196 research outputs found

    Aristotle for women. On the Polish translation of Problemata Aristotelis (Omnes homines) (1535)

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    The article contains a presentation of the Polish version of the Problemata Aristotelis (Omnes homines). The author of the translation titled Problemata Aristotelis. Considerations Duly Selected from the Writings of the Great Philosopher Aristotle, As Well As Other Wise Men, Both of Natural and Medical Science (Problemata Aristotelis. Gadki z pisma wielkiego philosopha Aristotela i też inszych mędrców tak przyrodzonej jako i lekarskiej nauki z pilnością wybrane) was Andrzej Glaber of Kobylin, a professor at the Jagiellonian University, and his book was printed in Helena Ungler‘s printing house in 1535. The analysis of issues related primarily to women’s medicine and physiology allowed us to determine how Glaber adapted the medieval text to the mentality of a Polish reader from the 16th century, especially women (to whom the text was dedicated)

    The Influence of Horse Assisted Education on the Perception of Self-Efficacy in People Holding Leadership Positions

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    Introduction and purpose Self-efficacy is defined as an indicator of what a person thinks they can do in various circumstances (Bandura, 1997). The present study examines whether participation in Horse Assisted Education workshops dedicated to the development of leadership competencies contributed to changes in the perception of self-efficacy. Materials and methods This study uses the GSES along with the LSES scale, which was constructed for the purposes of this study to measure the perception of self-efficacy within four leadership functions (Griffin, 1984). The 24 study subjects participated in Horse Assisted Education leadership competency development workshops. Measurement with the use of questionnaires was carried out three times – prior to the workshop, after the workshop and two weeks after the workshop. Results No changes in terms of generalized perception of self-efficacy were shown in the first and the second measurement, whereas the third measurement showed a significant increase. Measurements performed with the LSES questionnaire showed an increase in the perception of self-efficacy in performing leadership functions immediately after the workshops. A detailed analysis of changes within each of the presented leadership functions showed growth in the perception of self-efficacy in the second measurement with regard to motivating skills, and in the third measurement – in relation to planning and organizing work, with no changes in terms of controlling skills. Conclusions The results of the present study show that Horse Assisted Education can be used as an effective tool to strengthen the perception of self-efficacy in leadership skills. It is necessary to conduct research that takes into account replication on a larger population, and to test the effectiveness of the method in other applications

    Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage in a 60-year-old woman diagnosed in an ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography : a case report and review of literature

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    Purpose: Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage (TAPVD) is a congenital cardiac defect in which there is no connection between pulmonary veins and the left atrium. Pulmonary veins form a confluence independent of the left atrium and drain to a systemic vein. TAPVD types are: supracardiac, cardiac, infracardiac, and mixed. TAPVD accounts for approximately 1.5-2.2% of all congenital heart diseases. This anomaly is usually diagnosed in the neonatal period, and it coexists with atrial septal defect. Adult cases of TAPVD are rarely reported. Case report: We report a rare case of a 60-year-old woman with incidentally found, uncorrected TAPVD in ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography. In previous echocardiographic examinations partial anomalous pulmonary venous return and atrial septal defect were diagnosed. Conclusions: ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography is a valuable diagnostic method for adults with congenital heart disease. It enables evaluation of coronary arteries and simultaneously provides detailed anatomy of great vessels

    EU Energy and Climate Policies: Challenges and Opportunities for Poland

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    Along with the observed in the second half of the 20th century progressing climate change and accelerating greenhouse gas emissions levels (GHG-greenhouse gases), the European Commission (EC) actively started to act, both internally and globally, against these adverse changes. This paper presents the current energy and climate policy of the European Union resulting from the long-term strategy based on developing low-carbon economy, and analyses its influence on energy transformation of the Polish economy. It contains results of analyses and assessments of the implementation process of energy and climate policy in the economy of Poland as an EU member, economic restructuring and it indicates challenges connected with the practical aspects of EU energy policy objectives implementation in the near future. The analysis is based on literature of the subject, EU strategic programming documents relating to the strategy of developing low-carbon economy in the EU, those relating to energy and climate policies, legal acts, reports and industry publications as well as Polish background documents and regulations. The analysis concerns the period between 2004 and 2017 and contains actual data obtained from EUROSTAT and GUS (Statistics Poland). Keywords: Energy Policy, Climate Policy, The European Union, Poland, Clean Energy JEL Classifications: Q48, Q58, F53 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.1145

    Venezia e Padova nelle poesie in latino di Klemens Janicki

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    This article discusses selected elegies and epigrams by Klemens Janicki which contain descriptions of Padua, Italy and people associated with the city of Antenor and Venice: Lazzaro Bonamico, Giovanni Battista Da Monte, Fran­cesco Cassano, Pietro Bemba, Ludovico Dolce, Daniele Barbaro. The author argues that Janicki succeeded in creating an image of Italy and, above all, Padua – a second homeland where the poet could develop, study, and be cured. The poems associated with Italy and Padua also help to enrich the lite­rary biography of Janicius – a citizen of the world, a laureate poet, a cheerful student, a happy patient, a friend, and colleague of the people associated with the Republic of Venice in the first half of the 16th century.L’articolo tratta di elegie ed epigrammi scelti composti da Klemens Janicki, i quali contengono descrizioni di Padova, dell’Italia e di persone legate alla città di Antenore e a Venezia: Lazzaro Bonamico, Giovanni Battista Da Monte, Francesco Cassano, Pietro Bembo, Ludovico Dolce, Daniele Barbaro. L’Autrice sostiene che Janicki sia riuscito a creare un’immagine dell’Italia ed in particolare di Padova, una seconda patria, dove il poeta potè svilupparsi, studiare ed essere curato. Le poesie legate all’Italia e Padova contribuiscono inoltre ad arricchire la biografia letteraria di Janicki, un cittadino del mondo, un poeta laurato, uno studente allegro, un paziente felice, un amico e un collega delle persone legate alla Repubblica di Venezia nella prima metà del XVI secolo

    The TOB/SAM complex: an essential function in mitochondria biogenesis

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    Białka tworzące strukturę beczułki b występują w błonie zewnętrznej bakterii Gramujemnych oraz w błonie zewnętrznej organelli pochodzenia endosymbiotycznego, tj. mitochondriów i chloroplastów, gdzie mogą pełnić różne funkcje. Mitochondrialne białka o strukturze beczułki b biorą udział w imporcie białka, transporcie metabolitów oraz w regulacji morfologii i dystrybucji mitochondriów. Białka te uznaje siê takze za istotny element ewolucji mitochondriów. Mechanizm wbudowywania białek tworzących strukturę beczułki b w błone zewnętrzną mitochondriów i bakterii Gram-ujemnych został niedawno opisany. Co więcej, wykazano, iż uległ on utrwaleniu w toku ewolucji. W przypadku mitochondriów w procesie tym uczestniczy kompleks TOB/SAM (topogeneza białek zewnętrznej błony mitochondrialnej tworzących strukturę beczułki b/maszyneria sortowania i składania białek), tworzony przez trzy podstawowe białka: Tob55 (Sam50), Tob38 (Sam35) and Mas 37 (Sam37). Wyniki analizy filogenetycznej wskazują, iż białko Tob55 pochodzi od bakteryjnego białka Omp85, podczas gdy inne mitochondrialne białka o strukturze beczułki b nie mają homologów wśród białek bakteryjnych.b-barrel proteins are present in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and of organelles of endosymbiotic origin, i.e. mitochondria and chloroplasts where they perform a variety of functions. Mitochondrial b-barrel proteins are important for protein import, metabolite transport and the organelle morphology and distribution. They also seem to play a crucial role in mitochondria evolution. Quite recently a specific pathway for the insertion of b-barrel proteins was identified in both mitochondria and Gram-negative bacteria and was proved to be conserved during evolution. In mitochondria the pathway is formed by the TOB/SAM complex (topogenesis of the mitochondrial outer membrane b-barrel proteins/ sorting and assembly machinery) composed of three main proteins, namely Tob55 (Sam50), Tob38 (Sam35) and Mas 37 (Sam37). Phylogenetic analysis provides a strong case for the evolution of Tob55 from the bacterial homologue Omp85 while other mitochondrial b-barrel proteins do not display amino acid homology with bacterial b-barrel proteins

    Communication between mitochondria and nucleus: Putative role for VDAC in reduction/oxidation mechanism

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    AbstractVoltage dependent anion channel (VDAC) was identified in 1976 and since that time has been extensively studied. It is well known that VDAC transports metabolites across the outer mitochondrial membrane. The simple transport function is indispensable for proper mitochondria functions and, consequently for cell activity, and makes VDAC crucial for a range of cellular processes including ATP rationing, Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptosis execution. Here, we review recent data obtained for Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells used as a model system concerning the putative role of VDAC in communication between mitochondria and the nucleus. The S. cerevisiae VDAC isoform known as VDAC1 (termed here YVDAC) mediates the cytosol reduction/oxidation (redox) state that contributes to regulation of expression and activity of cellular proteins including proteins that participate in protein import into mitochondria and antioxidant enzymes. Simultaneously, copper-and-zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) plays an important role in controlling YVDAC activity and expression levels. Thus, it is proposed that VDAC constitutes an important component of a regulatory mechanism based on the cytosol redox state

    Periodontitis and prevalence of cardiovascular diseases

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    Choroby przyzębia to powszechnie występujące schorzenie jamy ustnej wśród ludzi. Jako przyzębie określa się tkanki otaczające ząb, a ich proces zapalny z czasem może prowadzić do utraty zębów. W wielu pracach badawczych wskazuje się na wpływ periodontitis na występowanie chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Spośród badanych hipotez dotyczących wpływu aktywnych ognisk zapalnych wymienia się bezpośredni uszkadzający wpływ bakteriemii oraz oddziaływanie na ścianę naczyń cytokin i mediatorów zapalnych uwalnianych podczas przewlekłego zapalenia przyzębia. Skutkuje to powstaniem blaszek miażdżycowych, pogrubieniem kompleksu błony środkowej i wewnętrznej, dysfunkcją śródbłonka i zwiększeniem sztywności naczyń, co prowadzi do wzrostu centralnego i obwodowego ciśnienia tętniczego, a w dalszej kolejności — do przerostu mięśnia lewej komory. Kliniczne manifestacje miażdżycy to: choroba niedokrwienna serca, zawał serca, udar niedokrwienny mózgu oraz miażdżyca zarostowa tętnic kończyn dolnych. Zapalenie przyzębia jest czynnikiem ryzyka podlegającym modyfikacji. Wysoka zapadalność na choroby przyzębia oraz powszechne występowanie chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego wskazują na potrzebę zwrócenia uwagi na ewentualną korelację z myślą o wprowadzeniu odpowiednich badań profilaktycznych. Ważne jest, aby do rutynowego badania chorych włączyć ocenę jamy ustnej, zwłaszcza wśród pacjentów obciążonych wysokim ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym. Również wśród pacjentów ze stwierdzoną chorobą przyzębia należałoby oszacować ryzyko sercowo-naczyniowe i wdrożyć odpowiednie leczenie periodontologiczne.Periodontal disease is a common disease of the oral cavity of humans. Periodontium refers to tissues that surround and support the teeth, and their inflammation may lead to teeth loss. Numerous studies have confirmed the relationship between periodontitis and prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. Investigated hypotheses regarding impact of active foci of inflammation on vessel walls include direct, adverse impact of bacteraemia and the influence of cytokines and inflammatory mediators released during chronic periodontitis. This results in emergence of atheromatous plaques, increased intima-media thickness, endothelial dysfunction and increased vessel rigidity, which leads to increased central and peripheral blood pressure, and consequently, to left ventricular hypertrophy. Clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis include: ischaemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, ischaemic stroke and obliterative atherosclerosis of arteries in the lower extremities. Periodontitis is a modifiable risk factor. High incidence of the periodontal diseases and substantial prevalence of cardiovascular diseases have brought the need to investigate their possible correlation, with the intention to introduce appropriate preventive examinations. It is important to include examination of the oral cavity in the prospective routine testing, especially in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease. In patients diagnosed with periodontitis, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases should also be evaluated, and proper treatment of the periodontal disease should be applied