204 research outputs found

    Addressing the Long-Term Influence of Neurotrauma on Self-Concept and Self-Identity Development: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Numerous neurotrauma survivors face lifelong disability post injury as a result of an event, yet there are limited specialized continued care services to support future outcomes, specifically self-concept, self-identity, and quality of life. To reduce health care barriers and support health promotion post injury, student researchers explored the influence of a community-based occupational therapy (OT) program for the neurotrauma population. Methods: Four participants, 37 to 58 years of age, with a history of neurotrauma, participated in a mixed methods study composed of a 6-week community-based educational OT program. Outcome measures included Activity Card Sort, Lawton Brody Scale, Pre and Post Surveys, and Semi-Structured Interviewing. Results: Data from the study support implementation of a community-based program, such as the one used in this study. This study highlighted the need for a program addressing self-concept, self-identity, and post-injury quality of life in addition to occupational engagement at a community level. Conclusion: The findings from the current study reinforce participation in a community-based OT program as an effective approach to address long-term outcomes post neurotrauma, specifically self-concept, self-identity, and quality of life. Program efficacy is supported by both quantitative and qualitative findings; however, further research is required to generalize the findings to the neurotrauma population as a whole

    A cohort study of the recovery of health and wellbeing following colorectal cancer (CREW study): protocol paper

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    Background: the number of people surviving colorectal cancer has doubled in recent years. While much of the literature suggests that most people return to near pre-diagnosis status following surgery for colorectal cancer, this literature has largely focused on physical side effects. Longitudinal studies in colorectal cancer have either been small scale or taken a narrow focus on recovery after surgery. There is a need for a comprehensive, long-term study exploring all aspects of health and wellbeing in colorectal cancer patients. The aim of this study is to establish the natural history of health and wellbeing in people who have been treated for colorectal cancer. People have different dispositions, supports and resources, likely resulting in individual differences in restoration of health and wellbeing. The protocol described in this paper is of a study which will identify who is most at risk of problems, assess how quickly people return to a state of subjective health and wellbeing, and will measure factors which influence the course of recovery. Methods: this is a prospective, longitudinal cohort study following 1000 people with colorectal cancer over a period of two years, recruiting from 30 NHS cancer treatment centres across the UK. Questionnaires will be administered prior to surgery, and 3, 9, 15 and 24 months after surgery, with the potential to return to this cohort to explore on-going issues related to recovery after cancer. Discussion: outcomes will help inform health care providers about what helps or hinders rapid and effective recovery from cancer, and identify areas for intervention development to aid this process. Once established the cohort can be followed up for longer periods and be approached to participate in related projects as appropriate and subject to funding<br/

    Patient Attitudes Toward a Physician Led Radiology Review: Improved Understanding of Medical Conditions and a Potential New Quality Metric

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    Objectives: We were interested in understanding patient perspectives regarding the importance of reviewing their imaging studies with a surgeon. Specific Aims: 1. What value do patients place on viewing their imaging? 2. Do patients have a better understanding of their disease and planned operation after a surgeon led review of imaging studies? 3. Do patients find viewing images an accessible educational tool?https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Special Section on Epigenetic Regulation of Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters Expression Variability of Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion-Related MicroRNAs in Human Liver: Influence of Nongenetic Factors and Association with Gene Ex

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    ABSTRACT Genes that are important for the detoxification of drugs and other xenobiotics show a high degree of interindividual variation attributable to regulation by diverse genetic, nongenetic, and epigenetic mechanisms including microRNAs (miRNAs). We selected a set of 56 miRNAs predicted to target the 39-untranslated region of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion (ADME) genes to assess their hepatic expression levels and interindividual variability in a well-documented human liver tissue cohort (n = 92), together with the well-known hepatic miRNAs miR-122, miR-21, miR-27b, and miR-148a. Quantification by stem-loop real-time reversetranscription polymerase chain reaction confirmed high expression for these microRNAs and revealed particularly strong variability of expression (&gt;1000-fold) for miR-539, miR-200c, miR-31, miR-15a, and miR-22. Association analysis revealed a high degree of correlation among various miRNAs, suggesting coregulation. Statistical analysis considering liver donor meta-data including correction for multiple testing revealed strongly elevated levels of miR-21, miR-34a, miR-130b, and miR-132 in cholestatic liver and of miR-21 and miR-130b during inflammation, as indicated by elevated C-reactive protein levels in serum. Although none of the miRNAs was strongly associated with sex, several miRNAs, including miR-34a and miR-200a/b, were positively correlated with age. Association analysis with ADME gene expression profiles and with cytochrome P450 gene expression phenotypes (mRNA, protein, enzymatic activity) revealed numerous significant correlations. Negatively affected protein and/or activity levels were observed for CYP1A1 (e.g., miR-132, miR-142-3p, miR-21), CYP2A6 (miR-142-3p, miR-21), CYP2C19 (e.g., miR-130b, miR-185, miR-34a), and CYP2E1 (miR-10a, let-7g, miR-200c). These data should be useful to further elucidate regulatory functions of miRNAs in liver pathophysiology and regulation of ADME gene expression

    Pre-Surgery Depression and Confidence to Manage Problems Predict Recovery Trajectories of Health and Wellbeing in the First Two Years following Colorectal Cancer: Results from the CREW Cohort Study

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    Purpose This paper identifies predictors of recovery trajectories of quality of life (QoL), health status and personal wellbeing in the two years following colorectal cancer surgery. Methods 872 adults receiving curative intent surgery during November 2010 to March 2012. Questionnaires at baseline, 3, 9, 15, 24 months post-surgery assessed QoL, health status, wellbeing, confidence to manage illness-related problems (self-efficacy), social support, co-morbidities, socio-demographic, clinical and treatment characteristics. Group-based trajectory analyses identified distinct trajectories and predictors for QoL, health status and wellbeing. Results Four recovery trajectories were identified for each outcome. Groups 1 and 2 fared consistently well (scores above/within normal range); 70.5% of participants for QoL, 33.3% health status, 77.6% wellbeing. Group 3 had some problems (24.2% QoL, 59.3% health, 18.2% wellbeing); Group 4 fared consistently poorly (5.3% QoL, 7.4% health, 4.2% wellbeing). Higher pre-surgery depression and lower self-efficacy were significantly associated with poorer trajectories for all three outcomes after adjusting for other important predictors including disease characteristics, stoma, anxiety and social support. Conclusions Psychosocial factors including self-efficacy and depression before surgery predict recovery trajectories in QoL, health status and wellbeing following colorectal cancer treatment independent of treatment or disease characteristics. This has significant implications for colorectal cancer management as appropriate support may be improved by early intervention resulting in more positive recovery experiences

    The uptake of soluble and nanoparticulate imaging isotope in model liver tumours after intra-venous and intra-arterial administration

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    Delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs to tumours by reformulation as nanoparticles has often been proposed as a means of facilitating increased selective uptake, exploiting the increased permeability of the tumour vasculature. However realisation of this improvement in drug delivery in cancer patients has met with limited success. We have compared tumour uptake of soluble Tc99m-pertechnetate and a colloid of nanoparticles with a Tc99m core, using both intra-venous and intra-arterial routes of administration in a rabbit liver VX2 tumour model. The radiolabelled nanoparticles were tested both in untreated and cationised form. The results from this tumour model in an internal organ show a marked advantage in intra-arterial administration over the intra-venous route, even for the soluble isotope. Tumour accumulation of nanoparticles from arterial administration was augmented by cationisation of the nanoparticle surface with histone proteins, which consistently facilitated selective accumulation within microvessels at the periphery of tumours.Sources of support for this research: Sirtex Medical Ltd, Sydney Australia

    Using offender crime scene behavior to link stranger sexual assaults:A comparison of three statistical approaches

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    Purpose This study compared the utility of different statistical methods in differentiating sexual crimes committed by the same person from sexual crimes committed by different persons. Methods Logistic regression, iterative classification tree (ICT), and Bayesian analysis were applied to a dataset of 3,364 solved, unsolved, serial, and apparent one-off sexual assaults committed in five countries. Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis was used to compare the statistical approaches. Results All approaches achieved statistically significant levels of discrimination accuracy. Two out of three Bayesian methods achieved a statistically higher level of accuracy (Areas Under the Curve [AUC]=0.89 [Bayesian coding method 1]; AUC=0.91 [Bayesian coding method 3]) than ICT analysis (AUC=0.88), logistic regression (AUC=0.87), and Bayesian coding method 2 (AUC=0.86). Conclusions The ability to capture/utilize between-offender differences in behavioral consistency appear to be of benefit when linking sexual offenses. Statistical approaches that utilize individual offender behaviors when generating crime linkage predictions may be preferable to approaches that rely on a single summary score of behavioral similarity. Crime linkage decision-support tools should incorporate a range of statistical methods and future research must compare these methods in terms of accuracy, usability, and suitability for practice

    Assessment of Trinidad community stakeholder perspectives on the use of yeast interfering RNA-baited ovitraps for biorational control of Aedes mosquitoes

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    Dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever viruses continue to be a major public health burden. Aedes mosquitoes, the primary vectors responsible for transmitting these viral pathogens, continue to flourish due to local challenges in vector control management. Yeast interfering RNA-baited larval lethal ovitraps are being developed as a novel biorational control tool for Aedes mosquitoes. This intervention circumvents increasing issues with insecticide resistance and poses no known threat to non-target organisms. In an effort to create public awareness of this alternative vector control strategy, gain stakeholder feedback regarding product design and acceptance of the new intervention, and build capacity for its potential integration into existing mosquito control programs, this investigation pursued community stakeholder engagement activities, which were undertaken in Trinidad and Tobago. Three forms of assessment, including paper surveys, community forums, and household interviews, were used with the goal of evaluating local community stakeholders' knowledge of mosquitoes, vector control practices, and perceptions of the new technology. These activities facilitated evaluation of the hypothesis that the ovitraps would be broadly accepted by community stakeholders as a means of biorational control for Aedes mosquitoes. A comparison of the types of stakeholder input communicated through use of the three assessment tools highlighted the utility and merit of using each tool for assessing new global health interventions. Most study participants reported a general willingness to purchase an ovitrap on condition that it would be affordable and safe for human health and the environment. Stakeholders provided valuable input on product design, distribution, and operation. A need for educational campaigns that provide a mechanism for educating stakeholders about vector ecology and management was highlighted. The results of the investigation, which are likely applicable to many other Caribbean nations and other countries with heavy arboviral disease burdens, were supportive of supplementation of existing vector control strategies through the use of the yeast RNAi-based ovitraps

    Community acceptance of yeast interfering RNA larvicide technology for control of Aedes mosquitoes in Trinidad

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    RNA interference (RNAi), a technique used to investigate gene function in insects and other organisms, is attracting attention as a potential new technology for mosquito control. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) was recently engineered to produce interfering RNA molecules that silence genes required for mosquito survival, but which do not correspond to genes in humans or other non-target organisms. The resulting yeast pesticides, which facilitate cost-effective production and delivery of interfering RNA to mosquito larvae that eat the yeast, effectively kill mosquitoes in laboratory and semi-field trials. In preparation for field evaluation of larvicides in Trinidad, a Caribbean island with endemic diseases resulting from pathogens transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, adult residents living in the prospective trial site communities of Curepe, St. Augustine, and Tamana were engaged. Open community forums and paper surveys were used to assess the potential acceptability, societal desirability, and sustainability of yeast interfering RNA larvicides. These assessments revealed that Trinidadians have good working knowledge of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne illnesses. A majority of the respondents practiced some method of larval mosquito control and agreed that they would use a new larvicide if it were proven to be safe and effective. During the community engagement forums, participants were educated about mosquito biology, mosquito-borne diseases, and the new yeast larvicides. When invited to provide feedback, engagement forum attendees were strongly supportive of the new technology, raised few concerns, and provided helpful advice regarding optimal larvicide formulations, insecticide application, operational approaches for using the larvicides, and pricing. The results of these studies suggest that the participants are supportive of the potential use of yeast interfering RNA larvicides in Trinidad and that the communities assessed in this investigation represent viable field sites