11 research outputs found
Użytkownicy zewnętrzni polskiego miasta – wnioski z warsztatów gallery walk1
This paper is a result of the gallery walk workshop conducted in a group of specialists from various branches of science connected with the urban research, during the seminary summarizing the EBEH Project “Guests in a City – a City in relation to visitors – analysis of socio-spatial city structures in context of the City Users theory”. The gallery walk method was used as a tool to stimulate the discussion on four groups of city users in polish cities: students, tourists, foreigners and suburbs inhabitants. The results of discussion were compared with some main assumptions of the City Users theory. This approach helped authors to answer their main question: Are city users in polish cities as important as they are in described cases from Western Europe?Artykuł zawiera wyniki warsztatów gallery walk przeprowadzonych podczas seminarium podsumowującego projekt EBEH: „Przyjezdni w strukturze miasta – miasto wobec przyjezdnych, analiza struktur społeczno-przestrzennych miasta w kontekście teorii «użytkownika zewnętrznego»”. Warsztaty stanowiły formę dyskusji o czterech grupach użytkowników zewnętrznych polskich miast: studentach, turystach, obcokrajowcach i mieszkańcach strefy podmiejskiej, brali w nich udział eksperci z różnych dyscyplin zajmujących się problematyką miasta. Wyniki dyskusji odniesione zostały do przyjętych założeń teorii „użytkownika zewnętrznego”. Umożliwiło to odpowiedź na pytanie, czy użytkownicy zewnętrzni odgrywają tak znaczącą rolę w kształtowaniu struktury miasta polskiego, jak jest to opisane w literaturze w przypadku miast zachodnioeuropejskich
Krytyczne wizje geografii i planowania – sposoby myślenia, praktyka badawcza, niezgoda i naukowy aktywizm
We present a short description of the reasons for the establishment of the Critical Geography Research Unit at the Faculty of Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management of Adam Mickiewicz University, within the context of the Polish geography discipline. In addition, we present the research assumptions of our scientific activities, selected research questions guiding empirical inquiries and the intellectual foundations of the critical approach we are use in our research practice. We have included short descriptions of our projects, both current and recently completed, as well as an up-to-date offer of cooperation, addressed to everyone who wants to follow the paths of science in a similar way.W artykule prezentujemy, w skróconej formie, przyczyny powstania Pracowni Geografii Krytycznej na Wydziale Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej UAM. Powody te odnosimy głównie do kontekstu polskiej geografii. Poza tym w dalszej części tekstu prezentujemy założenia badawcze naszych aktywności naukowych, wybrane pytania badawcze kierujące dociekaniami empirycznymi oraz intelektualne podstawy stosowanego podejścia krytycznego. W tekście zawarliśmy krótkie opisy projektów zarówno aktualnych, jak i niedawno zakończonych oraz cały czas aktualną ofertę współpracy, skierowaną do wszystkich chcących w podobny sposób podążać ścieżkami nauki
Public Space in Different Cultural Conditions: The Cases of Glasgow and Poznań
Public spaces are among the most important components of the contemporary city. They are supposed to be places of vibrant social life, where a broad set of activities and behaviours can be observed. However, the role of public spaces as well as their spatial features can differ in various societies. The built environment, as a human creation, is affected by many social factors and one of them is culture. Thus, cultural conditions can have an impact on how urban space is created, perceived, and used. Those differences are most clearly visible in distant cultures, but they may occur to a greater or lesser extent within a single culture circle. Public spaces, because of their accessibility, egalitarianism, and wide range of users are especially useful as an area of research on the relationship between space and culture. This paper presents differences between Glasgow (United Kingdom) and Poznań (Poland) in the perception and attitude towards urban public space concerning cultural conditions. The theoretical background of the relations between space and culture, and the contemporary views of public space are discussed. Afterwards, the results of the survey study conducted in both cities are presented. The research results are discussed in the context of cultural differences derived from the cultural models and show that cultural dimensions can be used to explain the activity of users of urban public spaces. They also indicate that the variety in behaviour patterns and approaches to public space can be observed within the European cultural circle
The problem of harmonization and integration of data in geographic information system for the assessment determinants of spatial development
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie metod harmonizacji i integracji szczegółowych danych planistycznych na potrzeby zastosowania ich do analizy uwarunkowań rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane dla gmin powiatu poznańskiego. Każdemu ze studiów uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego nadano georeferencje, korzystając z podkładów topograficznych. Następnym krokiem była wektoryzacja poszczególnych wydzieleń oraz nadanie im wartości zgodnych z zawartymi w legendzie i opisie każdego ze studiów. W celu umożliwienia analiz w skali lokalnej dokonano harmonizacji wydzieleń pomiędzy poszczególnymi gminami.The aim of this study is to present methods for the harmonization and integration of detailed planning data for the use of them to analyse the determinants of development at the local level. The study is based on the data for the municipalities of the district of Poznan. Each of the planning documents was georefernced using topographic maps. The next step was the vectorization of individual polygons giving them a value consistent with those in the legend and the description of each of the studies. Harmonisation between the municipalities were done in order to enable analysis on a regional scale
Problem harmonizacji i integracji danych w systemach informacji geograficznej na potrzeby oceny uwarunkowań rozwoju przestrzennego
The aim of this study is to present methods for the harmonization and integration of detailed planning data for the use of them to analyse the determinants of development at the local level. The study is based on the data for the municipalities of the district of Poznan. Each of the planning documents was georefernced using topographic maps. The next step was the vectorization of individual polygons giving them a value consistent with those in the legend and the description of each of the studies. Harmonisation between the municipalities were done in order to enable analysis on a regional scale.Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie metod harmonizacji i integracji szczegółowych danych planistycznych na potrzeby zastosowania ich do analizy uwarunkowań rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane dla gmin powiatu poznańskiego. Każdemu ze studiów uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego nadano georeferencje, korzystając z podkładów topograficznych. Następnym krokiem była wektoryzacja poszczególnych wydzieleń oraz nadanie im wartości zgodnych z zawartymi w legendzie i opisie każdego ze studiów. W celu umożliwienia analiz w skali lokalnej dokonano harmonizacji wydzieleń pomiędzy poszczególnymi gminami
Operational Framework for Rapid, Very-high Resolution Mapping of Glacial Geomorphology Using Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure-from-Motion Approach
This study presents the operational framework for rapid, very-high resolution mapping of glacial geomorphology, with the use of budget Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and a structure-from-motion approach. The proposed workflow comprises seven stages: (1) Preparation and selection of the appropriate platform; (2) transport; (3) preliminary on-site activities (including optional ground-control-point collection); (4) pre-flight setup and checks; (5) conducting the mission; (6) data processing; and (7) mapping and change detection. The application of the proposed framework has been illustrated by a mapping case study on the glacial foreland of Hørbyebreen, Svalbard, Norway. A consumer-grade quadcopter (DJI Phantom) was used to collect the data, while images were processed using the structure-from-motion approach. The resultant orthomosaic (1.9 cm ground sampling distance—GSD) and digital elevation model (7.9 cm GSD) were used to map the glacial-related landforms in detail. It demonstrated the applicability of the proposed framework to map and potentially monitor detailed changes in a rapidly evolving proglacial environment, using a low-cost approach. Its coverage of multiple aspects ensures that the proposed framework is universal and can be applied in a broader range of settings
Quantification of historical landscape change on the foreland of a receding polythermal glacier, Hørbyebreen, Svalbard
The assessment of multidecadal scale change in a polythermal glacial landsystem in the high Arctic is facilitated by a quantitative approach that utilises time series of aerial photographs, satellite images, digital elevation models, and field geomorphological mapping. The resulting spatiotemporal analysis illustrates a transition from glacial to proglacial/paraglacial conditions indicating that (1) the areal coverage of ice between the maximum LIA extent and 2013 decreased from 29.35 to 16.07 km2, which is a reduction in the glacierized area in the catchment from 62% to 34%; (2) the ice volume loss in the proglacial area amounted to 214.9 (±3%) million m3, which was attributed mostly to ablation of the glacier snout but to a lesser extent the degradation of ice-cored landforms; (3) the transition from areas formerly covered by glacier ice to ice-cored moraines, glacifluvial deposits, and other landforms was the most intense in the period 1990–2013; (4) two end member scenarios (polythermal glacial landsystem domains) evolve during glacier recession, each one dictated by the volume of debris in englacial and supraglacial positions, and include (a) subglacial surfaces (limited englacial and supraglacial debris) related to temperate basal ice and (b) ice-cored lateral moraines and moraine-mound complexes (significant supraglacial debris accumulations) related to marginal cold-based ice. An additional assemblage of geometric ridge networks (discrete or linear englacial and supraglacial debris concentrations) relates to crevasse and hydrofracture infill branching out from an esker complex and is indicative of either surging or later rapid release of pressurised meltwater from temperate to cold-based parts of the former glacier snout
The interplay between deformation and deposition in a Pleistocene push moraine : New insight from structural interpretation and area-depth-strain analysis of the growth strata
There are many examples suggesting that push moraine formation requires building up of the proglacial wedge and then post-depositional folding and/or faulting. Only a few studies have been carried out on syntectonic deposition and erosion within proglacial sediment wedges; however, the resulting growth strata were determined based on the high variability in thickness and occurrence of erosional unconformities across the deformed sequence. This study shows how structural interpretation and the area-depth-strain (ADS) balancing method of the growth strata can be applied to better understand the interplay between deformation and deposition within an evolving push moraine primarily composed of a folded sequence of a glaciofluvial fan. This approach, together with analysis of the onlap/overlap relationships, allowed us to determine the relative rate between deposition and deformation. Moreover it provides an insight into the topography of the push moraine that may be inherited not only from the geometry of deformation structures but also from depositional processes controlling the spatial distribution and thickness variation of the growth strata. This study also gives an opportunity to reconstruct the ranges of probable parameters to quantitatively describe the heavily eroded push moraine in terms of the primary topography, height and relative time frame within which it formed. In addition, the probable thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of the deformed strata are interpreted in terms of drained/undrained conditions of volume strain evidenced by structural data and possibilities of lateral flow from beneath synclines into anticlines indicated by ADS-based balancing