Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia: Open Journal Systems / Riviste on line
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    78 research outputs found

    “El negativo proceder de la Ilustración”. Razones historiográficas de la crítica hegeliana a la Ilustración en Fe y saber

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    This paper examines Hegel’s critique of Enlightenment in the work Faith and Knowledge (1802). To that end, we assess the recent work of several historians who study Enlightenment and dissociate it from the French Revolution and describe the tipology (French, British, German) of the European, Cosmopolitan Enlightenment

    Hermeneutical Reflections on Mathematical Significance

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    This paper aims to investigate the meaning of mathematics in context of its applicability. Realism and Nominalism as dominant traditional ways of philosophizing are critically analyzed with the end of working out the problematics that would lead to the priority of the question of applicability over abstract theorizing about metaphysical existence of mathematical entities. An answer to the question of applicability will be examined to the extent which would lead to an analogy with historical practices of classical philology. Interpretive historical inquiry will be made to further extend analogy between the role of mathematics in context of its descriptive applicability in natural sciences, and the role of Dilthey’s hermeneutics as universal methodology for human sciences. The purpose of this investigation is to enrich conventional conceptions of mathematics within the sphere of mathematics education to incorporate a possibility of a hermeneutic approach to mathematical pedagogy

    Nuria Sánchez Madrid (ed.): Hannah Arendt y la literatura, Bellatierra, Barcelona, 2016, 193 pp.

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    No es un artículo, sino una reseña

    Necesidad y finalidad en la naturaleza y en el espíritu. Algunas indicaciones de la Ciencia de la lógica

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    I discuss here the importance that the theses on teleology have in the Doctrine of the Concept of the Science of Logic. I argue that they are not trivial, that they reverse Kant's in the Critique of Judgment and that they largely recover Aristotle's in the books of Physics, although for Hegel the internal teleology of self-producing beings is the truth of all teleology; however, for Aristotle, the teleology of those beings is the truth of necessity (of what Hegel calls "mechanism"), but not of the teleology of thought

    «O dolze terra aretina»: una canzone politica di Guittone d’Arezzo

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    This essay proposes a political reading of thesong O dolze terra aretina by Guittone d’Arezzo. Weshow that Guittone condemns the current situation of thecity of Arezzo and urges the citizens to reject the alliancewith Manfredi and to rejoin the Florentine Guelphs. Accordingto Guittone, the pro-imperial political group hasdegraded the civil coexistence of the city, putting it indanger. The song is explicitly critical toward the riskychoices of the powerful Guglielmino degli Ubertini,bishop from 1248 to 1289, who in 1258, with the conquestof Cortona, broke the pacts with the Florentines.The song is a fine example of “municipal” political poetry,based on a strong idea of city autonomy: in Guittone’svision, Arezzo could overcome the processes ofinternal disintegration and develop itself only through aframework of regional alliances in particular with Florence,so realizing the deep ambition of the TuscanGuelphs

    Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, ContriJohann Friedrich Blumenbach, Contributi alla storia na- turale, a cura di Mario Marino, prefazione di Giulio Bar- santi (Milano-Udine: Mimesis, 2018).

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    Review of: Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, Contributi alla storia naturale, a cura di Mario Marino, prefazione di Giulio Barsanti (Milano-Udine: Mimesis, 2018) by Laura Folles

    Penser les fondements de l’éthique sociale dans les deux derniers siècles de la République romaine

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze howthe reflection on the origins of the civilization was developedin Rome, at the end of the Republic, in a city whereduring centuries, nobody tried to go beyond this point ofabsolute origin that was the foundation of the Vrbs. In orderto explore not only Cicéro’s philosophic reflection,but also his rhetorical texts, especially the De inuentione,which contains at the beginning of its first book a veryinteresting explanatory myth both on the birth civilization,and on the evolution of human institutions. BeforeCicero, the satiric poet Lucilius had tried to give a Romanadaptation of the Stoic social naturalism, by depriving itof its universalist ambition and Lucretius had an extremelydeep reflection of the evolution of the selfish instinctwhich characterizes the human beings as all the livingbeings, towards forms more and more sophisticated ofsociability. We evoke also a Roman peculiarity in the expressionof the social oikeiôsis. All this shows the densityand the variety of the Roman thought on society at theend of the Republic

    L’homme animal politique et parlant selon Albert le Grand et Thomas d’Aquin

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    The present article intends to study, from thepoint of view of moral philosophy, the Aristotelian definitionof man, as a ‘political animal endowed with language’,in the interpretation of Albert the Great andThomas Aquinas. Regarding Albert, I take into accounthis theory of happiness and friendship ; regarding Aquinas,I study the conception of practical science, as well ashis theory of preaching

    El Tratado de los oficios de Roma: léxico e instuticiones de la Antigua Roma en la Península Ibérica (siglo XV)

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    In this contribution is edited for the first timethe Tratado de los oficios de Roma (ca. 1440-1450), theonly known anonymous Castilian translation of the latintext Officialium urbis Rome compendium (ca. 1425-1430), by de jurist David Sottili. Its codicological context,within the manuscript 10171 (Madrid, National Library ofSpain), from the library of the Marquis of Santillana, isdescribed. The spanish text is also studied in the cultural,literary and political milieu of Castile ruled by King JuanII

    L’ange comme être politique et parlant

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    Man is not the only political and speaking beingthat medieval thought was interested in. The angelmay also be considered as a political and speaking being.Yet, whereas the link between political life and linguisticfaculty seems obvious in the human case, it is far frombeing clear when it comes to the angel. Discussions aboutlocutio angelica and reflexions on hierarchia constitute,indeed, very different collections. This paper tries to ask,by considering more particularly the case of William ofAuvergne and of Peter of John Olivi, why the politicalquestion and the linguistic question do not manage toconnect in medieval angelology


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