827 research outputs found

    Between site similarity in species composition of a number of Panamanian insect groups

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    Latar Belakang Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2021, indeks pelacakan DBD memprediksi IR DBD sebesar 27 per 100.000 orang dan CFR DBD meningkat menjadi 0,96%. Karena peningkatan jumlah kasus, deteksi dini yang efektif sangat penting untuk pengobatan pasien DBD. Provinsi NTT hanya mencapai persentase target pencegahan DBD nasional 72,7% menunjukan upaya pencegahan dilakukan kurang optimal. Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kasus DBD yang dikonfirmasi secara serologis di Puskesmas Kota dengan variabel lama demam, perilaku penggunaan 3M plus, dan pengasapan. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dan mensurvei 90 pegawai Puskesmas Kota. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05. Hasil Partisipan penelitian memiliki usia rata-rata 14,5 tahun (berkisar antara 6 hingga 72 tahun), sebagian besar adalah laki-laki (51,7%), dan telah menyelesaikan sekolah dasar sebagai gelar pendidikan formal terbesar mereka. Persentase responden yang menderita DBD II sebesar 68,9%. dengan rata-rata pemeriksaan dilakukan di puskesmas pada demam hari ke empat yaitu 38.9%. Responden yang menerapkan perilaku 3M plus sebesar 52.2% dan rumah tangga yang belum mendapatkan fogging sebesar 74.4%. Hasil uji chi-square bivariat menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara lama demam dengan prevalensi DBD yang ditentukan dengan uji serologis (p = 0,235), tetapi ada hubungan antara perilaku 3M plus dengan prevalensi DBD (p = 0,000), dan ada hubungan antara fogging dengan prevalensi DBD (p = 0,013). (nilai p 0,000). xi Kesimpulan Pemeriksaan serologi di Puskesmas Kota tidak ada korelasi dengan lamanya suhu, namun ada korelasi antara perilaku penggunaan 3M plus dan fogging dengan kejadian DBD

    Reconciling timber extraction with biodiversity conservation in tropical forests using reduced-impact logging

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    Over 20% of the world's tropical forests have been selectively logged, and large expanses are allocated for future timber extraction. Reduced-impact logging (RIL) is being promoted as best practice forestry that increases sustainability and lowers CO2 emissions from logging, by reducing collateral damage associated with timber extraction. RIL is also expected to minimize the impacts of selective logging on biodiversity, although this is yet to be thoroughly tested. We undertake the most comprehensive study to date to investigate the biodiversity impacts of RIL across multiple taxonomic groups. We quantified birds, bats and large mammal assemblage structures, using a before-after control-impact (BACI) design across 20 sample sites over a 5-year period. Faunal surveys utilized point counts, mist nets and line transects and yielded >250 species. We examined assemblage responses to logging, as well as partitions of feeding guild and strata (understorey vs. canopy), and then tested for relationships with logging intensity to assess the primary determinants of community composition. Community analysis revealed little effect of RIL on overall assemblages, as structure and composition were similar before and after logging, and between logging and control sites. Variation in bird assemblages was explained by natural rates of change over time, and not logging intensity. However, when partitioned by feeding guild and strata, the frugivorous and canopy bird ensembles changed as a result of RIL, although the latter was also associated with change over time. Bats exhibited variable changes post-logging that were not related to logging, whereas large mammals showed no change at all. Indicator species analysis and correlations with logging intensities revealed that some species exhibited idiosyncratic responses to RIL, whilst abundance change of most others was associated with time. Synthesis and applications. Our study demonstrates the relatively benign effect of reduced-impact logging (RIL) on birds, bats and large mammals in a neotropical forest context, and therefore, we propose that forest managers should improve timber extraction techniques more widely. If RIL is extensively adopted, forestry concessions could represent sizeable and important additions to the global conservation estate – over 4 million km2

    A general framework for analyzing beta diversity, nestedness and related community-level phenomena based on abundance data

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    We describe a procedure for evaluating the relative importance of beta diversity, nestedness, and similarity properties of ecological data matrices containing density, cover or biomass scores of species. Our goals are achieved by extension of the simplex approach – originally proposed for presence–absence data – to abundances. Basically, the method involves decomposition of the Marczewski–Steinhaus coefficient of dissimilarity between pairs of sites into two fractions, one derived from differences between total abundance and the other from differences due to abundance replacement. These are contrasted by the similarity function counterpart, known as the Ruzicka coefficient, and are displayed graphically using ternary (or 2D simplex) plots. Interpretation is aided by calculating percentage contributions from these components to the (dis)similarity structure. Measures of replacement and nestedness are new for abundance data; these are considered complementary phenomena reflecting antithetic ecological processes that are analogous to those operating at the presence–absence level. The method is illustrated by artificial data and a range of actual ecological data sets representing different groups of organisms, different scales and different types of data. While the simplex diagrams and associated coefficients are meaningful by themselves, their comparison with presence–absence based results gives additional insight into data structure and background factors
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