46 research outputs found

    Modeling Ground Access Traffic Based On Air Passenger Data In Juanda International Airport

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    Airport attracts large scale of demand to travel in. Most air travelers use private cars or taxi to reach and leave the airport. This number leads to congestion and reducing the quality of air in and around airport. The effect of increasing number of air traveler to the quality of ground access demands the airport to re-evaluate the design of the available access mode. To evaluate the available design of access mode, this study requires data of air travelers as well as the airplane schedules in Juanda International Airport Surabaya. The data incorporate the economic growth results in prediction of future demand that will occupy the road access to airport. This research attempts to build a model to generate potential passengers in inducing traffic congestion. This model suggests the period of airport operational to develop alternative access modes to reduce the congestion level.  The model shows that in 2020, every air traveler generates 3.6 vehicle trips of ground access traffic

    Hubungan Pendedahan Media Massa, Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Sikap dengan Perilaku Penjimatan Tenaga Elektrik di Kota Depok Indonesia

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    The research examines the impact of media exposure coverage of an electricity save issue, effects of interpersonal communication and also household's attitudes on household behaviour to the electricity use economically. This research has three main objectives: (1). to examine the relationship between media exposure, interpersonal communication and household behaviour to save electricity; (2). to examine the relationship between media exposure and interpersonal communication and (3). the moderating effects of attitude on household behaviour to save electricity on two relationships: media exposure and household behaviour to save electricity, interpersonal communication and household behaviour to save electricity were examined. This research reflecting diverse theoretical perspectives and triangulation methodological both quantitative and qualitative approach. Triangulation methodological was administered of two parts design: survey and focus group discussion. Data was analyzed from 884 the electricity users among household in the Depok Municipality, Indonesia who fill in the questionnaire and within 12 people divide by 3 focus group discussion. The AMOS Program was used to perform Principal Component Analysis and Krueger and Tesch model for the continuum and decontextual and recontextual indicated on focus group discussions. Different patterns emerged for participation in a focus group discussion, with interpersonal communication having the strongest impact of the behaviour variable. The results confirmed that there was no relationship between the mass media exposure and household behaviour to save electricity. There is a positive relationship between the household's interpersonal communication and household behaviour to save electricity. Significant relationship between the mass media exposure and household's interpersonal communication toward household behaviour to save electricity. The result indicate interpersonal communication affect its ability to persuade the individual to support the change behavioral household align to save electricity. And also pointed that interpersonal communication and mass media effects do not stop at people's attitudes, but are extended to their behaviour to save electricity. There is a positive relationship between the media exposures and the household interpersonal communication toward household’s align to save electricity. The pointed out that there is no relationship between the mass media exposure and attitude of households to save electricity. Found that interpersonal communication between households have a direct positive relationship with the attitude of households to save electricity. The finding also showed that attitudes households to save electricity a significant relationship with household behavior to save electricity. Thus the attitude of households to save electricity does not guarantee a moderate effect between the mass media exposure and the interpersonal communication toward behavior of households to save electricity


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    Since year 2006, Biak has been assigned as one of Indonesia Special Economic Zone (ISEZ). In order to support the policy, an action plan has been formulated, including development of Biak - Frans Kaisiepo Airport. The airport development is based on estimated demand considering air traffic data within the last 10years. Based on utility analysis of existing facilities, apron and terminal should be immediately developed since 2010. Forecast results in year 2030 for aircraft movements, domestics passengers, transit passengers are 121,393827,634and 232,440, respectively The first stage of airport development requires dimension of apron 485 m x 228.77 m and terminal area 19,421 m2.The second stage of airport development requires extension of terminal area become 26,472 m

    Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan (Skmht) dalam Perjanjian Kredit Perbankan di Kota Denpasar

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    The Law No. 4 of 1996 on Encumbrance Right (UUHT) aims to provide a foundation that enabling enactment of a powerful Encumbrance Right institutions, including the position of Procuration of Encumbrance Right Charging (SKMHT). In Article 15, Paragraph (3) and (4) UUHT declared a period of time for SKMHT for land rights were already registered and not registered yet. In fact, losses experienced by the debtor often occur as a result of that provision. The losses were partly a result of the expiration of SKMHT because of Encumbrance Right Deed (APHT) getting process had been exceeded the period of SKMHT validity, so that creditors do not have yet a certain guarantee binding deed of the guarantee provided by the debtor, which resulted in the arrest of the funds that will be allocated to debtor and the debtor it is becoming difficult to practice business activities. Based on this problem, the problem that can be formulated is how the legal result of the implementation of the Procuration of Encumbrance Right Charging (SKMHT) in banking loan agreement and What are the constraints in the implementation of the Procuration of Encumbrance Right Charging (SKMHT) in banking loan agreement as well as how to overcome the efforts in particular in Denpasar City. This type of research used in this thesis is empirical legal research with the consideration that the starting point of the research is the analysis of the gap between das sein sollen and the effectiveness SKMHT in which the banking loan agreement whereas SKMHT regulated under Article 15 UUHT. In Article 15, Paragraph (3) and (4) UUHT declared a period of time for SKMHT to land rights were already registered and not registered. In fact,losses experienced by the debtor often occur as a result of that provision. The losses were partly a result of the expiration of SKMHT because of Encumbrance Right Deed (APHT) getting process had been exceeded the period of SKMHT validity. The resultsof research areeffortsundertakento overcomethese obstacles, by renewingSKMHTwhichhas expired. Thus, overcomingbothof these obstaclesis only can be done byrenewingSKMHTwhile waiting the certificating process ofunregistered SKMHTobject. Once thecertificate of land rightis issued, thenbasedon SKMHT, the encumbrance right charging of SKMHT object is done so it became the object of encumbrance right


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    Mengacu pada Undang Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2019 dan Perda Kabupaten Buleleng Nomor 8 Tahun 2019, BUMDes dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya wajib mendapatkan izin sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang- undangan yang dimaksud dan wajib memperhatikan keperluan konservasi dan pencegahan kerusakan lingkungan hidup. Permasalahan penelitian: efektivitas Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Buleleng Nomor 8 Tahun 2019 tentang Pengelolaan Air Minum Pedesaan Pasal 8 ayat (1) di BUMDes Satya Giri Kencana Desa Gitgit, hambatan dan upaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris, bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan wawancara. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Satya Giri Kencana. Efektivitas Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Buleleng Nomor 8 Tahun 2019 tentang Pengelolaan Air Minum Perdesaan di BUMDes Satya Giri Kencana Desa Gitgit belum dapat dikatakan berjalan efektif, sebab berdasarkan hasil penelitian pihak BUMDes di Desa Gitgit kurang memahami terkait Perda Daerah yang dimaksud sehingga terdapat beberapa hal yang belum rampung terutama dalam proses perizinan. Hambatan ialah kurangnya pemahaman dan perilaku aware masyarakat untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan pemberlakuan peraturan perundang- undangan. Selain itu, kurangnya sosialisasi pemerintah daerah. Upaya yang dilakukan ialah upaya preventif dan upaya represif. Selain itu, menambah pengetahuan masyarakat khususnya mengenai pemahaman hukum perlu ditingkatkan kembali

    Pemberdayaan Usaha Loloh Melalui Pemanfataan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Media Pemasaran Online, dan Pengelolaan Keuangan

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    Loloh kunyit merupakan minuman tradisional yang terbuat dari kunyit dengan bahan campuran lain. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah usaha Bonotis yang merupakan produsen pembuat loloh kunyit. Mitra berasal dari Desa Bona, Kecamatan Blahbatuh, Kabupaten Gianyar Bali. Pada saat ini, terdapat beberapa kendala berupa keterbatasan alat bantu produksi, kurangnya pemahaman mengenai aspek K3 dalam proses produksi, kemasan produk, kurangnya manajemen keuangan serta keterbatasan dalam hal pemasaran. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dihadapi, maka akan dilakukan kegiatan bertahap mulai manajemen produksi sampai pemasaran. Kegiatan dimulai dengan sosialisasi, pemberian teknologi tepat guna yaitu peralatan sebagai alat bantu produksi seperti mesin penghancur bahan baku, Pelatihan aspek K3, pelatihan labeling kemasan, pelatihan manajemen keuangan, pembuatan sosial media dan website serta pelatihan penggunaan sosial media dan website. Indikator capaian adalah peningkatan peningkatan jumlah produksi hingga 50%, 80% produk berisi label kemasan dengan melibatkan 2 orang karyawan, mitra mempunyai media sosial facebook dan instagram sebagai media pemasaran, 2 orang anggota usaha dapat menerapkan aspek K3 dalam proses produksi, 1 orang anggota usaha dapat mengelola pembukuan dan pencatatan keuangan dan 1 orang anggota usaha dapat melakukan pengelolaan terhadap content media sosial. Berdasarkan evaluasi dari kegiatan yang dilakukan keseluruhan target tercapai berupa peningkatan jumlah produksi sebesar 75%, 2 orang karyawan menerapkan aspek K3, 1 orang karyawan dapat membuat laporan keuangan sederhana, 2 orang karyawan dapat menggunakan media sosial sebagai media pemasaran online serta 80% produk siap jual telah berisi label


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    The choice of access mode at an airport is influenced by the characteristics of its users, the characteristics of the transportation, and the characteristics of the available modes. To know the characteristics of the choice of access modes at an airport, modeling the choice of access modes becomes an important instrument. The design of an airport always follows the characteristics of the passengers it serves, so that the model for selecting the access mode at an airport is also specific. Therefore, the model of selecting airport access modes in airports all over the world varies greatly. This research attempts to model the mode choice at Juanda International Airport with a focus on the probability of choice which is influenced by passenger characteristics. The approach method used in this research is the analysis of passenger preference data. Preference data are data of airport user responses to variables that affect airport access transportation systems. Data were obtained from a primary survey by distributing questionnaires to airplane passengers randomly and involving 900 respondents in the waiting rooms of Terminal T1 and T2 at Juanda Airport. Data analysis was performed by building a mathematical model of airport access mode selection. The type of model used is a multinomial logit model with 6 (six) alternative modes, namely train, bus, travel, private vehicle, taxi, and motorcycle. Based on the survey, it is known that Juanda Airport serves 29 districts and 9 cities. This survey does not cover the transit passengers. However, only 5 (five) regions that met the aspects of statistical data sufficiency, namely Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Jombang, and Malang. From the analysis of modes choice from the five origin regions, it can be seen that the greatest interest in the airport train plan with the route of Gubeng Station - Juanda Airport is passengers from Malang with a probability of average choice of 0.37. The logit model for the choice of trains for passengers from Malang is influenced the mode accessibility & service satisfaction factor, the socioeconomic family and the mode frequency factor. The biggest interest for the airport bus mode is passengers from Jombang with a probability of choosing an average of 0.34. The bus choice model formulation for passengers from Jombang is influenced by the purpose and distance of the trip. Of all origin regions studied, the highest interest in travel access to Juanda airport is using a private car. Based on the results of the analysis of all models it can be seen that the tendency of the probability of using the train/bus transportation mode is greater if the access distance to the airport is greater, but on the other hand the greater the distance of access the number of factors/variables on which the basis of selection is getting smaller. This shows that the biggest market for airport train/bus access modes is passengers whose origin area is far from the airport. This consideration can be accepted because the farther of trip is greater the probability of delays. Keywords: airport access mode, mode choice model, mode choice probability


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    Since year 2006, Biak has been assigned as one of Indonesia Special Economic Zone (ISEZ). In order to support the policy, an action plan has been formulated, including development of Biak - Frans Kaisiepo Airport. The airport development is based on estimated demand considering air traffic data within the last 10years. Based on utility analysis of existing facilities, apron and terminal should be immediately developed since 2010. Forecast results in year 2030 for aircraft movements, domestics passengers, transit passengers are 121,39

    Bertanam cabai pada musim hujan

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    Exploring the Effects of Service Quality, Shipping Cost, Brand and Attitude on Consumer’s Intention to Choose Express Courier Services in E-Commerce

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    The growth of e-commerce has highlighted the importance of express courier service (ECS). We empirically study consumer’s choice of ECS in purchasing goods online. This research aims to examine the effect of service quality (SQ), shipping cost, brand, and attitude towards customers’ intention to choose ECS on e-commerce. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach among customers who intended their goods to be shipped using ECS. Data of 100 respondents were collected and then analyzed using the structural equation model technique. We find that there is no correlation between SQ and shipping cost and the attitude towards choosing a courier service. However, the analysis indicates that brand has an infl uence on the customer’s attitude towards choosing a courier service. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the consumer’s attitude towards choosing a courier service acts as a mediator between SQ, shipping cost, and brand as regards the consumer’s intention to choose an ECS. It is worth noting that brand has a stronger infl uence on the consumer’s attitude compared to the former factors