24 research outputs found


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    ResumenEl presente documento describe el dise帽o, desarrollo y evaluaci贸n de un sistema de monitoreo, control y adquisici贸n de datos robusto para su uso en equipos de conversi贸n de energ铆a solar. El dispositivo se plante贸 con el objetivo de medir las variables caracter铆sticas para este tipo de sistemas, es decir, radiaci贸n solar, temperatura, corriente y voltaje. Adem谩s se dise帽贸 para trabajarse con hardware y software de licencia libre; por tal raz贸n se utiliz贸 un Arduino Mega2560 como base del microcontrolador y Octave como el software para el procesamiento de la informaci贸n. El dispositivo dise帽ado es flexible y puede funcionar en forma aislada o en l铆nea a trav茅s del puerto USB de una computadora. Para su evaluaci贸n se utiliz贸 un sistema fotovoltaico aislado conformado por una celda monocristalina de 150 W, controlador de carga y bater铆a de 12 V de ciclo profundo. Entonces, es posible decir que el sistema es factible como adquisidor de datos ya que entrega informaci贸n confiable, con precisi贸n, exactitud y una variaci贸n no mayor al 5 %.Palabras Claves: Adquisici贸n de Datos, Arduino, Energ铆a Solar, Fotovoltaica, Octave. 聽AbstractThis document describes the design, development and evaluation of a robust data monitoring, control and acquisition system for use in solar power conversion devices. The device was created with the objective of measuring the characteristic variables of this type of systems, i.e. solar radiation, temperature, current and voltage. In addition, it was designed to work with free license software and hardware; for this reason, an Arduino Mega 256 was used as a microcontroller base and Octave was used as the information processing software. The system is flexible and works as an isolated or online system through a USB computer-port. For its evaluation an isolated photovoltaic system was used, formed by a monocrystalline cell of 150 W, charge controller and 12 V battery of deep cycle. Then, it is possible to say that the system is feasible as a data acquirer since it delivers reliable information, with precision, accuracy and a variation of no more than 5%. 聽Keywords: Arduino, DAQ, Octave, PV Cell, Solar Energy

    Magnetic unmixing of first-order reversal curve diagrams using principal component analysis

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    We describe a quantitative magnetic unmixing method based on principal component analysis (PCA) of first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams. For PCA we resample FORC distributions on grids that capture diagnostic signatures of single-domain (SD), pseudo-single-domain (PSD), and multidomain (MD) magnetite, as well as of minerals such as hematite. Individual FORC diagrams are recast as linear combinations of end-member (EM) FORC diagrams, located at user-defined positions in PCA space. The EM selection is guided by constraints derived from physical modeling and imposed by data scatter. We investigate temporal variations of two EMs in bulk North Atlantic sediment cores collected from the Rockall Trough and the Iberian Continental Margin. Sediments from each site contain a mixture of magnetosomes and granulometrically distinct detrital magnetite. We also quantify the spatial variation of three EM components (a coarse silt-sized MD component, a fine silt-sized PSD component, and a mixed clay-sized component containing both SD magnetite and hematite) in surficial sediments along the flow path of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). These samples were separated into granulometric fractions, which helped constrain EM definition. PCA-based unmixing reveals systematic variations in EM relative abundance as a function of distance along NADW flow. Finally, we apply PCA to the combined dataset of Rockall Trough and NADW sediments, which can be recast as a four-EM mixture, providing enhanced discrimination between components. Our method forms the foundation of a general solution to the problem of unmixing multi-component magnetic mixtures, a fundamental task of rock magnetic studies.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement 320750.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015GC00590

    Groundwater hydrochemical facies, flowpaths and recharge determined by multivariate statistical, isotopic and chloride mass-balance methods

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    Multivariate statistical methods (MSMs) applied to groundwater chemistry provide valuable insight into the main hydrochemical species, hydrochemical processes, and water flowpaths important to groundwater evolution. This hypothesis is supported by the examination of available chloride, oxygen-18, hydrogen-2, carbon-13, and carbon-14 data from the region. The MSMs of principal component analysis (PCA) factor analysis (FA), correspondence analysis (CA) and k-means cluster analysis (KMCA) were sequentially applied to major ion chemistry from 209 different groundwater sampling-locations in the Amargosa Desert. The FA reduces the number of variables describing the system and finds relationships between major ions. The KMCA of the reduced system produced objective hydrochemical facies, which are independent of, but in good agreement with, lithological data. The derived factors and hydrochemical facies are innovatively presented on biplots, revealing composition of hydrochemical processes and facies, and overlaid on a digital elevation model, displaying flowpaths and interactions with geologic and topographic features in the region. In particular, a distinct groundwater chemical signature is observed beneath and surrounding the extended flowpath of Fortymile Wash, presenting some contradiction to contemporary water levels along with potential interaction with a fault line. The signature surrounding the ephemeral Fortymile Wash is believed to represent the relic of water that infiltrated during past pluvial periods when the amount of runoff in the wash was significantly larger than during the current drier period. Furthermore, chloride mass-balance was applied to drill cuttings to determine local infiltration rates and dates, which corroborate the previous analyses

    El aprendizaje de la historia a partir del lenguaje integral

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    Licenciatura en Educaci贸

    Dynamic analysis of a rolling tire-like structure

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    El enorme crecimiento de la poblaci贸n mundial, as铆 como el desarrollo industrial y las recientes tecnolog铆as est谩n demandando cada d铆a m谩s energ铆a el茅ctrica. Esta energ铆a es suministrada a partir de combustibles f贸siles, pero su consumo ha tra铆do consecuencias tales como la erosi贸n y la contaminaci贸n del medio ambiente. Sin embargo, las nuevas tecnolog铆as basadas en fuentes de energ铆a renovables, tales como la transformaci贸n de radiaci贸n solar y la fuerza hidr谩ulica en energ铆a el茅ctrica ofrecen otras opciones. Los objetivos principales de esta investigaci贸n son el definir la factibilidad tecnol贸gica y geogr谩fica para la generaci贸n de energ铆a el茅ctrica a partir de celdas fotovoltaicas y bater铆as mec谩nicas en la frontera entre M茅xico/Estados Unidos, espec铆ficamente en el 谩rea de Ciudad Ju谩rez/El Paso. Adem谩s, se desarroll贸 un modelo de simulaci贸n utilizando el software EXTEND para poder evaluar la cantidad de energ铆a el茅ctrica generada por las celdas fotovoltaicas y bater铆as mec谩nicas trabajando h铆bridamente como un sistema, suministrando la demanda el茅ctrica para una familia mexicana t铆pica. Los c谩lculos matem谩ticos fueron realizados a partir de bases de datos meteorol贸gicos, aunado con especificaciones comerciales de celdas fotovoltaicas y generadores hidr谩ulicos de electricidad. Este modelo tiene la capacidad de realizar m煤ltiples opciones como comparaci贸n, predicci贸n, evaluaci贸n, etc

    Groundwater Recharge in the Southern Amargosa Desert Using Surface- Runoff Chemistry-11489

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    ABSTRACT Accurate estimates of groundwater recharge are necessary components for understanding longterm sustainability of groundwater resources and predictions of groundwater flow rates and flow directions. Amargosa Desert regional groundwater studies show that the surface runoff infiltration occur in the arroyos following runoff producing storms, and this infiltration is considered to be a major source of groundwater recharge. The present study attempts to investigate how water chemistry evolves during the surface runoff and infiltration processes, in the southern Amargosa Desert. In this ongoing study, four surface runoff samplers (SRS) were installed at two different arroyos in the southern Amargosa Desert to capture the surface runoff water. The sampling process included sediment, precipitation, and SRS water samples. In total, four SRS, six sediment, and two precipitation samples were collected between September, 2009 and January, 2010. Analysis of chloride and the stable isotopes of water show substantial overlap of values with underlying groundwater consistent with the concept that infiltration of surface runoff is a major contributor to groundwater recharge in the study area. Groundwater ion concentrations represent a large collection of infiltration events occurring over time, and an exact match with surface runoff samples is unlikely. The SRS design proved its ability to function in arid weather conditions and capture surface-runoff. Further sample collection, statistical analysis, and infiltration modeling will be required to fully describe the evolution of water chemistry between infiltration and old groundwater

    Safety implication for an unsaturated zone nuclear waste repository

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    In this paper we shed some light on the safety of unsaturated zone nuclear geological repositories in the long run by examining the effect of physical and chemical processes that take place inside a partially failed nuclear waste container. Our analysis addresses the safety of the proposed nuclear repository at Yucca Mountain, which is intended to store high-level nuclear waste. Our study is independent of the US Department of Energy (DOE) analysis, which involves a number of complex computer codes and assumptions, and relies on the performance of an engineered barrier system. Our safety analysis could be applied in general to any geological repository designed to be in an unsaturated zone, since it is based on the geology, unsaturated zone location, and a key characteristic of the waste, heat production. This analysis shows that the radionuclide release from a partially failed waste container, stored in an unsaturated zone geological repository, is likely to be gradual and long delayed.Geological repository Advective transport Radionuclide sequestration


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    Ciudad Ju谩rez, Chihuahua se localiza en la regi贸n fronteriza en el norte del pa铆s donde las caracter铆sticas de aridez de esta regi贸n hacen que el agua sea un factor limitante. Aunado a esto, es muy probable que las autoridades locales pr贸ximamente no permitan elriego de parques con agua potable y por lo tanto se deben evaluar diferentes opciones. Para este estudio, se aplic贸 una encuesta a 60 familias habitantes del Fraccionamiento Quinta Esmeralda con el objetivo de determinar las preferencias de los residentes con respecto a cinco alternativas propuestas para el riego de su parque, cada una con distintos atributos (bondades y limitaciones) que se dieron a conocer a los encuestados. Ninguna opci贸n result贸 seleccionada directamente por m谩s del 25% de los encuestados. La encuesta tambi茅n incluyo preguntas espec铆ficas sobre la apreciaci贸n por parte de los residentes de los distintos atributos asociadoscon cada opci贸n para usarse como criterios para la selecci贸n de la alternativa m谩s adecuada. Este estudio utiliza la herramienta TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) de Toma de Decisiones Multicriterio para evaluar diferentes alternativas de riego del parque, de tal forma que se encuentra aquella que mejor cumple con los criterios de los residentes para la administraci贸n de los recursos h铆dricos. Las cinco opciones evaluadas fueron: 1) Remplazo por zacate artificial, 2) Remplazo de vegetaci贸n actual por vegetaci贸n end茅mica, 3) Riego por agua tratada, 4) Desarrollo de un parque hundido, y 5) Riego por goteo. Los criterios utilizados para evaluaci贸n de las alternativas fueron: Costo de instalaci贸n, Costo de mantenimiento, Perdida de vegetaci贸n, Perdida de espacio, Consumo de agua potable, y P茅rdida est茅tica del parque. El an谩lisis indica que la alternativa que mejor cumple con los intereses de los residentes es la de reemplazo de la actual vegetaci贸n del parque por la misma cantidad de vegetaci贸n end茅mica que requiere de menor riego y mantenimiento manteniendo as铆 el mismo uso del espacio y aproximadamente la misma est茅tica del parque