110 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Physiological and Parasites Status of Bawean Deer (Axis Kuhlii) in Its Habitat as a Baseline for Wildlife Conservation Endeavor

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    The research on physiological and reproduction status of Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitat has been conducted, to understand and to find out as a basic information on Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitats abaseline data for wildlife conservation efforts. The deer is categorized as an endangered animal, therefore, more attention was given toward Bawean deer conservation. Habitat changes, loss of habitat, fragmentation and illegalhunting might caused the wild animals become more marginalized and the populations have been declined. Therefore, it is needed to have research as an effort to save Bawean deer in its natural habitat. This research activity covered monitoring on physiological and reproduction status, and also the examination of deer's feces samples was parasite coprological data that serve as a basic consideration data in conservation and determination of Bawean deers health in the nature and/or conservation. The research was done in Bawean Island, Gresik and East Java, by taking faces of Bawean deers in the nature and conservation. Data gathering of physiological and reproduction status were done by examining deer's condition, either directly in conservation or in its habitat, and also by interviewing people around the forest. The data on physiological status, behavior monitoring, reproduction status, faces samples, blood, food analysis, and interview result were analyzed descriptively. Some worm eggs were found during feces examination, those were Strongyl, Strongyloides sp, Trichuris sp, Fasciola gigantica and Oocysta coccidia. The result showed that the same parasites were found in the cattle and goat raised by people around in the vicinity of the forest, meaning, there was an interaction between wildlife andlivestock. According to the result, it is needed to monitor the physiological status of Bawean deers routinely since Bawean deers is classified as endangered species


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    Community empowerment activities have been conducted with the aim of increasing the potential for communities and natural resources at the Centre Breeding of Timorensis Deer (Cervus timorensis) in Fauna FloraStation, Playen, Gunungkidul Empowerment activities include supporting infrastructure improvements, increased deer productivity, institutional strengthening and promotion potential. The results of captive breeding program succeeded in improving facilities for operational support as breeding deer park. Promotion has been done through printed and electronic media to increase public recognition of the potential tourist park


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh injeksi _protein membran sporozoit Eimeria tenella terhadap Indeks Reproduksi E. tenella pada ayam. Dalam penelitian ini, sebanyak 60 ekor DOC jantan petelur (strain Isa Brown) digunakan sebagai hewan percobaan. Ayam percobaan tersebut setelah berumur 4 hari dibagi acak menjadi tiga kelompok (kelompok kontrol, I dan II), masing-masina kelompok terdiri dari 20 ekor. Ayam-ayam pada kelompok I diinjeksi dengan protein membran sporozoit E tenella dengan dosis 2,1 jig per ekor secara intravena. Ayam-ayam pada kelompok [1. dinjeksi secara intrakutan dengan protein yang sama seperti yang diinjeksikan pada kelompok I, sedang ayam pada kelompok kontrol tidak dilakukan perlakuan. Semua ayam percobaan kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam kelompoknya masing-masing dan diberi pakan non koksidiostat dan air minum secara ad libitum. Pada hari ke-22 setelah perlakuan, semua ayam pereobaan diinfeksi dengan 1500 oosista iafektifE tenella per ekor sebagai infeksi tantangan. Data jumlah oosista per gram feses dikumpulkan mtdai hari ke-4 sarnpai dengan hari ke-11 setelah infeksi ta.ntangan. Hasil perhitungan Indeks Reproduksi dianalisis secara deskriptif Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat ditarilc ksimpulan bahwa injeksi 2,1 pg protein membran sporozoit E. tenella baik secara intravena maupun intrakutan tidak mempengaruhi Indeks Reproduksi El tenella pada ayam-ayam percobaan terhadap infeksi taniangan E. tenellcr. Kata kunci: Indeks Reproduksi, protein membran sporozoit, E tenell

    Evaluasi Pemberian Obat Diminazene Aceturate Secara In Vivo Pada Mencit (Mus musculus) yang Diinfeksi Isolat Trypanosoma evansi

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    Abstract Surra's disease is caused by Trypanosoma evansi parasite has been established as one of the strategic infectious animal diseases. Drug resistance in this case is one of the major challenges in handle and control them. The aim of this study is to evaluate the provision drug resistance diminazene aceturate (Tryponil®) on Trypanosoma evansi isolate from Pemalang and Brebes Central Java province with in vivo test in mice. Total 50 mice, BALB / c strain, male, 2 months, body weight ± 30 gram are obtained from LPPT-UGM, adapted for one week. Mice were divided into 10 groups consist of 5 each. Each mouse was infected with Trypanosoma evansi by intraperitonial route. Treatment was given when mice had reached the level of parasitemia 108 – 109 trypanosoma / mL of blood this was predicted 24 hours post-infection (Eisler et al., 2001). The administration of the drug tryapanosidal was done intraperitonial with doses 1mg/kg, 3mg / kg, 5 mg / kg and 7mg / kg. Observation of parasitemia did every 2 times in one week till 60 days of observation. Parasitemia observation was performed using 3 techniques. The first method was native examination used a microscope, if the negative results would be followed by MHCT (Microhaematocrit centrifugation Technique) and BCT (Buffy Coat Technique) according to OIE (2012). Data obtained from the treatment group were the level of parasitemia, the number of deaths and the number of live mice from each test dose. The results are analysed by standard logit or probit. The results of this study showed the effects of the drug Dimianzene aceturate on both isolates varied. On Brebes Isolate was effective at doses of 7 mg / kg BW (100%) and 5mg / kg BW (80%), whereas in the effective dose Pemalang isolate at 3 mg dose / kg BW (80%), 5 and 7 mg / kg BW (100%). While at the lowest dose of 1 mg / kg obtained a level of effectiveness of 0% in both isolates. It could be concluded that both isolates have different pathogens and indicate resistance subpopulation to diminazene aceturate.Keywords : diminazene aceturate, in vivo, resistance, Trypanosoma evansi.

    Upaya Pencegahan Koksidiosis Dengan Menggunakan Kandidat Vaksin Sporozoit Dan Protein Membran Sporozoit Eimeria Tenella = A prevention of coccidiosis using a vaccine candidate of eimeria tenella\u27s sporozoites and its...

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    Abstract The purpose of the research was to study of the effectivity of Eimeria tenella\u27s sporozites and its protein membrane as a vaccine candidate against coccidiosis. One hundred days old chickens (DOC) of the male layers (Isa Browns strain) were used as experimental animals, when those chickens were 4 days old, they were divided randomly into 5 groups (group of control, group I, II, III, and IV), each group contained of 20 chickens. The chickens of group I and group II were injected 2.1 mg/chicken of protein membrane of E. tenella\u27s sporozoites, group I intravenously and intracutaneously, respectively. The chicken of the group III was given orally with 700 E. tenella\u27s sporozoites and the group IV vaccinated by Coccivac-DR. The control group was not treated. Those chickens were kept according to their groups and given them non coccidiostat feed and drinking water ad libitum. On the 22nd day after treatment, all chickens were infected orally with 1500 infective oocyst of E. tenella as a challenge infection. The clinical signs data was collected on the 3rd day untul the 11th day of treatment. On the 5th day, 50% of chickens were killed to get the data of lesion scores. The number of oocyst of E. tenella per gram faeces were collected on the 4th day until the 11th day of treatment. The clinical signs was analyzed descriptively. The lesion scores was analyzed statistically by the Rank test method, and the number of oocyst per gram faeces was analyzed according to split plot design and orthogonal contrast. The result showed that injection of 2.1 mg protein membrane of E. tenella\u27s sporozoites intravenously and intracutaneously were protected the infection by 1500 infective oocyst of E. tenella. Nevertheless, the E. tenella\u27s sporozoites, as a vaccine candidate, could decrease significantly (P.. Keywords: coccidoisis--sporozoites--protein membrane of sporozoites--E. tenell


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    Servis motor merupakan kegiatan utama pada bengkel Loh Jinawi Mo Dalam kegiatan tersebut, mekanik harus menyesuaikan postur mereka den posisi sepeda motor, sehingga mekanik sering merasakan ketidaknyaman Dalam kondisi tertentu, sikap yang memaksakan ini berpotensi menyebab nyeri pada beberapa bagian tubuh. Pada studi pendahuluan, kuisinoner Nor Body Map (NBM) digunakan untuk untuk mengidentifikasi lebih spesifik masa pada bagian-bagian tubuh dan menggunakan Rapid Entire Body Assessm (REBA) untuk mengetahui tingkat resiko postur kerja. Studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa mekanik memiliki banyak keluhan terhadap bagian tub mereka dengan level resiko postur kerja yang tinggi. Jika dibandingkan dengan bengkel motor resmi, kondisi pengerjaan ser motor di bengkel Loh Jinawi Motor sangat berbeda. Bengkel motor resmi su memiliki standar kerja, diantaranya adalah penggunaan alat bantu adjusta berupa motorcycle lift, yang berfungsi untuk memposisikan motor ketika diser Alat ini dapat mengurangi resiko postur kerja mekanik secara signifikan. Beng Loh Jinawi Motor atau bengkel kecil lainnya tidak menggunakan motorcycle yang ada saat ini dikarenakan masalah bobot, harga, dan portabilitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang motorcycle lift yang dilengka dengan beberapa fitur untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan dan kondisi bengkel L Jinawi Motor. Langkah pertama penelitian ini adalah menyusun harapan dari f motorcycle lift yang kemudian informasi tersebut dituangkan kedalam su desain konsep. Selanjutnya, konsep ini diwujudkan dalam desain yang le spesifik dengan mempertimbangkan dimensi anthropometri mekanik. Pembua prototipe produk dan perhitungan biaya produksi dilakukan untuk melaku analisis kelayakan pada penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah motorcycle lift yang portable, den dongkrak hidrolik sebagai penggerak. Alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan penje roda. Berdasarkan identifikasi REBA, postur kerja mekanik mengalami perbai dari level resiko tinggi ke level resiko rendah. Desain ini juga menunjukkan bi produksi yang sesuai dengan kondisi finansial bengkel Loh Jinawi Motor. Kata kunci : servis motor, anthropometri, REBA, motorcycle lift xix + 117 halaman; 95 gambar; 17 tabel; 22 lampiran Daftar Pustaka: 28 (1991-2010


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    ABSTRAK Rinaldi Wisnu Nurcahyo. 2020. Peran Kajian Rutin Kitab Tauhid Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Keagamaan Jama’ah Masjid Islamic Center Ponorogo. Skripsi. Program Strata 1 (S-1). Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam. Fakultas Agama Islam. Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Pembimbing : (I) Katni, M.Pd.I (II) Ayok Ariyanto, M.Pd.I Dengan adanya kajian rutin pekanan bersama Ustadz Misnun Abu Faiz S.Pd.I dengan pembahasan kitab tauhid di Masjid Islamic Center Ponorogo dapat memberikan banyak ilmu khususnya ilmu tentang tauhid. Jama’ah yang menghadiri kajian rutin Sekitar 60 ikhwan serta 20 akhwat dari berbagai tempat. Metode yang digunakan dalam proses kajian menggunakan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Penyampaiannya dengan cara dibacakan kitab, kemudian dijelaskan bab per bab guna memudahkan para jama’ah dalam memahami khususnya aqidah tauhid. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan, peran, faktor pendukung serta penghambat di dalam kajian rutin kitab tauhid dalam meningkatkan pemahaman keagamaan jama’ah Masjid Islamic Center Ponorogo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di masjid islamic center Ponorogo dengan subjek penelitian pemateri kajian, pengurus masjid dan jama’ah. Adapun teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi sedangkan analisis datanya menggunakan redukssi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Pelaksanaan kajian rutin khususnya di Masjid Islamic Center Ponorogo Setiap hari selasa tiap pekannya dengan pembahasan Kitab Tauhid, pukul 18.00 s/d 19.00 WIB atau ba’da maghrib sampai dengan menjelang isya’ dengan jamaah sekitar 60 ikhwan serta 20 akhwat dari berbagai kecamatan Ponorogo. 2) Peran Kajian Rutin Kitab Tauhid Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Keagamaan Jama’ah Masjid Islamic Center Ponorogo, dapat membantu kaum muslimin dalam mendapatkan ilmu aqidah, memberikan siraman rohani dan juga sebagai bentuk salah satu sarana tholabul ilmi, dan juga meningkatkan samangat iman dalam beribadah, mengetahui islam yang sebenarnya. 3) Faktor pendukung: adanya media sosial, radio, sarana prasarana yang mendukung, serta konsumsi yang memadai.Faktor Penghambat: Kurangnya antusias sebagian kaum muslimin dalam menghadiri majelis ilmu, adanya tontonan televisi televisi maupun media radio dalam mengajak kepada ajarannya masing-masing, adanya anak-anak yang ramai ketika kajian rutin berlangsung serta sangat mengganggu bagi jama’ah

    Monitoring of Physiological and Parasites Status of Bawean Deer (Axis Kuhlii) in Its Habitat as a Baseline for Wildlife Conservation Endeavor

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    The research on physiological and reproduction status of Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitat has been conducted, to understand and to find out as a basic information on Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitats abaseline data for wildlife conservation efforts. The deer is categorized as an endangered animal, therefore, more attention was given toward Bawean deer conservation. Habitat changes, loss of habitat, fragmentation and illegalhunting might caused the wild animals become more marginalized and the populations have been declined. Therefore, it is needed to have research as an effort to save Bawean deer in its natural habitat. This research activity covered monitoring on physiological and reproduction status, and also the examination of deer's feces samples was parasite coprological data that serve as a basic consideration data in conservation and determination of Bawean deers health in the nature and/or conservation. The research was done in Bawean Island, Gresik and East Java, by taking faces of Bawean deers in the nature and conservation. Data gathering of physiological and reproduction status were done by examining deer's condition, either directly in conservation or in its habitat, and also by interviewing people around the forest. The data on physiological status, behavior monitoring, reproduction status, faces samples, blood, food analysis, and interview result were analyzed descriptively. Some worm eggs were found during feces examination, those were Strongyl, Strongyloides sp, Trichuris sp, Fasciola gigantica and Oocysta coccidia. The result showed that the same parasites were found in the cattle and goat raised by people around in the vicinity of the forest, meaning, there was an interaction between wildlife andlivestock. According to the result, it is needed to monitor the physiological status of Bawean deers routinely since Bawean deers is classified as endangered species

    Perbandingan Perangkap Vavoua dan Nzi terhadap Keragaman dan Dinamika Populasi Stomoxys spp. pada Peternakan Sapi Perah di Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung

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    Stomoxys spp. merupakan salah satu vektor penting penularan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh berbagai virus, bakteri dan heminth. Infestasi Stomoxys calcitrans pada sapi perah dapat meningkatkan kortisol, menyebabkan gangguan makan, kegelisahan, hingga berkurangnya bobot badan dan produksi susu. Perangkap Vavoua dan Nzi dapat digunakan sebagai perangkap Stomoxys spp. yang mengalami fluktuasi populasi sepanjang tahun pada musim tertentu dan dipengaruhi oleh iklim, suhu, kelembaban, intensitas cahaya serta adanya zat atraktan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan efikasi dan efektivitas perangkap Vavoua dan Nzi terhadap dinamika populasi dan keragaman spesies Stomoxys spp. yang terperangkap. Pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan selama 12 jam (06.00-18.00) dengan menggunakan perangkap Vavoua dan Nzi yang dipasang berjarak 50 meter setiap perangkapnya, 3-5 meter dari kandang pada peternakan sapi perah di Pangalengan Kabupaten Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga spesies yang dapat teridentifikasi selama Maret-November yaitu Stomoxys calcitrans (97,41%), Stomoxys sitiens (1,98%) dan Stomoxys indicus (0,60%). Puncak populasi Stomoxys spp. terjadi pada bulan September saat memasuki awal musim hujan dan puncak aktivitas harian Stomoxys spp. pada pukul 14.00-15.00 yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas di peternakan. Hasil uji normalitas data menggunakan uji Kolmogorov Smirnov dan uji homogenitas data memiliki nilai signifikansi p>0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan data berdistribusi dan bervariasi normal. Pada hasil uji t, didapatkan nilai signifikansi pada masing-masing parameter uji p<0,05 (0,005 dan 0,01), sehingga ada perbedaan penggunaan perangkap Vavoua dan Nzi terhadap jumlah lalat yang terperangkap


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    Arwana Irian fish is one of the endangered species. Some studies on arwana Irian fish found that Lernaeosis attacked arwana Irian fish. Lernaeosis is one of the diseases that cause the high mortality in juvenile fish. The objectives of this research was to find out the species of Lernaea (Copepoda) often attacked arwana Irian fish. Lernaea sp. was collected from Papua and Jakarta (Java). They were fixed in the ethanol absolute solution for DNA sequencing in 28S DNA region with primer 28SF (5’–ACA ACT GTG ATG CCC TTA G–3’); 28SR (5’ TGG TCC GTG TTT CAA GAC G–3’). It was found five different species of Lernaea and one of them was thought as a new species, based on the morphology. However, based on the phylogenetic analysis, they showed three different groups. Lernaea cyprinacea G., L. papuensis, L. devastatrix, and L. lophiara were in one group; L. cyprinacaea and L. oryzophila were in one groups; and the new Lernaea sp. was in the different group
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