1,226 research outputs found


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    A Quantitative Analysis of Solar Flare Characteristics as Observed in the Solar Observing Optical Network and the Global Oscillation Network Group

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    This study consists of a quantitative comparison of H-alpha solar flare area and brightness as recorded by the Solar Observing Optical Network (SOON) and the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) from March 11 through November 30, 2011. The Air Force utilizes the three-site SOON network for H-alpha flare monitoring, while the six-site GONG network, managed by the National Solar Observatory, provides backup H alpha flare monitoring for SOON. A total of 1000 flares were observed and 100 of these were rated larger or brighter than the 0-F category. In the SOON network, 8% of flares observed by two sites had a difference in area or brightness category, or both. In the GONG network, with up to four sites viewing the same flare, 44% of flares observed by multiple sites had at least one site with differences in area, brightness, or both. Of these cases, the GONG site that rated the flare as having the largest or brightest rating also had the highest sharpness 95% of the time. Of the 84 flares larger or brighter than 0 F observed by both networks, area and brightness category ratings were the same 35% of the time. The GONG rating was one category larger or brighter than SOON 26% of the time and the SOON rating was one category larger or brighter than GONG 39% of the time. There was only one case with a two category difference between networks this was attributed to clouds at one site. GONG observed all 9 of SOON’s event-level flares while observing three additional that SOON did not observe. Ultimately, GONG observed all SOON flares with the same variability noted when comparing flares observed within the SOON network, and is a reliable source for H-alpha flare observations

    Testing the reliability of weak lensing cluster detections

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    We study the reliability of dark-matter halo detections with three different linear filters applied to weak-lensing data. We use ray-tracing in the multiple lens-plane approximation through a large cosmological simulation to construct realizations of cosmic lensing by large-scale structures between redshifts zero and two. We apply the filters mentioned above to detect peaks in the weak-lensing signal and compare them with the true population of dark matter halos present in the simulation. We confirm the stability and performance of a filter optimized for suppressing the contamination by large-scale structure. It allows the reliable detection of dark-matter halos with masses above a few times 1e13 M_sun/h with a fraction of spurious detections below ~10%. For sources at redshift two, 50% of the halos more massive than ~7e13 M_sun/h are detected, and completeness is reached at ~2e14 M_sun/h.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted on A&

    MC2^2: Multi-wavelength and dynamical analysis of the merging galaxy cluster ZwCl 0008.8+5215: An older and less massive Bullet Cluster

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    We analyze a rich dataset including Subaru/SuprimeCam, HST/ACS and WFC3, Keck/DEIMOS, Chandra/ACIS-I, and JVLA/C and D array for the merging galaxy cluster ZwCl 0008.8+5215. With a joint Subaru/HST weak gravitational lensing analysis, we identify two dominant subclusters and estimate the masses to be M200=5.7−1.8+2.8×1014 M⊙_{200}=\text{5.7}^{+\text{2.8}}_{-\text{1.8}}\times\text{10}^{\text{14}}\,\text{M}_{\odot} and 1.2−0.6+1.4×1014^{+\text{1.4}}_{-\text{0.6}}\times10^{14} M⊙_{\odot}. We estimate the projected separation between the two subclusters to be 924−206+243^{+\text{243}}_{-\text{206}} kpc. We perform a clustering analysis on confirmed cluster member galaxies and estimate the line of sight velocity difference between the two subclusters to be 92±\pm164 km s−1^{-\text{1}}. We further motivate, discuss, and analyze the merger scenario through an analysis of the 42 ks of Chandra/ACIS-I and JVLA/C and D polarization data. The X-ray surface brightness profile reveals a remnant core reminiscent of the Bullet Cluster. The X-ray luminosity in the 0.5-7.0 keV band is 1.7±\pm0.1×\times1044^{\text{44}} erg s−1^{-\text{1}} and the X-ray temperature is 4.90±\pm0.13 keV. The radio relics are polarized up to 40%\%. We implement a Monte Carlo dynamical analysis and estimate the merger velocity at pericenter to be 1800−300+400^{+\text{400}}_{-\text{300}} km s−1^{-\text{1}}. ZwCl 0008.8+5215 is a low-mass version of the Bullet Cluster and therefore may prove useful in testing alternative models of dark matter. We do not find significant offsets between dark matter and galaxies, as the uncertainties are large with the current lensing data. Furthermore, in the east, the BCG is offset from other luminous cluster galaxies, which poses a puzzle for defining dark matter -- galaxy offsets.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal on March 13, 201

    Cosmic Shear Results from the Deep Lens Survey - II: Full Cosmological Parameter Constraints from Tomography

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    We present a tomographic cosmic shear study from the Deep Lens Survey (DLS), which, providing a limiting magnitude r_{lim}~27 (5 sigma), is designed as a pre-cursor Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) survey with an emphasis on depth. Using five tomographic redshift bins, we study their auto- and cross-correlations to constrain cosmological parameters. We use a luminosity-dependent nonlinear model to account for the astrophysical systematics originating from intrinsic alignments of galaxy shapes. We find that the cosmological leverage of the DLS is among the highest among existing >10 sq. deg cosmic shear surveys. Combining the DLS tomography with the 9-year results of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP9) gives Omega_m=0.293_{-0.014}^{+0.012}, sigma_8=0.833_{-0.018}^{+0.011}, H_0=68.6_{-1.2}^{+1.4} km/s/Mpc, and Omega_b=0.0475+-0.0012 for LCDM, reducing the uncertainties of the WMAP9-only constraints by ~50%. When we do not assume flatness for LCDM, we obtain the curvature constraint Omega_k=-0.010_{-0.015}^{+0.013} from the DLS+WMAP9 combination, which however is not well constrained when WMAP9 is used alone. The dark energy equation of state parameter w is tightly constrained when Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data are added, yielding w=-1.02_{-0.09}^{+0.10} with the DLS+WMAP9+BAO joint probe. The addition of supernova constraints further tightens the parameter to w=-1.03+-0.03. Our joint constraints are fully consistent with the final Planck results and also the predictions of a LCDM universe.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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