be used to construct confidence intervals and to test statistical hypotheses. We support our theoretical results by showing that the estimator behaves as expected in a simulation study

    An experimental and finite element study of the low-cycle fatigue failure of a galvanised steel lighting column

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    This paper presents the results of a low-cycle fatigue test on a lighting column. The wind induced vibration phenomena responsible for low cycle fatigue in such structures is discussed and the failure mechanism is examined. It was initially thought that poor quality weld detail was the major influence on the fatigue life of such columns. However, the significant role of the galvanised coating in the failure process is also highlighted. The experimental results are compared with those from a detailed 3D finite element model. Various methods of calculating hot-spot stresses at welded joints are examined and use of a simple peak stress removal approach is shown to produce significantly different values compared with the other methods examined

    Mixtures of Spatial Spline Regressions

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    We present an extension of the functional data analysis framework for univariate functions to the analysis of surfaces: functions of two variables. The spatial spline regression (SSR) approach developed can be used to model surfaces that are sampled over a rectangular domain. Furthermore, combining SSR with linear mixed effects models (LMM) allows for the analysis of populations of surfaces, and combining the joint SSR-LMM method with finite mixture models allows for the analysis of populations of surfaces with sub-family structures. Through the mixtures of spatial splines regressions (MSSR) approach developed, we present methodologies for clustering surfaces into sub-families, and for performing surface-based discriminant analysis. The effectiveness of our methodologies, as well as the modeling capabilities of the SSR model are assessed through an application to handwritten character recognition

    Two-stage reusable launch system utilizing a winged core vehicle and glideback boosters

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    A near-term technology launch system is described in which Space Shuttle main engines are used on a manned orbiter and also on twin strap-on unmanned boosters. The orbiter has a circular body and clipped delta wings. The twin strap-on boosters have a circular body and deployable oblique wings for a glideback recovery. The dry and gross weights of the system, capable of delivering 70klb of cargo to orbit, are compared with a similar system with hydrocarbon-fueled boosters and with the current Shuttle

    Element composition and mineralogical characterisation of air pollution control residue from UK energy-from-waste facilities

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    Air pollution control (APC) residues from energy-from-waste (EfW) are alkaline (corrosive) and contain high concentrations of metals, such as zinc and lead, and soluble salts, such as chlorides and sulphates. The EPA 3050B-extractable concentrations of 66 elements, including critical elements of strategic importance for advanced electronics and energy technologies, were determined in eight APC residues from six UK EfW facilities. The concentrations of Ag (6-15mg/kg) and In (1-13mg/kg), as well as potential pollutants, especially Zn (0.26-0.73wt.%), Pb (0.05-0.2wt.%), As, Cd, Cu, Mo, Sb, Sn and Se were found to be enriched in all APC residues compared to average crustal abundances. Results from a combination of scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and also powder X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy give an exceptionally full understanding of the mineralogy of these residues, which is discussed in the context of other results in the literature. The present work has shown that the bulk of the crystalline phases present in the investigated APC residues include Ca-based phases, such as CaCl OH , CaCO , Ca(OH) , CaSO , and CaO, as well as soluble salts, such as NaCl and KCl. Poorly-crystalline aragonite was identified by FTIR. Sulphur appears to have complex redox speciation, presenting as both anhydrite and hannebachite in some UK EfW APC residues. Hazardous elements (Zn and Pb) were widely associated with soluble Ca- and Cl-bearing phases (e.g. CaCl OH and sylvite), as well as unburnt organic matter and aluminosilicates. Specific metal-bearing minerals were also detected in some samples: e.g., Pb present as cerussite; Zn in gahnite, zincowoodwardite and copper nickel zinc oxide; Cu in tenorite, copper nickel zinc oxide and fedotovite. Aluminium foil pieces were present and abundantly covered by fine phases, particularly in any cracks, probably in the form of Friedel\u27s salt. x 2 - x 3 2 4 x 2 -

    Stable synchronous propagation of signals by feedforward networks

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    We analyze the dynamics of networks in which a central pattern generator (CPG) transmits signals along one or more feedforward chains in a synchronous or phase-synchronous manner. Such propagating signals are common in biology, especially in locomotion and peristalsis, and are of interest for continuum robots. We construct such networks as feedforward lifts of the CPG. If the CPG dynamics is periodic, so is the lifted dynamics. Synchrony with the CPG manifests as a standing wave, and a regular phase pattern creates a traveling wave. We discuss Liapunov, asymptotic, and Floquet stability of the lifted periodic orbit and introduce transverse versions of these conditions that imply stability for signals propagating along arbitrarily long chains. We compare these notions to a simpler condition, transverse stability of the synchrony subspace, which is equivalent to Floquet stability when nodes are 1 dimensional

    Gambaran Jumlah Trombosit pada Pasien Kanker Serviks di RSU Dokter Soedarso Tahun 2011-2012

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    Latar Belakang: Rata Rata satu koma empat juta wanita di-seluruhdunia hidup dengan kanker serviks. Kanker serviks termasuk dari sepuluhbesar kanker penyebab kematian pada wanita di Indonesia. Hasilpenelitian terkini mengindikasikan adanya hubungan antara tingginyajumlah trombosit dengan prognosis yang buruk dari kanker sistemginekologi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimanagambaran jumlah trombosit pada pasien kanker serviks. Metodologi:Penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dibagian rekam medis RSU DOKTER SOEDARSO pada tanggal 25 Maretsampai 3 Mei 2013. Data dikumpulkan dari buku registrasi rawat inap danrawat jalan di poli obstetri dan ginekologi di RSU DOKTER SOEDARSO,sampel diambil secara consecutive sampling. Data dianalisis denganstatistik sederhana. Hasil: Ditemukan 39 sampel yang sesuai kriteriainklusi dan eksklusi dengan karakteristik sampel ; usia dengan 42 48tahun (35.9%), pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga (87.2%), dan stadium III/a(43.6%) adalah frekuensi yang tertinggi. Jumlah trombosit yang ditemukanpaling banyak adalah trombositosis (>400.000/ul) (64.1%). Rata-rata nilaitrombosit tertinggi yang ditemukan ada di stadium IV (592.000/ul).Kesimpulan: Distribusi jumlah trombosit terbanyak adalah trombositosis.Keadaan trombositosis mulai ditemukan pada stadium III/a. Nilai trombositmeningkat secara linier dengan stadium kanker serviks

    A meta-analytic assessment of a Thyroglobulin marker for marbling in beef cattle

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    A meta-analysis was undertaken reporting on the association between a polymorphism in the Thyroglobulin gene (TG5) and marbling in beef cattle. A Bayesian hierarchical model was adopted, with alternative representations assessed through sensitivity analysis. Based on the overall posterior means and posterior probabilities, there is substantial support for an additive association between the TG5 marker and marbling. The marker effect was also assessed across various breed groups, with each group displaying a high probability of positive association between the T allele and marbling. The WinBUGS program code used to simulate the model is included as an Appendix available online at

    Coupled monoubiquitylation of the co-E3 ligase DCNL1 by Ariadne RBR E3 ubiquitin ligases promotes cullin-RING ligase complex remodeling

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    Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs) are large and diverse multisubunit protein complexes that contribute to about one-fifth of ubiquitin-dependent protein turnover in cells. CRLs are activated by the attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 8 (NEDD8) to the cullin subunits. This cullin neddylation is essential for a plethora of CRL-regulated cellular processes and is vital for life. In mammals, neddylation is promoted by the five co-E3 ligases, defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain-containing 1-5 (DCNL1-5); however, their functional regulation within the CRL complex remains elusive. We found here that the ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain-containing DCNL1 is monoubiquitylated when bound to CRLs and that this monoubiquitylation depends on the CRL-associated Ariadne RBR ligases TRIAD1 (ARIH2) and HHARI (ARIH1) and strictly requires the DCNL1's UBA domain. Reconstitution of DCNL1 monoubiquitylation in vitro revealed that autoubiquitylated TRIAD1 mediates binding to the UBA domain and subsequently promotes a single ubiquitin attachment to DCNL1 in a mechanism previously dubbed coupled monoubiquitylation. Moreover, we provide evidence that DCNL1 monoubiquitylation is required for efficient CRL activity, most likely by remodeling CRLs and their substrate receptors. Collectively, this work identifies DCNL1 as a critical target of Ariadne RBR ligases and coupled monoubiquitylation of DCNL1 as an integrated mechanism that affects CRL activity and client-substrate ubiquitylation at multiple levels

    Charge-transfer dynamics at the dye-semiconductor interface of photocathodes for solar energy applications

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    This article describes a comparison between the photophysical properties of two charge-transfer dyes adsorbed onto NiO via two different binding moieties. Transient spectroscopy measurements suggest that the structure of the anchoring group affects both the rate of charge recombination between the dye and NiO surface and the rate of dye regeneration by an iodide/triiodide redox couple. This is consistent with the performance of the dyes in p-type dye sensitised solar cells. A key finding was that the recombination rate differed in presence of the redox couple. This has important implications on the study of electron transfer at dye|semiconductor interfaces for solar energy applications
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