175 research outputs found

    Fotojournalistikk pÄ internett

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    Fotojournalistikk er visuell journalistikk som gjennom fotografi og video forteller en historie, eller formidler et budskap. Som fotojournalist skal man skildre og dokumentere virkeligheten med bilder. I fotojournalistikken er ikke et bilde “bare et bilde”, men noe som dokumenterer en virkelighet, supplerer en skriftlig tekst, eller forteller en helt egen historie. Denne oppgaven tar for seg fotojournalistikkens historie, og bruk av fotografiet i nyhetsmediene. Ved hjelp av intervjuer med fotojournalister i Schibsted-avisene VG og Aftenposten, og en frilanser, innhentes materiale som kan fortelle hvordan fotojournalisten og hans/hennes fotografi har endret seg i takt med den digitale medieutviklingen. Oppgaven analyserer dagens forutsetninger for fotojournalistikk, og undersĂžker hvordan fotojournalistens redaksjonelle rolle har endret seg. Avslutningsvis tar oppgaven for seg fotografiet, og undersĂžker hvordan det brukes i den moderne journalistikken pĂ„ internett. Den digitale utviklingen og innovasjoner pĂ„ markedet har endret arbeidshverdagen til fotojournalister i norske mediehus. Det dreier seg om flere plattformer Ă„ levere pĂ„, en kontinuerlig deadline, og et nytt fokus pĂ„ digitale flater. Studien viser at mediene i dag har blitt stadig mer kommersielle. Dette kan gĂ„ pĂ„ bekostning av utfĂžrelsen av samfunnsoppdraget. Underholdningsverdien og klikkvennligheten til sakene og de tilhĂžrende bildene kan bli viktigere enn den visuelle fremstillingen og informasjonsformidlingen. Det er et kontinuerlig behov for visuelt innhold, som gir et Ăžkende behov for nye fotografer og journalister som kan levere dette innholdet. De ulike virksomhetene fĂ„r stadig nye konkurrenter, bĂ„de i form av sĂ„kalte "borgerjournalister", konkurrerende mediehus, og ny teknologi. Det opprettes nye stillinger og digitale satsinger i hĂ„p om Ă„ vinne kampen om folks tid i dagens multimediale samfunn.Masteroppgave i medier og kommunikasjonMEVI350MASV-MEV

    Voltage Sensor Inactivation in Potassium Channels

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    In voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels membrane depolarization causes movement of a voltage sensor domain. This conformational change of the protein is transmitted to the pore domain and eventually leads to pore opening. However, the voltage sensor domain may interact with two distinct gates in the pore domain: the activation gate (A-gate), involving the cytoplasmic S6 bundle crossing, and the pore gate (P-gate), located externally in the selectivity filter. How the voltage sensor moves and how tightly it interacts with these two gates on its way to adopt a relaxed conformation when the membrane is depolarized may critically determine the mode of Kv channel inactivation. In certain Kv channels, voltage sensor movement leads to a tight interaction with the P-gate, which may cause conformational changes that render the selectivity filter non-conductive (“P/C-type inactivation”). Other Kv channels may preferably undergo inactivation from pre-open closed-states during voltage sensor movement, because the voltage sensor temporarily uncouples from the A-gate. For this behavior, known as “preferential” closed-state inactivation, we introduce the term “A/C-type inactivation”. Mechanistically, P/C- and A/C-type inactivation represent two forms of “voltage sensor inactivation.

    Kinetic and cross-linking studies indicate different receptors for endothelins and sarafotoxins in the ileum and cerebellum

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    AbstractKinetics of ligand/receptor interactions using ET-1, ET-3 and SRTX-b were studied and cross-linking experiments carried out in guinea pig ileum and rat cerebellar preparations. Dissociation studies indicate that the two regions are characterized by different receptor subtypes and different modes of ligand binding. Autoradiographic patterns obtained following cross-linking of ET-1 and ET-3 to the different issues support these conclusions

    Auditory Cortical Detection and Discrimination Correlates with Communicative Significance

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    Plasticity studies suggest that behavioral relevance can change the cortical processing of trained or conditioned sensory stimuli. However, whether this occurs in the context of natural communication, where stimulus significance is acquired through social interaction, has not been well investigated, perhaps because neural responses to species-specific vocalizations can be difficult to interpret within a systematic framework. The ultrasonic communication system between isolated mouse pups and adult females that either do or do not recognize the calls' significance provides an opportunity to explore this issue. We applied an information-based analysis to multi- and single unit data collected from anesthetized mothers and pup-naĂŻve females to quantify how the communicative significance of pup calls affects their encoding in the auditory cortex. The timing and magnitude of information that cortical responses convey (at a 2-ms resolution) for pup call detection and discrimination was significantly improved in mothers compared to naĂŻve females, most likely because of changes in call frequency encoding. This was not the case for a non-natural sound ensemble outside the mouse vocalization repertoire. The results demonstrate that a sensory cortical change in the timing code for communication sounds is correlated with the vocalizations' behavioral relevance, potentially enhancing functional processing by improving its signal to noise ratio

    A Membrane-Bound Vertebrate Globin

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    The family of vertebrate globins includes hemoglobin, myoglobin, and other O2-binding proteins of yet unclear functions. Among these, globin X is restricted to fish and amphibians. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) globin X is expressed at low levels in neurons of the central nervous system and appears to be associated with the sensory system. The protein harbors a unique N-terminal extension with putative N-myristoylation and S-palmitoylation sites, suggesting membrane-association. Intracellular localization and transport of globin X was studied in 3T3 cells employing green fluorescence protein fusion constructs. Both myristoylation and palmitoylation sites are required for correct targeting and membrane localization of globin X. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a vertebrate globin has been identified as component of the cell membrane. Globin X has a hexacoordinate binding scheme and displays cooperative O2 binding with a variable affinity (P50∌1.3–12.5 torr), depending on buffer conditions. A respiratory function of globin X is unlikely, but analogous to some prokaryotic membrane-globins it may either protect the lipids in cell membrane from oxidation or may act as a redox-sensing or signaling protein

    Sex Bias in Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Neuroinflammation: Relevance for Dimethyl Fumarate Immunomodulatory/Anti-oxidant Action

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    In the present study, upon showing sexual dimorphism in dimethyl fumarate (DMF) efficacy to moderate the clinical severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Dark Agouti rats, cellular and molecular substrate of this dimorphism was explored. In rats of both sexes, DMF administration from the day of immunization attenuated EAE severity, but this effect was more prominent in males leading to loss of the sexual dimorphism observed in vehicle-administered controls. Consistently, in male rats, DMF was more efficient in diminishing the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes infiltrating spinal cord (SC) and their reactivation, the number of IL-17+ T lymphocytes and particularly cellularity of their highly pathogenic IFN-gamma+GM-CSF+IL-17+ subset. This was linked with changes in SC CD11b+CD45+TCR alpha beta- microglia/proinflammatory monocyte progeny, substantiated in a more prominent increase in the frequency of anti-inflammatory phygocyting CD163+ cells and the cells expressing high surface levels of immunoregulatory CD83 molecule (associated with apoptotic cells phagocytosis and implicated in downregulation of CD4+ T lymphocyte reactivation) among CD11b+CD45+TCR alpha beta- cells in male rat SC. These changes were associated with greater increase in the nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 expression in male rats administered with DMF. In accordance with the previous findings, DMF diminished reactive nitrogen and oxygen species generation and consistently, SC level of advanced oxidation protein products, to the greater extent in male rats. Overall, our study indicates sex-specificity in the sensitivity of DMF cellular and molecular targets and encourages sex-based clinical research to define significance of sex for action of therapeutic agents moderating autoimmune neuroinflammation-/oxidative stress-related nervous tissue damage

    Fotojournalistikk pÄ internett

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    Fotojournalistikk er visuell journalistikk som gjennom fotografi og video forteller en historie, eller formidler et budskap. Som fotojournalist skal man skildre og dokumentere virkeligheten med bilder. I fotojournalistikken er ikke et bilde “bare et bilde”, men noe som dokumenterer en virkelighet, supplerer en skriftlig tekst, eller forteller en helt egen historie. Denne oppgaven tar for seg fotojournalistikkens historie, og bruk av fotografiet i nyhetsmediene. Ved hjelp av intervjuer med fotojournalister i Schibsted-avisene VG og Aftenposten, og en frilanser, innhentes materiale som kan fortelle hvordan fotojournalisten og hans/hennes fotografi har endret seg i takt med den digitale medieutviklingen. Oppgaven analyserer dagens forutsetninger for fotojournalistikk, og undersĂžker hvordan fotojournalistens redaksjonelle rolle har endret seg. Avslutningsvis tar oppgaven for seg fotografiet, og undersĂžker hvordan det brukes i den moderne journalistikken pĂ„ internett. Den digitale utviklingen og innovasjoner pĂ„ markedet har endret arbeidshverdagen til fotojournalister i norske mediehus. Det dreier seg om flere plattformer Ă„ levere pĂ„, en kontinuerlig deadline, og et nytt fokus pĂ„ digitale flater. Studien viser at mediene i dag har blitt stadig mer kommersielle. Dette kan gĂ„ pĂ„ bekostning av utfĂžrelsen av samfunnsoppdraget. Underholdningsverdien og klikkvennligheten til sakene og de tilhĂžrende bildene kan bli viktigere enn den visuelle fremstillingen og informasjonsformidlingen. Det er et kontinuerlig behov for visuelt innhold, som gir et Ăžkende behov for nye fotografer og journalister som kan levere dette innholdet. De ulike virksomhetene fĂ„r stadig nye konkurrenter, bĂ„de i form av sĂ„kalte "borgerjournalister", konkurrerende mediehus, og ny teknologi. Det opprettes nye stillinger og digitale satsinger i hĂ„p om Ă„ vinne kampen om folks tid i dagens multimediale samfunn

    FörbÀttring av ett informationssystem för kraftledningar genom att kombinera BIM- och LiDAR-data

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    With the great ongoing energy transition in Sweden, Svenska KraftnĂ€t (SVK) sees a huge need for investment in the Swedish transmission network and supporting IT- systems.  SVK has a great amount of collected laser data over the electric power transmission network however this data does not contain any semantic attribution that can be analyzed on broader information systems. The overall focus of this thesis is to investigate ways to enhance an information system. This thesis focuses particularly on the ability to combine information from pylon-3D-BIM models with point clouds of pylons gathered via an airborne laser scanner. Point cloud data from a 200-kilometer-long power line corridor between Djurmo and Lindbacka, including pylons, was provided by SVK. Two different methods to compile different data types to a single information system are investigated in this thesis. The first method is established by matching different types of pylon 3D-models to the respective reference point clouds using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP). The pylon models used for this method were S1J, B1J and SV2J pylons.The second method is based on segmentation of meaningful pylon parts from the point cloud data using predefined information about the shape of the pylons. The pylon models used for this method were S1J and B1J pylons. The goal was to automate the process and extract information as well as perform computations dynamically. This has been done using Feature Manipulation Engine (FME). The results are evaluated by comparing the two methods based on performance, reliability, and purpose. 93 % of the ICP comparisons showed that the best match between a point cloud model and a 3D-model was achieved when comparing models of the same pylon type. The highest accuracy was achieved when comparing an S1J pylon point cloud to an S1J pylon 3D-model.The segmentation method was used to successfully segment the beam, insulators and legs from the pylon point cloud data. A small sample size of pylon point clouds as well as a low number of different pylon 3D-models were used but both methods can be seen as a proof of concept that could be further evaluated in the future. In conclusion both methods used in this project were used successfully in order to enhance a power line information system.Med den stora pĂ„gĂ„ende energiomstĂ€llningen i Sverige ser Svenska KraftnĂ€t (SVK) ett stort behov av investeringar i det svenska transmissionsnĂ€tet och stödjande IT-system.  SVK har en stor mĂ€ngd insamlade laserdata över transmissionsnĂ€tet, men dessa data innehĂ„ller inte nĂ„gon semantisk tilldelning som kan analyseras i bredare informationssystem. Det övergripande fokuset i detta arbete Ă€r att undersöka sĂ€tt att förbĂ€ttra ett informationssystem. Detta examensarbete fokuserar sĂ€rskilt pĂ„ möjligheten att kombinera information frĂ„n stolp-3D-BIM-modeller med punktmoln av stolpar insamlade via en flygburen laserskanner. Punktmolnsdata frĂ„n en 200 kilometer lĂ„ng kraftledningskorridor mellan Djurmo och Lindbacka, inklusive ledningsstolpar, tillhandahölls av SVK. TvĂ„ olika metoder för att sammanstĂ€lla olika datatyper till ett enda informationssystem undersöks i detta arbete. Den första metoden etableras genom att matcha olika typer av 3D-modeller av stolpar med respektive referens-punktmoln med hjĂ€lp av algoritmen Iterative Closest Point (ICP). De stolpmodeller som anvĂ€ndes för denna metod var S1J-, B1J- och SV2J-stolpar.Den andra metoden baseras pĂ„ segmentering av meningsfulla stolpdelar frĂ„n punktmolnsdata med hjĂ€lp av fördefinierad information om stolparnas utformning. Stolpmodellerna som anvĂ€ndes för denna metod var S1J- och B1J-stolpar. MĂ„let var att automatisera processen och extrahera information samt utföra berĂ€kningar dynamiskt. Detta har gjorts med hjĂ€lp av Feature Manipulation Engine (FME). Resultaten utvĂ€rderas genom att jĂ€mföra de tvĂ„ metoderna baserat pĂ„ prestanda, tillförlitlighet och syfte. 93 % av ICP-jĂ€mförelserna visade att den bĂ€sta matchningen mellan en punktmolnsmodell och en 3D-modell uppnĂ„ddes nĂ€r man jĂ€mförde modeller av samma stolptyp. Punktmolnet för en S1J-stolpe visade den högsta noggrannheten nĂ€r det jĂ€mfördes med en 3D-modell av samma stolptyp. Den högsta noggrannheten uppnĂ„ddes nĂ€r punktmolnet för en S1J-stolpe jĂ€mfördes med 3D-modellen av en S1J-stolpe.Segmenteringsmetoden anvĂ€ndes för att framgĂ„ngsrikt segmentera balk, isolatorer och ben frĂ„n punktmolnet. Ett litet urval av stolp-punktmoln samt ett lĂ„gt antal olika 3D-modeller av stolpar anvĂ€ndes men bĂ„da metoderna kan ses som ett “proof of concept” som kan utvĂ€rderas ytterligare i framtiden. Sammanfattningsvis anvĂ€ndes bĂ„da metoderna i detta projekt framgĂ„ngsrikt för att förbĂ€ttra ett kraftledningsinformationssystem

    Formen av en mÀnniska

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    I denna uppsats har jag gjort en nĂ€rlĂ€sning av romanen No Longer Human (1948), skriven av den japanske författaren Osamu Dazai (1909 - 1948) och översatt till engelska (1958) av den amerikanske forskaren Donald Keene (1922 - 2019).      Romanen tillhör shishosetsu, en semi-sjĂ€lvbiografisk genre som formades i Japan under det tidiga 1900-talet.     Först beskrivs genren i dess historiska kontext och de idĂ©er som format den. Under analysen Ă€r prologen och första anteckningsboken i huvudfokus. SprĂ„ket och stilen analyseras, följd av en sektion som diskuterar mer noggrannare relationen mellan författare och fiktiv karaktĂ€r. Slutsatsen jag kom fram till Ă€r att bokens handling kompletteras av genrens komponenter. Romanens lekfulla förhĂ„llande till verkligheten, och de förvĂ€ntningar en vĂ€stlig lĂ€sare har, skapar en kĂ€nsla av osĂ€kerhet eftersom författaren inte finns med i det som borde vara dennes berĂ€ttelse.   Nyckelord: Shishosetsu, Dazai, genre, nĂ€rvaro, verklighetIn this essay I have done a close reading of the novel No Longer Human (1948) written by the Japanese author Osamu Dazai (1909 – 1948) and translated to English (1958) by the American-born Japanese scholar Donald Keene (1922 – 2019).     The novel belongs to shishosetsu, a semi-autobiographic genre that formed in Japan during the early 20th- century. The genre is first presented in its historical context and what ideas shaped it. During the analysis, the prologue and the first notebook are the main focus. The language and the style are analysed, followed by a section that thoroughly discusses the relationship between author and fictional character. The conclusion I draw is that the novels story is complemented by the genres components. The novels playful relationship with reality, and the expectations a reader from the West may have, creates a sense of confusion and hopelessness since the author is not present in what should be his story.   Keyword: Shishosetsu, Dazai, genre, presence, realit
